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Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies
ISSN : 28073738     EISSN : 2807341X     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies (UJAS) is the leading journal specializing in Arabic studies, published and funded by the Arabic Education Department, Postgraduate Program, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia twice in June and December, in a Bahasa, Arabic or English. Founded in 2021, UJAS seeks critically and theoretically engaged work at the forefront of the field, written for a global audience comprised of the specialist, the comparatist, and the student alike. UJAS publishes linguistic, literary, critical and historical studies as well as book reviews on Arabic studies broadly understood– classical and modern, written and oral, learning and teaching, poetry and prose, literary and colloquial, as well as work situated in comparative and interdisciplinary studie
Articles 32 Documents
Teknik, Metode Dan Ideologi Penerjemahan Arab-Indonesia Dalam Terjemahan Buku Manzhumah Al-Qawāid Al-Fiqhiyyah Karya Syeikh Abdurrahman Bin Nashir As-Sa’Diy Thalhah As Salafy
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.499 KB) | DOI: 10.32678/uktub.v1i2.5816


This research aims to: (1) describe the techniques of translation applied by the translator in the translation books Manzhumah Al-Qowaid Al-Fiqhiyyah, (2) describe the methods and ideology of translation applied by the translator in the translation books Manzhumah Al-Qowaid Al-Fiqhiyyah. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive qualitative method. The source of the data in the form of a translation of the book Manzhumah Al-Qowaid Al-Fiqhiyyah. The researcher assumes that in 49 bait nazham poems there are the application of translation techniques, methods, and ideologies in the form of word, phrase, clause, and sentence. Data analysis was done gradually; first, classifying translation techniques. Second, observing from the application results in the dominant translation technique than to determine the used translation method. Third, analyzing the translation ideology based on the technique result and method applied by the translator. The results of this study showed that there were 16 techniques of translation, of the 115 data which is applied by the translator in the translation of the book Manzhumah Al-Qowaid Al-Fiqhiyyah with the details of the 4 techniques oriented to the source language and 12 techniques oriented to the target language. Techniques that are oriented to the source language are 7 pure borrowings, 4 calke, 20 literal translation, and 5 naturalized borrowing. While the techniques are oriented to the target language are 32 addition, 12 transpositions, 6 descriptions, 5 reductions, 6 linguistic amplification, 4 compensation, 3 particularizations, 3 discursive creation, 3 establish equivalence, 2 adaptation, 2 modulations, 1 generalization. Based on these techniques, then there is a translation of the 36 data are oriented on the source language and the translation of the 78 data are oriented on the target language. The method of translation applied is a method that emphasizes the target language, namely the method of communicative translation. Based on these methods, the ideology that is applied is the ideology of domestication
Front Matter Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2021 Uktub Journal
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

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Cover Editorial Team Alamat Redaksi Daftar Isi
Aktualisasi Penggunaan Metode dan Pengembangan Materi Nahwu di Pondok Pesantren Salafi Al-Fathaniyyah Serang Mochamad Muizzuddin
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.097 KB) | DOI: 10.32678/uktub.v1i1.4448


The background of the problem of the number of students studying Nahwu material shows that the Nahwu learning method tends to memorize the Nazham verse and the development of Nahwu material which tends to be traditional and editorial which is not functional and not contextual. This study aims to make an inventory of the Nahwu learning method developed at the Al-Fathaniyyah Islamic boarding school in Serang and the development of the Nahwu material developed at the Al-Fathaniyyah Islamic boarding school in Serang. Identifying the Nahwu learning method used by the Nahwu instructor and the development of the Nahwu. a Nahwu learning material developed in the classroom for students at the Al-Fathaniyah Islamic boarding school. This research methodology used an expository survey approach. This approach is carried out to describe the Nahwu learning method used by Nahwu instructors at the Al-Fathaniyyah Islamic boarding school and the development of Nahwu material that is conveyed to students in receiving Nahwu material which can be meaningful to students and teacher. Data collection techniques were obtained from interviews and observations of researchers in the field. The results of the study found that the Nahwu learning method in the process of delivering the Nahwu material is the al-tharîqah al-qiyâsiyyah method (deductive method). The process of presenting Nahwu material with the books studied at the Al-Fathaniyyah Islamic boarding school includes Jurûmiyyah, Matan Binâ, Mutammimah, 'Awâmil, and Matan Alfiyyah. The Nahwu first, then followed by examples that can clarify the rules that have been learned. Meanwhile, the development of Nahwu material as the "substance" of Arabic. The Nahwu material that was studied was passed through memorizing the verses of the Nahwu rules, starting from the book Imrithî to Ibn Malik's Alfiyyah, which was still quite dominant, and the orientation of Qawa'id learning still tended to be traditional and reduction, not functional and not contextual.
Pengembangan Penilaian Pengetahuan Bahasa Arab Berbasis Test Objektif di Pusat Pendidikan Islam Muharrikun Najaah Rif’atul Fadhilah
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.763 KB) | DOI: 10.32678/uktub.v1i2.5817


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate and characterize: 1) Development of an assessment of Arabic knowledge that is applied to Arabic learning at the Muharrikun Najaah Islamic Education Center 2) The process of implementing an Arabic knowledge assessment at the Muhrrikun Najaah Islamic Education Center? This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, which is located at the Muharrikun Najaah Islamic Education Center, Klaten. Where in this case the researcher understands the phenomena that occur and to maintain the weakness of the data, the data collection techniques used are direct observation, interviews and documentation. The research subject is the principal, and the informants are students, and Arabic language teachers. And to test the reliability of the data using source triangulation, then analyzed with an interactive model Miles and Hubermant: Data collection, data boundaries, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the research conducted, it shows that: 1) Development of the Arabic Barasa knowledge assessment at PPIMN is carried out by assessing students not only in terms of attitudes but in terms of students’ knowledge in implementing what they have learned during the learning process in everyday life. -day, 2) The process of implementing knowledge assessment at the Muharrikun Najaah Islamic Education Center is carried out sequentially starting from planning, implementing, processing, and evaluating using various assessments.
Back Matter Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2021 Uktub Journal
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (125.971 KB)


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al-Furȗq fî al-Mȗrfîmât bayn al-‘Arabiyyah wa al-Injilîziyyah “al-Mȗrfîm (Mâ) al-‘Arabiy wa al-Injilîziy (what) Anmȗdhajan Lubna Farah Khan; Nuril Mufidah
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.062 KB) | DOI: 10.32678/uktub.v1i1.4758


This paper investigates Arabic and English morphemes with to identifying the similarities and differences between them. The differences between the two languages might be the main reason for making errors by Arab learners. It might help both teachers and learners to overcome these problems. By identifying the morphological differences between the two languages, teachers will determine how and what to teach, on the one hand, and students will know how and what to focus on when learning the target language, on the other. The Paper will shed light on phonological terms such as: "phonem, allophones, intonation, and accentuation" and their equivalents in English in order to identify the appropriate or opposing signs that affect the specificity of the sounds. We have followed the descriptive and analysis research methods. The results of study on morphemes have an interrogative and exclamatory function, and we find that the morpheme “what” is distinguished from the morpheme “ما”, which has other uses such as negation, infinitive, extra and accentuation.
Front Matter Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2021 Uktub Journal
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

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Uktub Journal Cover Editorial Team Editor's Address List of Contents
Mustalahat Nasyat Al-Tabkh Wa Al-Istifadah Minha Fi Tamniyati Al- Lughati Al-‘Arabiyah Lada At-Talibat Bi Ma’had Tahfiz Al-Yusro Leni Erliana; Muhammad Nanang Qosim
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.016 KB) | DOI: 10.32678/uktub.v1i2.5678


Terminology plays a very important role to develop the four skills needed in learning a language. Culinary world is often associated with women. The aim of this study is to try and to improve Arabic competency through culinary terms and to identify those terms. This study is a qualitative research, using library research to collect the data. The method used is descriptive method which allows the researcher to analyze the culinary terms. The first step taken was to write the meaning of the terms. The research found that the terms of culinary activities and their meanings from the Dictionary of Cooking Terms English-Arabic, can be divided into four parts; Seasoning and Vegetable vocabulary has 39 items, Fruit vacabulary has 19 items, Spices vacabulary has 22 items, and Cooking Tools have 26.this research also proved that culinary terms gave benefits for the students in improving their Arabic competency, through reading text, using theim preparing food recipes.
Metode Pengajaran Penerjemahan Bahasa Arab Muhammad Alang Wicaksono
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.188 KB) | DOI: 10.32678/uktub.v1i1.4937


Language is an arbitrary sound symbol system used by members of social groups to work together, communicate, and identify themselves. Cross-language communication in the form of translation in the era of globalization still exists, and tends to be increasingly important. In the teaching and learning process, especially in the field of language, one of which is teaching tarjamah, in fact, it is not a new thing in the world of education and teaching in the field of language. There is no exception for translation activities from Arabic to Indonesian or vice versa. This translation has a goal, namely to produce a translation work that can present the meaning closest to the meaning of the source language. However, in the teaching process, teachers often encounter various problems. These problems are in the form of Mufrodat, tarkib in Arabic as well as the social condition of the language concerned which is to be translated. Given these various problems, it is necessary to study the method of teaching tarjamah from Arabic to Indonesian or Indonesian to Arabic.
Back Matter Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2021 Uktub Journal
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : The Arabic Education Department Postgraduate Programs, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in Partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (125.971 KB)


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