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Journal of Indonesian Management
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The Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) covers various research approaches, namely: quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. The Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) focuses on various themes, topics and aspects of management, strategic management and entrepreneurship, including (but not limited to) the following topics: Human Resource Management, Financial management, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Organizational behavior, Operation management, Change Management, Sharia Management, Knowledge Management Entrepreneurship, Electronic Business, Capital market.
Articles 330 Documents
Boston Consulting Group (BCG'S) Analysis On Powder Coffee 1001 Bengkulu City Dian Safitri; Sulisti Afriani; Eska Prima Monique Damarsiwi
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2435.124 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i1.112


In implementing the marketing strategy, it is always related to marketing recommendations consisting of four variables, namely: product, price, place, promotion. BCG analysis is based on the basic premise that a company should have a balanced portfolio of business, which produces more than the amount it uses. Its role is determined by two factors, namely: (1) Market Growth Rate (2) Relative Market Share. The BCG analysis has 4 cells representing 4 combinations showing the lowest growth rate and market share, namely: stars, cash cows, dogs, and question marks. The data collection methods used in this writing were the observation method, the interview method (unstructured), and the documentation method. BCG analysis was carried out based on data on the sales volume of Usaha Kopi Bubuk 1001 of Bengkulu City in 2018 and 2019 which were compared with the sales volume data of Usaha Kopi Bubuk Aroma in 2019, to obtain a relatively high level. From the results of research with BCG analysis, it can be seen that the market growth rate of Usaha Kopi Bubuk 1001 of Bengkulu City in 2019 is 14% and the relative market share is 1.6x, then Usaha Kopi Bubuk 1001 of Bengkulu City is in the Star position, which indicates that growth high market and relatively high market share, and it is related to the Product Life Cycle, the product position of Usaha Kopi Bubuk 1001 of Bengkulu City is in the Growth stage, so the strategy used by Usaha Kopi Bubuk 1001 of Bengkulu City is the Hold strategy.
An Analysis of Marketing Strategy of JP. Astor Products in PT. Jasaraharja Putera of Bengkulu City Wahyu Ilahi; Karona Cahya Susena; Eska Prima Monique Damarsiwi
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2844.332 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i1.113


The purpose of this study is to determine the marketing strategy of JP ASTOR products in PT. Jasaraharja Putera. This research is qualitative and quantitative research. The sample in this study is an internal sample, that is from employees of PT. Jasaraharja Putera and external samples are from customers of PT. Jasaraharja Putera. The analytical method used is the EFAS analysis method (External Factor Analysis Summary) and IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) then included in the matrix Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats, or SWOT. Based on the results of the research,it is found that PT. Jasaraharja Putera gained score of 9.17 on internal factors and score of 3.51 on external factors. Thus scores make the company is in quadrant 1 in the SWOT analysis diagram (Supporting Aggressive strategies) which means that the company uses the power possessed by the company itself in marketing JP. ASTOR products.
Analysis of Radix Guitar Marketing Strategy on Queen Guitars Gallery, Bengkulu City Yanuardi Yanuardi; Ahmad Soleh; Eska Prima Monique Damarsiwi
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2501.387 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i1.114


In conducting marketing activities a company has several objectives to be achieved, both short-term goals and long-term goals. In the short term it is usually to win the hearts of consumers, especially for newly launched products. Whereas in the long term it is carried out to maintain existing products in order to exist. Likewise, the Queen Guitars Gallery of the City of Bengkulu, of course, requires the role of marketing activities and strategies. Based on this, then to find out the exact strategy used by the Queen Guitars Gallery of the City of Bengkulu, a SWOT analysis is needed. The purpose of this study was to find out the marketing strategy of the Radix guitar at the Queen Guitars Gallery in the City of Bengkulu.From the results of IFAS and EFAS research in this study, there was a strength factor possessed by the Bengkulu City Queen Guitars Gallery of 25, while the weakness was 6.69. So the internal quadrant of the factor is 25-6.69 = 18.31, while the opportunity factor that is owned is 19.125 and for the threat factor is 7,15. So the external quadrant is a factor of 19.125-7,15 = 11,975. Based on this analysis, Queen Guitars Gallery of the City of Bengkulu is in quadrant 1 in the SWOT diagram. Based on the results of research carried out at the Bengkulu City Queen Guitars Gallery, it can be concluded that the appropriate strategy is an aggressive strategy or Strength opportunity (SO) strategy, because the Bengkulu City Queen Guitars Gallery currently has great strength and opportunity, so this strategy which can be used for the progress of the Queen Guitars Galllery City of Bengkulu.
The Effect of Price and Design of Honda Beat Motorcycle Products on Purchase Decisions at Honda Dealers PT. PAS Sudirman, Bengkulu City Ditantio Pramana; Oni Yulianti; Zahra Indah Ferina
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2832.507 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i1.115


This study aims to determine the effect of price (X1), product design (X2) Honda Beat motorcycles on purchasing decisions (Y) at Honda Dealer PT. PAS Sudirman Bengkulu City. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research, using Random Sampling technique. The data analysis techniques used are Normalization Test, Validity Test, Multicorlinearity Test, Reliability Test, T Test, F test, Multiple Linear Regression, Multiple Correlation Analysis (R), Determination Analysis (R2), using the SPSS program for windows 23.00 . The number of samples is 75 respondents. The results show that it is known from the multiple linear regression equation, Y = 29.391 + 0.083 (X1) + 0.396 (X2) where Y is the purchase decision, the beta coefficient (B) is 29.391, which means that if there are no price and product design variables, the decision purchases amounted to 29,391. The regression coefficient for the price variable (X1) is 0.083, meaning that if the product design has a fixed value and the price increases by 1, the purchase decision will increase by 0.083. The coefficient is positive, meaning that there is a positive relationship between price and purchase decisions, the higher the store price, the higher the purchase decision. The value of the product design coefficient (X2) is 0.396, which means that if the other independent variable (price) remains constant and the product design increases by 1%, the purchase decision (Y) will increase by 0.396. The positive coefficient means that there is a positive relationship between product design and purchase decisions, the better the product design, the greater the chances of consumers in deciding to buy/shop..
Community Satisfaction Index at PLN Bintuhan, South Kaur District, Kaur Regency (Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia No: 14 Tahun 2017) Suharni Yati; Sulisti Afriani; Nia Indiasari
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1926.324 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i1.116


The purpose of this study is to determine the community satisfaction index at PLN Bintuhan in South Kaur Subdistrict of Kaur Regency based on the implementation of The Utilization of the State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation Number 14 of 2017. The analysis method used was the Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) based on The Utilization of the State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation Number 14 of 2017 with nine indicators; namely requirements, procedures, completion time, cost, product type service specifications, implementing competencies, implementing behavior, handling complaints of suggestions and input, facilities and infrastructure. From the analysis of the community satisfaction index, 78 with service quality B with good criteria because it is in the range of conversion interval values 76.61 - 88.30. The implementing competency element is the element that gets the highest average score of 3.29 Good criteria. The lowest satisfaction value is the completion time with an average value of 2.78 with a less good rating because it lies at an interval value of 2.60 - 3.064..
Break Even Point Analysis in Determining Profit in Pempek RR Pagar Dewa Business Bengkulu City Deka Putri; Karona Cahya Susena; Herlin Herlin
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): June
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2023.339 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i2.117


The purpose of this study was to determine the application of BEP as a profit planning tool for Pempek RR Pagar Dewa. The data collection method used is documentation, while the data analysis is qualitative and quantitative using Break Even Point (BEP) analysis. The results of the research and discussion show that the BEP in 2016 amounted to 5,902 pempek or Rp 46,896,551 with a contribution ratio of 28.8% and a business profit level of 24.26% and a margin of safety level of 84.26%. In 2017 there were 5,196 pieces of pempek or Rp 41,212,121 with a contribution ratio of 32.7% and a business profit rate of 28.5% and a margin of safety of 87.17%. And in 2018 there were 4,683 pempek items or Rp. 36,756,756 with a contribution ratio of 36.3%, a safety level or margin of safety of 89.59% and a business profit level of 32.52%. And in 2019 there were 4,622 pempek items or Rp. 36,756,756 with a contribution ratio of 36.77%, a level of security or a margin of safety of 90% and a business profit level of 33.09%.
The Community Satisfaction at the Office of Lubuk Kebur Urban Village in Seluma Kota Sub-District Murmansa Putra; Ermy Wijaya; Rinto Noviantoro
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): June
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2159.918 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i2.118


This study aims to find out the community satisfaction at the office of Lubuk Kebur Urban Village in Seluma Kota Sub-District. The data analysis technique used is the measurement of the Community Satisfaction Index based on the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Number 14 of 2017. The sample in this study was 370 people from Lubuk Kebur Village who received services from the office of Lubuk Kebur Urban Village in Seluma Kota Sub-District. The Community Satisfaction Index for service quality at the office of Lubuk Kebur Urban Village in Seluma Kota Sub-District, obtained an average value of 3.01 which was in a good assessment. Furthermore, the Community Satisfaction Index service unit is multiplied by 25 therefore the the Community Satisfaction Index at the office of Lubuk Kebur Urban Village in Seluma Kota Sub-District is 75.25 with service quality B with good criteria because it is in the interval value of 62.51 – 81.25. The element of cost/tariff gets the highest rating with an average value of 3.40 with very good assessment criteria. This illustrates that the community assesses that the office of Lubuk Kebur Urban Village in Seluma Kota Sub-District provides services for free without being charged. The lowest satisfaction value is 2.44, namely the completion time with poor assessment criteria. This illustrates that the time required for the completion of the document is not as promised, due to the slowness of employees in providing services, insufficient requirements and the Urban Village Head who is is often not there.
Marketing Strategies in Attracting The Interest of Export Fish Suppliers in UD. Awang Jaya Bengkulu City Nopriadi Nopriadi; Meiffa Herfianti; Ermy Wijaya
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): June
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2180.562 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i2.119


The research objective was to determine the marketing strategy in attracting the interest of export fish suppliers at UD. Awang Jaya of Bengkulu City. The sample in this study were 30 people consisting of 6 employees of UD. Awang Jaya Kota Bengkulu for internal factors and 24 people for external factors, namely customers from UD. Awang Jaya of Bengkulu City. The analysis method used was SWOT analysis consisting of the Internal Strategy Factor Matrix (IFAS) and the External Strategy Factor Matrix (EFAS). The value of the strength possessed by UD. Awang Jaya of Bengkulu City amounted to 21.90 minus the weakness value of 11.60, so that the IFAS value of 10.30 was obtained. The opportunity value of the marketing strategy is 20.05 and the threat is 10.90, so the EFAS value is 9.15. If the two values are combined in the IE matrix then both support quadrant I an aggressive strategy. The aggressive strategy that can be developed by UD. Awang Jaya of Bengkulu city, namely to increase promotion so that export fish suppliers are interested in selling their fish to UD. Awang Jaya and improve the quality of export fish so that customers remain loyal to order export fish to UD. Awang Jaya. The SWOT matrix analysis obtained from the research results supports the Strengths-Opportunity (SO) strategy. The SO strategy should be carried out by UD. Awang Jaya of Bengkulu City in order to maintain the trust of export fish suppliers, continue to buy all fish from export fish suppliers, keep prices stable, always on time in payments and larger fish/castor storage places.
An Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumers in Purchasing Decision of Indocafe Powder Coffee at PT. Sari Tanjungtera Cipta in Bengkulu Ajeng Fitriani; Ida Anggriani; Rinto Noviantoro
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): June
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1616.968 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i2.120


This study aims to determine the most dominant factor affecting the purchasing decision of Indocafe powder coffee at PT. Sari Tanjung Tera Cipta in Bengkulu. Samples in this study were 37 outlets that purchased Indocafe powder coffee products at PT. Sari Tanjung Tera Cipta in Bengkulu City, especially the Bengkulu route. The data collection method used a questionnaire and the analytical method used was rating scale analysis. The results of this study indicate the average value of respondents' responses to the factors that affect purchasing decisions at PT. Sari Tanjung Tera Cipta in Bengkulu City is 1,474 with the assessment criteria agree. This means that respondents have an agreed assessment of the factors that affect purchasing decisions at PT. Sari Tanjung Tera Cipta in Bengkulu City is affected by cultural, social, personal and psychological factors. Personal factors are the highest factors influencing purchasing decisions online at PT. Sari Tanjung Tera Cipta in Bengkulu City with a score of 1,573. This illustrates that customers shop at PT. Sari Tanjung Tera Cipta in Bengkulu City because because they choose to shop on the basis of their own wishes, PT. Sari Tanjung Tera Cipta in Bengkulu City provides maximum service therefore customers feel satisfied. The lowest factor is the cultural factor with a total score of 1.342 with the assessment criteria agreed. This illustrates that cultural factors have a low affect on purchasing decisions at PT. Sari Tanjung Tera Cipta in Bengkulu City because shopping is a desire not because it is affected by the environment, culture or other people.
Financial Performance Analysis at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (PERSERO) Tbk Marvel Poppy Sabarhati Waruwu; Karona Cahya Susena; Rinto Noviantoro
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): June
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2669.684 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v1i2.121


This study aims to determine the financial performance of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in 2019. The analysis method used is financial ratio analysis, namely Cash Ratio (CR), Short Term Mistmatch (STM), Return On Assets (ROA), Net Interest Margin (NIM), and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). The research results prove that the financial performance of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, using the 2015 cash ratio (CR) of 17.15%, in 2016 of 14.58%, 2017 of 12.34% in 2018 of 14.21% and in 2019 of 12 , 76%, this indicates that the value of the large cash ratio (CR) is 4.80, which means the financial performance of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is included in the very healthy criteria and is in the 1st rank, which is more than 4.80, which means that PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is able to solve liquidity problems in the company. Short Term Miscmatch (STM) PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in 2015 amounted to 155%, 2016 amounted to 189%, 2017 amounted to 168%, 2018 amounted to 196% and in 2019 amounted to 196% included in very healthy criteria and in rank 1, because the total ratio greater (>) than 110%. Return on Assets (ROA) of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in 2015 amounted to 3.7%, in 2016 amounted to 3.38%, in 2017 amounted to 3.29, in 2018 amounted to 3.21% and in 2019 amounted to 3.06% and is included in the very good criteria. Net Interest Margin (NIM) of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in 2015 was 10.31%, 2016 was 10.50%, 2017 was 10.15%, 2018 was 9.47% and 2019 was 9.31% included in the very healthy criteria each of which results from 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, up to 2019 are ranked 1. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in 2015 was 28%, 2016 was 24%, 2017 was 22%, 2018 was 18% and 2019 was 16%. to 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 are in 1st rank.

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