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Kolaborasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
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Jurnal Kolaborasi merupakan jurnal pengabdian masyarakat yang diterbitkan oleh Departemen Pengembangan Informasi dan Publikasi Yayasan inspirasi El-Burhani yang berkomitmen untuk mendiseminasikan hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat termasuk mahasiswa dan dosen. Terbitan kali ini fokus dengan topik-topik penyuluhan, pemberdayaan, pendampingan atau Pengembangan masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan.
Articles 130 Documents
Edukasi tentang Stunting pada Ibu Hamil dan Pasangan Produktif dibawah 35 Tahun Adi Nurapandi; Yuyun Rahayu; Ima Sukmawati; Nabil Ridla Firdaus
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Kolaborasi : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (867.174 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i2.82


Introduction: Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by a lack of nutritional intake for a long time. The survey proves that in 2019, 30 percent of Indonesian children under five were stunted. This condition can be caused by many aspects, from education to economic aspects. Stunting is very important to prevent because it will have an impact on the future of the child and is difficult to fix. One of the actions that can be taken is increasing knowledge about stunting to the community to reduce the incidence of stunting in the community. Objective: to provide education about stunting to pregnant women and productive couples under the age of 35 years in Cisaga District, Ciamis Regency. Method: The method in this activity is counseling, delivery using audio-visual and multimedia effects so that the material can be easily understood by educational participants. Result: The success of this service can be seen from the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of pregnant women and productive couples who play an active role in participating in activities and can answer evaluations of the material that has been delivered. Conclussion: The implementation of this service activity has been carried out smoothly, all participants can understand and are committed to implementing all the recommendations to prevent stunting.
Pemberdayaan Kader Posyandu untuk Pencegahan Risiko HIV/AIDS di Kecamatan Cimaragas Nida Solihatul Masruroh; Emilia Kartika Ana; Restu Sugiharti; Anggi Dwi Yulia; Dimas Irawan; Kiki Hamdani; Adi Nurapandi
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 3 (2022): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (952.835 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i3.83


Introduction: The existence of Posyandu in the community has a very large and important role, because it is related to the fulfillment of very important health needs for mothers and children. Health matters are a factor that has an important role to create high-quality human resources. HIV/AIDS is the seventh disease from the third health priority. Objective: Aims as a health promotion activity to provide knowledge to posyandu cadres through health education about preventing the risk of HIV/AIDS, in order to avoid the transmission and spread of HIV/AIDS. Metod: This study uses the method of health education on HIV/AIDS and the use of leaflet print media. This health education promotion was carried out at the Melati IV Posyandu in Totokan Village, Cimaragas District, Ciamis Regency, on March 21, 2022. By going through several stages, namely the selection of places and targets, preparation of facilities and infrastructure, implementation of activities, and finally evaluation. Result: The result of the implementation of this health education promotion is the implementation of health education regarding the prevention of the risk of HIV/AIDS in Cimaragas District, before being given counseling there were several respondents who knew about HIV/AIDS but did not understand the disease, but after being given the knowledge and ways to prevent it, it showed that respondents can understand the importance of preventing the risk of HIV/AIDS, Conclussion: The conclusion of the health education activities regarding the prevention of HIV/AIDS risk which was carried out to posyandu cadres in Cimaragas sub-district, could increase knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS risk prevention, this health education event ran smoothly.
Pencegahan Risiko Penularan HIV/AIDS dengan Kampanye “Stop Free Sex” Viyona Indah Permatasari; Moch Sandika Gustian; Ajeng Renata Tamara; Aris Firdaus; Usman Zakariya; Karin Setyawati
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 3 (2022): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (919.85 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i3.90


Introduction: Knowledge about HIV/AIDS among adolescents is very important in forming attitudes towards efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS transmission by avoiding risky behaviors such as free sex among adolescents. Free sexual acts are sexual acts that take place without restrictions, either as a single sexual relationship or with those who have sex without formal marriage according to the law and religion, beliefs of each person. Objective: This research is to shape the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents with targeted coaching Method: The community service participants were attended by all students of class X SMK Miftahussalam as many as 40 people. with the lecture method and question and answer the material provided includes: definition of HIV/AIDS and free sex, causal factors, impacts, and prevention of HIV/AIDS and free sex. Result: The result of this activity at SMK Miftahussalam is the implementation of health education regarding the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission by preventing free sex. Before being given counseling about HIV/AIDS and free sex, there were some students who did not understand the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention of free sex. However, after being given the material, students could understand what HIV/AIDS is and how to prevent it. Conclussion: The conclusion from community service activities at SMK Miftahusaalam can increase students' knowledge and understanding of the material that has been delivered. This activity is expected to be able to reduce the number of free sex incidents directly, and students can have a high awareness of the risks of HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention of free sex and avoid negative behaviors that damage their morals and reproductive health.
Edukasi Dini untuk Mencegah Penyimpangan Orientasi Seksual di SDN 2 Ciamis Dina Oktaviani; Nana Mulyana; Elia Mahamanah; Salsabila Alawiyah; Ana Helistiana; Billy Hapid Ziaulhaq; Nurul Aulia
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Kolaborasi : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1291.004 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i2.92


Introduction: The understanding of the children of SDN 2 Ciamis about sexual orientation deviations needs to be known and monitored. In today's era, children are generally attracted to the opposite sex. However, it is possible that children will have different sexual orientations. In this case, both parents are responsible for maintaining and guiding the child. The issue of sexual deviation has been the object of debate for quite a long time. After the emergence of a campaign carried out by the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) movement, this debate is increasingly visible. Objective: The purpose of this Community Service is to increase / increase knowledge from an early age to SDN 2 Ciamis students about sexual orientation deviations, and know what things should not be done to the opposite sex. Method: Before conducting Community Service, the team determines in advance the target that will be given Community Service. After selecting the target to be given Community Service, the team asked for permission from the school and made a time contract so that the activities could run without any obstacles. This activity was carried out at SDN 2 Ciamis. The method used in this activity is to tell the story of the Prophet Lut As followed by questions and answers. This activity lasts 45 minutes. The participants of the activity were grade 6 students at SDN 2 Ciamis. Result: The results of documented observations indicate an increase in the knowledge and insight of students at SDN 2 Ciamis. The pre-implementation evaluation showed that 7 out of 60 people responded to the questions given and could answer the questions correctly, but after community service, 30 out of 60 participants who gave feedback answered correctly and dared to come forward. Conclusion: Based on the evaluation results, community service activities to increase knowledge have been successful with individuals with indicators of timeliness and duration, participation, knowledge, and job descriptions. In the question and answer session/discussion, all participants enthusiastic to ask and answer and understand what is explained by the speaker. In the post-implementation evaluation session, participants answered what asked without hesitation. Results of observations showed an increase in participants' knowledge. The results of documented observations indicate an increase in the knowledge and insight of students at SDN 2 Ciamis. The pre-implementation evaluation showed that 7 out of 60 people responded to the questions and were able to answer the questions correctly, but after community service, 30 of the 60 participants who gave feedback answered correctly and dared to come forward to retell the story of the Prophet Lut. US This shows a change in the status of knowledge before and after the activity is carried out.
Edukasi Perilaku Seks pada Komunitas Remaja untuk Mencegah HIV/AIDS Nurzuhriyah Safitri; Shera Adya Pramitha; Eva Nafisa Mulyana; Syifa Rahma Fauziah; Koni Khoerunisa; Ghea Rizki Septanurisa; Dede Suhendi
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Kolaborasi : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1410.085 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i2.100


Introduction: Adolescents are a group that has a high risk of transmitting HIV/AIDS. Teenagers' associations are not effective in triggering an increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS, so teenagers have a great risk of transmitting HIV/AIDS. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are an important factor causing an increase in the transmission of HIV/AIDS. Objective: The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge, apply healthy living in order to know the dangers of HIV/AIDS to avoid the spread of bacteria and viruses in adolescents by following the rules set by health, so that adolescents are able to avoid risky behavior of HIV/AIDS. Method: Community service activities with the theme of Sexual Behavior Education in Adolescents use educational methods with the target of PMR Children. The procedure for the activity is carried out by distributing power points and then explaining about sex education for HIV/AIDS prevention. After explaining the material, evaluate the knowledge of adolescents about sexual behavior education with a question-answer session. Result: The results and discussion of this community service activity are the enthusiasm of the students in this activity with their enthusiasm and presence in participating in this health counseling activity. This activity aims as a medium in applying knowledge from students to teenagers at SMA Negeri 2 Ciamis. It is important for teenagers to increase their knowledge regarding sex education which causes sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Conclussion: The conclusion of community service activities regarding Sex Education that was carried out to PMR Members of SMA Negeri 2 Ciamis could increase knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases, sex education to prevent HIV/AIDS this event took place smoothly without any obstacles.
Peningkatan Pengetahuan tentang Bahaya HIV/AIDS dengan Permainan Kartu di Pondok Pesantren Firmansyah; Riska Ayu Nur Azizah; Ade Kustika; Ernawati; Sahrul Reza Husaeni; Siti Latifah; Adi Nurapandi
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Kolaborasi : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1269.597 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i2.101


Introduction: HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, the cause of the emergence of AIDS which will make it difficult for the human body to fight disease due to a weakened immune system. Every year new cases continue to be found and West Java occupies the fourth position with the most cases in Indonesia during 2020. Objective: to increase the knowledge of students about the dangers of HIV/AIDS and invite them to jointly prevent it Method: The activities carried out were pretest, educational card game, quiz discussion, and posttest. This game uses card media consisting of 36 cards for two groups, each group gets 18 cards. The cards consist of 6 quiz cards, 6 correct answer cards, and 6 wrong answer cards. The quiz on the card is a quiz about HIV/AIDS. Then all participants are invited one by one to come forward to take a quiz card and look for the right answer card within 10 seconds. Result: The knowledge of the students of the Al-Hasan Islamic Boarding School has increased with the implementation of community service programs through the media of this card game. Where almost all correspondents can answer the quiz correctly after playing the game. They can find out more about what HIV/AIDS is, so that they can prevent the occurrence of HIV/AIDS in their surrounding environment. Conclusion:  This educational card game can increase the knowledge of students who are still lacking about HIV/AIDS. With a fun method they can better understand and know how to respond to HIV/AIDS.
Edukasi Resiko Penularan HIV/AIDS pada Ibu Rumah Tangga dan Lansia Lingga Bullan; Widiyawati; Rika Permatasari; Siti Robiah Adawiah; Vina Novia Herdianti; Zakariya Adam; Silvia Yusantari
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 3 (2022): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1065.226 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i3.105


Introduction: Human immunity can be damaged by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), usually the virus is found in white blood cells in human body fluids. And AIDS is the presence of signs and symptoms due to the inability of the body's defense system. Objective: In the final process of counseling about the risk of transmitting HIV/AIDS to the elderly (elderly) and housewives, we hope that the people who are given education or counseling can understand about this disease so that they can expand their knowledge, especially among children/adolescents. Method: This counseling activity was carried out in collaboration between S1 Nursing students and the community of Margasari village, Limus hamlet, Sukajadi village, Sadananya sub-district which had several strategies, namely planning, implementation and evaluation. One of the planning activities is seen from the analysis of the number of people in the counseling. To housewives, the elderly, and the benchmark for the extent of public knowledge about the risk of disease transmission of HIV/AIDS. Result: The results of the research in Margasari village, Limus hamlet, Sukajadi village, Sadananya sub-district showed that housewives and the elderly did not understand about HIV/AIDS before counseling, after counseling the community could understand the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission. Conclussion: A conclusion was drawn based on the results of the counseling that the observators succeeded in providing education about the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission with success indicators in the form of questions and answers and questions from the audience could be answered by the observators. Extension activities are also well planned and implemented with indicators of material presentation, timeliness, and completeness.
Spiritual Care pada Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) untuk Mencegah Persepsi Citra Diri Negatif Tia Setiani; Eneng Linda Andriyan; Dewi Fitriani; Rahmania Abdan; Fany Syarifah Mudaim; Intan Niki Widyanisya; Iqmal Noor Alwadhy
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 3 (2022): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1374.98 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i3.111


Introduction: Prevent the perception of negative self-image in people lived with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and increase positive self-image. The method used is by providing education through the Telenursing method. The final result achieved in this community service is to prevent the perception of negative self-image in PLWHA. Objective: Implementation of spiritual care for PLWHA to prevent the perception of negative self-image. Method: This community service uses an educational method that is carried out by telenursing. Researchers used observation sheets as a pre-implementation evaluation in the form of a scale of knowledge, perceptions, beliefs, moral views, beliefs, and attitudes. Telenursing is the use of technology as a method of providing long-distance health services so that patients and nurses do not need to meet face-to-face. This community service research is divided into 4 stages. Namely Environmental surveys and targets, Preparation of facilities and infrastructure, Implementation of community service education, and Evaluation. This activity was attended by 10 respondents under the auspices of the association of HIV/AIDS prevention activities in Ciamis Regency. Result: The results of spiritual care for PLWHA to prevent the perception of negative self-image as a form of implementing community service for 10 PLHAs in the Ciamis district show that it does not provide significant results because there are other inhibiting factors such as support and negative community stigma in the community. people living with HIV. Conclussion: Spiritual care has a positive impact on various parties, especially people with HIV/AIDS. Improved self-image is not only created from internal factors but must also be supported by various parties. Community service activities held regarding spiritual care for people with HIV/AIDS to prevent the perception of a negative self-image received a good response from PLWHA.
Pelatihan Kader Sebaya Anti Narkoba untuk Pencegahan HIV/AIDS di Pondok Pesantren Manarul Huda Alin Layinatunnisa; Teni Andriani; Intan Monica; Yova Syahril Maulana; Rizal Darojatun Iman; Gilang Ramadhan; Amnah Rizkiyani
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 3 (2022): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (843.586 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i3.112


Introduction: In addition to being experts in moral and spiritual development, it is hoped that students and boarding school administrators are experts in health development and can become motivators and innovators in improving health status. Having a varied culture because it comes from various regions in Indonesia, is one of the risk factors for smoking behavior which is the entry point for drug abuse. Health problems such as scabies, malnutrition, homosexuality and the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS are often found among students and still need attention. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of counseling and training of anti-drug peer cadres to prevent the transmission or spread of HIV/AIDS in Islamic boarding schools. It is hoped that after the implementation of this community service, the students can become peer cadres who are able to think, be responsible, behave and act positively. Method: This activity was carried out using lecture and question and answer methods as well as leaflet print media. opened with an introductory greeting, conveying the goals, objectives and contracts for community service. Before discussing the material, it is necessary to explore the knowledge of the students. Result: After being given counseling, 92.8% of participants understood that they were able to explain again about the causes, principles and modes of transmission of HIV/AIDS during the evaluation. Then 7.2% still do not fully understand the material presented. These results indicate that there is an increase in knowledge and a change in views towards PLWHA. Conclussion: The implementation of the community service activity “Training Peer Cardes Anti-Drugs at the Manarul Huda Ciamis Boarding School” has been carried out and been well received. In practice, the participants gave a positive response by listening to the explanations of the presenters and actively asking questions about the material presented.
Dukungan Mental dan Psikososial pada Remaja dengan Orang Tua Broken Home Indari; Dian Pitaloka Priasmoro; Efti Dio Fatma; Vera Puspita
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 3 (2022): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (919.362 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i3.124


Introduction: Broken home families are an unfavorable condition and can cause disruption of adolescent development and can lead to juvenile delinquency and psychological disorders such as stress, anxiety, and depression. This phenomenon can certainly have a detrimental impact on adolescents if not treated immediately. Objective: The potential for mental health problems or juvenile delinquency will increase if no efforts are made. The provision of mental health and psychosocial support to adolescents who experience a broken home is expected to provide an intervention so that adolescents do not experience health problems, especially in their mental state. Method: The method used in this service is the first to conduct mental health screening on broken home adolescents using SRQ 29, then the service team provides education about broken homes and education about psychosocial disorders in adolescents. The next stage is that the youth and the team carry out Mind fullness Sharia Islam (MSI). Service activities were carried out using Zoom meetings due to the Covid 19 Pandemic conditions. The last activity carried out was to evaluate the emotional mental health of adolescents using SRQ 29. Results: The results of the screening with SRQ showed that 21 adolescents experienced psychosocial disorders, namely 13 adolescents experienced anxiety, 7 adolescents experienced PTSD and one teenager experienced drugs. After educating and giving MSI, adolescents understand about broken homes and additions, characteristics of psychosocial disorders and have strengths after MSI is done. Conclusion: Based on the results above, it is hoped that support for broken home teenagers can be given with positive activities and appropriate interventions.

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