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Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah
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Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings (JMEF)
Published by Universitas Indonesia
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JMEF publishes publications that report on R&D discoveries and fundamental understanding of phenomena with potential significance, as well as those that explore solutions to current engineering challenges in materials and mechanical engineering or related fields. JMEF includes original research, review and short communication articles. JMEF welcomes original articles on all aspects of materials science/engineering and mechanical engineering, including: 1. Materials synthesis, processing and manufacturing; 2. Advanced Materials; 3. Extraction metallurgy; 4. Physics of Materials; 5. Computational studies on Materials and Mechanical Engineering; 6. Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer; 7. Management Integrity and Reliability Engineering; 8. Mechanical systems; and related fields.
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Articles 38 Documents
Preface of Volume 1 Issue 1 on Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings (JMEF) Fatriansyah, Jaka Fajar
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Material Selection of Below-knee Leg Prosthetics Rizqillah, Raihan Kenji
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The effort to select the best pylon material, part of below-knee leg prosthetic, has been performed. It begins with function analysis to generate design requirement, which concludes that the objective is to select material that gives proper mechanical properties with lowest weigth and cost. Constraint requirements eliminate unsuitable material. Material indices, a scoring function, are derived from objective with respect to a function, and used for ranking material candidates. Ranking from material indices gives top material candidates of woods. Al alloy, Mg alloy, and ferrous alloy. Further seek of documentation is undertaken by failure analysis, value analysis, fabrication, and environmental impact. The final decision is PLA carbon fibre is the best material for pylon of below knee in respect to performance to weigth and cost.
The Optimization Of Failure Risk Estimation On The Uniform Corrosion Rate With A Non-Linear Function Hartoyo, Fernanda; Fatriansyah, Jaka Fajar; Mas'ud, Imam Abdillah; Digita, Farhan Rama; Ovelia, Hanna; Asral, Datu Rizal
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Failures in the oil and gas pipeline system are conditions that must be avoided and anticipated because the losses due to the failures can occur at a very high level. Internal corrosion is one of the significant causes of the failures in pipeline systems. In addition, this type of corrosion is due to the high content of carbon dioxide and other corrosive substances in crude oil and natural gas. Therefore, an optimal inspection scheduling system is required to prevent the possibility of pipeline failures due to corrosion and to avoid any overspending on the budget due to excessive inspection scheduling. Risk-based testing (RBI) is one of the best methods to define a test planning system by using an optimal risk assessment. In this article, a Monte Carlo random number generator is applied by using a huge number of random iterations to approximate the actual risk value of a pipeline system with a limited sample at the scene. The nonlinear corrosion rate function is used for comparison with the commonly used linear corrosion rate function based on ASTM G-16 95. Once a risk value is estimated, the value is monitored based on an assessment of the risk matrix for each corrosion rate function by using the RBI method. The results show that the nonlinear corrosion rate function provides a more accurate approach to estimating the actual risk value and ultimately leads to an optimal inspection planning system.
Planning of Air Conditioner Cooling Load In The Dean Room Of The Faculty Of Engineering and Information Technology University Of PGRI Semarang Supriyadi, Slamet; Farikhah, Irna; Suhartono, Suhartono
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The specification of the cooling load or chiller in the FTI UPGRIS dean's room currently requires a review of the distribution of cooling air in the room due to the number of electronics and occupants in the room and the size of the air conditioner. Therefore, the room must be taken into account to prevent insufficient cooling load, As a result, it is impossible to reach the desired temperature and humidity set. The FTI Dean's room has an air conditioner with a cooling capacity of 1 unit. It should be able to cover the amount of cooling in the room. To calculate the cooling load borne by the room of the Dean of the FTI UPGRIS, an analysis of the calculation of the cooling load was carried out to determine the number of cooling units needed to provide sufficient cooling in the Dean Room of the FTI UPGRIS. Data collection techniques obtained from the results of research in the room used quantitative research. quantitative data that the largest load is the sensible load 322753.21 Btu/hr, and the latent load is 47152.52 Btu/hr with the total cooling load 369905.73 Btu/hr + 5% Safety Factor (SF) 388.401.01 Btu/hr at 16.00 WIB. Why does the highest load occur at 13.00 WIB, this is due to the maximum load or the peak of the cooling load in the FTI Dean's room. And in terms of the load density of the FTI Dean's room of 388,401.01 Btu/hr divided by the building area of the FTI Dean's room of 530.76 ft^2, the result is that the cooling load density is 731.78 (Btu/hr) per ft^2. From research in the FTI Dean's room, the result was 113.83 Kwatt. The selection of AC units is adjusted to the size of the room, the larger the room that is cooled in the FTI Dean's room, 2 AC units are installed with a power of 1.5 pk with a capacity of 12,000 Btu/hr.
The Effect of Sample Placement in the Furnace during the Heat Treatment Process of 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy on Microstructure, Hardness, and Electrical Conductivity Dhaneswara, Donanta; Rindharto, Hardi; Aqilafif, Muhammad Syauqi
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This paper reports the effects of sample placement during the heat treatment on the microstructural morphology and mechanical properties of 7075 Al alloy such as hardness value and electrical conductivity. The material was in the formed of Al alloy sheets where samples were machined into a square with dimensions of 1.5 x 1.5 inch. The 7075-T0 Al alloy as samples were given heat treatment by precipitation hardening (aging) at temperature 120°C for 24 hours, so it becomes 7075-T6 Al alloy. Samples were subjected to some mechanical tests and the morphology of the resulting microstructures were characterized by optical microscopy. The variable was the placement of samples in the furnace which is based on the differences of the 7075 Al alloy properties, from aging process T0 to T6, in microstructure, hardness value and electrical conductivity even though the tools, materials and treatment given are the same. The study showed that as far as the sample from the furnace door, hardness values were increased while the electrical conductivity decreased and it was proportional to the dispersion of precipitates that occurred.
Investigating Features and Output Correlation Coefficient of Natural Fiber-Reinforced Poly(lactic acid) Biocomposites Federico, Andreas; Surip, Siti Norasmah; Wan Jaafar, Wan Nor Raihan; Fatriansyah, Jaka Fajar; Pradana, Agrin Febrian
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Polylactic acid (PLA) material has the potential to be applied in various industrial fields, but this material has shortcomings in terms of mechanical properties, especially mechanical strength, due to brittleness nature of PLA. The manufacture of PLA composite material with the addition of natural fibers as a reinforcing phase is one of the methods to increase the impact strength and maintain the biodegradable properties of the material. However, in theory, there are many factors that affect the mechanical properties of composite materials, thus making the mechanical properties of composites more complex than monolithic materials. The mechanical properties of these composite materials can be predicted using deep learning by paying attention to the relationship between factors, and between factors and their mechanical properties. This relationship has an important role in creating a predictive model with good accuracy. Therefore, correlation analysis is an important thing to do. Correlation analysis was applied using Python programming language to determine the relationship between the impact strength of natural fiber-reinforced PLA biocomposites with its feature information: chemical composition, density, dimensions, surface chemical treatment of natural fibers, matrix-reinforcement volume fraction, and the type of processing used to manufacture the material.
STRUCTURAL RISK-BASED UNDERWATER INSPECTION (RBUI) AS A COST REDUCTION OF FIELD’s END OF PRODUCTION LIFE Putra, Ivan Fitrian; Soedarsono, Johny Wahyuadi; Mahendra, Mirza; Haidir, Yuki; Purnawarman, Faisal Dwiyana; Sukirna, Iwan; Hernowo, Widi
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Mubadala Petroleum operates offshore platforms in a southern Makassar Straits that needs to be periodically inspected. The cost for the inspection is massive due to the high cost of mobilization and demobilization of vessels including crew and equipment. In response of a new approach to reduce cost, a Risk-Based Underwater Inspection (RBUI) methodology is developed. This RBUI purpose is to reduce the inspection interval of the offshore platform, from every 2 years to a longer period[1]. There are existing RBUI methodologies, which are already developed and implemented in other companies[5]. Purpose of this paper is to develop further detailed and more accurate RBUI methodology based on data analysis and the agile development method. Offshore platforms condition is dynamic and always changing from time to time. This methodology uses offshore platform design and condition data, including inspection data. All collected inspection data of offshore platform conditions will produce an accurate risk register of the platform. Thus, accurate risk register will give the best inspection interval time, considering its safety and economical benefit. From the RBUI analysis using this method, inspection interval can be deferred from 2 (two) years to range of 4-9 years, depending on the condition and risk of the platform. The operating cost of each platform also reduced up to US$ 670,737 per year.
Investigation of The Effect of Corundum Layer on The Heat Transfer of SiC Slab Fatmi, Sri Elsa; Dhaneswara, Donanta; Anis, Muhammad; Ashari, Ahmad
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Aluminum is the most widely used metal in industry. Aluminum smelting is one of the important steps that needs to be carried out to produce products made of aluminum metal with good quality. In the process of smelting aluminum there are several problems that occur, one of which is the growth of corundum in Si C refractories which affects the quality of aluminum melt and the durability of Si C refractories. This research was conducted to see the heat transfer in Si C and the effect of the presence of Corundum on heat transfer. This research was carried out by simulation using COMSOL Multiphysics to see the distribution of heat and the resulting temperature. The simulation is carried out in two dimensions geometry of a Si C slab and a layer of corundum added. From the simulations carried out for two conditions, namely Si C without corundum and Si C with corundum, it was found that the presence of corundum would inhibit the heat transfer process on Si C Slab.
The Comparison of Pipe Thickness Selection Method Using Full Flange Rating and non-Full Flange Rating of Cryogenic Services in an LNG Plant Construction Agustar, Ari; Iskandar, Isdaryanto; Putra, Wahyuaji Narottama
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Significant growth of gas demand as a source of power generation for domestic use and industries, mainly in the developed countries, has forced the effort to secure the gas supplies located thousands of miles away across the sea as an economical way of gas transportation instead of transporting by pipeline. LNG technology was created as the solution. Natural gas is refrigerated below its boiling point (-160oC to -162oC), known as cryogenic temperature or cryogenic service. Material of Construction (MOC) selection report showed that 304/304L and 316/316L Stainless Steel pipe could withstand and be suitable for this type of service. However, the SS pipe price could be much more costly than the CS pipe. An alternative philosophy to the full-flange rating is introduced in this paper to reduce SS pipe thickness without sacrificing safety issues and proper engineering practice. The philosophy of the pipe wall-thickness calculation method utilized in this paper showed no impact on the class 150 rating due to the selected thicknesses being equal or higher. However, the class 300 rating successfully reduced pipe selected thickness for pipe sizes larger than 24 inches ranging from 20,15% to 31,1%, and for class 600 rating successfully reduced the thickness ranging from 6,28% to 16,55% for pipe sizes 10 inches and larger. The overall pipe thickness reduction reduced pipe weight for cryogenic services by approximately 91,84 tons. The philosophy of the pipe wall-thickness calculation method for cryogenic services can be extended to all other services in the entire LNG production train to gain maximum cost savings for the pipe purchasing cost.
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The oil and gas industry generally uses a piping system to drain fluids. Even though the pipes used have been well designed, the use of pipes as a means of fluid transportation still provides the possibility of failure that can occur at any time, one of which is due to uniform corrosion. The use of standard Risk Based Inspection (RBI) according to the API RBI 581 document has been widely used to anticipate potential failures to pipe components. The use of standard RBI can reduce the risk of failure significantly. Because the standard RBI considers the component risk value to be constant, it causes an error in the component status assessment. It is unfortunate happen, if an industry fails due to an error in the inspection results, causing financial losses. This research will design dynamic RBI using thickness data of 12 PT.X inspection points in 5 inspection time intervals. The results showed that the dynamic RBI design that was compiled could provide real-time component condition status, capture fluctuations in the corrosion rate that occurred, and provide an accurate description of the actual component condition. RBI design makes inspection and maintenance planning more precise by reducing the frequency of redundant inspections and the possibility of inspection planning errors.

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