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EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
ISSN : 2808358X     EISSN : 28090632     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Focus and Scope Jurnal adalah 1. Administrasi Pendidikan 2. Bimbingan dan Konseling 3. Pendidikan Luar Biasa 4. Pendidikan Luar Sekolah 5. Teknologi Pendidikan 6. Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Articles 67 Documents
Meningkatan Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak Melalui Permainan Tradisional Kucing Dan Tikus Halimatus Zahroh; Kartini Marzuki; Susilawati Susilawati
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 1 Nomor 4 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v1i4.27245


Based on the results of observations that have been made by researchers in group A of Tunas Harapan kindergarten Kertagena Look. There are several problems related to hard motoric skills that are still not optimal because children are not free to explore, and hard motoric skills are still limited, as in gymnastics movements and static learning methods. Therefore, efforts are being made to optimize children's hard motoric skills through traditional cat and mouse games. This research is the type of classroom action research with the form of research used is qualitative and quantitative. The study can be called successful because five children are in the Very Good Development criteria (80%), three children are in the 68.25% percentage included in the Developing As Expected criteria, and two children are in the 50% percentage entering the Starting to Develop standards. The average rate of hard motoric skills of children in Group A of Tunas Harapan Kindergarten is said to be successful because the researchers set indicators of success in the assessment criteria for Developing According to Expectations (70%). Based on the results of the research carried out, it can be concluded that the use of traditional cat and mouse games can improve the hard motoric skills of group A of Tunas Harapan kindergarten Kertagena Look.  
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Motivasi Aulia Reski Novianti Alnisyar; Muh Ardiansyah; Andi Wahed
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 1 Nomor 4 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v1i4.35920


This study examines the influence of leadership style on motivation. The research method used in this study is quantitative located at SMA Se, Tamalate District, Makassar City. This type of research is ex-post facto with a total sample of 56 teachers determined by the Random Sampling technique. The instrument used was in the form of a questionnaire with teacher respondents. Data collection tools using questionnaires, data analysis techniques using Descriptive analysis and Inferential analysis. The results showed that (1) The description of the leadership style at the Tamalate High School in Makassar City was more influential on the leadership style of the democratic school principal; (2) The description of motivation in high schools in Tamalate Subdistrict, Makassar City, has more influence on the work motivation of external teachers; (3) There is a significant positive influence between leadership style and motivation in high schools in Tamalate District, Makassar City. The results of the study on simple regression analysis describe the two variables into the regression equation Y = 39.168 + 0.340X. For the t test, a calculation of 2.656 > ttabel 2.004 and the probility (sig) was obtained, it turned out to be 0.010 < 0.05 which means ho is rejected and ha is accepted in other words the leadership style has a significant effect on motivation and for the coefficient of determination known from the R Square value of ,116 this means the simultaneous influence of variable X on variable Y by 11.6% while the remaining 88.4% is influenced by other variables that are not included in this research model.  
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Anak Mengenal Huruf Melalui Kegiatan Bermain Plastisin Ratna Dewi; Muhammad Akil Musi; Andi Syahriah
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 1 Nomor 4 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v1i4.27183


This study aimed to describe the child's ability to recognize letters before and after being given plasticine playing activities. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR). This research was carried out in two cycles, and the subjects in this study were group B in TK LKMD Watondo, totaling 16 people. Based on the results of data analysis in the first cycle of 8 aspects, the percentage of achievement reached 57%, while in the second cycle, it increased from 28% to 85%. Thus, it can be concluded that the increase in the ability of children to recognize letters in group B TK LKMD Watondo can be improved through plasticine playing activities.  
Implementasi Budaya Madrasah Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Karakter Khairul Ihsan Arif; Ansar Ansar; Muh Ardiansyah
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 1 Nomor 4 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v1i4.35895


This research examines the implementation of madrasah culture from the perspective of character education in Madrasah through structural and cultural approaches. This study aims to discover and describe the performance of madrasa culture from the perspective of character education. This research approach is qualitative with a phenomenological type of research. This research was carried out at madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 3 Luwu. The data sources in this study are the head of the madrasa, the curriculum coordinator, and the teacher—data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. I was checking the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The results showed that the values of character education are integrated from various structural aspects. The use of structural-functional elements in organizing character education is an effort to supervise and guide the development of madrasah culture, in this case, related to the internalization of character education values towards madrasah residents, especially on the object of education, namely students. The implementation of madrasah culture in the perspective of character education through a cultural approach which includes the behavior of madrasah residents, traditions, daily habits, and cultural symbols, can also be said to be in line with the formulation of the vision, mission, and goals of the madrasa or with the madrasah's efforts in building a positive culture. The behavior of madrasah residents has been applied to the values of character education cultivated due to integration into every daily activity and tradition of madrasah residents through habituation efforts. In addition, madrasah culture in the perspective of character education is also found in cultural results, which become symbols in the form of the arrangement of buildings and classrooms and the uniform clothes of madrasah residents.  
Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bercerita Melalui Media Gambar Seri Pada Anak Kelompok B Rismawati Rismawati; Bastiana Bastiana; Ramlah Ramlah
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 1 Nomor 4 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v1i4.26703


This study aims to determine the improvement of the speech skills of kindergarten students in terms of telling stories or responding to teacher questions. In this case, the child's ability is lacking due to the teacher's lack of stimulus, the image media used by the teacher is less attractive and not varied, or the child's environment is less supportive. The research was carried out at the Sulawesi Kindergarten which is located at jalan tupai no.98 kelurahan labuang baji, mamajang district Makassar. It was carried out in group B with 14 children divided into eight boys and six girls. The problem-solving in group B is carried out using the media of a series of images made by the teacher. The objective is to (a) describe the use of illustrated media and (b) describe the increase in children's speaking activities, especially storytelling through image media. (c) present the results of improving children's speaking skills, especially in terms of storytelling, after learning with series image media, Data collection using learning and observation results. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. And obtained an average score, in cycle I, the ability to speak and respond to children was 28.87%, cycle II became 57.14%, and in the third cycle, it became 64.26%. From the results of these percentages, series image media can improve children's participation skills with the support of varied and exciting methods and involve children in each activity.  
Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Melalui Metode Projeck Based Learning dengan Media Loosepart Sulastini Sulastini; Wahira Wahira; Kahrul Alam
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 2 Nomor 1 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v2i1.27273


The purpose of this study is to find out the Increase in Interest in Learning Through the Project Based Learning Method With Loosepart Media group B IN TK-ALHALIIM pademawu. The research method is class action research, with the subject of the study being students of TK Al-Haliim totals of 15 children. Data collection is carried out by observation and the results of children's work when carrying out activities. The data collected will be analyzed using a correlation of product moments with a quantitative approach. Based on the results of the hypothesis, it was found that 0% of children in the undeveloped category, 6.6% began to develop, 3,3 developed as expected, and 80% of children in the category of developing very well, meaning that there was an influence on the application of based learning methods on children's interest in completing learning activities.
Penerapan Manajemen Peserta Didik Melalui Pemberian Reward Di Sekolah Dasar Kota Makassar Herlina Triyanti; Andi Nurochmah; Irmawati Irmawati
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 2 Nomor 1 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v2i1.35896


The purpose of this study was to determine the application of student management in giving rewards at MakassarCityElementarySchool. Thisstudyusedaqualitativeapproachwithadescriptivetype,datacollectionthroughinterviews,observation,anddocumentation.Thesubjectsofthestudywerefour teachers and eight students. The results showed that student management in giving rewards was: 1) The results showed that elementary school students in Makassar City had rewards, interest in learning, readiness to learn, learning attention, learning achievement, learning perseverance; and tenacious in the face of difficulties, namely experiencing improvements in the learning process, 2) Supporting factors for rewarding are supported from teachers, the responses shown by students during and after receiving rewards, and students' desire to achieve other achievements. 3) The inhibiting factors in the implementation of rewarding are a large number of students, the preparation of equipment in giving rewards such as achievement stars, achievement boards, and also award charters), and the limitations of teachers in making observations so that they are not observant. There are also no guidelines used in giving rewards in the form of award certificates to students.
Media Kotak Misteri Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Anak TK Ulfatun Ni&#039;mah; Syamsiah D Syamsiah D; Andi Mardiana
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 2 Nomor 1 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v2i1.27211


The researcher aims to improve children's cognitive abilities before and after the mystery box media is applied and to determine whether there is an influence of mystery box media on the skills of group B children of Dharma Wanita Tenggong Kindergarten, Rejotangan District, Tulungagung Regency. By using a quantitative approach with a Quasi Experiment Design type of research. The subjects in this study were group B at Dharma Wanita Tenggong Kindergarten, Rejotangan District, Tulungagung Regency, which consisted of 15 children consisting of 6 boys and nine girls. Based on the results of the application of mystery box media in the first cycle, children's cognitive abilities reached 67%. The use of mystery box media continued in the second cycle; children's cognitive skills got 93%, meaning that there was an influence of mystery box media variables on the cognitive abilities of group B children in Dharma Wanita Tenggong Kindergarten. Rejotangan District, Tulungagung Regency.
Pelaksanaan Supervisi Kepala Sekolah Di SMP Kristen Elim Makassar Diana Padang Allo; Ismail Tolla; Ansar Ansar
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 2 Nomor 1 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v2i1.38456


AbstractThe purpose of this study is 1) to find out the picture of the implementation of the principal's academic supervision and 2) to find out the supporting factors and inhibiting factors for implementing the principal's academic supervision. This research approach is qualitative. The data sources in this study are principals and teachers of the field of study. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis through data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of this study show that the implementation of academic supervision carried out by the principal first carried out the planning process, such as making learning tools (syllabus and rpp), supervision schedules, supervision instruments, supervision techniques, guiding teachers in carrying out learning activities in class or the field, determining the plan for the implementation of supervision and making a supervision format. The principal informs all teachers to prepare all that will be supervised. The implementation of supervision begins with data collection to find various shortcomings and weaknesses of teachers, carried out at the end of the semester, after the midterm exam. The follow-up to the implementation of the principal's supervision is to guide teachers to improve learning by providing examples, discussions, training, and consultations. Supporting factors are the readiness of teachers to receive guidance, the willingness of teachers to participate in supervision, and inhibiting factors, namely, teachers who do not prepare themselves, and all administrative components become obstacles in the implementation of academic supervision
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Melalui Bermain Kartu Angka Kelompok A Siti Nurjanah; Nurhaedah Nurhaedah; Rahmatiah Rahmatiah
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 2 Nomor 1 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/edustudent.v2i1.27066


This study aims to find out a picture of children's cognitive abilities in recognizing symbols and concepts of numbers 1-10 before and after being given the treatment of Number Card media and to find out whether there is an influence of Number Card media on the ability to recognize symbols and number concepts of children in group A TK Pembina Al-fadhilah. The subjects in this study were group A in Pembina Al-fadhilah Kindergarten, totaling 16 children. The method used is class action research in 3 cycles. Each cycle consists of four phases; planning, execution, observation, and reflection. Based on the results of the study show that with the card playing method, the number can improve children's cognitive abilities, as evidenced by an increase in assessment from pre-cycle, which is only 33.3%, increased in cycle I to 37.5%, in cycle II 62.5%, and in cycle III 87.5%.