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Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains
ISSN : 27745627     EISSN : 27471349     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Al-Fikru Journal is an Educational Journal published by the Zainul Hasan Genggong Islamic University (changed form from the Zainul Hasan Institute / INZAH) in 2020. This journal aims to publish and disseminate research results and studies on education. Articles published in journals are writings/articles resulting from thoughts and research results written by experts, scientists, practitioners, and reviewers in the disciplines of education and learning. The existence of the Al-Fikru journal is certainly very important in studying, enriching and developing various thoughts and theories. Research related to education and teaching, thus this journal will make a positive contribution in enriching the treasures of thought and development in education. Complete information for article loading and article writing instructions are available in each issue. This journal is published regularly twice a year, in April and December.
Articles 85 Documents
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (662.101 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.462


Education is a very important thing to improve, because through the education of the nation's generation that is qualified in terms of science and technology and imtaq can be formed. To improve the quality of education, the parties involved must also be constantly improved. One of the parties that plays a role in the world of education is the school supervisor. Quality school supervisors must have a large responsibility, always develop their profession, carry out the preparation of work methods and school supervision instruments, and have a clear work program in accordance with the stipulated provisions. Management of education supervisors is a strategic element in achieving educational goals. Both the purpose of education in the national, institutional, and also curricular context. Keywords: supervisor, education, and nation's generation
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (521.241 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.463


The Indonesian nation is facing a multidimensional crisis. From the results of studies of various disciplines and approaches, there seems to be a common view that all kinds of crises originate from moral or moral crises. This crisis is directly or indirectly, related to school or education issues. Research focus: (1) How to plan character education through student activities at Misbahul Hasan Andungsari Tiris Probolinggo MTs, (2) How to implement character education through student activities at Misbahul Hasan Andungsari Tiris Probolinggo MTs, and (3) How to evaluate character education through student activities at Misbahul Hasan Andungsari MTs Tiris Probolinggo. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis with steps of data reduction, data presentation and verification. The validity of the data uses triangulation of methods and sources. The results of the study show: (1) Planning for the implementation of character education through student activities in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Misbahul Hasan Andungsari Tiris Probolinggo is relatively in accordance with planning in management. At least three elements of planning have been fulfilled namely: Choosing a set of activities, Deciding what to do next, when, how and by whom. When the implementation has been determined, the people directly involved are also clear, so the planning is only to run. (2) The implementation of character education through student activities in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Misbahul Hasan Andungsari Tiris Probolinggo has been carried out according to applicable regulations, the madrasa head who has a model leadership in a hierarchy of needs has been able to move all components of the madrasa to consciously and responsibly jointly carry out their duties for the overall success of education., 3) Evaluation of character education through student activities in Tsanawiyah Madrasah Misbahul Hasan Andungsari Tiris Probolinggo has been relatively well underway. Evaluation developed by Madrasah Tsanawiyah Misbahul Hasan Andungsari Tiris. Keywords: Implementation of Character Education, Student Activities.
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (822.43 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.464


The truth of a science can truly be known. Truth is the culmination of the study of epistemology which boils down to metaphysics. The essence of a scientific truth is the compatibility of information, or theory with the reality of the object itself. In aspects of the metaphysical world and absolute reality transcendental, the truth parameter is the text of revelation (al-Qur'an and Hadith) whose meaning is known exactly according to the standard of Ijma 'and logic for the degree of "normal". The parameters of the truth of a science can be proven in the Qur'an, which contains various sciences whose absolute truth and authenticity cannot be doubted and have also given a special position to the Qur'an among other holy books. Keywords: Al-Qur'an, Science, Truth, Theory of Religion
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.376 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.467


Humans as the main actors on earth are equipped with a variety of potential that is not possessed by other creatures. This potential aside from being a medium to fulfill his duties as a caliph is also evidence of the manifestation of God. This paper examines the potential of humans as representatives of God on earth and their interactions with nature and God. Keyword: Human, Potential, Allah
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (708.996 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.468


Philosophy and Science are two words that are related substantially or historically. The birth of a science cannot be separated from the role of philosophy, on the contrary the development of science strengthens the existence of philosophy. Science is the largest component taught in all strata of education. Although years of studying science, scientific knowledge is not used as a reference in everyday life. Thinking is a human activity to find the truth. What is called true by someone is not necessarily true for others. Therefore we need a standard or truth criteria. One of the benchmarks of truth is to use a theory of Divine or religious truth. Natural phenomena do not stand without their relation and relevance to divine power. The nature of science in the Koran is a series of human activities with scientific procedures through observation, reasoning and intuition and contain values ​​of logic, aesthetics, wisdom, mercy and guidance for human life both in the world and in the future. The Koran contains many empirical values ​​and cues that are given knowledge both through written verses namely the Koran, as well as verses that are widely spread throughout the universe and their contents. Keywords: al-Qur'an, science, truth,
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.844 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.469


Philosophy of science which is a branch of philosophy, has a special object in its study, namely science. In re-establishing the meaning of science, the philosophy of science can be interpreted as a philosophical foundation that acts as the basic framework of science itself. According to the figure of Archie J. Bahm in his article What is science ?, there are six basic components that are fundamental in the building of science, including: problems, attitudes, use of scientific methods, activities, conclusions, and influences. Based on this information, the author's interest arises to outline his idea, how true the fundamental structure of science according to Archie John Bahm who throughout his description, always has a relationship with elements of humanity and also social. Keywords: structure, fundamentals, science.
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.29 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.470


The teacher is one of the educational staff who has a role as one of the determining factors for the success of educational goals, because the teacher is in direct contact with students, to provide guidance that will produce the expected graduate. Teachers are human resources who are planners, actors and determinants of achieving organizational goals. The teacher is the backbone in educational activities especially those related to teaching and learning activities, without the teacher's role the teaching and learning process will be disrupted or even failed. Therefore in the management of education the role of teachers must always be improved in order to produce quality human resources who are able to compete in the global era. The objectives of this study are: i) Determine the effect of compensation on work motivation; ii) Knowing the effect of supervision on work motivation; iii) Determine the effect of compensation on ASN performance; iv) Knowing the effect of supervision on ASN performance v) Knowing the effect of work motivation on ASN performance; vi) Determine the effect of compensation on ASN performance through work motivation; vii) Determine the effect of supervision on ASN performance through work motivation. This research is a quantitative study using a Likert scale. The sample used was the entire population of 32 certified ASN teachers. The statistical analysis used is path analysis, using SPSS 17. The results showed that: (i) Compensation did not significantly influence work motivation; (ii) Supervision has a significant effect on work motivation; (iii) Compensation has no significant effect on ASN performance; (iv) Supervision has a significant effect on ASN performance; (v) Work Motivation has a significant effect on ASN performance; (vi) Compensation does not significantly influence ASN performance through work motivation; (vii) Supervision has a significant effect on ASN performance through work motivation. Keyword: Likert scale, Path analysis
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1004.132 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.471


The industrial era 4.0 gave birth to a breakthrough for human life, namely technology that is able to serve human life. Technology is expected to replace the role of humans so that effectiveness in doing things increases and minimizes human error. But the development of technology will not be able to completely replace the role of humans, including in the field of education. The education process still requires a process of active interaction between people. The education process is one of the objectives in the teachings of Islam because it is included in the endeavor of al-aql, that's why education occupies an important position in the teachings of Islam. There are many root words that have educational meanings including: tarbiyah, ta'lim, and ta'dzib. All of these words have educational meanings but have the characteristics of different approaches, ranging from biological or moral approaches. Education has the meaning of developing and nurturing the potential of every child so they can grow optimally. This is because education is associated with something that is growing, both physically and logically. That's why the educational process requires active dialogue and communication between educators and students. Islam places education not only as a means to achieve worldly success in the form of material wealth but education in Islam seeks to strike a balance between science in general and religious knowledge, while prioritizing Aqeedah as a foundation in building knowledge for human life. Some traditions even verses of the Qur'an clearly teach about the importance of science and the educational process. Humans will get glory both in the world and in the hereafter if they take education and gain knowledge. Islamic education is defined as an educational process that is sourced from al-Qur'an and al-Hadith. This educational model does not only prioritize reasoning but also instills aqidah in the heart which is expected to be able to be implemented in daily life in the form of morals al-karimah. Keyword: Education, Islam, verses and hadith tarbawi
النظرة العامة إلى تدريس اللغة العربية التعريف -األهمية -األهداف -المستويات (بحث في طرائق تدريس اللغة العربية) Muhammad Sugianto
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1023.737 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.473


Language plays a very important role in human civilization. With language, humanity preserves the treasures of its turath, both religious and cultural. Arabic, for example, has played this role for centuries. Even religious factors are the most dominant factor in learning Arabic among non-Arabs. In general, learning Arabic for non-Arabs can be interpreted as an activity that is intentionally carried out by someone to help other individuals in communicating using Arabic which is of course different from the native language used by these individuals in communicating before. Arabic is a foreign language which is very important to learn. At the very least, this urgency can be seen through the religious (read: Islamic) side of Arabic, which is the language of the Qur'an and Hadith as well as tura> th Islam. In addition, millions of Muslims in the world pray in that language. Arabic is also an official language that can be used in United Nations (UN) forums. Learning Arabic for non-Arabs aims so that these students can speak Arabic as native Arabs, have linguistic knowledge, and Arabic culture. In learning Arabic, students are usually classified into three levels: mubtadi`, mutawassit} and mutaqaddim. Each of these levels has its own specifications that indicate their ability in the language and are not at all related to the level of formal academic studies being pursued. Keywords: Arabic learning, factors, urgency, level
أساليب تدريس اللغة العربية : تعليم االستماع وتعليم الكالم أساليب تدريس اللغة العربية: تعليم االستماع والكالم Moch. Yunus
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 (2020) APRIL
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.179 KB) | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v1i1.474


تعليم لغة ما يبدأ من تعليم االستماع ثم الكالم ثم القراءة ثمالكتابة، لذا أن مهارة االستماع هي مهارة أساسية لنيل بقيةالمهارات اللغوية األربع. وعلى المعلم اللغة أن يهتم بهذهالمهارة، لكن كثيرا من المدرسين ال يعرفون بأهميةالطريقة التعليمية فى عملية التعليم والتعلم. وبعضهميستخدمها الطريقة ال تتناسب مع أحوال الطلبة ومقتضىالمادة الدراسية، وبعضهم لم يتدرب عليها وال يؤمنبفائدتها. ومشكلة البحث هي عدم الطريقة الجيدة والجذابةالتى يستخدمها مدرس اللغة العربية حتى أن الطلبةيشعرون بالملل والسأم فى تعلمهم اللغة العربية. وطريقةمهًم وهي تعتبر القصة هي إحدى طرق التى تؤدي دو ًرا االطريقة التعليمية التى تستطيع أن تشجع الطلبة على التعلموتذهب مللهم وسأمهم عند التعلم.الكلمات األساسية :مهارة االستماع, مهارة الكالم