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Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia
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Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia (JMKI) published by the Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. JMKI is dedicated to publish and disseminate research, studies, theories, and phenomena in communication science. The scope of the manuscript to be published in the JMKI is a manifestation of the Department of Communication Science’s vision "Crafting Well Informed Society." JMKI is published twice a year and invites researchers or practitioners from various disciplines to write about media and communication issues such as, but not limited to, journalism and media, entertainment media, advertising, public relations, cultural studies, film studies, and game studies.
Articles 40 Documents
Menakar Hubungan Organisasi dan Publik di Media Baru (Analisis Isi Corporate Tweets Industri Perbankan, Otomotif, dan Telekomunikasi) Syaifa Tania
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.51114


Popularitas penggunaan media sosial baik di kalangan masyarakat maupun pelaku industri telah membawa warna baru dalam dinamika praktik komunikasi antara organisasi dan publik. Proses komunikasi yang bersifat egaliter, langsung, dan dialogis mendorong lahirnya optimisme sebagian kalangan yang meyakini bahwa media sosial mampu mewujudkan hubungan yang setara dan harmonis antara organisasi dan publik. Meskipun demikian, premis tersebut merupakan gagasan yang utopis. Penelitian ini berupaya menakar hubungan organisasi dan publik yang tercermin melalui diskusi dalam corporate tweet akun Twitter perusahaan di bidang industri telekomunikasi, otomotif, dan perbankan sepanjang periode 21 Juli-3 Agustus 2014. Periode tersebut merupakan rentang dengan tingkat interaksi tertinggi di akun corporate Twitter organisasi. Hasil penelitian mengonfirmasi utopi atas gagasan di atas. Aktualisasi praktik online public relations yang diyakini mampu memfasilitasi ruang dialogis antara organisasi dan publik di media sosial tidak terwujud. Hubungan antara organisasi dan publik tidak setara dan cenderung bersifat transaksional. Secara umum, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media baru tidak mengubah cara organisasi berkomunikasi dengan publik.
Liga Seluler: Pergeseran Olahraga Elektronik ke Peranti Seluler dalam Kompetisi Mobile Legends: Bang Bang di Indonesia Haryo P Jiwandono; Edeliya Relanika Purwandi
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.51164


In 2010’s, the mobile devices proliferation in Northeast Asia raised the digital mobile games popularity and developed mobile culture technology that supported the flourishment of socio-technical environment in the mode of production, distribution and participation of digital game users in the region to the next level. At the end of 2010, Mobile Legend: Bang Bang became the well-known online game, which was played in mobile devices in Indonesia. The Indonesian Mobile Legend: Bang Bang trend encouraged the participation of e-sport athletes to compete in the Mobile Legend: Bang Bang competition because of becoming more profitable for its users. This trend shows an interesting phenomenon to be studied. This research paper aims to study the dynamics of Mobile Legend: Bang Bang e-sports competition using traditional socio-technical approaches in the field of communication science. This approached used to observe the individual and/or group meaning based on their interaction within Mobile Legend: Bang Bang e-sport community. This research was conducted in the same time period with Kratingdaerng E-Sports Championship on September 2018.
Penolakan NYIA dalam Dinding Kota (Analisis Geo-Semiotik pada Jembatan Amarta Yogyakarta) Bagus Ajy Waskyto Sugiyanto; Latifa Zahra; Fendy Suranto
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.51193


After the construction of the Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) Airport, various protests emerged. One of the medium used to convey these aspirations is through street art on the walls of the Amarta Bridge. Behind the exposure of the YIA discourse, there are a variety of human activities on the bridge. This study uses geo-semiotic analysis, which is intended to be able to see the space production on the Amarta Bridge. Based on the results of this research, it could be argued that even if the Amarta Bridge has different function, the protests against the YIA through street art in the walls of the Amarta Bridge could be the medium in creating consensus in terms of patterns, attitudes, and support.
Transportasi Isu Autisme Penonton Film: Analisis Fenomenologi Interpretatif Pengalaman Transportasi Para Ibu di Film My Name Is Khan Sri Wijayanti
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.51252


Studi ini dilatarbelakangi kepedulian tentang arti penting pemahaman yang benar mengenai autisme. Selama ini, di kalangan masyarakat, isu autisme masih lazim disalahpahami. Film merupakan sarana yang tepat untuk mensosialisasikan isu autisme kepada khalayak sasaran. Karakteristik film dianggap dapat memenuhi gagasan narasi sebagai media persuasi. Untuk itu, studi ini bertujuan memperoleh pemahaman mendalam pengalaman transportasi isu autisme pada ibu sebagai penonton film My Name Is Khan (MNIK), yang diharapkan berperan besar dalam sosialisasi autisme. Transportasi dipahami sebagai pengalaman personal yang menyediakan sarana perjalanan imajiner di dunia narasi melalui keterlibatan individu terhadap pesan narasi. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori Transportation Imagery Model (TIM) Green dan Brock yang kali ini melihat transportasi sebagai pengalaman personal dengan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis sebagai analisis datanya. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman mendalam dengan pendekatan idiografis mengeksplorasi pemaknaan pengalaman transportasi penonton film sebagai target persuasi dengan menjelaskan identifikasi dan interaksi parasosial sebagai bentuk keterlibatan dan cara pengolahan pesan persuasif. Secara teoritis, temuan penelitian ini mengembangkan konsep transportasi sebagai mediated relationships dalam kaitannya dengan studi persuasi narasi. Sedang secara metodologi, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa studi transportasi dengan pendekatan fenomenologi memungkinkan eksplorasi nuansa kontekstual dan intersubyektif individu yang mengalaminya. Sementara secara praktis, temuan penelitian ini berguna bagi para komunikator kesehatan yang ingin menggunakan film sebagai media persuasi, dengan mempertimbangkan peran penting transportasi individu sebagai strategi formulasi pesan. 
Audiens Milenial dan Iklan Viral: Kajian Daya Tarik Iklan #KerenLahirBatin terhadap Brand Image Ramayana Department Store Hasna Nur Lina; Lidwina Mutia S
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.51311


Advertising appeals as one of advertising aspects to attract target audiences is significant to be analyzed, furthermore advertisements that audiens consume are excessive day by day. Ramayana Department Store as one of Indonesian mature vendor are catching up with the dynamics by developing advertising appeal that they have. One of the innovative efforts that they done is Ramadan advertising entitled #KerenLahirBatin that going viral in 2018 with more than 12 million times watched and 9,806 comments until by the end of 2018. This research is focusing on describing the effect of advertising appeals to Ramayana’s brand image using survey methods and descriptive analysis technique. Respondents of this study are Indonesian millennial audiences aged 19-34 years with a sample of 100 people obtained through Slovin’s formula. Finding shown that advertising appeals that bridged by audience involvement in message processing has a greater and positive influence on the brand image of Ramayana Department Store compared to the direct influence of advertising appeals on the brand image that does not including audience involvement. The advertising appeals, especially emotional appeals, are proven to increase motivation, opportunity, and the ability of the audience to watch as well as understand the ad. The dominance of this emotional appeals results in respondents tend to use peripheral route to process messages. However, the results of the formed brand image of Ramayana are positive and are a combination of functional and emotional aspects that are absorbed simultaneously. Noting that the effects generated through peripheral processing route are usually temporary and the effect of advertising appeals and audience involvement are only 16%, other aspects of marketing communication efforts are needed in order to strengthen the brand image of Ramayana Department Store.
Perspektif Normatif pada Jurnalisme Digital Mufti Nurlatifah; Billy Sarwono; dr. Irwansyah
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.51487


Law perspective on communication studies provide normative point of view to analize phenomenon of communication. This point of view doesnt discuss rules of the game as the domain, but sees “what shoule be” as main focus. Normative theory provides causality to explain communication phenomena holistically. For journalism digital, normative theory have two main question to discuss. First, the position of digital journalism as current condition in communication studies. Second, the influence of digital journalism in democratic society. This conceptual study aims to answer both question and looking new horizon of normative theory among perspectives in the communication studies.
Manajemen Privasi di Situs Jejaring Sosial: Studi Kasus Penggunaan Finstagram untuk Voyeurisme Termediasi Alya Nurbaiti; Irham Nur Anshari
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.55012


In 2015, Instagram users started to create secondary accounts dubbed finstagram (fake Instagram) to fulfill the unmet needs of using the main account. Among the needs is to do mediated voyeurism or stalking — the act of watching other’s lives through the means of the media — safely. Prior Instagram studies have been more focused on the self-disclosure discourse while analysis on the voyeurs as consumers of disclosure is lacking. Using the case study method, this paper records the exercise of mediated voyeurism through finstagram and the privacy management that occurs within. The result shows that the use of finstagram for mediated voyeurism is driven by the perceived privacy risk (perceived risk of possible privacy violations). The perceived privacy risk encourages voyeur to navigate privacy management by adopting protecting behavior, or various forms of action taken to protect the exercise of stalking.
Branding Agama dalam Membentuk Identitas Politik: Kajian Mengenai Selebriti Islam pada Aksi 212 Revta Fariszy; Vegasari Adya
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.55711


The 212 Rally has many other interest outside the religious context. The rally strengthens the identity of Muslims and indicating that the hegemony of religious is able to contribute to the world of politics. Unlike usual, 212 Rally presents actors whose are not only from politicians or religious circles, but also public figures from the entertainment industry. However, the participation of public figures is full of political interests, because some of them are incorporated with certain political parties. This paper analyzes the construction of the religious identity of public figures and their relation to politics. Referring to the theory and concept of political identity and personal branding, there are indications that public figures construct their religious identity for political purposes and agendas.PrabowoSubiantodanCalonWakilPresidenSandiaga Uno dalam Pilpres 2019 (Afriyan, 2018).Takhanyaitu,RizieqShihabsebagaiImamBesarFPIpuntelahmenyatakandukungannyapadakubucalonpresidenPrabowoSubiantodanmenyerukankepadapesertaAksi212untukmengiku alurdukungannya(Siddiq,2018).Secaradaklangsung,aksiinimenjadipembukaaliransuaraPilprestahun2019.SelainsinggungandenganPilpres2019,Aksi212inijugamengandungbahasantentangidentas.Identasyangdirepresentasikanpadaaksii
Representasi Karakter Autis Dalam Film Dancing in The Rain Sarah Novita Diah; Sri Wijayanti
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.57281


This research Focuses on how Indonesian movie portrays an autistic character. The Importance point of this research is because there is some misunderstanding around the society about people with autism. Dancing in The Rain is the most recent movie in Indonesia that held on 2018 and portrays about people with autism. That’s why this movie as an object for this research. This research used semiotic analysis by Roland Barthes, to giving enlightenment to the society about people with autism. This research finds that autistic character still used as a commodity to get sympathy from the audience. The interesting result that has been found for this movie, that this movie describe how people with autism can improve their social development as long as they grow up and get an autistic therapy.
The Fragmented Self: Having Multiple Accounts in Instagram Usage Practice among Indonesian Youth Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas; Desti Ayu Alicya
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.58459


The usage of social media has become a part of youth’s life in this digital era. Particularly in Indonesia, Instagram is one of the most popular platforms among youth. In the practice of Instagram usage, apparently a person could manage more than just one account, creating phenomenon known as ‘real Instagram account’ and ‘fake Instagram account’. Hence this form of practice is raising question in regards to the identity presented by users in those accounts. This paper aims to analyze the practice of having multiple accounts in Instagram platform, focusing on how the self-presentation of users presented and why such presentation displayed, specifically in the contestation between the concept of ‘real’ and ‘fake’. Scope of the study in this research covers the media psychology of interconnection between self and social media platform. Research was conducted by mixed-method of new ethnography and virtual ethnography. Expected findings in this research include the analysis of fragmented self in Instagram multiple accounts, focusing in the issue of how the concept of ‘real’ and ‘fake’ are being defined by users, and the aspects behind such understandings. Apparently, in the social media platform as Instagram, youth is in search for a sense of freedom and authenticity, where they could be free in expressing themselves. Thus, the motivation of having multiple accounts. However, findings in this research also indicate that certain standards have been created in the Instagram, that at some point to some extent have conditioned users to present themselves in certain ways.

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