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FX. Kurniawan Dwi Madyo Utomo
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Jl. Terusan Rajabasa 2
ISSN : 08530726     EISSN : 27745422     DOI : 10.35312/forum.v51i1
FORUM focuses on philosophical and theological studies based on library studies and field research. Philosophical and theological reflections should present a systematic effort to explore new ways of doing philosophy and theology
Articles 45 Documents
Lingkungan sebagai Anggota Gereja yang Tersamar (Sebuah Refleksi Eklesiologi Kontekstual William Chang Terhadap Gereja Ekologis) Vincentius Yossy Kareli
Forum Vol 51 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v51i2.457


Terminologi “Gereja” memiliki dua arti yakni sebagai sebuah gedung atau bangunan dan sebagai persekutuan umat beriman. Sebagai sebuah gedung, Gereja memiliki beragam rupa wajah tergantung di mana ia dibangun. Gereja di kota-kota besar sungguh berbeda dengan yang ada di pedalaman hutan, tepi pantai, dan tempat-tempat yang masih mengalami keterbatasan pembangunan. Paus Fransiskus, dalam Laudato Si, mengajak umat beriman untuk kembali menaruh perhatian sungguh pada alam lingkungan hidup. Gereja di kota-kota besar yang menggunakan pendingin ruangan dan konsumsi listrik hampir menyamai mal turut menyeruakan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup tanpa mengalihkan konsumsi sumber daya gedung kepada alternatif penghijauan yang bisa membuat Gereja tetap nyaman dijadikan tempat doa. Sedangkan Gereja-gereja di pedalaman yang sangat ‘menyatu dengan alam’, kerap dianggap sebagai sebuah keprihatinan yang membutuhkan bantuan materiil segera. Definisi kata “layak” menjadi perbincangan atas dua fenomena tersebut. Persoalan tersebut akan dijawab dengan menggunakan studi pustaka dan perbandingan literasi dengan menggunakan pemikiran William Chang tentang eco-theology dan moral lingkungan hidup. Temuan-temuan yang didapat dalam tulisan ini adalah bahwa paradigma kedudukan manusia dalam alam semesta harus berubah dari antroposentrisme ke universalisme alam ciptaan, edukasi deep ecology menjadi prioritas utama umat kristiani dalam berelasi dengan lingkungan hidup, dan relasi Allah Tritunggal menjadi rujukan relasi triniter dari Manusia-Allah-Alam.
Menjadi Solider Seturut Etika Ironis Liberal Richard Rorty Agustinus Tamtama Putra
Forum Vol 51 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v51i2.475


This paper describes contextual ethical views in life as far as humans. The enforcement of justice demands term and conditions that allow its realization. Richard Rorty's idea of an ironic liberal ethic may become an embryo that can structure and shape justice as part of solidarity. The ethic of ironic liberal guides a person not to absolute his views, but to be open to the truth from others. Freedom is upheld as long as it does not cause cruelty to others because cruelty is the worst thing a human being can do. The open and free attitude that is the spirit of the liberal ironist is at odds with the metaphysics. The metaphysics are still looking for a basis for ethical conduct, while the liberal ironists believe that these various foundations are the root of all cruelty in society. By being ironically liberal, of course one becomes just by itself.
Pasien Positif Covid-19 sebagai Liyan dalam Perspektif Etika Sartre Bonivasius Korain; Yohanes Batista Abi
Forum Vol 52 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v52i1.478


The theme of this research is "Covid-19 Patients as Lyan in Sartre's Perspective." This research was born from the struggle of researchers over the fact that in the current pandemic period, a lot of unfair behavior appears and undermines life with the community. This unfair behavior is especially experienced by Covid-19 patients in Malang. In this study, researchers want to conduct a comparative study of dehumanizing behavior towards Covid-19 patients in Malang in Sartrean Ethics. The methodology used in this research is qualitative research with field research. The theoretical basis in this study is the Lyan concept in Jean Paul Sartre's ethics which is compared with the dehumidification behavior of Covid-19 patients in Malang. The research data were obtained through interviews with three research subjects and supported by several realities from supporting sources. This study found that Covid-19 patients had been used as Other by members of the public. Covid-19 patients are referred to as other because they often receive dehumanizing treatment from the community. Their families are also often treated unfairly by being expelled, berated, and humiliated even though they are part of the local community, and they are not Covid-19 patients either.
Cinta Kasih Refleksi Kritis Atas Intoleransi Kehidupan Beragama Di Indonesia Dari Konsep Cinta Kasih Søren A. Kierkegaard Rikhardus Poli; Robertus Wijanarko
Forum Vol 52 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v52i1.504


This study focuses on exploring the concept of love according to Soren Kierkegaard's thoughts as a symbol of faith in the midst of the outbreak of religious discrimination in Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to understand the concept of love according to Soren Kierkegaard and its relevance for religious discrimination that often occurs in Indonesia. Discrimination is common in religious life. The reason is because religion tends to be seen from the building and its rites. The religion that actually contains the values of goodness, truth and the highest value of love is narrowed in meaning. Values whose meaning is very positive and contained in the Scriptures of every religion have narrowed meanings. Religion as a place where the value of love grows is finally sacrificed due to the narrow understanding of its adherents. Soren Kierkegaard gives a very deep understanding of love. This philosopher of existentialism posits about the stages of human life, namely the aesthetic stage, the ethical stage and the religious stage. The concept of love also undergoes changes as human life progresses according to the three stages of human life. The author uses a phenomelogical approach and uses literature studies in completing this paper. According to the author, the concept of love in Kierkegaard's thinking provides the right relevance to the outbreak of religious discrimination that occurred in Indonesia.
Keutamaan Menurut Alasdair Macintyre: Keutamaan dalam Konteks Dimensi Biologis Manusia, Kerentanan, Kebergantungan dan Perkembangan Optimal Manusia Ardhi Purwoko
Forum Vol 52 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v52i1.512


MacIntyre melihat bahwa dimensi biologis manusia perlu diperhatikan jika ingin melakukan penyelidikan tentang moral. Tulisan ini pertama-tama bermaksud untuk menjelaskan ada tiga hal yang perlu diperhatikan jika ingin melakukan penyelidikan tentang moral. Tiga hal itu adalah fakta kerentanan, kebergantungan dan manusia dengan tubuh hewaninya. Kemudian akan dikaji jenis keutamaan seperti apa, yang di satu sisi, dapat mengatasi kerentanan, lalu, di sisi yang lain, dapat menjaga kebergantungannya serta sekaligus menolong manusia untuk mencapai perkembangan optimalnya. Terakhir, sebuah evaluasi singkat akan diberikan terhadap pemikiran MacIntyre mengenai keutamaan yang berkaitan dengan fakta kerentanan dan kebergantungan. Dalam artikel ini akan ditunjukkan bahwa manusia membutuhkan dua jenis keutamaan untuk mengatasi kerentanan, menjaga kebergantungan dan sekaligus membantunya mencapai pertumbuhan optimal. Keutamaan itu adalah, di satu sisi, keutamaan seperti yang diusulkan oleh MacIntyre yaitu keutamaan mengakui kebergantungannya, tetapi, di sisi yang lain, manusia membutuhkan keutamaan kerendahan hati.
Panggilan Gereja dalam Realitas Ketidakadilan di Indonesia Kurniawan Madyo Utomo
Forum Vol 52 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v52i1.538


The issue of injustice (corruption, buying and selling legal cases, welfare for the poor, etc.) that causes people to suffer still frequently occurs in Indonesia. In a life of faith, faith must be revealed through actions that bring justice and love to those who are suffering. The purpose of this research is to answer questions about how Christians live out their faith and how the Church manifests the presence of God in the reality of injustice. The method used in this research is qualitative, employing literature studies. Church documents and the thoughts of theologians discussing the Church's calling in the midst of the reality of injustice are examined using critical discourse analysis. The results of this research show that in the midst of the reality of injustice, the Church must present itself as a sacrament of God’s presence that desires human beings to live. It must restore the dignity of both the victims and perpetrators of injustice. It also needs to engage in dialogue and collaboration with people of other religions to address the issue of injustice.
Canon Law as the Universal Law of the Catholic Church and the Proper Laws of Institutes of Consecrated Life Yohanes Wilson Bei Lena Meo
Forum Vol 52 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v52i1.541


The course on particular law concerning the specification, complement and adaptation of universal law, has as its objective to show the importance of particular law through the specificity of ecclesial law both in its theological foundations and in its application in various juridical fields. One of the topics discussed in the course is about the relationship between universal and the particular law of the institutes of consecrated life. The aim of this paper is to considered the topic. This article will be divided into sections covering the important principles in relating universal law to the particular law of consecrated life.
Reksa Pastoral Care Elaborasi Pendekatan Holistik bagi Pendampingan Lanjut Usia Martinus Irwan Yulius
Forum Vol 52 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v52i1.545


One of the church's attention and concern in pastoral work is pastoral care. Pastoral care becomes an integral part of the church's mission in proclaiming God's work of salvation. Pastoral care within the framework of caring for the souls of the faithful is carried out in different contexts based on the age, situation, and needs of the people. One of the works that the church has been engaged in is pastoral care for the elderly people. These elderly people have different and special characters, situations and needs. The purpose of this research is how to pay attention to all dimensions of life (biopsychosociospiritual) in assisting the elderly. The research method used in this research is literature study; This elaboration will be complemented by data and facts taken from existing studies on this area of study. The results of this study show several practical steps that can be taken to provide integral assistance to elderly people.
Penerapan Pendidikan Teknologi Menurut Yuval Noah Harari di Indonesia Vincentius Yossy Kareli; Kurniawan Dwi Madyo Utomo
Forum Vol 52 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v52i2.559


Pendidikan termasuk dalam bidang pembinaan sentral manusia. Manusia telah memasuki dunia pendidikan sedari ia lahir hingga menjelang kematiannya. Pendidikan adalah salah satu upaya bagi manusia untuk mewujudkan eksistensinya di dunia. Pendidikan abad 21 tengah diwarnai dengan banyak kemajuan teknologi yang juga memberi dampak tersendiri bagi pendidikan dan usaha realisasi eksistensi peserta didik. Lembaga pendidikan dari semua jenjang perlu memperhatikan fakta tersebut supaya mampu merancang peta pendidikan yang tepat guna dan menghasilkan generasi yang mampu beradaptasi di era disrupsi teknologi. Dalam penelitian ini penulis memaparkan secara ringkas pendidikan teknologi menurut Yuval Noah Harari dan penerapannya di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur, dengan menggunakan sumber-sumber relevan dan kredibel seperti buku, jurnal, dan media massa elektronik. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pendidikan teknologi menurut Harari berfokus pada pembinaan karakter, pengembangan literasi teknologi peserta didik, serta pendalaman kompetensi kolaboratif-kooperatif dan sangat relevan diterapkan di Indonesia.
The Dialogue Between Faith and Reason According to John Paul II and Thomas Aquinas Charles Virgenius Setiawan
Forum Vol 52 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v52i2.560


Some individuals opt for unquestioning their faith, while others lean more toward reason and distance themselves from faith. The former extreme can lead to anarchic and uncontrolled religious militancy within society, whereas the latter extreme can result in the waning of faith. This study aims to address the placement of the dialogue between faith and reason. The qualitative method, utilizing in-depth literature, is employed for this investigation. The Encyclical Letter Fides et Ratio and the writings of Thomas Aquinas were selected as key sources to delve into this topic. The results of this study indicate that discourses about the interaction between faith and reason do not always coexist, there are times when reason is sidelined and there are times when reason is upheld as the main truth. Being a good Christian requires constant effort to have a dialogue between faith and reason. Through this process, faith is enriched by reason, while reason is enlightened by the illuminating light of faith.