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khatulistiwa Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan ALAMAT REDAKSI: KAMPUS INTITUT ELKATARIE Jln. Taman Sari Kembang Kuning Labuhan Haji Lombok Timur webmail:
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Khatulistiwa: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
Published by Institut Elkatarie
ISSN : 28088379     EISSN : 28088298     DOI : 000000
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
khatulistiwa : jurnal ilmu pendidikan Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan . Diterbitkan oleh forum redktur jurnal fakultas tarbiyah. Jurnal ini terbit enam bulan sekali, yaitu pada bulan April dan Agustus. Jurnal ini berisi kajian tentang ilmu pendidikan. Redaksi mengundang akademisi, dosen, dan peneliti untuk berkontribusi dalam jurnal ini. Artikel adalah karya otentik dan belum pernah dipublikasikan di majalah atau antologi ilmiah lainnya. Artikel ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris standar dengan spasi 1,5 cm di atas kertas A4. Panjang artikel 10-15 halaman atau 7000 sampai 9000 kata. Artikel harus diserahkan selambat-lambatnya satu bulan sebelum jurnal diterbitkan. Menyertakan abstrak dalam bahasa Inggris dengan maksimal 200 kata; pada setiap abstrak diikuti dengan kata kunci (keyword).
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 52 Documents
Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Materi Struktur Akar Dengan Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi dan Media Nyata Pada Kelas IV SDN 7 Bungtiang Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 Abdul Azizul Hakim
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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The use of demonstration methods and real media in learning science root structure material can increase the motivation of fourth-grade students at SDN 7 Bungtiang, East Lombok Regency. This can be seen in the first cycle with the level of student statements, namely strongly agree (85%), agree (20%) and statements disagree and strongly disagree (0%) which are classified as active, while in cycle II the level of student statements is very agreed (95%), agree (5%) and statements disagree and strongly disagree (0%) which are classified as very active. This shows the enthusiasm and motivation to learn continues to increase by using demonstration methods and real media. The use of demonstration methods and real media in science learning of Root Structure Materials can improve the learning outcomes of fourth-grade students at SDN 7 Bungtiang, East Lombok Regency with the classical mastery formula. This can be seen from the acquisition of student learning completeness in the first cycle of 56.67% and in the second cycle of 83.67%. According to the curriculum, it is said to be classically complete if it gets a score of 80%. So completeness occurs in cycle II With the use of demonstration methods and real media students' learning motivation increased as seen from the results of the student motivation questionnaire in the first cycle, namely strongly agree (85%), and agree (20%) and in the second cycle strongly agree (95%) and agree (5%) while the increase in student motivation in each cycle of strongly agree (10%), agree (15%)
Studi Tentang Penerapan Pendekatan Komunikatif dan Pendekatan Terpadu dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas VI SD Negeri 1 Gadung Mas Kabupaten Lombok Timur Baharudin Baharudin
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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The purpose of this study is to describe how a communicative approach and an integrated approach are implemented in learning Indonesian in class VI SD Negeri 1 Gadung Mas. The research design used is a qualitative case study. This design was chosen because it is in accordance with the characteristics of the study, namely the case of BI learning in class VI SD Negeri 1 Gadung Mas which was carried out by a BI teaching teacher in applying the Communicative Approach and Integrated Approach. The data of this research were taken from the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), learning implementation, and learning outcomes carried out by BI teachers for class VI at SD Negeri 1 Gadung Mas. Data were collected by (1) Questionnaire, (2) Interview, (3) Field Notes, (4) Documentation Study, and (5) Observation. The data from the learning implementation component shows the following data. All forms of PBM interactions that have been carried out by teachers have implemented PK. PBM interactions are dominated by students and all communication activities are on the part of students. The interactions that occur are two-way interactions and multi-directional interactions and the most common interactions are two-way interactions. In this PBM the teacher only functions as a communicator, motivator, and facilitator. In PBM interactions 8 times face-to-face in 4 times face-to-face the teacher has implemented PT. The rest, namely 4 face-to-face teachers have not implemented PT. The technique of presenting the material used by the teacher has applied PK. The teacher has chosen a material presentation technique that leads students to actively communicate. In addition, the teacher has created a pleasant learning atmosphere, and prepared a variety of materials, thus encouraging students to learn and use BI in real terms. Of the 8 face-to-face meetings, only 3 face-to-face teachers used the material presentation technique by applying PT. In 5 face-to-face meetings, the teacher did not use the material presentation technique that applied PT. There are 30 evaluation activities (KE) of BI teaching conducted by teachers for 8 face-to-face meetings. Of the 30 ECs, 25 EC teachers have implemented EC and 5 EC have not implemented EC. During 8 face-to-face meetings, in only 3 face-to-face meetings the teacher presented KE by applying PT. Furthermore, in 5 other face-to-face meetings, the teacher did not present the KE who applied PT.
Penggunaan Teknik Evaluasi Non Tes Pada Pembelajaran IPS Kelas VI di SD Negeri 1 Pengkelak Mas Abd Hapiz
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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This study aims to determine the implementation of non-test evaluation in social studies learning at SD Negeri 1 Pengkelak Mas The method used is a qualitative method (qualitative description) with the aim of describing, analyzing phenomena, events, and social studies learning evaluation activities carried out by teachers to grade 6 students SD Negeri 1 Pengkelak Mas Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews with teachers, interviews with school principals, documentation, field notes, and triangulation. Triangulation is a technique of collecting data by combining several existing data combining techniques and data sources. The results showed that in general, the quality of social studies learning at SD Negeri 1 Pengkelak Mas had a good process. Likewise, the learning output has also obtained good results. However, in the implementation of social studies learning there are also things that need to be addressed in order to improve the learning program
Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Koperatif Tipe Make A Macth Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas II SDI Elhakim Bagik Lonjer Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020 Husna Indriani
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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This research is motivated by the conditions faced in the social studies learning process, which is caused by the way teachers teach who still use monotonous methods and when learning takes place students to seem less interested in the learning delivered by educators. The focus of the problem is how to improve student learning outcomes by applying the Make a Match type of cooperative learning model in the Social Sciences subject for sale and purchase material in the II SDI class, Elhakim Bagik Lonjer, Kec. Sakra Barat 2020/2021 academic year. The aim is to describe the application of the make-a-match type of cooperative learning model and social studies learning outcomes in the buying and selling materials for the IISDI class, Elhakim Bagik Lonjer, Kec. Sakra Barat 2020/2021 Academic Year. This study uses two cycles of Classroom Action Research. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The objects of this research are II SDI class students, Elhakim Bagik Lonjer, and Kec. Western Sakra. Techniques used in collecting data include tests, observations, and documentation. The data analysis used includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The success indicator in this study is if the mastery of the students' material reaches 75% of the goals that should be achieved, with a KKM score of 70. The results showed that social studies learning using the Make A Match type could improve student learning outcomes in buying and selling materials. This is indicated by the learning outcomes of students. In the first cycle, the average score of students was 71.76 with students' classical learning completeness of 64% and the average score of student activity was 11.61 with a fairly active category. In the second cycle with an average score of 77.29 with students' classical learning completeness of 88% and the average score of student learning activities reaching 14.76 in the active category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the use of a make-a-match type of cooperative learning approach can improve the social studies learning achievement of Class II students of SDI Elhakim Bagik Lonjer.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Quantum Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Siwa Kelas 1V SDN 3 Pijot Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020 Muhammad Salihin
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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This study aims to determine the effect of the Quantum Learning Model on the Science Learning outcomes of students in Class 1V at SDN 3 Pijot. 2019/2020 Academic Year. with a sample of 32 students from class IVa and 30 class 1Vb. This type of research uses a quasi-experimental design in the form of a control group pretest-posttest design. The research instrument used a multiple choice test. How to collect data using pretest and posttest and analyzed using Product moment correlation test. After comparing the results of the pretest and post-test data, the results showed that there was an increase in student learning outcomes and performance, namely 17.7% with a correlation test obtained t-count = 3.348 and t-table = 1.671 at the use of the 99% confidence interval level with the coefficient of influence including the very high category. So the conclusion is that there is an influence of the Quantum Learning Learning Model on the Science Learning Results of Students Class 1V at SDN 3 Pijot. 2019/2020 Academic Year
Diagnosis Kesulitan Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Menulis Karangan Siswa Kelas X SMAN 1 Keruak Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 Muh. Progo Murbaya
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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This study aims to find out what aspects of students' learning difficulties in writing essays and to find out the efforts made by teachers to find out students' learning difficulties in writing essays. The type of this research is experimental, namely research conducted by carrying out certain treatments (treatments) on the subject followed by measurements of the effects of the treatment to determine the causal relationship (cause and effect) between two or more phenomena. The analytical method used in this research is the descriptive quantitative method. Quantitative descriptive methods are used to process data in order to: (1) obtain statistical measures such as the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation, (2) compile score classifications or compile frequency distributions, (3 ) calculate the percentage. The results of the study found that some students had difficulty in each sub-topic, especially in the word/diction sub-subject. The percentage of students' difficulties in learning Indonesian in writing essays is in the sub-topic of word/diction choice, there are 67.78% and in the paragraph sub-subject 65.56% which in general students have difficulty. Efforts have been made by the teacher, namely by dividing students into groups according to sub-subjects that have not been understood and giving assignments to each group. Then additional lessons are also given in the afternoon on a scheduled basis
Analisis Gaya Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VI di SD Negeri 2 Pengkelak Mas Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020 Suaebun Suaebun
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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This study aims to: (1) describe student learning styles in Indonesian subjects (2) describe what factors influence student learning styles in Indonesian subjects (3) describe the efforts made by teachers in student learning styles in language subjects in Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The method used is observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is using data analysis techniques using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that: First, the learning styles of students at SD Negeri 2 Pengkelak Mas, Sepauk District have three types of learning styles, namely visual, auditory and kinesthetic, and the most dominant learning style used is the visual learning style. Second, the factors that influence students' learning styles in Indonesian language learning are internal and external, the dominant factor is external, this is because students are more influenced by the external environment such as their families, namely, students' lack of motivation to learn. School factors, namely from schools, teachers do not use the media in teaching, and factors from the community related to the external environment, namely the lack of community support for student learning. Third, the efforts that the teacher can do are the teacher approaches the students, using the lecture method, question, and answer, and discussion, the teacher trying to condition the learning situation well.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Teknik Membaca Cepat Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VII MTs NW Teros Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 Fathurrahman Fathurrahman
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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This study aims to determine the increasing effect of using speed reading techniques on Indonesian subjects on class VII MTs NW Teros in the 2018/2019 academic year. This research was conducted in MTs. NW Teros, Teros Village, Labuhan Haji District, East Lombok. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population of this study was 49 students of class VII. Data collection techniques were carried out through test and observation methods. Data analysis was carried out by statistical t-test (t-test). The results showed that from the calculation results above, it turns out that the "t" value obtained in this study is 0.61, while the "t" value in the normal curve table with a test level of 5%, 95% truth level = 0.95. To be able to use the normal curve table, then 0.95: 2 = 0.475, the normal curve table shows the number 1.96. Based on this fact, the "t" value obtained in this study is below the number of rejections of the null hypothesis. This means that this research is non-significant, where the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected. The conclusion of the study is that there is no effect of using speed reading techniques on Indonesian class VII MTs subjects. NW Wins 2018/2019 Academic Year.
Pendekatan Saintifik Dalam Prinsip Kerjasama Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Lailatul Sakdiah
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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In essence, communication is the interaction of establishing social relations which are carried out by using expressions of politeness and implicit expressions. This strategy is carried out by the speaker and the interlocutor so that the message is conveyed properly. Thus the communication process is established perfectly. In classroom learning with a scientific approach, students are required to actively interact, especially during discussions so that activities with the principle of cooperation will emerge and of course, the principles of politeness will emerge. In interacting, commitment is needed to work together in order to create effectiveness in achieving learning objectives. Of course, this cooperation is based on the use of speech with the politeness principle with the scale proposed by Geoffrey N. Leech, Brown and Levinson, and Robin Lakoff.
Implementasi Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial Dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Sosial Muhammad Zainuddin; Muslihan Muslihan
khatulistiwa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Khatulistiwa

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Social science education is a simplification of social science and is an interdisciplinary science so that social science education examines a problem from various social science perspectives in an integrated way. The purpose of social science education is to make good citizens in the sense of being able to understand differences and be able to provide appropriate problem solving because it is supported by information and facts that occur. in addition, the output of social science education is expected to be sensitive to social problems and social participation in society. on the other hand, its implementation in social science learning is faced with very complex obstacles, thus the nature and objectives of social science have not been fully achieved, so what has happened so far is that the output of social science education cannot be relied on for its contribution and even adds to the burden on society.