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JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan adalah jurnal ilmiah nasional terbuka yang mengumpulkan diseminasi hasil khusus penelitian tindakan kelas/sekolah/best practice. JPPTK merupakan jurnal peer review terbitan PGRI (Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia) Kota Banjarbaru bekerjasama dengan MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) dan KKG (Kelompok Kerja Guru). Tujuan dari JPPTK adalah untuk memfasilitasi publikasi ilmiah hasil penelitian tindakan kelas/sekolah/best practice pada mata pelajaran SD/ MI, SMP/ MTs, SMA/ MA/ SMK/ SLB, dan PT di Indonesia dan turut serta meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas penelitian tindakan kelas/sekolah/best practice dari Mahasiswa, Guru, Kepala/Pengawas Sekolah, dan Dosen. JPPTK: terbit dua kali setahun, pada bulan Mei dan November.
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Articles 27 Documents
Peningkatan hasil belajar fisika pada materi keseimbangan benda melalui diskusi kelompok secara daring siswa kelas XI IPA-5 Yono Yono
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (971.883 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.22


Rendahnya hasil belajar matapelajaran fisik pada materi kesimbangan benda merupakan masalah utama dalam penelitian ini. Tujuan penelitian adalah meningkatkan hasil belajar matapelajaran fisika materi keseimbangan benda melalui diskusi kelompok secara daring siswa kelas XI IPA-5.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan mengikuti tahap perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa  kelas XI IPA-5 SMAN 1 Lumajang Jawa Timur yang terdiri dari 33 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes tertulis, analisis data menggunakan diskriptif kuanlitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, tes awal dari 33 siswa dengan nilai lebih dari dan sama dengan KKM sejumlah 8 siswa(24%), siklus I dari 33 siswa dengan nilai lebih dari dan sama dengan KKM sejumlah 15 siswa (45%), dan siklus II dari 33 siswa dengan nilai lebih dari dan sama dengan KKM sejumlah 22 siswa(67%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa  penggunaan metode diskusi kelompok secara daring dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar fisika  pada materi keseimbangan benda Kelas XI IPA-5 semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2021/2022 di SMA Negeri 1 Lumajang.
Perjuangan melayani kesempatan mengenyam pendidikan di pelosok Tanjung Lesung, Sintang, Kalimantan Barat Sainawati Sainawati; Y. Touvan Juni Samodra
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (988.318 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.25


Best Practice ini disusun atas dasar kerja nyata yang telah dilakukan selama bertahun tahun. Usaha untuk memberikan layanan pendidikan yang layak dari daereh terpencil merupakan usaha yang harus dimulai dari kesadaran akan pentingnya mendidik generasi yang akan dating. Kebutuhan akan adanya sekolah Di Desa Tanjung lesung, Sintang, Kalimantan Barat merupakan hal yang sangat penting. SD engeri 18 Lubuk Kedang memcoba untuk mengawali pendirian sekolah jauh agar melayani pendidikan terhadap masyarakat.  Sekolah jauh berdiri dengan bermodal dukungan masyarakat dengah hibah tanah dengan satu orang guru dan proses pembelajaran dilakukan di balai Desa. Terjadi lika liku selama sekolah jauh ini dilaksanakan sampai 7 tahun. Dukungan masyarakat, dewat adat, kepala dusun serta kepala desa menjadikan sekolah berkembang dengan baik. Akhirnya pada tahun 2020 sekolah jauh Tanjung Lesung di negerikan dengan SK nomor SK 55 Tahun 2020 termasuk dalam 10 sekolah lain yang statusnya dinegerikan. Dengan nama baru sekolah menjadi Sekolah Dasar Negeri 52 Tanjung Lesung.
Upaya peningkatan hasil belajar passing bawah permainan bola voli dengan metode kerja kelompok pada siswa kelas X Muhammad Thowil Makhis
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (776.337 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.29


Volleyball game lessons are in demand by most students because of their nature to play and compete. However, the reality on the ground is that there are still many obstacles encountered in the implementation of volleyball game learning. One alternative that can be used to solve these problems is the group work method. The group work method in physical education is a step in presenting lessons by means of students doing assignments in group situations under the guidance of the teacher. The purpose of this study was to determine the learning outcomes of the application of the group work method in students' learning of passing down the volleyball game. This research has a quantitative descriptive approach and is a Class Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this study were 40 students of class X MIPA 2 SMA Negeri Balung, Jember Regency. Data collection techniques with observation. The data analysis technique used in this research is triangulation. The results of the study stated that in cycle 1, students who scored B = 0%, C = 51% and D = 49%. In cycle 2 there is an increase in the value of B = 5%, the value of C = 60% and the value of D = 5%. While in the fourth cycle the value of D: 0%, the value of C = 5%. These results indicate that the application of the group work method is effective in improving student learning outcomes in the subject of passing down the volleyball game for class X SMA Negeri Balung, Jember Regency.
Peningkatan hasil belajar senam lantai guling ke depan dengan menggunakan media matras dan variasi pembelajaran pada siswa kelas X.1 Agus Sukaryono
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.604 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.115


Floor gymnastic roll-formward is one of the subject matter in Sports and Health Education which includes in KTSP. Therefore, floor gymnastics roll-forward is taught in every school. Based on the earlay observations in SMAN Kunir Lumajang on the teaching of Sports and Health Education on floorgymnastics subject matter at X.1 class, it appears that students are still difficult to study the movement of the floor gymnastics given by the teacher. Among difficulties experienced by students use the neck and not the head. The process is as they are having impact with the mat. Most of the students use the neck and not the head. The method used in this research is a class action research through three cycles. The subjects were researcher himself as a Sports and Health Education teacher and the students of X.I grade at SMAN Kunir Lumajang. The number of students in the class is 35 students. The conclusion that can be drawn through this study is a mattress medium and learning variety provided by the teacher can enhance the learning process and outcomes on floor gymnastics roll-forward at the students of X.1 grade of SMAN Kunir Lumajang.
Meningkatkan efektifitas pembelajaran praktik sistem kelistrikan power window melalui implementasi aplikasi autoplay modul interactive Syaiful Arif
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (878.273 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.117


Best practice pembuatan modul interaktif sistem power window melalui aplikasi autoPlay bertujuan untuk, 1) menyusun langkah langkah pembuatan modul interaktif, 2) mengetahui hasil uji coba penerapan modul interaktif di kelas XI dan 3) mengetahui efektifitas penerapan modul interaktif mata pelajaran praktikum Kelistrikan Otomotif. Pada tahap awal dilakukan identifikasi tujuan, analisis instruksional, karakteristik siswa, spesifikasi tujuan, pengembangan tes, dan strategi pembelajaran. Kemudian dilakukan penyusunan tes, pemilihan aplikasi media, pemilihan format, dan rancangan evaluasi formatif dan installasi perangkatnya. Pada tahap uji validasi terdiri dari ahli materi, ahli media, ahli bahasa, dan praktisi serta uji coba penerapannya kepada siswa. Hasil Validasi modul ditunjukkan oleh total skor yang diperoleh dari validator ahli materi dan ahli media dengan materi yang relevan sesuai kompetensi yang harus dikuasai peserta didik. Ketepatan penggunaan ejaan, ketepatan penggunaan istilah, isi materi jelas dan sistematis, mudah di pahami, dan efektifitas modul interaktif dapat dilihat dari hasil observasi dengan kriteria sangat baik. Modul interaktif praktikum sistem power window mendapatkan respon penilaian yang sangat baik yaitu sebesar 87,38%. Begitu juga penjabaran materi, menurut responden, penjabaran materi pada modul interaktif praktikum sistem power window mendapat penilaian 81,69% dengan kriteria sangat baik. oleh karena itu, pembelajaran menggunakan modul interaktif sangat menunjang efektifitas proses belajar mengajar.
Meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik guru non-kependidikan dalam penyusunan perencanaan pembelajaran melalui supervisi akademik Ahmad Basahil
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (996.132 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.118


Teachers as the spearhead of education and as determinants of success in printing quality human resources are required to have professionalism in carrying out their duties and functions as teaching staff. Teaching or teaching and learning process is basically a process that is arranged in such a way according to certain steps so that its implementation achieves the expected results. Every lesson plan is always related to projections or estimates of what will be done when carrying out teaching. The success of the implementation of learning must begin with careful planning. Therefore, the teacher's ability to make a good lesson plan (RPP) as part of the teaching planning process is absolutely owned by the teacher as a component that supports the implementation of effective teaching and learning activities so that learning objectives can be achieved perfectly. The main purpose of this school action research is to help improve the pedagogical competence of teachers at SDN Malay 2 Banjarmasin who do not have a teacher education background, in preparing learning plans that are in accordance with the competency standards of each lesson so that they can be used as references in the learning process so that participants students are able to achieve the minimum completeness criteria. The type of research used is school action research, consisting of action planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. The data collection technique uses classroom observation techniques. The results showed that there was an increase in the competence of non-educational teachers in preparing lesson plans.
Meningkatkan kemampuan guru menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif dalam pembelajaran melalui pendekatan supervisi klinis Ahmad Baihaqi
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (925.885 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.119


Quality learning in schools is an obligation for teachers in general, however, this is still not done optimally by teachers, and teachers have not been creative in using learning models and new approach techniques. The teacher only conveys the subject matter, lacks control over the condition of the students when learning takes place. The teachers in the average class have not empowered advanced teaching styles and art strategies. The purpose of this school action research is to find out the steps of clinical supervision of clinical supervision (clinical supervision) in improving the ability of teachers to use cooperative learning models at SDN Pemurus Luar 1 Banjarmasin and to determine the improvement of teachers' abilities using cooperative learning models at SDN Pemurus Luar 1 Banjarmasin through clinical supervision. The location for conducting this school action research is at SDN Pemurus Luar 1 Bajarmasin. The subject of this research is the sixth grade teacher. While the research time is planned from January 12 to March 25, 2019. The clinical supervision approach can improve the ability of teachers to use cooperative learning models at Pemurus Luar 1 Elementary School Banjarmasin, such as making academic administration completeness, the ability to create/use media, the ability to compose assessment instruments, the ability to make and develop lesson plans (RPP) well, and the ability to carry out varied learning such as cooperative learning methods. Guidance in clinical supervision carried out by the Principal is carried out from the preparation stage such as looking for problems faced by teachers, collecting data and information and planning activities in carrying out supervision, then the observation stage using observation sheets. The supervisor observes in detail the learning process to find out the teacher's weaknesses in class management and the cooperative method used in accordance with the previously agreed work contract and the final stage or reflection where the supervisor evaluates things that have happened during the observation and the entire cycle of the supervision process with the aim of improve teacher performance.
Meningkatkan hasil belajar pada tema diriku mengggunakan model pembelajaran make a match pada siswa kelas I Salmah Riani
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (878.704 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.120


My learning theme at SDN Alalak Tengah 2 Banjarmasin is still below the individual KKM of 70. For this reason, it needs to be overcome by using the make a match learning model. This study aims to determine the activities of teachers and students in learning by using the make a match learning model and to find out the improvement in the learning outcomes of class I students at SDN Alalak Tengah 2 Banjarmasin by using the make a match learning model. This research was carried out in 2 cycles with the steps of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Each cycle is carried out in two meetings. The setting of the research was carried out in class I at SDN Alalak Tengah 2 Banjarmasin, totaling 32 students. Data collection using observation sheets and tests. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, with indicators of success, namely an increase in teacher and student activities, as well as the achievement of individual and classical learning mastery. The results showed that learning activities increased from the first cycle with quite good criteria, in the second cycle it increased with very good criteria. Student activity experienced an increase in learning activity from being categorized as moderately active in the second cycle, increasing to the majority being very active. Classically, the 6 aspects observed also increased on average from cycle I to cycle II. Learning by using the make a match learning model can improve student learning outcomes. The conclusion of this study is that the teacher's activities in implementing the steps of the make a match learning model have met the criteria in the very good category. Student activities, both classical and individual, have met the criteria in the very active category. Student learning outcomes have met the criteria for completeness set both classically and individually.
Upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar sejarah kebudayaan Islam dengan menggunakan metode role playing Siti Aisyah
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (793.753 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.121


The world of education is experiencing developments in creating a young generation that is able to face globalization. Various efforts have been made to achieve the goals of education in Indonesia. One of them is making educational curricula, both at the level of Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior High School, General High School, and even Higher Education. One of the subjects that must be delivered to students is Islamic Religious Education (PAI). According to Suparno (2002), students who are active in the learning process are characterized by two activities, namely activities in thinking (minds on) and activities in doing (hands on). The real actions of students in learning are the result of the involvement of students' thinking in their learning activities. Thus the process of understanding students in conveying the material must be truly acceptable. Especially in PAI subjects. Because the scope of PAI there are three main learning points, namely faith, worship and Sufism. Meanwhile, at the elementary school level, the competencies include the Koran and Hadith, faith, worship, and Islamic Cultural History. Especially for class V, at this level PAI learning already contains in-depth Islamic religious material. Therefore, students are expected to always be able to understand and understand the material presented by the teacher. The research method is a method used by researchers in collecting research data (Ari Kunto 2006: 2). In accordance with the problem being studied, the type of research conducted by the researcher is in the form of classroom action research (CAR). CAR is a part of action research conducted by teachers in the classroom and aims to improve and improve the quality and quantity of the learning process in the classroom (Iskandar 2009: 20). Based on the results of research conducted at SDN SN Karang Mekar 1, Banjarmasin Timur District, Banjarmasin City, it can be concluded that the use of the Role Playing method can improve student learning outcomes in PAI subjects, especially in the material History of Islamic Culture in class V students at SDN SN Karang Mekar 1 East Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City 2018/2019 Academic Year.
Meningkatkan perkembangan bahasa anak menggunakan model talking stick siswa taman kanak-kanak kelompok A Rubaiyah Rubaiyah
JPPTK: Jurnal Pendidikan Pembelajaran & Penelitian Tindakan Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 2, November 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kota Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (772.606 KB) | DOI: 10.53813/jpptk.v1i2.122


This study aims to describe about improving children's language skills in speaking through the talking stick learning model. The research approach used is qualitative with the type of classroom action research. The research instrument is the researcher himself. Collecting data using interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis uses data collection, presentation, and verification involving teacher activities, children's activities and cognitive abilities. The results showed that through the talking stick learning model, children's language skills in speaking could improve. This type of research is classroom action research which is carried out in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of 2 meetings with 4 stages, namely planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. This research is located in Harapan Masa Kindergarten, South Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City. The data taken are in the form of direct practice and final results. The indicator of success in this study is if in the class 85% or more of the number of students get an average of and the average student activity is 75% or more of the number of students in the good category. Thus, it is concluded that the Talking Stick learning model can be used to improve student learning outcomes in group A. Therefore, it is recommended for further learning to use the Talking Stick learning model so that student learning outcomes increase

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