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Relief: Journal of Craft
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RELIEF: Journal of Craft contains scientific articles of research, conceptual ideas, creation of craft, craft design, ornaments, and interdisciplinary studies related to the field of craft (kriya).
Articles 23 Documents
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Relief : Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1045.415 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v1i1.2175


This article is a conceptual idea of a project of the creation of batik works that are inspired by the beauty of the Minangkabau village. The form of the work created is in the form of a partition that can be used as an interior element. The method of creation is through exploration, design, and embodiment of works. The results of the concepts and ideas of the work produce unique batik works by refelected the village atmosphere, culture, and natural beauty of Minangkabau.  ABSTRAKArtikel ini merupakan ide konseptual dari proyek penciptaan karya batik yang terinspirasi dari keindahan desa Minangkabau. Bentuk karya yang dibuat berupa sekat yang dapat digunakan sebagai elemen interior. Cara penciptaannya adalah melalui eksplorasi, desain, dan perwujudan karya. Hasil konsep dan ide karya tersebut menghasilkan karya batik yang unik dengan merefleksikan suasana pedesaan, budaya, dan keindahan alam Minangkabau. 
TABUIK PARIAMAN DALAM PERAYAAN MUHARRAM (Pendekatan Sosiologi Seni) Yulimarni Yulimarni; Anin Ditto
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Relief: Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.355 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v2i1.2596


Tabuik is a work of decorative art that is formed on an aesthetic concept and is the main object for the implementation of the Muharram celebration in Pariaman City. The activity is held once a year. This study aims to examine the Pariaman tabuik from the perspective of the sociology of art by using the theory of Vera L. Zolberg. This research uses qualitative research and is analysed descriptively. Data was obtained through observation, interviews, literature study, and documentation. The data were analyzed through three stages, namely identification, classification, and interpretation. The results show that tabuik is a cultural artefact whose existence is very important in the celebration of Muharram and is formed due to social processes. Initially, the tabuik celebration was carried out as a sacred ceremony and contained sacred values. Now the implementation of Tabuik is more directed to the value of entertainment or tourism. All of that, of course, cannot be separated from the role of government institutions, tabuik artists, and supporting communities as art constructions. So that tabuik can live and thrive in Pariaman City until now.
MOTIF AKA CINO SAGAGANG PADA INTERIOR KELUARGA Doli Indra Hanafi; Rahmad Washinton; Hendra Hendra
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Relief: Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1365.894 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v2i1.2589


ABSTRACT Aka cino sagagang motive is one. On the motives applied to Rumah Gadang the motive of aka cino sagagang symbolize a determinate determination to achieves life,s goals this is line with the work to be made, namely the family is a place of basic education to foster personalities. The concept of creating this work departs from the farm of a motif that is stalized to adjust the field applied to the family interior. The theoretical basis used in the realization of this workis the theory used in the realization of this namely the theory of form, function, and aesthetics. The methods in the process of creating this work used the exsploration, design, and realization stages. The material us in the process of making this work is surian wood. The techniques used in making this work is the technique of carving and construction.The work created in three dimentions. This work has a practical and aesthetic function which is used as a disposable object in a family room which consists of a tv cabinet, bookcase, desk chair, display cabinet, and wall lamp.  ABSTRAK Motif aka cino sagagang merupakan salah satu motif yang diterapkan pada rumah Gadang. Motif aka cino sagagang melambangkan suatu tekad yang gigih dalam mencapai tujuan hidup, hal ini sejalan dengan karya yang akan dibuat yaitu interior keluarga, di mana keluarga menjadi tempat pendidikan dasar untuk membina kepribadian.Konsep penciptaan karya ini berangkat dari bentuk motif yang distilisasikan menyesuaikan bidang yang diterapkan pada interior keluarga. Landasan teori yang digunakan dalam perwujudan karya ini yakni teori  bentuk, fungsi, dan estetis. Metode dalam proses penciptaan karya ini menggunakan tahap eksplorasi, perancangan dan perwujudan. Bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan karya ini adalah kayu surian. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pembuatan karya ini adalah teknik ukir dan kontruksi.Karya yang diciptakan berbentuk tiga dimensi.  Karya ini memiliki fungsi praktis dan estetis yang digunakan sebagai benda pakai dalam ruang keluarga yang terdiri dari kursi three seat, meja, rak buku, kabinet TV, lemari pajang, dan lampu dinding. 
CARANO MINANGKABAU DALAM EKSPRESI KRIYA KAYU Hasnul Fachri; Ahmad Bahrudin; Nofrial Nofrial
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Relief : Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (643.991 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v1i1.2162


The paper contains Carano as craft artwork that is expected to be a medium of communication with the audience considering how important the role of Carano in Minangkabau traditional processions is. The concept of creating this work is the source of the Minangkabau Carano ideas that are expressed in works of art. The theoretical basis used in the realization of this work is the theory of form, function, aesthetics, and methods in the process of creating this work using three stages, namely exploration, design, and embodiment. The materials used in making the work are surian wood and uses carving techniques. The works created are in the form of two-dimensional relief that takes the form of a full Carano and some are only partially, the work only has an aesthetic function.ABSTRAKMakalah ini memuat Carano sebagai karya seni kriya yang diharapkan dapat menjadi media komunikasi dengan khalayak mengingat betapa pentingnya peran Carano dalam prosesi adat Minangkabau. Konsep penciptaan karya ini merupakan sumber dari ide-ide Carano Minangkabau yang dituangkan dalam karya seni rupa. Landasan teori yang digunakan dalam realisasi karya ini adalah teori bentuk, fungsi, estetika, dan metode dalam proses penciptaan karya ini menggunakan tiga tahapan yaitu eksplorasi, perancangan, dan perwujudan. Bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan karya tersebut adalah kayu surian dan menggunakan teknik ukir. Karya yang diciptakan berupa relief dua dimensi yang berbentuk Carano utuh dan ada pula yang hanya sebagian, karya tersebut hanya memiliki fungsi estetika.
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Relief: Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1053.183 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v2i1.2595


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerajinan kerawang Gayo di kampung kerawang Bebesen, Kecamatan Bebesen, Aceh Tengah, Propinsi Aceh, meliputi bentuk, fungsi, dan pemasarannya.  Kampung Bebesen memiliki perajin kerawang terbanyak di Aceh.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan data deskriptif yang bersumber dari perajin dan pemilik usaha, tokoh masyarakat, dan pemerintah daerah setempat.  Pembahasan dan pemecahan data penelitian dilakukan dengan dukungan teori yang relevan yaitu teori bentuk, dan fungsi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, tinjauan pustaka, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.  Perajin kerawang Gayo di kampung Bebesen menghasilkan produk untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti baju kerawang, tas, rok, jilbab, upuh ulen-ulen, pawak, sarung bantal kursi, serta untuk kebutuhan acara-acara adat, bantal didong yang digunakan dalam kesenian didong, payung, dan beragam bentuk cinderamata.  Adapun motif hias yang banyak dijahitkan dalam produk kerajinan di sini yaitu motif emun berangkat, emun beriring, emun mutumpuk, emun mupesir, tapak seleman, bunge ni kapas, puter tali, dan pucuk rebung. 
KREASI NANAS SEBAGAI MOTIF PADA KAIN PANJANG Nurika Chairani; Widdiyanti Widdiyanti; Wisnu Prastawa
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Relief : Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1429.83 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v1i1.2165


Pineapple has an elliptical and ovoid shape. The shape of this pineapple is used as a creative motif on a Long cloth. The method of creating works through three stages, namely exploration, design, and embodiment. The exploration stage is looking for direct reference ideas or literature studies, the design stage is pouring ideas into several sketches and then becoming the chosen design, the realization stage is realizing the selected design into work with the batik tulis technique. The form of the work that is realized is a Long cloth with batik tulis technique as many as 3 works and 4 designs. The first work is entitled "Rasa syukur". The second work is entitled “Keadilan”, the third work is entitled “Proses menuju matang. ABSTRAKNanas memiliki bentuk elips dan bulat telur. Bentuk nanas ini digunakan sebagai motif kreatif pada kain panjang. Metode penciptaan karya melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu eksplorasi, desain, dan perwujudan. Tahap eksplorasi adalah mencari ide referensi langsung atau studi literatur, tahap desain menuangkan ide ke dalam beberapa sketsa dan kemudian menjadi desain yang dipilih, tahap realisasi adalah mewujudkan desain yang dipilih menjadi karya dengan teknik batik tulis. Bentuk karya yang diwujudkan berupa kain panjang dengan teknik batik tulis sebanyak 3 karya dan 4 desain. Karya pertama berjudul "Rasa syukur". Karya kedua berjudul “Keadilan”, karya ketiga berjudul “Proses Menuju Matang.
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Relief: Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (744.427 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v2i1.2591


The paper talked about the character of clay in Parit Malintang, Padang Pariaman District, as a raw material of ceramic craft. This research aims to find a new clay for ceramic craft or terracotta in West Sumatera. This research method is action research and implementation with pottery and solid casting techniques and reviewed materials science of ceramic. The result of this research contains; Characteristics of clays of Parit Malintang is terracotta clay (red earthenware clay) entirely plastic, drying shrinkage of  5%, firing shrinkage of  8% (713°C) and can be used as a raw material of ceramic craft mainly terracotta craft.
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Relief : Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1488.76 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v1i1.2172


Jam Gadang is a historic clock tower building located in the city of Bukittinggi. Jam Gadang has several unique and historical journey that is characteristic. This paper contains the concept of metal craft creation with optical illusion art. The method of creating works of art exploration, design, and creation of artwork. Artworks were created as interior decoration. The result of the concept contains three artworks; "Tiga Zaman", "Ampek" and "Brillian". The all of artwork visualizes the uniqueness and historical values of Jam Gadang. ABSTRAKJam Gadang adalah sebuah bangunan menara jam bersejarah yang terletak di kota Bukittinggi. Jam Gadang memiliki beberapa keunikan dan perjalanan sejarah yang menjadi ciri khasnya. Makalah ini berisi tentang konsep kreasi kerajinan logam dengan seni ilusi optik. Metode penciptaan karya seni eksplorasi, desain, dan penciptaan karya seni. Karya seni diciptakan sebagai dekorasi interior. Hasil dari konsep tersebut memuat tiga karya seni; "Tiga Zaman", "Ampek" dan "Brilian". Semua karya seni memvisualisasikan keunikan dan nilai sejarah Jam Gadang. 
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Relief: Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1204.47 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v2i1.2592


ABSTRACT Songket Pandai Sikek is a songket that has been traded in the market. Pandai Sikek is one of the nagari in the Minangkabau which a famous because pandai sikek songket is producer in West Sumatra. The spread of the Covid-19 virus has a negative impact on various economic sectors. The spread of covid -19 has caused a decrease in market demand for the sikek songket. The COVID-19 outbreak requires changes in marketing communication strategies for business players can survive during of a pandemic. The selection of a marketing communication strategy is one of the efforts made so that the business activities of the songket pandai sikek can survive during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to identify and determine the choice of an integrated marketing communication strategy that is in accordance with market needs during of the covid-19. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive type of research. The results of the research, integrated marketing communication strategy used during the covid-19 pandemic used by the songket pandai sikek business players is interactive marketing.
Relief : Journal of Craft Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Relief : Journal of Craft
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (818.366 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/relief.v1i1.2174


This article is an idea of creating women's handbags which are carried out according to the method of creating works of art, namely exploration, design, and embodiment. In the exploration stage, the activities carried out are market observations and digging references from various sources of knowledge. The next stage is the design, which is built based on the analysis obtained, followed by visualizing the idea in the form of a sketch as a reference for working drawings in the process of realizing this women's handbag or handbag product. The result of the creation of this bag consists of 2 women's handbags or handbags with attractive shapes. This bag is bolted with a hand sewing technique without using a machine and using a knot and basting technique.ABSTRAKArtikel ini adalah sebuah gagasan penciptaan karya kriya tas tangan wanita yang dilakukan sesuai dengan metode penciptaan karya seni yaitu eksplorasi, perancangan, dan perwujudan. Dalam tahap eksplorasi kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah pengamatan pasar dan menggali referensi dari berbagai sumber pengetahuan. Tahap selanjutanya adalah perancangan, yang dibangun berdasarkan perolehan analisis, diteruskan dengan memvisualisasikan gagasan berbentuk sketsa sebagai acuan gambar kerja dalam proses perwujudan produk tas atau handbag wanita ini . Hasil dari penciptaan tas ini terdiri dari 2 tas atau handbag wanita dengan bentuk yang menarik. Tas ini dibaut dengan teknik jahit tangan tidak menggunakan mesin dan menggunakan teknuk sulam simpul dan jelujur.

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