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Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education
ISSN : 25803980     EISSN : 25803999     DOI : 10.28944
Core Subject : Education,
MAHAROT: Journal of Islamic Education is a peer-reviewed journal on Muslim education, provide readers with a better understanding of education in the Muslim world, present developments through the publication of articles and research reports. This journal specializes on education in the Muslim world, and is intended to communicate original researches and current issues on the subject. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles. This journal encompasses original research articles and review articles, including: Studies in Social Education, Studies in Science Education, Management Education, Teaching & Learning, Quality Education, Education, Development & Society, Educational Leadership, Educational Technology, Language Education, Philosophy of Education, Religious Education, Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education This journal is published twice in a year, in January-June and July-December in online and printing version, managed by Open Journal system of the Faculty of Education of Al-Amien Prenduan for Islamic Institute (IDIA Prenduan) Sumenep
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 72 Documents
Predicting EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Score from Reading Anxiety and Motivation Nurul Hidayati
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (96.25 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v2i2.184


Language requires some skills such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking that may use in communication. In language teaching English reading has always been considered one of the most important parts of foreign/second language learning. Based on previous empirical researches, this study emphasizes to predict EFL learners’ reading comprehension from reading anxiety and motivation. The subject of the study was all the accessible population because the number of the sample is quite small so the researcher takes all the sample of the population. The units used in this research were English department students at University of Madura (UNIRA). Data were collected using questionnaire from 100 students of English department in University of Madura and analyzed using Multi Linier Regression program in SPSS 20 version for windows. The major findings include first, Reading anxiety have negative significant correlation on EFL learners in reading comprehension. Second, Motivation has positive significant correlation on EFL learners in reading comprehension. And third, Reading Anxiety and Motivation have significant correlation with EFL learners’ in reading comprehension simultaneously. Therefore, when the learners have high motivation their anxiety will decrease and learners will get better score. Those finding suggests one impact the other, so there is a need to incorporate motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) to improve EFL learner’s reading comprehension being well then anxiety still in controlled.
Front Cover Maharot Vol. 4, No. 1, Januari – Juni 2020 admin admin
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (745.05 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v4i1.411


Front Cover Maharot Vol. 4, No. 1,  Januari – Juni 2020
Pembelajaran Tatap Muka di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Fikri Annur; Ach. Maulidi
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.263 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v5i1.264


The Covid-19 has affected several educational institutions which decided to implement online learning. But Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Huda was one of the pesantren institutions that carried out face-to-face learning during Covid-19. The purpose of this article was to describe the implementation of face-to-face learning, the impact, the supporting and inhibiting factors of face-to-face learning activities at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Huda Pekandangan in the midst of  Covid-19. This research uses a case study approach in a qualitative method which obtained the primary data from Principal, teachers and students of Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Huda and secondary data from the documentation of Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Huda. Data collection used are interviews, observation and documentation and analyzed them with three interacting analyzes, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. It shows that the Face-to-Face Learning at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Huda was implemented by reducing the duration of learning which impacted the addition activities outside the classroom and benefited parents that their children were still learning. One of the supporting factor for this implementation is boardng school program, while  one of the inhibiting factor is the lack of facilities and infrastructure.
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.687 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v1i1.144


Pesantren tak lain adalah suatu lembaga pendidikn Islam tertua dan asli produk Indonesia yang mengajarkan, mengembangkan, dan menyebarkan agama Islam, dari berjalannya waktu banyak pesantren yang melakukan pembaruan demi mengokohkan eksistensinya dan agar bisa menjawab tantangan zaman dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Sebagai lemabaga pendidikan Islam yang kuat akan tradisi intelektual Islam pesantren banyak menyumbang mahasiswa yang potensial di PTKIN. Ini dikarenakan mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang alumni pesantren sudah mempunyai modal dasar-dasar ilmu keagamaan yang diperoleh dari pesantren hingg ketika masuk perguruan tinggi, mahasiswa tinggal meneruskan pengembangan ilmu keagamaan dengan sentuhan moderntas dan metodologis yang lebih dalam yang ada di perguruan tinggi.
Volume 2, No. 2, Juli-Desember 2018 admin admin
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (786.382 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v2i2.394


daftar isi
Peranan Keluarga Muslim dalam Pendidikan Karakter Agus Kharir; Mucharror Mucharror
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.052 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v4i1.194


The aim of this research is to describe the role of moslim’s family in character education. The implementation of the parenting club as an effort to support character education has been studied at two elementary level educational institutions, namely SD Lebah Putih or known as the School of Life Lebah Putih (SOL Lebah Putih) and also SD Islam Kurma Salatiga. In its implementation, this study uses a qualitative approach with type of research is a descriptive field research. There are three methods that researchers do in collecting data in the field, namely observation, Indeep interviews, and documentation. Whereas to find valid data sources, researchers use the snow ball method to fit the research objectives and the effectiveness of the data collected. After conducting field research, it was found that in these two basic education institutions prioritized the characteristics of authoritative parenting care. The school provides the basics of parenting and then the parents at home apply it according to the vis-missions agreed upon between parents and teachers. While the problem with the parenting program is more for parents, namely the lack of awareness of the main educational responsibilities. Because it is based on adult education, the school uses non-formal methods.
Tadakhkhul al-Lughah al-Mandūriyah ‘ala al-Kalām al-‘Araby ladā al-Thalabah bi Tarbiyah al-Mu’allimīn al-Islāmiyyah li al-Banīn Ma’had al-Amien al-Islāmy Prenduan Ainul Yakin; Qomarul Qomarul
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (930.819 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v4i2.420


يعتبر تدخل خطأ يقع نتيجة من وجود العادات في نطق لغة الأم إلى اللغة الثانية. إلى أن يكون هذا تدخل خطأ. واختار الباحث موضوع هذا البحث منطلقا من مشكلة البحث التي تدعوه رغبته لمعرفة صيغ تداخل اللغة المندورية على الكلام العربي لدى الطلبة، وكذلك لمعرفة العوامل التي تؤدي إلى وقوع تداخل اللغة المندورية على الكلام العربي لديهم. ويتمحور الباحث في هذا البحث حول تدخل الصوتي (فنولوجية)، لأن الباحث رأى أن هذا الجانب قد استخدمه الطلبة في كلامهم العربي.  وأما الطريقة المستخدمة في هذا البحث هي الطريقة الكيفية، لأن هذا البحث يبين الأخطاء التي تسببها ظواهر تدخل في لغتهم العربية والعوامل التي تؤدي على وقوعه باستخدام طريقة جمع البيانات من المقابلة والمراقبة والتوثيق. وأما نتائج هذا البحث هي: أ) وجود صيغ تدخل التي تحدث في الكلام العربي لدى الطلبة بتربية المعلمين الإسلامية معهد الأمين الإسلامي برندوان في المجال الصوتي (الفنولوجي)، وهذا المجال يسيطر الجهة الأخرى من تدخلات اللغوية وبالتحديد من اللغة المندورية على الكلام العربي لديهم. ب) وجود العوامل التي تؤدي على وقوع تدخل وهي تأثير لغة الأم وقلة المفردات العربية الصحيحة.
Implementasi Pendidikan Akhlak bagi Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Ahmad Ilham Fathoni; Musleh Wahid
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (105.472 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v5i1.241


AbstrakPenerapan akhlak yang baik di lingkungan sosial menjadikan damai, tentram, dan saling menghargai satu sama lain. Rasulullah diutus untuk menyempurnakan akhlak ummatnya, hal demikian tidak segampang seperti membalikkan telapak tangan, untuk menjadi pribadi dengan akhlak yang baik, manusia harus dapat menempuh pembelajaran dan pengalaman yang cukup banyak. Di era teknologi saat ini banyak suatu pekerjaan yang dapat dikerjakan dengan praktis dan mudah, Terlebih lagi dimasa pandemi saat ini pembelajaran yang dibatasi dengan jarak, tanpa adanya tatap muka secara langsung, dan diadakan secara daring (dalam jaringan). Membuat suatu pembelajaran kurang efektif. Maka demikian. Tulisan ini mengkaji Penerapan pendidikan akhlak bagi mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi covid 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode studi kasus, pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan wawancara. adapan rumusan masalah penelitian ini di fokuskan kepada bagaimana pembelajaran dan penerapan pendidikan akhlak di era darurat covid 19. Mendapatkan hasil, mahasiswa dimasa pandemi senantiasa meningkatkan spiritualis untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhannya, berani berkata benar dan jujur, sering membantu keluarga, mengikuti saran pemerintah dan menjaga kelestarian lingkungan.
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.681 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v1i1.167


Keseimbangan antara SQ dan EQ merupakan kunci keberhasilan belajar siswa di sekolah. Pendidikan di sekolah bukan hanya perlu mengembangkan rational intelligence yaitu model pemahaman yang lazimnya dipahami siswa saja, melainkan juga perlu mengembangkan emotional intelligence siswa.Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut diatas, maka tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui ada / tidaknya hubungan kecerdasan spiritual (spiritual Quotient)  dengan  moral siswa MA. Nurul Huda Pakandangan Barat Kec. Bluto Kab. Sumenep Tahun 2011/2012 dan ingin mengetahui seberapa besar hubungan kecerdasan spiritual (spiritual Quotient) dan moral siswa MA. Nurul Huda Pakandangan Barat Kec. Bluto Kab. Sumenep Tahun 2011/2012.Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa MA. Nurul Huda Pakandangan Barat Kec. Bluto Kab. Sumenep Tahun 2011/2012, sebanyak 89 siswa. Mengingat populasi yang ada di bawah 100, maka penelitian ini termasuk penelitian populasi. Instrumen utama yang digunakan adalah angket, sedangkan instrumen penunjang adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif kecerdasan spiritual (spiritual Quotient) dengan moral siswa MA. Nurul Huda Pakandangan Barat Kec. Bluto Kab. Sumenep Tahun 2011 dengan kategori cukup
Kompolan sebagai Sarana Pendidikan Agama di Masyarakat Madura Jauharotul Makniyah; Malatus Sa'adah
Maharot : Journal of Islamic Education Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (795.33 KB) | DOI: 10.28944/maharot.v4i1.407


This article aims to describe the experiences and feelings of members of the majlis taklim and the meaning of religious activities in the majlis taklim. The approach used in this research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological study type. While the data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. Sources of data used in this study primary and secondary data. Data analysis of this research is data reduction, data display and verification or conclusion. The results of the study show as follows: The experience of members of the taklim majlis is gaining knowledge and knowledge by attending the taklim majlis in umdatul khairat can be taught some knowledge, making new friends from various hamlets so that they can meet each other and gather together by attending the ta' majlis The lim, has time to recite the yasin and tahlil together and remember our elders together, stay in touch with the teachers and friends with the majlis taklim being able to stay in touch with the nyai. The feelings felt by the members of the majlis taklim were very happy and enthusiastic in participating in the activities in the majlis taklim 'Umdatul Khairat.