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ANJANI JOURNAL scientific periodical publication on Medical Science and Healthcare Studies issue as a media for information dissemination of research result for lecturer, researcher and practitioner. The article published in the ANJANI JOURNAL is the authors original work with a broad spectrum of topics. Detailed scopes of articles accepted for submission are The Journals mission is to promote excellence in nursing and a range of disciplines and specialties of allied health professions. It welcomes submissions from international academic and health professionals community. The Journal publishes evidence based articles with solid and sound methodology, clinical application, description of best clinical practices, and discussion of relevant professional issues or perspectives. Articles can be submitted in the form of research articles, reviews, case reports, and letters to the editor or commentaries. The Journals priorities are papers in the fields of nursing, physical therapy, medical laboratory science, environmental health, and medical imaging and radiologic technologies. Relevant articles from other disciplines of allied health professions may be considered for publication.
Articles 33 Documents
THE EFFECT OF DRIED RED GINGER EXTRACT POWDER (Zingiber officinale var. rubrum) ON THE LDL, TRIGLYCERIDES and HDL Oktoviani Oktoviani; Ellen Maidia Djatmiko; Hilda Taurina; Riana Versita
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (439.088 KB) | DOI: 10.37638/anjani.v1i2.454


Tradisional medicine is a part of Indonesian medicine cukture. As ginger is known to affect blood lipid profile, especially red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. rubrum) with a higher volatile oil content than other types of ginger. Meanwhile, dyslipidemia is a state of abnormal blood lipid profile levels. This research was conducted at RSUD dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu in 2014. Subjects were dyslipidemia with diabetes mellitus type 2 patients in age range 30-60 years. The total subjects in this study were 10 patients with simple random sampling grouping method. Then thay were devided into control group and treatment group. Neither group received standard drug therapy. The dried red ginger powder was only given to the treatment group at a dose of 3 grams per day for one month.. Both groups examined the LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), trigliseride and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) levels before and after the study. Changes to LDL, trigliseride and HDL levels were tested by independent sample test with a significance value of p 0.05. From the research that has been done is known that the dried red ginger powder not significantly affect LDL, trigliserida and HDL (p LDL=0,261; p Trigliserida=0,966; p HDL= 0,175). Based on the statistical analysis, it is known that the dried red ginger powder not significantly affect LDL, trigliserida and HDL. Descriptive analysis showed a decrease in triglyceride levels. Deskriptive analysis shows that the dried red ginger powder can inhibit the incerase to LDL, can reduce triglyceride and inhibit the decrease to HDL.
Relationship Between Mother's Knowledge Level on Monitoring Behavior of Toddler Growth and Development at Gunung Alam Public Health Center, Arga Makmur City District, North Bengkulu Regency Dwi Hermawati
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 1, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1766.216 KB) | DOI: 10.37638/anjani.v1i1.327


A good knowledge of mother will influence the behavior of observing the growth and development of the under five year’s old children, so that the children achieve an optimal growth and development. The aim of the research is to know the relation between mother’s knowledge toward the behavior of observing growth and development of fewer than five years old children at the Gunung Alam health centre in the area of Argamakmur. The design of the research is Analytic Survey with Cross Sectional approach. The population of the research is 300 mothers and the sample was taken Randomly (Simple Random Sampling) the result got 171 sample by using Corelative Product Moment Statistic. The result of unvaried analysis at the stage of knowledge shows 56 mothers (32,7%) have moderate knowledge. The distribution of the behavior of observing growth and development of under five years old children mostly ‘sometimes’ behavior 87 (50,9%). Bivariat analysis with the result of correlative product moment test (r test) with a 0,05 and CL 95% shows that all independent variabele; mother’s knowledge and dependent _ariable that is behavior of observing growth and development under five years old children shows that they have positive relation and significant 0,606 with a 0,05 its got ro = 0,606 and t test got 9,892. Since r account higher than r table (0,148), thus behavior of observing growth and development under five years old children. The category of the relation is significant (moderate relation). It can be concluded that the higher mother’s knowledge, the higher mother’s in observing the growth and development of the under five years old children.
Factors That Influence the Readiness of Premenopausal Woman in facing Menopause : A Review Mustika Hana Harahap; Tengku Hartian
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (168.84 KB)


Pendahuluan : Menopause merupakan suatu tahap dimana wanita tidak lagi mendapatkan siklus menstrusi yang menunjukan berakhirnya kemampuan wanita untuk bereproduksi. Secara normal wanita akan mengalami menopause antara usia 40 tahun samapai 50 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kesiapan Wanita Pre Menopause Dalam Menghadapi Masa Menopause. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah Kuantitatif dengan Rancangan penelitian adalah metode survei analitik melalui pendekatan deskriptif korelational, dengan tujuan untuk mencari hubungan pada satu periode tertentu dan pengamatan subjek studi hanya dilakukan satu kali selama penelitian. instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Tekhnik analisa data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa univariat dan analisa bivariat. Hasil dan pembahasan : Hasil penelitian ini yaitu ada hubungan Pengetahuan wanita Premenopause dengan Kesiapan Menghadapi Menopause ditandai dengan hasil uji Person Chi square dengan nilai p diperoleh nilai p = 0,035.  Dan ada hubungan sikap wanita Premenopause dengan Kesiapan Menghadapi Menopause di tandai dengan  uji Person Chi square dengan nilai p diperoleh pada kolom Exact Sig.(2-sided) dengan nilai p = 0,033. Kesimpulan : Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan kesiapan wanita premenopause yaitu dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengetahuan dan sikap wanita premenopause. ABSTRACTIntroduction : Menopause is a stage where women no longer get the menstrual cycle which indicates the end of a woman's ability to reproduce. Normally women will experience menopause between the ages of 40 and 50 years. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the readiness of pre-menopausal women in dealing with menopause. Method: This type of research is quantitative. The research design is an analytic survey method through a descriptive correlational approach, with the aim of finding relationships in a certain period and observing the study subjects only once during the study. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this research is univariate analysis and bivariate analysis Results and discussion : The results of this study are that there is a relationship between knowledge of premenopausal women and readiness to face menopause marked by the results of the Person Chi square test with p value obtained p value = 0.035. And there is a relationship between premenopausal women's attitudes and readiness to face menopause marked by the Person Chi square test with p value obtained in the Exact Sig. (2-sided) column with p value = 0.033. Conclusion: The conclusion in this study is that there are several factors related to the readiness of premenopausal women, which are influenced by education, work, knowledge and attitudes of premenopausal women.
The Effect of Benson Relaxation on Pain in Patients with Postoperative Benign Prostate Hyperplesia (BPH) at Sobirin Hospital, Kabupaten Musi Rawas Novi Andayani; Yeni Eliyanti; Siska Ayu Ningsih
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (52.553 KB) | DOI: 10.37638/anjani.v1i2.329


Nursing interventions or independent actions that can be done in reducing pain in patients with BPH postoperative one of which is by teaching Benson relakasasi techniques. The research problem is that there are still many postoperative BPH patients with pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Benson's relaxation on pain in patients with postoperative benign prostatic hyperplesia (BPH) at Sobirin Hospital Musi Rawas District. This type of research is a quasi experiment. The population was 94 people and the study sample was 10 people. The type of data used in research is to use primary and secondary data. Data analysis in this study used univariate and bivariate data analysis with the t test statistic method at the 0.05 significance level. The results of this study were the average pain in patients with postoperative benign prostatic hyperplesia (BPH) before benson relaxation at Sobirin Hospital Musi Rawas District was 7.10. The average pain in patients with postoperative benign prostatic hyperplesia (BPH) after benson relaxation at Sobirin Hospital Musi Rawas District was 4.90. There is a benson relaxation effect on pain in patients with postoperative benign prostatic hyperplesia (BPH) at Sobirin Hospital Musi Rawas District with a value of p = 0,000, meaning 0.05 (α). Sobirin Hospital Musi Rawas Hospital nurses can provide non-pharmacological therapy especially Benson relaxation which can be applied as companion therapy or as part of nursing interventions in the provision of nursing care especially in patients who experience post-BPH pain.
Disorders Of The Development Of Children's Talking Ability During The Covid-19 Pandemic : A Review Islah Wahyuni
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.689 KB)


Pendahuluan : Masa pandemi covid – 19 terjadi perubahan pola kehidupan masyarakat dalam segala bidang kehidupan, mulai ekonomi, pendidikan, kesehatan dan pola asuh orangtua terhadap anak-anak mereka. Hal ini diikuti Era new normal, yaitu era awal dari kebiasaan baru yang harus diikuti semua cakrawala kehidupan di Indonesia, termasuk anak-anak. Di mana salah satu kepatuhan yang harus ditaati adalah proses social distancing    yang tentunya menimbulkan banyaknya ketidak-nyaman salah satunya dalam interaksi dan komunikasi. Terutama dalam interaksi dan komunikasi antara anak dan teman sebayanya yang berdampak pada perkembangan bahasa anak yang menjadi ter-hambat dikarenakan kurangnya interaksi dengan teman sebayanya. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengidentifikasi gangguan  kemampuan berbahasa anak yang terjadi di masa pandemi covid-19. Metode : metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah studi literatur Review. Base data yang digunakan dalam pencarian sumber adalah Google Scholar, PubMed, dan ScienceDirect. Hasil dan pembahsan : Diperoleh 10 sumber artikel yang membahas keterlambatan bicara dan gangguan bicara pada anak. Kesimpulan : Perkembangan kemampuan berbicara anaak sangat bergantung kepada peran para orangtua dalam memberikan pendampingan yang sesuai dengan keadaan anak di masa new normal dengan memantau  perkembangan berbahasa anak mereka. ABSTRACTIntroduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a change in the pattern of people's lives in all areas of life, starting from the economy, education, health and parenting patterns for their children. This is followed by the new normal era, namely the initial era of new habits that must be followed by all horizons of life in Indonesia, including children. Where one of the compliances that must be adhered to is the social distancing process which of course causes a lot of discomfort, one of which is in interaction and communication. Especially in the interaction and communication between children and their peers which has an impact on children's language development which is hampered due to the lack of interaction with their peers. The purpose of the study was to identify children's language skills disorders that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: the method used in this paper is a literature review study. The databases used in the source search are Google Scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect. Results and discussion: Obtained 10 sources of articles that discuss speech delays and speech disorders in children. Conclusion: The development of children's speaking skills is very dependent on the role of parents in providing appropriate assistance to children in the new normal period by monitoring their child's language development.
Effect of Delayed Examination of the Morning Urine Sample After 3 Hours at Room Temperature Eka Nurdianty Anwar; Ahmad Jais
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 1, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1041.609 KB) | DOI: 10.37638/anjani.v1i1.297


Intoduction: The study entitled The effect of delaying the examination of morning urine samples after 3 hours at room temperature to determine the effect of delaying the examination of morning urine samples after 3 hours at room temperature on urine sediment examination. Method: This study used 30 samples from the population of the Harapan Bangsa Health Analyst Academy students by random sampling..Result and Discussion: The study using the percentage formula obtained the following results: positive erythrocyte examination (1) fresh urine 77%, 3 hour urine 87%, positive (2) fresh urine 20%, 3 hour urine 13%, positive (3) fresh urine3% , urine 3 hours 0%. Leukocyte examination positive (1) fresh urine 47%, urine 3 hours 87% positive (2) fresh urine 47%, urine 3 hours 13%, positive (3) fresh urine 6%, urine 3 hours 0%. Bacterial examination, positive morning urine 23% negative 77%, 3-hour urine positive 100%. Urine examination is very important, especially in establishing a diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI). Conclusion: Delay in examination results in errors in diagnosis.
Relationship Of Nutritional Status Of Pregnant Women With Stunting Events In The Working Area Of Maja Pesawaran District Eka Ana Marlian; Astriana Astriana; Vida Wira Utami
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (168.84 KB)


Latar Belakang: Kependekan yang terjadi dalam periode kritis: seribu hari pertama sejak dalam kandungan sampai usia 2 tahun, bila tidak ditanggulangi akan berdampak permanen atau tidak dapat dikoreksi. Data stunting Kabupaten Pesawaran di tahun 2018 sebesar 35.28%, penyebab stunting salah satunya adalah gizi saat ibu hamil adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu diketahui hubungan Status gizi ibu saat Hamil dengan kejadian Stunting di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Maja Kabupaten Pesawaran tahun 2020. Metode: Jenis penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh balita usia 6-23 bulan. berjumlah 319 anak dan  sampel 124 balita, tekhnik sampling proportional sampling. Obyek dalam penelitian adalah kejadian stunting dan status gizi ibu saat hamil. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan bulan Agustus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Maja Kabupaten Pesawaran tahun 2020. pengumulan data dengan lembar ceklist. analisis data secara univariat dan bivariat (chi square). Hasil peneltian: diketahui sebanyak 21 (16,9%) responden balita stunting dan tidak stunting sebanyak 103 (83,1%) responden balita stunting, diketahui sebanyak 33 (26,6%) status gizi saat ibu hamil tidak normal dimana LiLA dengan ukuran ≤23,5 cm dan sebanyak 91 (73,4%) balita dengan status gizi ibu saat hamil normal dimana LiLa dengan ukuran 23,5 cm.Kesimpulan  terdapat hubungan status gizi ibu saat hamil dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 12 - 59 bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Maja Kabupaten Pesawaran tahun 2020. (P-Value 0,000 : OR 23,109)Saran Peningkatan peran program desa seperti Dasa Wisma keluarga dalam pencegahan stunting dengan pemberian makanan bagi keluarga tidak mampu yang ada di kelompok ABSTRACTIntroduce: Shortness that occurs in the critical period: the first thousand days from conception until the age of 2 years, if not addressed, will have permanent or irreversible impacts. The stunting data of Pesawaran District in 2018 was 35.28%, one of the causes of stunting was nutrition during pregnant women, as for the purpose of this study, namely to know the relationship between maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and the incidence of stunting in the Work Area of Maja Health Center, Pesawaran Regency in 2020.Methode: This type of quantitative analytic research with a cross sectional approach, the subjects in this study were all toddlers aged 6-23 months. totaled 319 children and a sample of 124 toddlers, sampling technique proportional sampling. The object of this research is the incidence of stunting and nutritional status of mothers during pregnancy. The research was conducted in August in the Work Area of the Puskesmas Maja, Pesawaran Regency, in 2020. data collection using a checklist sheet. data analysis by univariate and bivariate (chi square)The results: of the study showed that as many as 21 (16.9%) respondents were stunting and non-stunting as many as 103 (83.1%) respondents under five with stunting, it was known that 33 (26.6%) nutritional status when pregnant women were not normal where LiLA with size ≤ 23.5 cm and as many as 91 (73.4%) children under five with normal maternal nutritional status while LiLa was 23.5 cm in size.Conclusion there is a relationship between the nutritional status of mothers during pregnancy and the incidence of stunting in children aged 12 - 59 months in the Work Area of the Maja Puskesmas, Pesawaran District, 2020. (P-Value 0,000: OR 23,109) Suggestion Increasing the role of village programs such as Dasa Wisma family in preventing stunting by giving food for poor families in the group
Onychomycosis Prevalence in Rice Farmers in Seginim District, South Bengkulu Regency. Inayah Hayati; Rindy Marselina
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (581.632 KB) | DOI: 10.37638/anjani.v1i2.217


Onychomycosis is a common infection that occurs in the nail plate. Infections can be caused by the dermatophyte, non-dermatophyte or yeast groups of fungi. The fungus gets into the nails and causes thickening of the nails, leaving the nails glowing. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of wetland farmers in Seginim Subdistrict, Bengkulu Selatan Regency infected with onychomycosis and to identify the types of fungi that cause onychomycosis in the nail scraps of rice farmers. This type of research uses descriptive cross sectional method with purposive sampling technique. The examination technique used direct preparations and culture in SDA media. The samples used in the examination were 40 samples of scraped nails of rice farmers in Seginim sub-district, South Bengkulu Regency. The results of this study showed that from 40 samples of nail scrapings that had the criteria of thickened, brittle, and yellowish brown nails, 16 samples were positive for Onychomycosis-causing fungi, namely 5 (12.5%) people infected with the fungus Trichophyton mentagrophytes and 11 (27.5%). ) people were infected with the fungus Trichophyton rubrum and 24 (60%) samples were negative.
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (137.051 KB) | DOI: 10.37638/anjani.v2i1.508


Pendahuluan:   Kecelakaan kerja merupakan kecelakaan seseorang atau kelompok dalam rangka melaksanakan pekerjaan di lingkungan perusahaan, yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba, menimbulkan kerugian ringan sampai yang paling berat. Salah satu lokasi yang menimbulkan kecelakaan kerja adalah ruang terbatas. Ruang terbatas (Confine Spaces) mengandung beberapa sumber bahaya baik yang berasal dari bahan kimia yang menandung racun dan mudah terbakar dalam bentuk gas, uap, asap, debu dan sebagainya. Selain itu masih terdapat bahaya lain berupa terjadinya oksigen defisiensi atau sebaliknya kadar oksigen yang berlebihan, suhu yang ekstrim, terjebak atau terliputi maupun resiko fisik lainya yang timbul seperti kebisingan, permukaan yang basah/licin dan kejatuhan benda keras yang terdapat di dalam ruang terbatas tersebut tersebut yang dapat mengakibatkan kecelakaan kerja sampai dengan kematian tenaga kerja yang bekerja di dalamnya..Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi kecelakaan kerja dalam ruang terbatas.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Wika-Karaga Kso Pekanbaru menggunakan total populasi yaitu seluruh pekerja yang ada diruang terbatas yang berjumlah 42 orang Alat ukur penelitian adalah kuesioner, dan lembar observasi.Hasil penelitian: Hasil penelitan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kecelakaan kerja adalah lama kerja (P value = 0,011 α 0,05). Sedangkan yang tidak berhubungan adalah merokok dalam ruang terbatas (P value = 0,439 α 0,05), alat pelindung diri (APD) ruang terbatas (P value = 0,892 α 0,05)Kesimpulan faktor yang mempengaruhi kecelakaan kerja dalam ruang terbatas ialah lama kerja dan yang tidak berhubungan ialah merokok saat bekerja, alat pelindung diri ruang dalam ruang terbatas ABSTRACTIntroduction: A work accident is an accident of a person or group in carrying out work in the company environment, which occurs suddenly, causing light to heavy losses. One of the locations that cause work accidents is limited space. Confined spaces contain several sources of danger, both from chemicals that contain toxins and are flammable in the form of gases, vapors, smoke, dust and so on. In addition, there are other dangers in the form of oxygen deficiency or vice versa, excessive oxygen levels, extreme temperatures, trapped or covered or other physical risks that arise such as noise, wet/slippery surfaces and falling hard objects contained in the confined space. which can result in work accidents to the death of workers who work in it. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence work accidents in confined spaces.Methods: This type of research is quantitative analytic with a cross sectional approach. This research was conducted at Wika-Karaga Kso Pekanbaru using a total population, namely all workers in a confined space, amounting to 42 people. The measuring instrument of the study was a questionnaire, and an observation sheet.Research results: The results of the research on several factors that influence work accidents are length of work (P value = 0.011 0.05). While the unrelated are smoking in confined spaces (P value = 0.439 0.05), personal protective equipment (PPE) in confined spaces (P value = 0.892 0.05)In conclusion, the factors that influence work accidents in confined spaces are length of work and what is unrelated is smoking while working, personal protective equipment in confined spaces
The Effect of Music Therapy on Pain Level in Infusion in Children 6-12 Years of Age at Arga Makmur Hospital Rita Lestari
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 1, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.6 KB) | DOI: 10.37638/anjani.v1i1.319


Introductions: Infusion is an invasive medical procedure that is often performed and causes acute pain and fear in children (Silkorova Hrazdilova, 2011). Non-pharmacological pain management can be done through distraction, one of which is music therapy (Baulch, 2010). There are still many complaints of pain during the infusion procedure at Arga Makmur Hospital. to determine the effect of music therapy on the pain level of infusion in children aged 6-12 years in the Melati  room of Arga Makmur Hospital. Method: This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with a two-group research design, namely in the study there were two groups randomly selected. The first group was treated and the other group was not treated. (Sugiono, 2013). Sampling by accidental sampling, a large sample of 10 people were given trapi music 10 people were not given music traps. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately displayed in the form of a frequency distribution table. The results: of the study the average pain level of patients who were not given music therapy was 7.70 the pain level of patients who were given music therapy was 5.80. The results of the Shapiro Wilk test p value 0.05 and the paried statistical test sample t test p value 0.000, There is an effect of the effect of music therapy on the pain level of the infusion in children aged 6-12 years in the Melati room of Arga Makmur Hospital. The results of the study were to improve overall health services, especially regarding non-pharmacological pain intensity management, namely music therapy. Conclusions It is hoped that it can add knowledge and insight for nurses in distraction techniques to pain intensity.

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