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Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin
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Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin (e-ISSN: 2962-2743) merupakan jurnal nasional multidisiplin open access dan peer-reviewed yang diterbitkan oleh Transbahasa. Publikasi dalam jurnal ini mencakup artikel orisinal, review, maupun studi kasus yang memenuhi standar etika ilmiah. Fokus jurnal ini mencakup semua bidang ilmu seperti pendidikan, kesehatan, perikanan, pertanian, teknik, ekonomi, sosial humaniora, MIPA, hukum dan politik, serta bahasa dan budaya. Jurnal ini dikelola dengan sistem OJS (Open Journal System).
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 48 Documents
EFL Student’s Anxiety in Speaking English Riski Putri Arimbi; Indri Wirahmi Bay; Fahria Malabar
Research Review Vol. 1 No. 1: (Februari-Juli 2022) Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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The present study intends to investigate the factors that affect students’ anxiety in speaking English and the strategies that students use to cope with their anxiety in speaking English. The data of the study were obtained by using mix method. The participants were students of the English Department. Research data were collected by giving questionnaires and interviewing the students. The findings reveal the result that most of the students in the English Department felt anxiety in speaking English. However, most of the students used the strategies to cope with the anxiety while speaking English.
Membangun Literasi dengan Semangat Merdeka Belajar Adriansyah A. Katili; Yanti Hubu
Research Review Vol. 1 No. 1: (Februari-Juli 2022) Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas hakikat literasi di Merdeka Belajar. Diskusi dilakukan dari sudut pandang filosofis Freire. Pandangan Filosofis Freire menyarankan bahwa peserta didik harus bebas dalam belajar membaca dan menulis. Mereka harus bebas menyampaikan pendapat. Untuk itu, pemanfaatan TIK harus dimaksimalkan. Agar hal ini dapat mencapai keberhasilan, guru harus memainkan peran sebagai motivator dan pemerintah harus berperan sebagai regulator dan fasilitator.
Pengaruh Subtitusi Tepung Ikan Layang (decapterus sp) Terhadap Formulasi Mie Kering Nurul Reski Amalia; Asri Silvana Naiu; Nikmawatisusanti Yusuf
Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin (Februari 2023- Juli 2023)
Publisher : Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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Mie kering merupakan jenis makanan hasil olahan tepung terigu yang sudah dikenal oleh sebagian besar masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mutu mie kering hasil subtitusi tepung ikan layang pada tepung terigu. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah subtitusi tepung ikan layang pada tepung terigu dengan 3 taraf dan 1 kontrol yaitu 0gr, 10gr, 30gr, 50gr. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan metode uji Kruskal Wallis dan dilanjut uji Duncan untuk pengujian organoleptik mutu hedonik dan untuk pengujian analisis data proksimat dirancang menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) diuji menggunakan ANOVA dan diuji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa subtitusi tepung ikan layang dengan tepung terigu memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap semua formula mie kering organoleptik mutu hedonik dan kandungan proksimat mie kering kecuali kadar lemak.
A Study on Listening Difficulties Faced by students Sri Rumiyatiningsih Luwiti; Irmawaty Umar; Sahrin Mustapa
Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin (Februari 2023- Juli 2023)
Publisher : Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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In learning English, one of the most difficult skills for students was listening. There were various causes that make it difficult for students in listening skill. This study was aimed find out the difficulties that faced by students while listening. This study was applied descriptive qualitative method because the data was gaining the information relate listening difficulties and the data was collected from questionnaire as the main instrument. This study was conducted at SMPN Widya Krama, while participants of this study were the students of class 8 grades and the total of participants were 20 students. Based on the result of this study, the students encountered various difficulties such as the quality of recording used in listening, Students’ vocabulary was limited, length and speed of listening, various kinds of accents and cultural differences.
EFL Student’s Anxiety in Speaking English Riski Putri Arimbi; Indri Wirahmi Bay; Fahria Malabar
Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 1: Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin (Februari 2022- Juli 2022)
Publisher : Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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The present study intends to investigate the factors that affect students’ anxiety in speaking English and the strategies that students use to cope with their anxiety in speaking English. The data of the study were obtained by using mix method. The participants were students of the English Department. Research data were collected by giving questionnaires and interviewing the students. The findings reveal the result that most of the students in the English Department felt anxiety in speaking English. However, most of the students used the strategies to cope with the anxiety while speaking English.
Membangun Literasi dengan Semangat Merdeka Belajar Adriansyah A. Katili; Yanti Hubu
Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 1: Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin (Februari 2022- Juli 2022)
Publisher : Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas hakikat literasi di Merdeka Belajar. Diskusi dilakukan dari sudut pandang filosofis Freire. Pandangan Filosofis Freire menyarankan bahwa peserta didik harus bebas dalam belajar membaca dan menulis. Mereka harus bebas menyampaikan pendapat. Untuk itu, pemanfaatan TIK harus dimaksimalkan. Agar hal ini dapat mencapai keberhasilan, guru harus memainkan peran sebagai motivator dan pemerintah harus berperan sebagai regulator dan fasilitator.
An Analysis of Teachers Technique in Teaching Listening to Students of SMP Negeri 1 Limboto Yenrika H. Nune; Elsje L. Sambouw; Farid Muhamad
Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 1: Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin (Februari 2022- Juli 2022)
Publisher : Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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This research aimed to know what are the techniques that use by teachers in teaching listening to students of SMP Negeri 1 Limboto. According to (Harmer: 2007) there are many techniques that teacher uses in teaching listening, every teacher has a technique in teaching listening. There were seven techniques that can use in teaching listening, those were fill in the gap, guessing pictures, finding mistakes, rearranging sentences or paragraph, matching, English song and dictation. Based on this theory, the researcher had formulated the questionnaire and the interview. It is a qualitative research where in analyzing the data the researcher used interview and gave them questionnaire which the procedure explained that the process of analysis involve preparing, the data for analysis, identify the data, deeper understanding the data representing the data the last making interpretation the data. The result of the research found that the teacher at the SMPN 1 Limboto did implement some teaching techniques in teaching listening. Those techniques were fill in the gap, guessing pictures, finding mistakes, rearranging words or paragraph, matching, English song and dictation and the most frequently used technique was fill in the gap. Fill in the gap had found most frequently since it can be used to test a variety of areas such as vocabulary, grammar and were very effective at testing listening for specific words. Moreover, the researcher found that teacher A applied the fill in the gap, 2 finding mistakes, rearranging sentences or paragraph, matching, English song and dictation. Teacher C as in other hand also applied the fill in the gap, finding mistakes, rearranging sentences or paragraph, English song and dictation but did not apply the matching technique. While for the teacher B only applied fill in the gap technique and English song technique. Therefore all the techniques stated by Harmer was used by the teachers in teaching listening.
Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Fly Swatter Game Jolanda Hulda Debora Pilongo; Titien Fatmawaty Mohammad; Citra Dewi Bonde
Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 1: Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin (Februari 2022- Juli 2022)
Publisher : Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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This research analyzes effect of fly swatter game in improving students’ vocabulary mastery. A quantitative method is employed in discovering the results, where it is conducted at SMP N 5 Dumogaand the participants were the A class of eight-grade students of SMP N 5 Dumoga. Data collection was employed by using pre- and post-test and the treatment is used as a means of improving students’ vocabulary mastery. The results showed that there is an improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery, which can be seen from the higher post-test score. Furthermore, by implementing fly swatter game, the students are being more active and enthusiasm in learning vocabularies related to the material taught by the researcher. As a result, they are not feel bored and keep their interest in following the learning process.Therefore, based on the explanation above, it can be summarized that the students’ vocabulary mastery is improved because of the implementation of Fly Swatter Game in teaching and learning process.
An Analysis of Translation Technique in Translating “Looking For Alaska” Novel Written by John Green Inang Regita Cahyani Sunani; Novriyanto Napu; Jefriyanto Saud
Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 1: Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin (Februari 2022- Juli 2022)
Publisher : Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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This research analyzes translation techniques used in translating Looking for Alaska novel written by John Green. A qualitative method is employed in discovering the results, where it is conducted by employing note-taking in order to collect the data. In analyzing the data, this research utilized document analysis for reviewing or evaluating the selected document, which in this case, the translated novel. After conducting this research, it is found that this novel is translated by using ten types of technique, namely adaptation, amplifiction, borrowing, calque, compensation description, estabilish equivalent, generalization, literal translation, and variation. Furthermore, the most used technique in translating the Looking for Alaska novel is literal translation with the discovered cases being 140 and since this technique is constantly used in translation, this number is only the representation of it because it is safe to assume that the translator usually resorted to this technique presumably due to it is being default way of translating a text.
Dekonstruksi Derrida dan Hegemoni Gramsci: Sebuah Awal Pencarian Identitas Budaya Indonesia Pascakolonial Magdalena Baga
Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 1: Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin (Februari 2022- Juli 2022)
Publisher : Research Review: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin

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Kolonialisme telah jauh ditinggalkan oleh bangsa Indoesia, telah lebih dari setengah abad, tetapi jejak kolonial yang terinternalisasi di dalam diri bangsa tidak pernah ditelusuri. Penelusuran ini penting untuk mengenali identitas diri bangsa pascakolonialisme. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mencari identitas budaya Indonesia Indonesia pascakolonial, dengan menelusuri pengaruh bangsa-bangsa yang datang ke Indonesia di masa lalu dengan menggunakan metode dekonstruksi dan teori Hegemoni Gramsci. Bagaimana bangsa Indonesia kuno memposisikan diri dan diposisikan di dalam perjumpaan dengan bangsa-bangsa yang datang dari luar Indonesia. Untuk menelusuri ini, kita tidak dapat menelusurinya dengan perspektif yang selama ini selalu digunakan. Kita butuh membongkar perspektif itu dengan menggunakan metode dekonstruksi Derrida agar dapat mendudukan peristiwa-peristiwa di dalam sejarah kebudayaan Indonesia. Dengan demikina, kita dapat memperoleh perspektif baru tentang keindonesiaan kita. Teori Hegemoni Gramsci digunakan dalam tulisan ini dalam kaitannya dengan kolonialisme Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan teori hegemoni Gramsci kita dapat menelusuri bahwa kolonialisme tidak selalu dengan cara dominasi dan kekerasan, tetapi dapat dengan cara persuasif dan konsensus sehingga hegemoni terlaksana dengan lentur. Dari hasil penelusuran didapatkan bahwa sebenarnya setiap kedatangan bangsa lain ke Indonesia di masa lalu, hegemoni selalu dipraktekkan dan diterapkan. Namun, tidak setiap bangsa yang masuk ke Indonesia menggunakan hegemoni melalui dominasi dengan kekuatan penuh seperti yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Eropa, sehingga Indonesia selalu mengenang masa-masa penindasan Eropa. Bangsa lain juga datang dengan melakukan hegemoni untuk mengamankan jalur dagang mereka, akan tetapi mereka menggunakan hegemoni dengan cara persuasif dan konsensus.