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Proceeding Biology Education Conference
Core Subject : Health, Science,
Proceeding Biology Education Conference was published since 2003, with title Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi. The early number of the journal were published offline
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
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Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Berbasis Inkuiri Ita Ita
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 14, No 1 (2017): Proceeding Biology Education Conference
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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The process of teaching and learning cannot be separated from the efforts to increase the quality of human resources. A good learning process is determined by a good planning which is also pays attention to the environment of the students. After that, the process of learning, evaluation, and observation can be done well. In other words, if those sequences of planning and teaching are implemented well, the process of learning can be said as succesful and it acquires the standards. One part of planning is to prepare the learning process kit. This research is aimed to measure the indicator achievement of high order thinking skill and student’s cognitive study results through cooperative learning based on inquiry using the kit that has been developed. The result of the research using the developed kit through the learning process of XI IPA 1 student’s high order thinking skill indicates two categories of variation, that are good category by 24 students and 2 students are categorised as good enough in thingking skill. This means that on the whole, the high level of students’ thinking skill achieves good result. While students’ cognitive study result during the process of learning has achieved the standard score of minimum score criterion.
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 10, No 3 (2013): Seminar Nasional X Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Pendekatan kontekstual (Contextual Teaching Learning, CTL) atau pembelajaran kontekstual adalah konsep belajar yang membantu guru mengaitkan antara materi yang diajarkannya dengan situasi dunia nyata siswa dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Pembelajaran biologi bisa membawa peserta didik untuk lebih mengenal tentang segala sifat dan karakter yang dimodelkan makhluk hidup sebagai ciptaan Tuhan. Sehingga akan sangat mudah kita menerapkan pendidikan karakter pada peserta didik yang membangun peningkatan   keimanan dan ketakwaan melalui pesan-pesan moral yang dikemas dalam pembelajaran biologi berbasis karakter. Pembelajaran berbasis Parent’s day atau Hari Orang Tua di sekolah adalah mendatangkan orang tua siswa ke sekolah yang mempunyai keahlian khusus, dimana keahliannya tersebut berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran di sekolah. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran biologi kontekstual, karakter imtaq, Parent’s day
Pembelajaran IPA dengan Pendekatan Ketrampilan Proses Sains menggunakan Metode Eksperimen Bebas Termodifikasi dan Eksperimen Terbimbing Ditinjau dari Sikap Ilmiah dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Astuti, Rina; Sunarno, Widha; Sudarisman, Suciati
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 13, No 1 (2016): Prosiding Seminar Nasional XII Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan pembelajaran ketrampilan proses sains dengan eksperimen bebas termodifikasi dan eksperimen terbimbing ditinjau dari  sikap ilmiah dan motivasi belajar siswa terhadap prestasi belajar. Menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 2x2x2. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI SMK Kasatrian Solo Sukoharjo. Sampel penelitian ditentukan secara acak dengan teknik cluster random sampling yang terdiri dari dua kelas. Kelas eksperimen pertama (XIR.1) mendapatkan perlakuan dengan pendekatan ketrampilan proses sains metode eksperimen bebas termodifikasi dan kelas eksperimen kedua XIR.2) mendapatkan perlakuan dengan pendekatan ketrampilan proses sains metode eksperimen terbimbing. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes untuk prestasi belajar, angket untuk sikap ilmiah dan motivasi belajar, lembar observasi untuk penilaian afektif dan psikomotorik. Uji hipotesis penelitian ini menggunakan analisis variansi tiga jalan dengan isi sel tak sama. Uji komparasi ganda pada gaya belajar menggunakan metode Scheffe. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1).Pendekatan ketrampilan proses sains dengan metode eksperimen berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar IPA (Biologi), metode eksperimen terbimbing lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan metode eksperimen bebas termodifikasi; 2). Sikap ilmiah tidak berpengaruh terhadap prestasi kognitif dan psikomotorik tetapi memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap prestasi afektif. Siswa yang memiliki sikap ilmiah tinggi akan menghasilkan prestasi belajar afektif  yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa yang memiliki sikap ilmiah rendah; 3). Tidak terdapat pengaruh motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar  kognitif dan psikomotorik tetapi berpengaruh terhadap prestasi afektif; 4). Ada interaksi antara metode pembelajaran dengan sikap ilmiah terhadap prestasi kognitif dan tidak terdapat interaksi untuk prestasi afektif dan psikomotorik; 5). Tidak terdapat interaksi antara metode pembelajaran dengan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar baik kognitif, afektif maupun psikomotorik; 6). Tidak terdapat interaksi antara sikap ilmiah dengan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar IPA (Biologi) baik dari aspek kognitif, afektif maupun psikomotorik; 7). Tidak terdapat interaksi antara metode pembelajaran eksperimen dengan sikap ilmiah dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar IPA (Biologi) dari aspek kognitif, afektif, mapun psikomotorik.Keywords:        Pendekatan Ketrampilan Proses Sains, Metode Eksperimen, Sikap Ilmiah, Motivasi Belajar
Taman Keanekaragaman Hayati Hutan Pelawan Sebagai Media Pendidikan Keanekaragaman Hayati Lokal di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Akbarini, Dian; Iskandar, Johan; Purwanto, Bambang Heru; Husodo, Teguh
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 16, No 1 (2019): Proceeding Biology Education Conference
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Biodiversity Park in Central Bangka Pelawan Forest is one of the park that uses the concept of in-situ conservation in its conservation category. The development of this park was initiated by the Regional Government of Central Bangka Regency which aims to protect local biological resources, specifically the Pelawan Merahtree (Tristaniopsis merguensis). This area was designated as a park with three priority functions: ecotourism, education and research. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the educational function has been carried out properly in accordance with the initial purpose of the construction of this park. The method used is a mixed method with data collection techniques through interviews and questionnaires, the selection of respondents was carried out by purposive sampling. The results of the study showed that only 18.18% visited the park as a place of learning, the most objective of visitors was for recreation (56.82% ), visitors who are aware of the use of the park in (53, 64%) . The visitors (62,37 %) also think that facilities must be added, including information boards, leaflets or brochures to convey knowledge of biodiversity and visitors (92,27%) said the importance of the attendance of officials as informants to convey knowledge and information related to biodiversity in the park
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Prosiding Seminar Nasional IX Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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ABSTRAK   Minuman teh seduhan memiliki beberapa kelebihan dalam menarik minat konsumen, diantaranya kemasan yang mudah dibawa dan selalu segar tetapi juga dapat mengalami kontaminasi oleh bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Nilai MPN coliform dan coliform fekal minuman teh seduhan yang dijual di tiga pusat perbelanjaan Kota Malang; 2) Kualitas mikrobiologi minuman teh seduhan yang dijual di tiga tempat pusat perbelanjaan Kota Malang. Jenis penelitian ini ialah penelitian deskriptif observasional. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UM pada bulan Maret-Mei 2012. Sampel yang digunakan adalah minuman teh seduhan rasa original merk A dan B yang dijual dari tiga pusat perbelanjaan Kota Malang. Pengambilan sampel dari tiap penjual diambil sebanyak tiga kali, dengan interval waktu dua minggu. Data penelitian hasil perhitungan nilai MPN coliform dan coliform fekal, dirujukkan pada nilai standar MPN coliform maksimum BPOM RI, Nomor HK. tahun 2009. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Nilai MPN coliform pada sampel minuman teh seduhan merk A dan B yang dijual di tiga tempat pusat perbelanjaan Kota Malang secara berutut-turut ialah >2400 sel/ml dan >2400 sel/mL; 2) Nilai MPN coliform fekal pada sampel minuman teh seduhan merk A dan B yang dijual di tiga tempat pusat perbelanjaan Kota Malang secara berturut-turut ialah >2400 sel/ml dan >2400 sel/mL. 3) Nilai MPN coliform dan coliform fekal minuman teh seduhan kedua merk melebihi standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh BPOM RI yaitu < 3 sel/mL. Ditinjau dari nilai MPN coliform dan nilai coliform fekal dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas mikrobiologi minuman teh seduhan merk A dan B dari tiga tempat pusat perbelanjaan Kota Malang kurang memenuhi syarat kelayakan konsumsi.   Kata kunci: minuman teh seduhan, nilai MPN coliform, nilai MPN coliform fekal.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation (GI) dengan Media Flash Card terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMP Maula, Dakhoria; Wulandari, Tabitha Sri Hartati
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 15, No 1 (2018): Proceeding Biology Education Conference
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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This Study Aims To Determine The Effect Of Cooperative Type Group Investigation (GI) Model With Flash Card Media On Critical Thinking Skills To Student Of Grade VII Students Of SMP Negeri 1 Kerek. Based On The Observations In SMP Negeri 1 Kerek Tuban About The Learning Process Has Not Been Maximized According To The Demands Of The 2013 Curriculum That Enable Students To Learn. The Biology Learning Process Still Uses Conventional Learning Methods, Ranging From Lecturing And Recording, And Using Unattractive Media To Student Learning, Resulting In Passive And Un-Creative Students. Learning Is Teacher-Centered, So Students' Critical Thinking Skills Are Not Developed Optimally. Efforts To Cope With The Learning Model That Enables Students In The Form Of Cooperative Type Group Investigation (GI) Model With Flash Card Media. This Research Is An Experimental Research With Pretest-Postest Control Group Design Design. The Population Of All Students Of Class VII SMP Negeri 1 Kerek Academic Year 2017/2018, Which Amounted To 8 Classes, With Random Sampling Technique, Obtained Class C As Many As 30 Students As Experiment Class, And Class D As 30 Students As Control Class. The Result Of Research Shows Significant 0.000, So It Can Be Concluded That There Is Influence Of Cooperative Type Group Investigation (GI) Model With Flash Card Media To Critical Thinking Ability Of Junior High School Students.
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 8, No 1 (2011): Prosiding Seminar Nasional VIII Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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ABSTRAK Sustainable development is a famous concept and strategy to balance the state between human anthropogenic activity and environmental conservation. It is conceptualized mainly, to address the challenge of ensuring continual human civilization under the limitedly available natural resources. There is no dispute to value ecosystem services to be included into the idea of sustainable development. However, since sustainable development is defined as it is affected by many vested interests, the precise ecosystem and environmental aspects that are regarded as critical for sustainable development are also under debate. Essentially, the emerging debates deal with criticism towards giving value on particular environmental properties and, deal with the judgement of whether they are considered as critical or less critical for the sustainability of particular developmental activities. Hence, this paper is aimed to provide ideas to bridge the presence polemics by presenting the two important ideas in combination, sustainable environment and socio ecological sustainability as a considerable ideas to achieve sustainable development. To have the research’s goal the criteria of millennium ecosystem assessment and the socio ecological indicator proposed are is scrutinized. Indeed, human activity is considered as sustainable if it is put in position with socio ecological indicators. In addition to this, extending human’s moral standing to the environment will be importantly underpin the achievement of sustainable environment and therefore, the sustainable development. Kata kunci : Sustainable environment, Sustainable development
The Development of Science-Biology Learning Instrument Oriented to Mangrove Forest for Junior High School Students Zaini, Muhammad; Asnida, Dini Juli
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 12, No 1 (2015): Prosiding Seminar Nasional XII Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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This research aims to develop a science-biology learning instrument that is practical and effective. The stage of development using procedural model consisting of: a) the identification of problem, b) describes the objectives, and c) establishes the development model. The stage of products testing included: a) test, b) to evaluate, and c) communicate the results. The subjects were students of SMPN 3 and 5, Loban River, Tanah Bumbu regency. Individual testing was done in SMPN3. Small group and field test was conducted in SMPN 5. The data of practicality of learning instruments includes: a) the usage of lesson plan (RPP), and b) the response of students to learning process. The data of effectiveness of learning instruments includes: a) the cognitive learning outcomes, b) the assessment results of critical thinking skills, c) the assessment results of behavioral characteristics, d) the assessment results of social skills, and e) the effectiveness of students in learning process. Data were collected through tests and observation and analyzed descriptively. The results of research in the development stage, including: a) problem identification such as topic selection of learning and the determination of learning environment, b) learning objectives based on the ABCD rule and learning outcomes, such as critical thinking skills, c) development model. The research results in the testing product stage demonstrated the practicality of the learning instrument has been reached. It is based on: a) the usage of RPP which were already good, and b) most students have responded positively to the learning process. The effectiveness of learning intrument has also been fulfilled. It is based on: a) cognitive learning outcomes that have been completed, b) the assessment results of critical thinking skills, behavioral characteristics, and social skills, that have achieved good category, e) the student's liveliness in learning process which were already visible.Keywords: Effectiveness, learning instruments, mangrove forests, practicality, science-biology
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 7, No 1 (2010): Seminar Nasional VII Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari: (1) Efek dari ekstrak kulit biji mete (Anacardium occidentale. Linn) terhadap daya tahan hama ulat tanah yang menyerang tanaman stroberi, (2) Tingkat daya tahan  hama ulat tanah yang menyerang tanaman stroberi, dan (3) Kadar efektif ekstrak kulit biji mete (Anacardium occidentale. Linn) terhadap daya tahan  hama ulat tanah  yang menyerang tanaman stroberi.Penelitian dilakukan di lahan petani stroberi Kalisoro selama 3 bulan. Prosedur penelitian adalah: (1) koleksi lapangan ulat tanah, (2) identifikasi ulat tanah tingkat larva untuk mendapatkan larva instar II, (3) pembuatan ekstrak kulit biji mete dengan berbagai pelarut. Penelitian  pendahuluan dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui toksisitas dari ekstrak dan serbuk kulit biji jambu mete terhadap ulat tanah, yaitu dengan mencari konsentrasi LC50-h  jam.  Ekstrak kulit biji jambu mete dalam berbagai konsentrasi (0%, 10%, 40%, 60%) disemprotkan  pada media tanam stroberi.  Kemudian dilakukan pengamatan terhadap jumlah ulat tanah yang mati dan prosentase kematiannya setiap 24 jam. ulat tanah (Anthonomus rubi) selanjutnya  diinfeksikan dalam media tanaman sebanyak 5 ekor pada setiap sampel perlakuan. Permukaan media ditutup kembali dengan media setinggi 3 cm. Disemprotkan ekstrak kulit biji mete dari berbagai konsentrasi pada masing-masing sample polibag. Pengamatan dilakukan pada setiap 3 jam sampai 48 jam.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi 10% dan 20% baik pada ekstrak kulit biji mete dengan pelarut alcohol 70% atau alcohol 90% memberikan pengaruh yang nyata. Ekstrak kulit biji mete dengan konsentrasi 10% berefek sama dengan ekstrak pada konsentrasi 20%, yakni memberikan daya tahan terhadap hama. Kedua konsentrasi tersebut berbanding nyata denga konsentrasi 30% dan lainnya. Hasil analisis ini  mempunyai arti bahwa pemberian konsentrasi 10% atau 20% akan sama pengaruhnya jika diberi konsentrasi 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% dan 70%. Kata kunci: ulat tanah (Anthonomus rubi)
Increasing the Learning Result and Student Activity on Virus Concept through Problem Based Learning Rusmalina Rusmalina; Aminuddin P. Putra
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 12, No 1 (2015): Prosiding Seminar Nasional XII Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Research to learning outcome and student's activity done to X MIA class student 3 SMAN 5 Banjarmasin in virus concept. This research aim to describe result increase learn and student's activity in X MIA class 3 SMAN 5 Banjarmasin by using Problem Based Learning. Research methods was class action research (PTK) which involved 39 students consisted from 12 fellow and 27 women as research subject. Research result indicate that model (PBM)'s used in Virus material can improve result learn represent postes result in I cycle totalled 41,5 % and II cycle totalled 86 %, from data obtained show classical mastery accessibility that determined as big as ≥ 85 %. Student's activity increase seen in I cycle to II cycle in problem solving seen from data obtained in I cycle totalled 94 % and in II cycle totalled 98 %. LKS result indicates increase in I cycle 77,68 % and II cycle totalled 87,93 %. Process evaluation and psychomotor appertain well. Behavior assessment character and social craftsmanship appertain satisfy. Product assessment result show increase with I cycle percentage value and II namely 3,01 % and 3,72 %. Based on student's response data in Problem Based Learning states 61,38 % agrees, until learning use PBM model summed can improve learning outcome and X MIA class student's activity 3 SMAN 5 Banjarmasin in Virus concept.Keywords: Virus Concept, PBM, learning outcomes and student activity

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