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Media Teknik Sipil Vol 15, No 2 (2017): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (727.589 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v15i2.4854


Waduk Lahor terletak pada desa Karangkates, Kecamatan Sumberpucung, Kabupaten Malang, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Waduk Lahor mulai beroperasi sejak tahun 1977 dengan usia rencana selama 50 tahun sehingga diharapkan dapat beroperasi hingga tahun 2027, masalah utama yang dihadapi dalam pengelolaan waduk adalah bagaimana menjaga agar umur layanan waduk dapat sesuai dengan yang direncanakan dikarenakan adanya sedimen yang mengendap pada dasar waduk dan seiring waktu akan semakin mengurangi tampungan efektif waduk., dan pada tahun 2015 tampungan mati Waduk Lahor menyisakan kapasitas 2.517.357,31 m3. Dari hasil studi didapatkan adanya keterkaitan antara debit sedimen (Qs) dengan debit inflow waduk (Qw) menggunakan model Regresi Berpangkat dengan fungsi Qs = 1,623.Qs0,72, pada pengujian  model didapatkan bahwa model stokastik Thomas-Fiering lebih representatif untuk pembangkitan data sintetik daripada model Rantai Markov dikarenakan memiliki simpangan lebih kecik dengan nilai RMSE 4,19 m3/detik dan nilai MAE 2,92 m3/detik. Dari hasil bangkitan data sintetik sepanjang usia rencana dan persamaan regresi berpangkat didapatkan volume sedimen tahun 2015 – 2027 dengan nilai trap efisiensi 88% sejumlah 1.822.200,05 m3, sehingga pada tahun 2027 diprediksi tampungan mati hanya menyisakan kapasitas 695.159,26 m3 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Waduk Lahor dapat beroperasi hingga usia rencana
Daftar Isi Jurnal Media Teknik Sipil Vol.10 No.2 Agustus 2012 Isi, Daftar
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 10, No 2 (2012): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (33.488 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v10i2.1747


Korelasi Antara Variasi Pemadatan Terhadap Nilai Stabilitas Marshall Pada Lasbutag Campuran PanasAlik Ansyori Alamsyah...............................................80-86Studi Perencanaan Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Lindi Sebagai Kontrol Pemenuhan Baku Mutu Sesuai KEPMEN 03/91 (Studi Kasus Pada TPA Supit Urang Malang)Chairil Saleh……………………………………………………................87 - 94Pengaruh Perubahan Tegangan Prakonsolidasi Efektif (ò’c) Pada Penambahan Kapur Terhadap Tanah LempungDandung Novianto1 & Supiyono2………………………………95 - 101Analisis Sistem Pengendalian Biaya (Cost Control Framework) pada Proyek Pelebaran Jalan Sp.3 LempakeSamarinda - Sp.3 Sambera Kalimantan TimurEdward Prana1, M.Ruslin Anwar2 & Yulvi Zaika3…10 - 113Analisa Tingkat Bahaya Erosi pada Sub Das Lesti Kabupaten Malang Menggunakan Sistem InformasiGeografisErnawan Setyono1 & Bangkit Prasetyo2……………...114 - 127Pemakaian Fly-Ash sebagai Cementitious pada Beton Mutu Tinggi Dengan Steam Curing (The Use Of Fly-Ash As Cementitious On High-Strength Concrete With Steam Curing)Erwin Rommel1 & Yunan Rusdianto2……………….….…128 - 136Pengaruh Kompetensi Mandor terhadap Kualitas Pelaksanaan Kontruksi Gedung di Malang RayaHariyono Seputro Youngky Pratama1, Sri Murni Dewi2 & Ruslin Anwar3………………........................................…137 - 145Pengaruh Pengekangan GFRP terhadap Kekuatan dan Daktilitas Kolom Beton Bertulang Persegi Akibat Beban SiklikKarmila Achmad1, Agoes SMD2 & Tavio3 …………146 - 155Pengaruh Kompetensi Manajer Proyek terhadap Keberhasilan Proyek pada Perusahaan Kontraktor di Kabupaten MalangKhusnul Prianto1, Sri Murni Dewi2 & Alwafi Pujiraharjo3……………………………............................….…156 - 168Pengaruh Penambahan Serbuk Bata Merah Terhadap Stabilitas Tanah Lempung Sebagai Tanah DasarJalanMoch. Sholeh1 & Dandung Novianto2 ……….........169 - 173Optimalisasi Jumlah Produksi Tipe Rumah pada Proyek Pengembang Perumahan dengan MenggunakanMetode Simplek (Studi Kasus : PT. Araya Bumi Megah Malang)Rini Febri Utari1 & Andi SA2………………………………….174 - 182Faktor-Faktor Penentu Peningkatan Kinerja Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPK) pada Satker APBN danSKPD Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.]Rizali Rahmawanto1, A. Wicaksono2 & Sugeng P. Budio3…………………………....................................……….183 - 191Perilaku Lekatan Tulangan Polos dan Tulangan Ulir Pada Struktur Beton Serat KayuRofikatul Karimah................................................192 - 197
Kajian Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna Jasa terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan Angkutan Penyeberangan Lintas Kariangau – Penajam, Balikpapan Darmadi, Darmadi; Arifin, Muhammad Zainul; Agustin, Imma Widyawati
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 14, No 1 (2016): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (756.898 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v14i1.3288


The objectives of this study are for knowing costumer satisfaction level of ferry service performance Kariangau– Penajam trajectory, Balikpapan based on customer perception with existence of change of ship operational system from 8:4 (8 ship operated and 4 standby) become 10:2 (10 ship operated and 2 standby) and also for getting alternative solution to overcome problems which there is still after imposed of new ship operational system. This study uses Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)methods. Result of study pursuant to analysis of IPA quadrant, service attributes becoming major priority to be improve repaired by its performance are attribute hygiene of bath room/toilet in ship , accuracy of arrival time in destination port, accuracy of time voyage duration, condition of air circulation in ship  and demonstration of usage of safety appliance in ship. CSI calculation result based on customer perception obtained value 69% that representation that assessment of respondent to ferry  service performance of Kariangau – Penajam trajectory enter in satisfied category. 
KAJIAN Pergerakan kendaraan belok kiri langsung dan lurus langsung pada simpang bersinyal Abadi, Khoirul; Muryanto, Imam; Eka Wijayanti, Hermin
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 9, No 1 (2011): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.53 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v9i1.1114


Setting the left turn movement at the intersection of four or three signalized intersections, and the straight movements at three signalized intersections. In any where, there are not provide significant for signalized intersection performance. Changes related legislation does not necessarily contribute positively to the traffic operation. Determination of the application of left turn on red  (LTOR) or straight on red (STOR) at an intersection must be preceded by a study, so that the positive affect or negative affect that happened can be known early. The background of this study was motivated the existing conditions arrangement, turn left movements (for intersection of four or three signalized intersections) and straight movements (for three signalized intersections) at some intersection in Malang Raya. In addition, this study was conducted in order to know the effect of setting the movement of vehicles turning left or straight at the intersection. The expected benefits of this study is, that every movement settings, turn left at the intersection of four or three signalized intersections, and also straight movements at three signalized intersections have to go through the review process. Conclusion, shows that the movement of vehicles turning left directly on the intersection of four or three signalized intersections, and the movement of vehicles at the intersection of three straight directly affect the performance of signalized intersections.Key words: signalized intersection, turn left movement, straight movement, the performance of a signalized intersection.
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 1 (2019): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.828 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v17i1.5951


Concrete is one of the construction materials of combination between cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water mixed into one solid mass. The work of concrete making can be added a mineral additive as well as chemical additive (admixture) for the interest in construction work. In some cases construction work is desirable for concrete to produce optimum strength during the early age of the concrete so that the timing of concreting work can be shortened. The strength of concrete at the early age can be increased with added mineral (additive) and chemical (admixture) materials. This research made a mixture of concrete with 7 variations of mixture with total specimen 54 sample of cylindrical size with diameter 15 cm and height 30 cm. Tests conducted in the form of testing workability and compressive strength of concrete at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. Through this study obtained the right composition to make concrete with a high early age of compressive strength.
Kajian Kapasitas Daya Tampung Sungai Tutupan Kabupaten Balangan Terhadap Air Limbah dari Settling Pond PT Adaro Indonesia ., Fitriansyah
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 1 (2015): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.37 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v13i1.2543


Kajian Kapasitas Daya Tampung Sungai Tutupan Kabupaten Balangan Terhadap Air Limbah dari Settling Pond PT Adaro IndonesiaCapacity of Assessment at The Tutupan River in Balangan Regency Against Wastewater from Settling Pond PT Adaro IndonesiaFitriansyahJurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin Alamat korespondensi : Jl. Achmad Yani Km. 5,5 Komplek Stadion Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin 70249 AbstractThe river is a natural groove surface of the earth to drain the water and sediment, besides of course the interaction between discharge, sediment load and other factors such as human activity along the river gives the characteristics of the formation of different rivers. Each mining (including coal mining) must produce mine water or gas / air. Specifically for mine water, the largest portion comes from land clearing activities and waste material (waste) are easily eroded thus affecting water quality standards runoff coming out of the mining area and heading to cover the river water bodies located in the District of Juai which crosses 6 (six villages) namely; Ds. East buts, Ds.Wonorejo, Ds Source fortune, Ds.Teluk Bayur, Ds.Mungkur Uyam and Ds. Shingle. Cover river in length of 8.35 km with a capacity of capacity of 17.16 m3 / sec, able to accommodate flood discharge with a return period of 100 years (Q 100) of 18.62 m3 / sec.Keywords : Cover river, Capacity, Debit Flood,AbstrakSungai merupakan aluran alamiah dipermukaan bumi untuk mengalirkan air dan sedimen, disamping itu tentu saja interaksi antara debit, beban sedimen dan faktor lain seperti aktifitas manusia di sepanjang sungai memberikan karakteristik pembentukan sungai yang berbeda-beda. Setiap kegiatan penambangan (termasuk pertambangan batubara) pasti menghasilkan air tambang ataupun gas/udara. Khusus untuk air tambang, porsi terbesar berasal dari aktivitas pembukaan lahan dan material buangan (waste) yang mudah tererosi sehingga mempengaruhi baku mutu air limpasan yang keluar dari area penambangan dan menuju ke badan sungai Sungai Tutupan terletak pada Kecamatan Juai yang melintasi 6 (enam desa) yaitu; Ds. Tapian Timur, Ds.Wonorejo, Ds Sumber Rejeki, Ds.Teluk Bayur, Ds.Mungkur Uyam dan Ds. Sirap. Sungai Tutupan yang mempunyai panjang 8,35 Km dengan kapasitas daya tampung 17,16 m3/det, mampu menampung debit banjir dengan kala ulang 100 tahunan (Q 100) sebesar 18,62 m3/det.Kata Kunci: Sungai Tutupan, Daya Tampung, Debit Banjir,
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 12, No 1 (2014): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (151.603 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v12i1.2048


OPTIMASI DIAMETER PIPA PADA SISTEM JARINGAN AIRBERSIH DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN LINEAR PROGRAMMINGDI KECAMATAN TUREN MALANGRega Putra Permana1, Chairil Saleh21,2Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat korespondensi : Jalan Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144ABSTRACTTuren districts is one of 33 districts in Malang regency. Located ± 16 km east of the capitalcity of Malang (Kepanjen) and ± 26 km south of Malang. One of the factors that determine thelevel of performance of the system of providing clean water is effectiveness network.Results ofthe evaluation of the performance of a network of water pipes are clean before it shows that therelative energy level at each node the pipe showed a huge differenceLinear programming is a method which is very popular and reliable in solving optimizationproblem that contain linear function.Besides the simplicity of its functions, the ease factor insolving the equation system makes the linear programming more interesting to be applied insolving various optimization cases.This project to find out the level of linear programming to solving optimization problemsdiameter pipelines in the water distribution system.The results of the analysis Indicates that themodel linear programming is quite consistent and can provide optimum solutions appropriateobjective function and constraint functions of the set.Keywords: linear programming, diameter, pipe networks, optimization.
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 15, No 1 (2017): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (606.197 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v15i1.4490


Waduk Bening merupakan salah satu waduk yang berada di Propinsi Jawa Timur yang memiliki luas daerah genangan sebesar 5,7 km2 dengan kapasitas tampungan air sebesar 31,7 juta m3. Dalam pengelolaan suatu waduk, pasti terdapat suatu masalah di antaranya yaitu masalah sedimentasi. Ada beberapa metode yang bisa digunakan untuk mengetahui distribusi sedimen diantaranya adalah metode Empirical Area Reduction, Area Incrament dan Moody’s Modification. Pada studi kali ini metode yang digunakan adalah metode  Empirical Area Reduction dan Area Incrament. Dengan bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode yang paling sesuai diantara Emperical Area Reduction Method dan Area Increment Method untuk memprediksi distribusi sedimen di Waduk Bening Madiun Jawa Timur. Dari hasil analisa didapat metode yang efisien yaitu metode Empirical Area Reduction sehingga didapat volume sedimen yang mengendap untuk  19 tahun sebesar 0,070 juta m3 dan untuk 22 tahun sebesar 0,068 juta m3.
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 10, No 1 (2012): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (63.654 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v10i1.1210


Town expansion not followed by infrastructure development can result many problems andone of them is related to transportation. This research aims to model Trip generation conducted bysome community of housing types in Pematangsiantar town. And the research of this is done toknow and estimate the level of out movement from the housing that will be used for forecasting inorder to overcome all problems at the future period.The primary survey is done by filling thequestionnaire by 86 members of families which are living in three housing type’s area that is luxurious,middle and simple. The result of the questionnaires will be tabulated to become dependent variableand independent variable. Moreover, it will be analyzed by SPSS-12 program. The equation regressionof it will be used to model and awaken the trip of community in some housing types in Pematangsiantartown.From the final result model test, it was gotten that the trip generation in three housing typearea that is luxurious housing type (Y1), middle housing type (Y2), and type housing of simplebuilding (Y3) had been very influenced by amount of family member (X1), amount of the ownershipof car (X3), amount of the ownership of motorcycle (X4) and amount of family go to school (X6).The regression model equations are included by luxurious housing type (Y1) = -0,728 + 1,885 X1+ 0,649 X3 + 0,772 X6, middle housing type (Y2) = 0,600 + 1,300 X1 + 0,900 X3, simple housingtype (Y3) = 0,271 + 1,518 X1 + 0,905 X4.Keyword: Trip generation model, Housing typologies.
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 11, No 1 (2013): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v11i1.2824


Ernawan S.1) , Yuda Al Qadr Latief2)1,2) Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat korespondensi : Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144AbstractHydrological conditions in Indonesia and elsewhere is typical, so not all the way and all the concepts can be used to solve the problem of hydrology in Indonesia, especially in the Upstream Brantas River precisely in Sub Watershed of Metro. Rain is an important input component in the hydrological processes. Rainfall characteristics of which are the intensity, duration, depth, and frequency. Intensity related to the duration and frequency can be expressed by curves Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF). IDF curves can be used to calculateflood plan to use a rational method.In this study, daily rainfall calculated by frequency analysis begins by determining the mean maximum daily rainfall, then calculate statistical parameter to choose the most suitable distribution. The time is long dominant rainfall event with the greatest frequency of rain events. The intensity is calculated by using the data of observation.Based on the analysis of the frequency of the rain turns to design return period 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years in a row is 49; 70; 86; 111; 132 and 155 mm. The results showed that the amount of time the dominant rain events between 4-8 hours. IDF curves in sub watershed of Metro based on the data observations generally showed a pattern where the rainfall is always preceded by a high intensity then progressively decreases. Besides the greater the return period tend to have higher rainfall intensity. The results of this research could bedeveloped even if it may be modified in accordance with the specific conditions subwatershed of Metro.

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