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Fish Scientiae : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan
ISSN : 16933710     EISSN : 25411187     DOI :
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Fish Scientiae is a journal containing articles on Fishing Technology, Technology Aquaculture, Technology General of Fisheries, Water Resources Management, Agribusiness Fisheries, Marine Sciences, Biology Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology. The writings can be published in this journal can be shaped dissertations, theses, research reports, scientific papers and book reviews. Fish Scientiae is Sciences Journal of Fisheries and Marine Resources, is published twice a year (June and December) by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources.
Articles 200 Documents
Karakteristik Protein dan Nitrogen Non Protein Daging Ikan Cucut Lanyam (Charcharhinus limbatus) (Characteristics of Protein and Non Protein Nitrogen in Lanyam Shark Muscle) Yuspihana Fitrial
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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The aim of these research were to study the characteristics of protein and non protein nitrogen contained in Lanyam shark muscle, to obtain the protein solubility curve and iso-electric point. This research begins with the analysis of protein solubility of shark muscle at several levels of pH (from 1.5-12 with intervals of 0.5),. Then, performed classification of shark muscle protein nitrogen solubility in some solvents by using the classification Osborn, to observed the influence of the process of washing and boiling on non-protein nitrogen and urea in shark muscle and to study the thermal stability of muscle protein with differential scanning calorimetric study. Based on protein solubility of Lanyam muscle at pH 1.5 to 12 obtained two points which is minimum solubility at pH 4.5 and pH 9. Based on the classification Osborn, Lanyam muscle contained albumin (28.64%), globulin (13:44%), prolamin (03.29%), glutelin (33.70%). Observation of non-protein nitrogen levels indicated that the washing process was very effective to reduce non-protein nitrogen levels up to 62.34% and urea levels up to 58% . Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study of Lanyam mince showed two types of protein that has a different stability to heat and after added 2.5% NaCl formed a peak which is a fusion of both these proteins
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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Terasi is condiment of formed solid, its flavour typically result of shrimp fermentation or mix of them with salt or other additional substance. The aim of this research is to know influence of the supplementation P. halophilus (FNCC-0033) isolate, to time of fermentation and quality of terasi shrimp. This research by complecated Randomized Design with 3 repetition’s. The treatment given are supplementation P. halophilus 2,5 x 104 CFU/g (A), P. halophilus 5,0 x 104 CFU/g (B) and processing terasi without addition P. halophilus (FNCC-0033) as control (treatmen O). Measure of chemical parameter total N, water content, TVB and pH, the microbiologis parameter are total microbe and total LAB, and parameter organoleptic are colour, odour and texture. The research conducting days fermentation by each every 7 days during 28 days fermentation. Based on TVB value total microbe and total lactid asid bacteria show that had been formed at 21th days fermentation. The result of analysis of varians showed differenct betwen observed day fermentation. The conclusion of this research showed processing terasi by supplementation of P. halophilus have similarity wich spontanious fermentations. The total microbe are supplementation to terasi able resulted of more fermentation time is quicker than spontanious fermentation.
STATUS REPRODUKSI IKAN GABUS, Channa striata Blkr (Reproduction status snakehead, Channa striata) Untung Bijaksana
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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Research aimed to evaluate the reproduction status of snakehead in concrete tankand in natural swamp aquatic. Seven indicators can be made by knowing thesnakehead status indicator reproduction so that breeding manipulation in concretetank can be done. The seven indicators were gonadosomatic indexs, hevatosomaticindexs, body weight, liver weight, gonade weight, egg diameter, fecundity andestradiolthe snakehead in natural swamp aquatic show in Agust month was 3,3 ± 0.09 andhevatosomatic indexs was 1,1 ± 0.05 in Agust month. For gonadosomatic indexs andhevatosomatic indexs in concrete tank in April month was 3.6 ± 0.09 and Januarimonth was 1.0 ± 0.08, respectively. Result of measurement the fecundity and eggdiameter of the snakehead in concrete tank in Pebruary month was 2978.3 ± 7.64and 1.3 ± 0.00 mm respectively, The fecundity and egg diameter of the snakehead innatural swamp aquatic in Januari month was 3080.0 ± 7.91 and Nopember andDecember was 1.5 ± 0.04 mm respectively. The estradiolsnakehead in swamp aquatic show the higest concentration in natural aquatic.Average concentration estradiolpg/ml until December was 169.2 ± 6.22 pg/ml. In concrete tank from 80.5 ± 5.17pg/ml in Juli until 118.3 ± 6.78 pg/ml in April. In general it is concluded that thereproduction status of snakehead was similar between in concrete tank and naturalswamp aquatic. Enviroment ”trigger” was the limited factor in finally gonadematuration.
Estimasi Daya Dukung Mass Balance terhadap Efluen Tambak di Desa Sebamban Baru Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Fatmawati Fatmawati; K Soewardi; T. Kusumastanto; L. Adrianto
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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The purpose of this study was to estimate the carrying capacity of coastal waters ofthe pond effluent. The data required for analysis of mass balance models of carryingcapacity is based on the total ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration in coastalwaters. Estimation of carrying capacity with the concept mass balance model usingthe formula Tchobanoglous (1990) and Predalumpaburt (1996) in Tookwinas (1998)which has been modified by including the formula Widigdo and Pariwono (2001). Carrying capacity of coastal waters of Sebamban Baru Village, Tanah BumbuRegency maximum pond area calculation may be developed for aquaculture area of 412,583 hectares, this shows that the concentration of ammonia released by thepond has not been an impact on the quality of coastal waters because the existingpond area is new opened an area of 368.542 ha has not exceeded the carryingcapacity of the mass balance.
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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The purpose of this research was to know the effect Bawang Dayak(Eleutherine palmifolia Merr) in Saprolegnia sp infection of nile tilapia (Oreochromissp) with smear method. This research used Completely Randomized Desin consistedone factors with three treatments and three replicates (A: 10 ppt/ind), (B: 20 ppt/ind),and (C: control). The research using aquarium and nile tilapia (5-8 cm body length)with density of 2 ind/aquarium. Parameters observe were inhibitory test, recoverytime, survival rate, and water quality. The result showed that optimal consentrationBawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia Merr) is 20 ppt.
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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Ayunan is the trap most widely used by public Sungai Batang Village, inaddition to the unique shape of this tool also has an extensive capacity toaccommodate good catches of shrimp and fish species. In addition to the village ofSungai Batang, at the Hulu Sungai region there is also the ayunan that looks differentfrom contained in Sungai Batang Village.This study aims to (1) know the difference between shrimp of catch amorayunan and box ayunan, and (2) to determine the catch other than shrimp. Theresults of research, treatment A (amor ayunan) shrimp catches as many as 1464 ,with a total weight of 9100 grams. Treatment B (box ayunan), shrimp catches asmany as 1443 , with a total weight of 7730 grams. Type of main haul shrimp(Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) and Freshwater Shrimp (Palaemon sp), with bycatches are Lundu (Mystus gulio) with a total of 18 and total weight of 215 grams,sapu-sapu (Hypostomus plecostomus ) 2 , weighing a total of 560 grams, Puyau(Osteochilus hasselti) 3 , weighing a total of 35 grams, telan (Macrognathusaculeatus) 2 , weighing 810 grams.Bamboo and rattan as materials to make the ayunan has a weaknessbecause odor (smell) is not good (bangai) and therefore contributes to the catch. Toovercome this weakness it is advisable to replace the wire with the basic material.
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the nutrient quality of leucaena leaf meal(LLM) with addition of sheep rumen liquor enzyme for nile tilapia feed which incubated 24 hours (in vitro); This experiment was designed in completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 3 replications each with different level of enzyme addition (0; 20; 40;60; 80; and 100 ml/kg LLM). Results of the experiment showed that nutrient quality of LLM with addition of sheep rumen liquor enzyme which incubated for 24 hours, wheresignificantly affected (P<0.05) on decrease of crude fiber (53,640%), NDF, ADFcomponent and phytic acid (68,088%). Over all conclusion is a great potential for using sheep rumen liquor enzyme for improving nutrition quality of leucaena leaf meal.
PENGEMBANGAN USAHA BUDIDAYA IKAN JELAWAT Business Development of Jelawat Fish Cultivation Muhammad Adnan Zain
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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Research was aims to determine Knowing the factors that support development and that inhibit the development of fish farming jelawat andvdevelopment of fish cultivation jelawat. To determine the development of farming jelawat used SWOT analysis in addition to determining the direction of development of fish culture jelawat. Research was conducted in kecamatan karang intan kabupaten Banjar which is the location of fish farming jelawat. From the research results can be known fairly promising prospects for business development both interms of price and consumer demand, but needs to be improved in terms ofcultivation management. Development of fish farming is expected to increase theincome of fish farmers and also keep the fish is a commodity jelawat kalimantan localfish can be maintained sustainability.
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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Satui district is the largest coal producing area in South Kalimantan and it has a coastal and marine areas that quite broad. Mining activity causes a lot of impact of environmental pollution, especially water pollution. Conditions of aquaculture in Satui district is currently vulnerable to damage resulting from the former coal mining and the construction of the illegal construction of the specific port. The purpose of this study is collecting the parameters of land suitability evaluation for pond in the Satui district pond and knowing the level of suitability coastal ponds in the Satui district with GIS. The method that applied at this research are observing and analyzingthe criteria parameters of environmental quality for pond development which supported by fielddata to find the level of compliance. This study including some stages, they areimage using, field data collection and data analysis. Water quality, soil and landsuitability analysis, the paramaters study at this study are slope, the zone fisiology,soil texture and water supply. Based on GIS analysis, the area very suitable for pond around the port is 486 ha, the suitable area is 406 ha, the moderate area is 1.734 ha and unsuitable area is 1.197 ha.
Fish Scientiae Vol 1 No 2 (2011): Issue December-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

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Clorophyl-a is one of Parameter that really determining primary productivity in thesea. Clorophyll-a data from MODIS AQUA/TERRA satellite that take from LAPAN (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional) in Pare-Pare about data from each week start from Oktober 2007-June 2009 (east season). According to the research result, we obtained an information that clorophyl-a consentration on season west washigh enough were is 0.15 – 1.15 mg/m3. High Clorophyll-a consentration is always near the island and beach area or coastal area due to the effect of nutrient supply that come from continent.

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