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Lugawiyyat, adalah Jurnal pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang dipublikasikan oleh PKPBA (Program Khusus Pengembangan Bahasa Arab) di bawah Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Jurnal Lugawiyyat memuat artikel hasil penelitian atau kajian pustaka yang fokus dalam bidang pembelajaran bahasa Arab, dan terbit reguler dua kali dalam setahun (bulan Mei dan November).
Articles 45 Documents
الكتاب التعليمي لمادة اللغة العربية على أساس نظرية الوحدة لطلبة معهد الحكم الإسلامي مالانج Moh Nadhif
Lugawiyyat Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v1i1.7879


The aim of the researchers was to prepare textbooks for Arabic for elementary students in Malang al-Hikam Islamic Boarding School based on the unity theory (All in One System). The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1) Based on the results obtained by students for the first class B after the tribal and long distance test, researchers found the differences between the independent variables and dependent variables showed effective for improving Arabic and the students' ability to absorb four language skills, basic structure, preservation of archives, understanding of operations, reading comprehension, and differences between main and partial ideas. 2) Indeed the Arabic textbook designed by researchers for students Al-Hikam proved effective.
ظواهر تعليم اللغة العربية وعملية تفعيل المجال التعليمي Fauziyah Fauziyah
Lugawiyyat Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v3i1.12318


This article aims to describe the phenomena in learning Arabic in relation to the problems faced by learning Arabic and how to make the learning process more effective. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with the type of literature study research in which data and data sources are obtained through notes and studies of some literature related to the main theme.The results of this study are that in general, the phenomenon of learning Arabic is the difference in letter patterns, morphemes and structures that affect the adaptation of learners in applying them in maharah lughawiyyah learning. Therefore, problems are often experienced, especially in the process of transforming information through maharah istiqbaliyah and its expression through productive maharah. Thus, it is important for Arabic teachers to pay attention to this issue to improve the quality of learning Arabic.
فعالية استخدام المواد التعليمية على أساس الدراسة التقابلية في تعليم مهارة الكتابة بقسم تعليم اللغة العربية جامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج Diah Dina Aminata
Lugawiyyat Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Most of university students use Indonesian language structure in Arabic language writing. So, those sentences become false. The university student just obey to the lesson book that used in learning process as the common, whereas that lesson book still doesn’t pay attention of the differences and the similar from the structure of the main languages and  the language that they are studied. Contrastive analysis is an activity to find both of the differences and similar of two languages and also as the solution of the languages’ problem. So, the researcher want to know the effectivity of  the lesson book of writing skill by using contrastive analysis theory in Arabic teaching department of State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.Based on that thinking, this research’s purposes are  to know about The effectivity of lesson book on writing skill by using Contrastive Analysis .This research uses quantitative approach. And this research’s kind of method is experiment model. For the analysis of this research’s data, are used inferential  statistic analysis by using t test.The results of this research is The researcher use test of two chapters using from the teaching material with intact group comparison method, that is by dividing the class become two groups, control group and experiment group. In the test of the first chapter, the score is 26,6 (t-arithmetic) 1,27 (t-table), it means that this teaching material is effective. In the test of the second chapter, the researcher gets the score 16,5 (t-arithmetic) 1,27 (t-table), it means that this this teaching material is effective.
تقويم كتاب "دروس اللغة العربية" للأستاذ إمام زركشي والأستاذ إمام شباني Abdullah Ubaid
Lugawiyyat Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v2i1.10829


The textbook has important role in the teaching and learning process. But, thetextbook has shortage and can mislead who learn this book if not prepared properly. Andthis phenomenon make evaluation of the textbook has important role in the teaching andlearning process.And the researcher found that some modern boarding school has been using thisbook "Durus al-Lughah al-Arabiyah" wich written by K.H. Imam Zarkasyi and K.H. ImamSubani. With this, the researcher want to do research about evaluation of the textbook"Durus al-Lughah al-Arabiyah" that used in modern boarding school Darussalam GontorPonorogo. And the researcher want to know the suitability of this book with the basicsof writing a good textbook in terms of the appearance and contents. And the approachused by the researchers is quantitative approach.After the researcher describe the data and then analyze it, the researcher foundsome result of this research about evaluation of the textbook "Durus al-Lughah al-Arabiyah",while the results are as follows: 1) In terms of appearance, the textbook "Durusal-Lughoh al-Arabiyah" has reached a good value. 2) In terms of content, the textbook"Durus al-Lughah al-Arabiyah" has reached a good value. However, this textbook is stillin need of improvement in terms of the appearance and the content, so that it can reachto the excellent value.
اللغة الهجين واللغة المولدة Makhi Ulil Kirom
Lugawiyyat Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v3i2.14022


Language is speech, as Ibn Jinni defined it. This definition goes to the growth of the spoken language in society. It is well known that the spoken language is more developed and used than the written language. This research aims to explain the conditions of the spoken language and its changes. First of all, we divide this spoken language into two parts, pidgin language and creole language. While a pidgin language arises from efforts to communicate between speakers of different languages, a creole language is born from the natural language that develops from the simplifying and mixing of different languages into a new one. This phenomenon is found in many languages, including Arabic. The pidgin language in Arabic is spoken by workers from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines and other countries. They try to converse among themselves in Arabic according to their ability and understanding, this is where the pidgin language originates. And there are many languages was established among peoples for a long time, and the frequent circulation of it among them made it natural to them, so this language became a creole language.
Lugawiyyat Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v1i1.7880


Arabic is one of the international languages taught at the university level, especially on Islamic religious campuses. The learning is related to four skills that must be mastered, including maharah al-kitabah (writing skills). At present, the world of education is experiencing rapid development, thus demanding innovation by academics to continue to improve the quality of learning. The change also refers to the selection of the right learning strategy. The change also refers to the selection of the right learning strategy. Moreover, lecturers in the modern era are not the only source of learning. The prevalence also applies to learning Arabic for students. Technological advancements become familiar to students at the university level. Nevertheless, the existence of lecturers as facilitators remains a significant need. Therefore, Blended learning is one of the learning strategies that can be used as an alternative choice for lecturers to deliver al-kitabah (writing skills) Arabic language in accordance with the objectives to be achieved.
إعداد المادة التعليمية لمهارة الكلام من الحوار القرآني في سورة الكهف نموذجا Hamim Hamim
Lugawiyyat Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v3i1.12319


The background of the research comes from learners’ difficulties in developing their language competencies especially speaking skill. Therefore, Arabic learning for foreign learner needs a good quality of speaking skill. It is really necessary to develop their speaking skill through good expressions and grammar in speaking especially for advanced learner.In this case, the researcher found that learners of Arabic speaking skill are still poor and uncreative because learners still do not notice the art of Arabic speaking. Through this underlying reason, the researcher composes sample of Arabic learning material for speaking skill inspired from dialogue within Al Quran in Surah Al Kahfi. Hence, it leads to the question about the appropriate example in Surah Al Kahfi which is suitable for learning Arabic speaking skill.This research uses descriptive analysis method consisting of: 1) Data Resource, 2) Data Collection, 3) Data Analysis, 4) Composing Learning Material.The result of this research shows that: 1) the dialogue within Al Quran in Surah Al Kahfi consists of three kinds of dialogue with various forms and models; 2) the dialogue within Al Quran in Surah Al Kahfi has special features which are able to be inspiration as learning model to sharpen Arabic speaking skill; 3) the dialogue within Al Quran in Surah Al Kahfi can be a guidance in composing learning material especially for speaking with artistic Arabic expressions.
الترادف ودوره في اللغة العربية Muhammad Mubasysyir Munir
Lugawiyyat Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v2i2.10938


A synonym is a linguistic phenomenon that expands the horizons of expression and communication, and helps the speaker to open up broad creative horizons. There has been a lot of talk and discussion between scientists, linguists, writers and researchers, old and new. Many of them have counted it as a feature of Arabic, a feature of its features, and a manifestation of genius in it.This research mentioned the three divisions of the position of ancient linguists on synonym: supported its existence but was not complete, supported its the existence at all, and denied it. He also mentioned the opinions of modern scientists that divided synonym into complete synonymy and near synonymy. Then he mentioned the most prominent scientists of synonym and sealed his turn in Arabic. In summary, old scientists take the meaning of general synonym without any condition in order to expand the circle of it’s in the language. The modernists reversed them, narrowing the tandem circle by setting conditions on the occurrence of synonym.
تعليم الترجمة في ضوء نموذج كايزر ) )Keiser’s Model وتطبيقه في مركز لسان عربي للترجمة Mohammad Kholison
Lugawiyyat Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v2i1.10837


Translation is the communication of meaning from one language (the source) to another language (the target). Translation refers to written information, whereas interpretation refers to spoken information.The purpose of translation is to convey the original tone and intent of a message,taking into account cultural and regional differences between source and target languages.Translation is very necessary to get information from any resources in foreignlanguages. Therefore, translation is the way of the translator who has the ability to understand the method and the process to establish the information from foreign language.Lisan Arabi for translation, one of the language publishers, endeavors to be an inner cicle for learners and advisor of translation. The aim of this program is to produce the good translation that is able to be published and distributed to academics and scholars.
تطبيق طريقة الاستجابة الجسدية الكاملة في تعليم اللغة العربية Mustapa Mustapa; Anita Andriya Ningsih; Muhammad Mubasysyir Munir
Lugawiyyat Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v3i2.14025


The TPR (Total Physical Response) method in its implementation through speech instructions given to learners can be played through real examples that are meaningful and understandable. The nature of this study is descriptive analysis, which is the regular parsing of data that has been obtained, then given understanding and explanation in order to be well understood by readers. So that the steps taken are 1) learners must actively listen well to what is demonstrated by the teacher with the vocabulary keywords mentioned and the commands given by the teacher with examples of the use of such vocabulary in everyday life or phenomena that are around, 2) the student's task in listening to the teacher's demonstration explanation explaining the existing vocabulary must be in some time and not just once and thoroughly,  3) The next stage is to deify and imitate, 4) the teacher tries to order students without keywords or demonstrations or other stimulus, 5) Students act or demonstrate teacher commands, 6) creative and innovative demonstrations are carried out by teachers so that students are more understanding and able to imitate well, 7) teachers give varied command models without demonstrations or demonstrations, and 8) then in the final stages students are able to protest to colleagues in turn.