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Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITATS adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM-ITATS) yang bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan bidang teknik sipil, dimana pembaca jurnal diharapkan dari peneliti / ilmuwan teknik sipil, mahasiswa di bidang terkait , insinyur, dan praktisi di bidang ini. Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITATS berdiri sejak tahun 2020, dengan edisi pertama Volume 1, Nomor 1, Mei 2020. Pada periode pertama terbit, Jurnal Teknik Sipil terbit setiap enam bulan (2 kali dalam setahun) yaitu pada bulan Mei, dan November. Jurnal Teknik Sipil Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya menerbitkan artikel ilmiah di bidang teknik sipil, sebagai berikut. Rekayasa Struktural Teknik Sumber Daya Air Teknik Transportasi Teknik Geoteknik Teknik & Manajemen Konstruksi, Perencanaan Kota Teknik Struktur Bangunan Semua makalah yang dikirimkan akan menjalani proses peninjauan buta, dari dua peninjau anonim. Secara umum, Jurnal Teknil Sipil memprioritaskan makalah yang dapat menunjukkan orisinalitas, kebaruan, dan temuan penting yang dapat bermanfaat bagi minat pembaca. Pemeriksaan kesamaan untuk semua kertas yang dikirimkan akan diterapkan untuk memastikan kualitas kertas. Di atas segalanya, dewan redaksi Jurnal Teknik Sipil berkomitmen untuk memberikan makalah berkualitas untuk berkontribusi di bidang teknik sipil. Atas nama Redaksi Jurnal Teknik Sipil, dengan ini kami mengundang Anda untuk mempublikasikan naskah Anda di Jurnal Teknik Sipil.
Articles 64 Documents
Analisa Dampak Saluran Lindi Terhadap Lingkungan Dilihat Dari Aspek Pengelolaan TPA Ayu Nur Fitriani Busanto; Erina Rahmadyanti
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.428 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2021.v2i1.1873


Waste problem occurs in Blitar City is the Ngegong Final Processing Site (Landfill), which only has an area of 5,095 hectares. Meanwhile, the increasing number of people will certainly lead to more and more piles of garbage. The landfill in Blitar City is now filled with around 143,700 m3 of the total capacity of 177,000 m3. Currently, it is only able to accommodate about 33,300 m3 of waste.Therefore, land expansion is needed to accommodate landfill in the next 10 years. After calculating using the geometric method, it is known that the expansion of the landfill requires an area of 1.24 hectares. At the same time, population growth in 2030 is estimated to reach 598,918 people by assuming the projected volume of landfills in 2030 is around 141.69 tonnes. Therefore,the need for waste management facilities and infrastructure in 2030 is predicted to be 25 units in the form of garbage carts accompanied by 6 units of other waste transportation fleets in the form of arm roll trucks. Subsequently, this is a common problem in the city where the handlers need side-by-side steps between the community and the government with waste at its source and preserve the 3R culture in the community.
Analisis Pemilihan Material Plat Lantai pada Proyek Perumahan menggunakan Metode AHP Felicia Tria Nuciferani; Siti Choiriyah; Bagus Kusuma Aji
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.107 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2020.v1i2.1418


Efforts to increase value with the function of a product or service in order to reduce costs without reducing quality. Value engineering research to determine the alternative design of floor plate work in residential projects, the research uses the value engineering research method which consists of stages, namely: the information stage, the analysis stage, the creative stage (alternative), the development stage (AHP method) and the recommendation stage. Retrieval of data using the interview method. Alternative floor plates used for comparison are conventional plate, AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) floor plate, dak palace floor plate and steel deck-1000 floor plate. The engineering value analysis is carried out based on the weighting of the quantitative criteria, the results of the normalized calculations and the quantitative criteria, which are then carried out by means of pairwise comparisons. The results of the analysis, the floor plate design chosen is the AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) floor plate. The recommended use of floor plates is to use AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) floor plate material with the criteria for implementation costs of 0.53.
Cover Vol. 1 No. 1 Redaksi Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.61 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2020.v1i1.939


Analisis Perbandingan Stabilitas Retaining Wall Soldier Piles dengan Reinforced Earth Wall Arintha Indah Dwi Syafiarti; Faisal Hamdan; Fahmi Firdaus Alrizal
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (646.03 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2020.v1i1.893


Tol Serpong Balaraja adalah proyek infrastuktur yang diharapkan menjadi solusi pemecahan masalah kepadatan lalu lintas di Tangerang Selatan. Pada proyek Tol Serpong Balaraja terdapat pekerjaan dinding penahan tanah pada STA 2+200 – STA 2+400 untuk menahan timbunan yang menerima beban jalan on/off ramp. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara perencanaan dinding penahan tanah menggunakan metode soldier piles dan reinforced earth wall dengan perkuatan geogrid. Permodelan stabilitas internal dinding penahan tanah pada setiap metode dilakukan menggunakan PLAXIS. Dan stabilitas eksternal dihitung berdasarkan tegangan tanah horizontal. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dinding penahan tanah yang menggunakan soldier piles, menunjukkan stabilitas internal yang lebih besar daripada metode reinforced earth wall.
Pengaruh Abu Sekam Sebagai Subtistusi Semen terhadap Slump Flow dan Berat Isi pada Flowing Concrete Nurul Rochmah; Bantot Sutriono; Michella Beatrix; Dew Pertiwi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.338 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2021.v2i2.2471


In a construction project, the presence of dense reinforcement between reinforcement has its own problems when casting, namely when compaction it is very difficult to use a vibrator because of the density between the reinforcement. To minimize the negative impact of this, flowing concrete is made so that without using a vibrator, the concrete will self-compact properly. The constituent materials of flowing concrete are aggregate, cement and water. In the process of making cement production will produce carbon dioxide in the air, resulting in air pollution due to cement manufacture. To minimize the impact of air pollution due to cement, in this study, we tried one of the constituents of flowing concrete, namely partially substituted cement, so as to minimize air pollution. In this study, rice husk ash, which is the residue from burning rice husks, was used as a partial substitution of cement. The method used is conducting research in the laboratory. In this study, the variation of husk ash as a cement substitution was 0%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 12.5% with the addition of 1.5% superplasticizer. From the results of the study, the smallest diameter of slump flow was 53.17 cm in a mixture of 10% rice husk ash. The largest dry concrete density value is 2482.77 kg/m3 at 10% rice husk ash mixture. The conclusion that can be drawn is that based on slump flow and dry concrete density, the optimal substitution percentage for rice husk ash is 10 percent.
Kinerja Jaringan Irigasi Tingkat Tersier untuk Wilayah Pertanian Daerah Irigasi Kenconorejo UPTD-P2PU Wilayah II Subah Dewi Bussaina Ghassani; Suwarso Suwarso
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.815 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2021.v2i1.1795


Irrigation is an important factor in the world of agriculture, Batang Regency is one of the regencies where the majority of the population is farmers. There are several sources or uses of water in agricultural irrigation, including by making a weir or dam. Batang Regency has several technical weirs including the Kenconorejo weir. Kenconorejo Weir Building has several complementary buildings including the weir lighthouse, weir drain door, intake gate, drainage gate and tertiary channel. The tertiary network of the Kenconorejo Irrigation Area has a total length of 8,050 m and a total agricultural area of 712 ha. With quite a long tertiary channel in the tertiary network of the Kenconorejo Irrigation Area, some of the tertiary buildings were damaged, including in the Jrakahpayung Village and Karanggeneng Villages. The results of the calculation of the discharge of tertiary channels in Kenconorejo are obtained, Jrakahpayung Village 36 l/sec with a land area of 18 ha, Kedungsegog 320 l/sec with a land area of 210 ha, Kenconorejo1 212 l / sec with an area of 150 ha, Kenconorejo2 260 l/sec with an area of 148 ha, Ponowareng Village 185 l / sec with an area of 120 ha, and the last is Karanggeneng Village with a total discharge of 94 l / sec and an area of 66 ha. And with the existence of several damaged small complementary buildings, this is of course homework for the PSDA Office which has the authority to manage irrigation systems in a government agency.
Analisis Perhitungan Struktur Bangunan Tahan Gempa dengan Kolam Renang Berdasarkan SNI 1726:2019 Heri Istiono; Letisia Khoe
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.379 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2020.v1i2.1424


The needs of Indonesian people for places to live and work keeps increasing along with the improvement of its population growth. Unfortunately, the areas for developing buildings get decreasing. One of solution for overcoming this problem is by conducting vertical development such as building an apartment. Many apartments with various innovations have been developed by developers to attract consumers such as the existence of swimming pool on the top of building. However, this sort of vertical development plan is very prone to earthquake as Indonesia has high potential of it. This research analyzed the structural behavior of buildings with and without swimming pool. In addition, it analyzed the need of reinforcement for apartment building structure with swimming pool on the top of building toward the seismic load based on SNI 1726:2019. The analysis of seismic load employed spectrum response method. Meanwhile, the need of reinforcement was analyzed based on the plan of dual system by combining Special Moment Resisting Frame System and Special Structural Wall System. The control upon the structural behavior involved the provision of greater drift and period of building structure with swimming pool than without it. The results of research demonstrated that the need of reinforcement for both floor plate thicknesses was Ø10-100. The needs of beam reinforcement in the dimension 350/500 were 5D19 for pedestal area and 3D19 for ground area. Besides, column 750/750 required reinforcement 28D32, whereas the area of beam-column connections necessitated reinforcement 3 feet Ø16-100. The shear wall in 350 mm thick needed 2 rows reinforcement of 28D36. The wall of swimming pool planned in 150 mm thick required reinforcement Ø10-100. Furthermore, the plate for swimming pool base in 200 mm thick demanded reinforcement of Ø10-50 for pedestal area and Ø10-100 for ground area.
Analisis Struktur Dermaga Pupuk NPK di Tersus PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur untuk Kapal BULK Carrier dengan Kapasitas 10.000 DWT Cahya Buana; Fuddoly Fuddoly; M. Dwi Nugroho; Kurnia Hadi Putra; Nafilah El Hafizah; Ratih Sekartadji
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.407 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2020.v1i1.934


Adanya rencana pengembangan fasilitas di tersus PT. Pupuk Kaltim yaitu dengan membangun dermaga khusus pupuk NPK. Pengembangan ini diharapkan dapat membantu proses distribusi pupuk NPK dengan efektif, efisien, dan cepat. Dermaga yang direncanakan adalah dermaga jenis quadrant shiploader untuk kapasitas kapal 10.000 DWT. Perencanaan dermaga ini telah diwujudkan dalam bentuk rencana pengembangan dermaga. Namun untuk mewujudkan pembangunan tersebut diperlukan detail engineering desain yang meliputi sistem fender dan boulder, perencanaan trestle, pivot, loading platform, mooring dolphin, breasting dolphin, catwalk, pemancangan, dan detail penulangan. Selain detail engineering desain, perlu ditinjau juga terhadap kedalaman air pada alur masuk tersus PT. Pupuk Kaltim. Untuk pengerjaan pembetonan pada tugas akhir ini direncanakan menggunakan beton konvensional atau cor in situ, namun dalam metode pelaksanaannya, pihak kontraktor dapat mengupayakan menggunakan sistem pracetak namun tetap mengacu pada desain yang telah direncanakan pada tugas akhir ini. Perencanaan dermaga tidak hanya mencakup perencanaan fasilitas laut serta perencanaan struktur dermaga saja. Selain itu perlu juga direncanakan terkait metode pelaksanaan pembangunan dana dalam perencanaan dermaga juga harus ditinjau terkait rencana anggaran biaya dari dermaga tersebut. Dari hasil analisis perhitungan didapatkan kebutuhan dermaga dengan dimensi trestle sebesar 4 x 50 m2, pivot 8 x 14 m2, loading platform 3 x 82 m2, mooring dolphin 3,8 x 3,8 m2, breasting dolphin sebesar 4,8 x 4,8 m2.
Analisis Kombinasi Produktivitas dan Durasi Alat Berat Proyek Perataan Tanah Area Lahan Parkir PT. Smelting, Tbk. Siti Choiriyah; Prodenciana Paula Dos Santos
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2021.v2i2.2477


This project located on the ground with different elevation and to start the project, it must be leveled as in the parking lot project at PT Smelting. Tbk. The equipment used are bulldozers, excavators, and dump trucks. The maximum equipment resources on the project make the productivity of heavy equipment not in accordance with field implementation. We are using descriptive method to solve the problem in this research. This method quiantitively analyze the productivity and duration of work individually and a combination of field and planning to be selected according to timeliness and cost. The results of the combination IV, 1 unit Komatsu D65 EX bulldozer, productivity 7444 m3 / day, duration of 14 days and operating costs Rp 63,215,000, 1 unit Komatsu PC excavator 200 – 8 MO productivity 8385,88 m3/day, work duration 15 days , operational costs Rp 84,900,275.5 units of dump truck nino FM 260 productivity 94.52 m3/day, work duration 22 days and operational costs Rp 430,518,605 with a total work duration of 408 hours
Analisis Kebutuhan Lahan Dan Sarana Prasarana Pengelolaan Sampah (Studi Kasus : TPA Ngegong Kota Blitar) Mitha Aulia Hayuningrat; Erina Rahmadyanti
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.948 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.jts.2021.v2i1.1872


The existence of waste is still a problem that affects almost all regions in Indonesia. Leachate is a liquid produced from the decomposition of waste in landfills which can seep into the ground and can contaminate groundwater and its surroundings. Until now, waste management, such as recycling waste or directly dumping it into a landfill, can be done using the Landfill method (landfilling) or an incinerator (incineration) is still needed to solve the waste problem. This discussion is to examine the impact of leachate channels on the environment, leachate management systems and land requirements. This study was conducted at the location of the Kenep Final Disposal Site in Pasuruan Regency. Therefore, efforts to manage existing leachate water are needed before discharge to a receiving water body or river. In this discussion, the leachate discharge value of 0,689 lt/dt was obtained so that the results for the dimensions of the Leachate Management Installation were obtained for the Stabilization Pool area 85.04 m², depth of 3.5 m, long 10 m, wide 8.5 m, and an efficiency of 67%. The Facultative pool area 198.43 m², depth of 3 m, long 15 m, wide 13.23 m, and an efficiency of 50%. The Maturation Pool area 198.43 m², depth of 3 m, long 15 m, wide 13.23 m and an efficiency of 50%. And it takes a widening of the area for the Kenep Final Disposal Site in Pasuruan Regency by 0.6 hectares or 6000 m².