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Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Published by Universitas Mataram
ISSN : 25287559     EISSN : 2614672X     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) is published by the Department of International Relations, University of Mataram. IJPSS is a portal to publish academic research and as a means of updating the development of Peace and Security Studies. This journal contains scientific articles that have never been previously published, either as a research result, applied research or scientific articles relating to International Security (both traditional and non-traditional issues) Studies, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Strategic Studies, War Studies, Terrorism Studies, Development, and Security Nexus and Regional Security. Information about writing guidelines and electronic upload procedures are available in the menu of publication guideline. All articles are included through a peer-review process. Issuance of the journal is twice a year, every June and December without processing fees.
Articles 62 Documents
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.987 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v1i1.33


Abstract This paper analyzes the policy of the Polish government in responding to the migration crisis in Europe. The Polish government decided not to accommodate more refugees from Africa and the Middle East for reasons of national security. The homogeneous character of society will be disturbed by massive waves of migration. On the other hand, as a member of the European Union, Poland has an obligation to follow the scheme of the distribution of refugee quota to his country. Using the securitization analysis of non-traditional security issues, this research will describe the securitization process that starts with securitizing actors, speech acts, existential threats, referent objects, audiences, and functional actors. The securitization process is carried out by constructing an issue that was not originally a security issue to a security issue. The findings of this study indicate that the Polish government's policy of rejecting refugees is a form of securitization of the issue of migration as a threat to its national security.
ASEAN Way in Korean Peninsula Peacebuilding Badruzaman, Idham
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.908 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i1.34


As stated by Johan Galtung, one fundamental principle in establishing peace is to involve the conflicting parties into a constructive dialogue. By this principle, ASEAN avoids isolative approach by welcoming Pyongyang in ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in 2000 and cultivating a trustworthy relationship afterwards. Driven by ASEAN Fundamental Principle in The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) 1976, ARF appeared to be effective to maintain North Korea in negotiating table, as it also remains to be the only multilateral framework North Korea is in. This ASEAN soft diplomacy in peacebuilding also gains the positive support by Seoul as the engagement with ASEAN through its new southern policy intensifies. With ASEAN contribution as neighboring regional organization, many progresses of peacebuilding, such as Panmunjom Agreement, could be achieved. This paper analyses the role of ASEAN through its way of peacebuilding and soft diplomacy in mediating two Koreas and to help in maintaining peace in the region. This paper argues that ASEAN’s impartiality and traditional friendship among ASEAN members and two Koreas are the keys of ASEAN role in this regard.
Reconciliation and Peace Opportunity: A Peace Psychology Analysis on Venezuela Crisis Mubdi, Umar
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.529 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i2.35


The Venezuela crisis is an intersection between political turmoil, economic crisis, mismanagement of natural resources, poverty, and health issues. The root causes of the crisis can be examined by using a peace psychology analysis, chiefly the concept of moral disengagement. This perspective is useful for looking at the Venezuelan crisis in a different approach and, at the same time, addressing peace efforts. One of the things that need to be pursued by domestic actors and humanitarian intervention is reconciliation. This reconciliation must meet the pre-conditions for the dialogue and peace agenda.
Implementasi Konsep Halal Tourism Dan Konvensional Thailand Dalam Meningkatkan Foreign Direct Investment di Nusa Tenggara Barat Karjaya, Lalu Puttrawandi
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (584.601 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i1.37


Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, sejak 2015 lalu telah menunjuk tiga provinsi di Indonesia sebagai destinasi wisata halal. Salah satunya adalah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), yang mana NTB dipandang memiliki potensi besar untuk mengembangkan wisata halal di Indonesia. Terdapat tiga alasan provinsi NTB dianggap memiliki porensi besar dalam pengembangan wisata halal. Pertama, panorama destinasi pariwisata NTB tidak kalah dengan yang dimiliki oleh Provinsi Bali. Kedua, mayoritas masyarakat NTB adalah beragama muslim. Ketiga, terdapat kultur dan tradisi keagamaan yang unik yang dimiliki oleh NTB. Namun keadaan pariwisata yang cenderung bersifat konvensional sejak dahulu, tidak dapat dengan mudah dihilangkan atau dirubah begitu saja. Oleh karena itu, pariwisata NTB disarankan untuk mengadopsi konsep Halal Tourism dan pariwisata konvensional seperti yang diterapkan di Thailand. Negara Thailand yang bukan temasuk negara muslim, justru menjadi negara dengan destinasi masyarakat muslim terbesar kedua. Sehingga dalam tulisan ini, akan dibahas beberapa alasan yang melatarbelakangi konsep pariwisata di Thailand juga cocok diterapkan di NTB, khususnya pulau Lombok.
The Implementation of India’s Maritime Doctrine to Respond China Naval Presence in Indian Ocean Region Perwita, Anak Agung Banyu
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1220.428 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i1.38


Indian Ocean is a strategic and crucial location of the region and became the centre of global politics. Indian Ocean Region (IOR) has several important gulfs, straits, bays and seas within which most of it located in the northern part of the ocean. Major shipment routes intersect its enormous area, with crucial choke points and water courses connecting Indian Ocean to other main ocean parts on the earth. Indian Ocean region is part of China’s significant security interests, where China is currently leading to an ever advanced military existence within the area. China’s overpowering strategic focus in the Indian Ocean is the preservation of their maritime trading routes, particularly those transporting oil and gas that the Chinese economy relies upon. Indian Ocean Region is at the top of Indian policy priorities. India’s vision for Indian Ocean Region is deep-rooted in preceding cooperation in the region and to use their capabilities for the benefit of all in their common maritime home. The Indian Ocean holds particular importance for India. India is definitely trying to maintain their national security interests in Indian Ocean. In response to the condition in the Indian Ocean, India implemented its Indian Maritime Doctrine which is applied through Indian Navy as the way to respond China’s naval existence in IOR since 2008. This implementation brings the sources of its naval application as an effort to balance China’s naval presence in IOR through its doctrine. The unilateral naval effort is held to respond China in IOR. Moreover, a further effort of Indian navy is needed through bilateral cooporation that will further support its unilateral effort in balancing China’s active presence in the region.
The Failure of Providing Human Security For Rohingya Refugees (Case Study: Escaping Rohingya Refugees From Shelter In Skb Bireuen, Aceh Province) Novialdi, Risky
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.152 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i1.39


This paper analyses the failure to provide humanitarian security for Rohingya refugees at the Sanggar Kegiatan Bersama (SKB) in Bireuen, Aceh. Humanitarian protection should provide security and comfort for Rohingya refugees. However, according to a local newspaper 'Serambi', on 15 February 2019 there were only 11 Rohingya refugees living in the Bireuen SKB. This number increased to 79 people on 20 April 2019. This means that Aceh has failed to provide human security for Rohingya refugees. What exactly caused this failure? While Aceh has provided human security in a political context, it has been unable to provide human security in an economic sense. In addition, there have been allegations that Rohingya refugees in Aceh are not only seeking asylum but also trying to find work. From initial observation until 15 April 2019, only two people were still living in the SKB as refugees. The other refugees had escaped from the shelter. This paper draws on interviews and direct observation at the Bireuen SKB.
Menghidupkan Kembali Sukma Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dan Pancasila adrian, adrian
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.836 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i1.40


Perbedaan acapkali menjadi penyebab terjadinya konflik dan disintegrasi (perpecahan) dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Tak sedikit orang yang anti dan benci dengan perbedaan. Perbedaan seolah dipandang sebagai musuh yang harus diperangi secara bersama. Namun, tidakah disadari bahwa negara Indonesia merupakan negara yang terbentuk dari keberagaman suku, budaya, dan agama, yang jauh lebih dulu ada ketimbang kata “Indonesia” itu sendiri. Selain itu, keberagaman merupakan kehendak yang telah Tuhan ciptakan untuk kehidupan manusia, yang dengannya menjadikan kehidupan manusia berwarna serta memperkaya pengetahuan manusia. Maraknya praktek intoleransi yang terjadi telah menodai semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dan Pancasila. Selain itu, praktek intoleransi juga telah menodai citra Indonesia di kancah internasional. Indonesia merupakan negara yang dikenal rukun atas keberagaman dan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai toleransi, sehingga menjadi inspirasi bagi banyak negara di dunia. Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat Michael Richard Pence menyampaikan bahwa Indonesia itu insiprasi dunia, karena ada kerukunan beragama di tengah keberagaman. Oleh karena itu, menyeragamkan atau menyelaraskan keberagaman, merupakan tindakan yang bertentangan dengan norma-norma yang ada, serta merupakan bentuk perlawanan terhadap kehendak Tuhan.
An Analysis of Humanitarian Military Intervention in Nigeria: Focus on Saving Victims or Defeating Boko Haram? Pratiwi, Tiffany Setyo
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (677.348 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i2.41


ABSTRACT This paper discusses the humanitarian intervention in Nigeria because the Boko Haram’s attack. Humanitarian intervention was carried out because there had been gross human rights violations in an area and the government's inability to solve them. Boko Haram attack has caused a humanitarian crisis in Nigeria. Unfortunately, Nigeria has been unable to solve the problem. Boko Haram is a separatist group that wants to replace Nigeria’s legitimate government to Sharia Law. Thus, humanitarian intervention is needed. This paper will explain three sub chapters of the discussion, such as: First, the political and economic conditions in Nigeria. Second, process of Boko Haram attack. Third, humanitarian intervention efforts in Nigeria carried out by international actors, such as: The African Union, some countries in Africa, the United States and some international humanitarian agencies. The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method. Data sources from literature and internet studies. This paper finds that the humanitarian intervention consists of a military approach and a socio-economic approach. In 2020, humanitarian interventions focus on recovery in education, health issues, and assisting the shelter of refugees.
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.877 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i2.43


Poverty in this country. During the reign of Chavez and Maduro the people felt a little prosperity again, but this is what America hates because America is finding it difficult to implement its neoliberalism policy in Venezuela. After the events that continue to happen, Maduro does not remain silent. Namely by continuing Chavez's socialist policies. Here the researcher uses the theory of foreign policy decision making by Alex Mintz to explain what factors influence Maduro policy and here the researcher uses the concept of national interest to explain what Maduro's interests are in this policy, this research methodology is qualitative explanatory using interviews as data. secondary and librarian as primary data. This research finds 4 main factors in Nicolas Maduro's foreign policy. From the social condition of Venezuela itself which is very crisis-ridden to the point where there is a split between the layers of society, Maduro finally does not listen to the people's complaints to him, then from a psychological point of view, Maduro, who really hates the United States, has a very tough mindset that he is too confident in his beliefs. In order to be able to fight America, in the end his belief was not in accordance with expectations and instead had a negative effect. Therefore, it is clear that emotions play an important role in important political decisions. From an economic point of view, Venezuela is no longer able to support its own country in economic terms. If this country supports itself, there will be greater destruction
Strategi Maritime Silk Road China dan dampaknya pada Keamanan Maritim Indonesia Rustam, Ismah
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (745.029 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i2.44


Dewasa ini, China menjadi salah satu negara yang menunjukkan peningkatan kapabilitas kekuatan baik militer, ekonomi, dan geopolitiknya yang semakin meluas. Dibawah kepemimpinan Presiden Xi Jinping, China mengembangkan banyak inovasi yang berlandaskan konsep fundamental yang dipegang teguh sejak dulu seperti “Chinese Dream”, “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” serta “the twin centenary goals”. Salah satu gagasan China terbaru adalah mereformulasi Jalur Sutera Kuno China menjadi Belt and Road Initiative, yang menggabungkan jalur darat dan jalur laut sebagai jalur perdagangan utama yang membentang hingga ke Eropa. Jalur maritim China memiliki tujuan menjadi penggerak blue economy China melalui ide blue partnership. Peta maritime silk road yang dibuat China memperlihatkan jalur yang melewati wilayah Indonesia. mempertimbangkan wilayah teritorial LCS yang penuh sengketa dan beberapa kali China kedapatan melakukan pelanggaran di laut Indonesia, maka inisiatif ini memberikan tantangan bagi keamanan maritim Indonesia.