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REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education
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REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education is a forum for publication of research results related to the study of Christian Religious Education, both by lecturers and students within the scope of the Batam Real Theological College as well as the Theological College and other universities throughout Indonesia, even those outside the country. REAL DIDACHE has an ISSN. 2774-2512 (online). Managed and published by Batam Real Theological College, Riau Islands. Publish manuscripts twice a year, in March and September.
Articles 20 Documents
Deskripsi Kode Etik Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam Perspektif Alkitabiah: Sebagai Keteladan Akademik dan Karakter Nara Didik Desi Ratnasari; Reni Triposa; Yonatan Alex Arifianto
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 2: September 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2335.102 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i2.152


The code of ethics in the Biblical perspective for teacher’s Christian religious education is an important part of actualizing education. Because the code of ethics brings teachers to be able to understand the students well. Christian education, which is still lacking in the application of ethics for teachers, is a challenge in itself. The purpose of this study is to provide understanding to teachers of Christian religious education so that in the learning process provide a good example for students. This research uses qualitative methods.  The result of the research is that teachers before educating must be equipped with truth values that are in accordance with God's word. Being a teacher is not only a teacher but as a guide to the character of students to be a character that is pleasing before the Lord Jesus. Christian teachers before educating must properly learn the teacher's code of ethics in accordance with the biblical perspective. When Christian teachers have understood the correct code of ethics, in every teaching and guidance done to the students can go well in accordance with the truth of God's word.Keywords: biblical; teachers; character; code of ethics; studentsAbstrakKode etik dalam perspektif Alkitab bagi guru Pendidikan agama Kristen menjadi bagian penting dalam mengaktualisasikan pendidikan. Sebab kode etik tersebut membawa guru mampu memahami nara didik dengan baik. Pendidikan Agama Kristen yang masih kurang dalam penerapan etika bagi guru menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada guru Pendidikan agama Kristen agar dalam proses pembelajaran memberikan keteladan yang baik bagi nara didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian adalah guru sebelum mendidik harus dibekali dengan nilai-nilai kebenaran yang sesuai dengan Firman Tuhan. Menjadi guru bukan hanya sebagai pengajar tetapi sebagai pembimbing karakter siswa-siswi menjadi karakter yang berkenan di hadapan Tuhan Yesus. Guru agama Kristen sebelum mendidik harus memperlajari dengan baik kode etik guru sesuai dengan prespektif Alkitabiah. Ketika guru agama Kristen sudah memahami kode etik yang benar maka dalam setiap pengajaran dan pembimbingan yang dilakukan kepada para murid dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan kebenaran Firman Tuhan.Kata kunci: alkitabiah; guru; karakter; kode etik; murid
Peran Pendidikan Agama Kristen Di Era Digital Sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Penggunaan Gadget Yang Berlebihan Pada Anak Dalam Keluarga Di Era Disrupsi 4.0 Fredik Melkias Boiliu
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 1, No 1: September 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.455 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/realdidache.v1i1.73


This article reviews the teaching of Christian religious education in the digital age as an effort to overcome the excessive use of gadgets in children in families in the era of disruption 4.0. Technological advances are so fast and increasingly sophisticated bring major changes in human life in various fields. In this case, such a gadged can have a big impact and everyone in the world must have been connected with the gadget. The use of gadgets is not for people who work, but almost all people, including children and toddlers, are already using gadgets in their daily activities. Gadgets have good values and benefits for certain people, but many negative impacts arise in the excessive use of gadgets for teenagers, children, and even toddlers. Therefore, parents have a very important role to overcome the excessive use of gadgets in children through the teaching of Christian religious education in the family. In carrying out Christian religious education in the family, parents play a role as teachers, educators and assistants to children in the use of gadgets. The method used in this paper is literature review and library research. 
Pengaruh Kompetensi Profesional Guru, Motivasi Siswa, dan Fasilitas Belajar terhadap Hasil Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Zarah D. Bureni; Hendrik A.E Lao
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3106.665 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i1.160


This study aims to determine the effect of teacher professional competence, student motivation, and learning facilities on the learning outcomes of Christian religious education. The type of research used is survey research with a quantitative approach. Data was collected by using questionnaire, observation, and documentation methods. The results of the study are as follows: First, the t-table ANOVA test results in a joint effect of teacher professional competence, student motivation, and learning facilities on the learning outcomes of Christian religious education by 40.1 percent. Second, the coefficients table test for teacher professional competence obtained t_count of 2,335 more than t_table 2.056 and a significant value of 0.028 less than 0.05 for student motivation, t-count 2.097 more than t_table 2.056 and a significant value of 0.046 less than 0.05 so that the results have a significant effect. partial variables of teacher professional competence and student motivation on learning outcomes of Christian religious education, while for learning facilities t_count minus 1754 is less than t table 2,056 and a significant value of 0.091 more than 0.05 there is no partial effect of learning facilities on learning outcomes of Christian religious education. Thus, the variables of teacher professional competence and student motivation affect the learning outcomes of Christian religious education.Keywords: learning facilities; learning outcomes; teacher's professional competence; student motivation AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi siswa, dan fasilitas belajar terhadap hasil pembelajaran pendidikan agama Kristen. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode angket, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: Pertama, Uji t tabel ANOVA hasilnya terdapat pengaruh secara bersama-sama kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi siswa, dan fasilitas belajar terhadap hasil belajar pendidikan agama Kristen sebesar 40,1 persen. Kedua, Uji tabel coefficients untuk kompetensi profesional guru diperoleh t_hitung sebesar 2.335 lebih dari t_tabel 2.056 dan nilai Signifikan 0,028 kurang dari 0,05 untuk motivasi siswa t hitung 2.097 lebih dari t_tabel 2.056 dan nilai signifikan 0,046 kurang dari 0,05 sehingga hasilnya terdapat pengaruh secara parsial variabel kompetensi profesional guru dan motivasi siswa terhadap hasil belajar pendidikan agama Kristen, sedangkan untuk fasilitas belajar t_hitung minus 1754 kurang dari t tabel 2.056 dan nilai signifikan 0,091 lebih dari 0,05 tidak ada pengaruh secara parsial fasilitas belajar terhadap hasil belajar pendidikan agama Kristen. Dengan demikian, variabel kompetensi profesional guru dan motivasi siswa berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar pendidikan agama Kristen.Kata kunci: fasilitas belajar; hasil belajar; kompetensi profesional guru; motivasi siswa
Pengaruh Pendidikan Agama Kristen di Sekolah Terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Yaaman Gulo; Dewi Lidya S; Yowenus Wenda; Yunardi Kristian Zega
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 2: September 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1894.592 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i2.169


This paper departs from the problems of moral decline that occur among students, such as smoking, drunkenness, pornography, getting pregnant out of wedlock, fighting teachers and parents. To overcome this problem, Christian religious education in schools is the right solution in shaping the character of students for the better. Therefore, this study aims to determine the influence of Christian religious education on the formation of student character.  This study used a descriptive quantitative method with data processing using SPSS version 26. The number of samples in this study was 33 people. After processing and analyzing the data, it was obtained that there was an influence of Christian religious education in schools on the formation of student character by 45.3 percent.Keywords: student character, Christian religious education, schoolAbstrakTulisan ini berangkat dari masalah kemerosotan moral yang terjadi di kalangan siswa, seperti merokok, mabuk, pornografi, hamil di luar nikah, melawan guru dan orang tua. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pendidikan agama Kristen di sekolah merupakan solusi yang tepat dalam membentuk karakter siswa menjadi lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan agama Kristen terhadap pembentukan karakter siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS versi 26. Adapun jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 33 orang. Setelah dilakukan pengolahan dan analisis data, maka diperoleh terdapat pengaruh pendidikan agama Kristen di sekolah terhadap pembentukan karakter siswa sebesar 45,3 persen.Kata kunci: karakter siswa, pendidikan agama kristen, sekolah
Signifikansi Konsep Christian Nurture Menurut Horace Bushnell Bagi Keluarga Kristen Vardik Vandiano
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 1, No 1: September 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.253 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/realdidache.v1i1.74


 Christian Nurture is a Christian parenting concept that is applied in a family setting. The Christian Nurture pattern was introduced by a pastor named Horace Bushnell who lived in the 19th century, he emphasized the importance of a legacy of faith that is passed on to the next generation. In this 21st century, does the family still play a role in guiding children to God? or whether this nurturing task has been delegated to the church so that the clergy are responsible for the development of the faith of the youth. According to Bushnell parents and the church should strive for the development of the faith of young people. Bilangan Research Center (BRC) in its research in 2018 found that parents who become true followers of Christ produce young people who find their purpose in life in God, have fellowship with God, do not easily give up, have big dreams and are confident to achieve the dream. Busnell based the concept of Christian Nurture based on Ephesians 6: 4 "... educate them in the teachings and counsel of God." Furthermore, in Proverbs 22: 6, it says "Educate a young person according to the way that is proper for him, so that at old age he will not deviate from that path." Busnell argues that there is an organic relationship between parents and children, the relationship in question is the role of parents as pillars who guide children to love and know God's commands. Busnell's concept is strengthened by the text quoted from Deuteronomy 7: 9 "Therefore you must know that God, Your God, He is God, a faithful God, who keeps His covenant and loyal love towards those who love Him and keep His commandments, to the thousands of descendants. " And the similar ideas that underlie the concept of Christian Nurture can be seen clearly from the faith Timothy passed down from his family. "Because I am reminded of your sincere faith, which is the faith that first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and which I am sure lives also in you. (2 Tim. 1: 5). Some of the above texts convinced Busnell that in a parent who is faithful to God there is a life of strength and piety that is properly channeled to the offspring. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach, namely library studies. Through this paper, the author offers a thought about the concept of Christian nurture according to Horace Bushnell in the family sphere. 
Perspektif Sosiologis-Teologis terhadap Interaksi Sosial Antara Etnis Rote dan Etnis Timor di Desa Tuasene Kecamatan Mollo Selatan Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan Daud Alfons Pandie; Remegises Danial Yohanis Pandie
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 3, No 1: Maret 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v3i1.354


This paper aims to describe the social and cultural construction in the process of interaction between the Rote ethnicity and the Timorese ethnicity in Tuasene Village, South Mollo district, South Central Timor Regency. Where, the dynamics in the process of interaction of ethnic Rote and Ethnic Timorese are different customs and cultures, so that the social construction in the village of Tuassene is dominated by ethnic Rote. This paper draws on the theoretical framework of social constructions of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Lukmann, this paper focuses on the social constructions that arise in such interactions. As Berger puts it, humans create reality through social interaction. In this study the researcher found that the social interaction of the Rote ethnicity and the Timorese ethnicity in the village of Tuasene from a theological perspective was part of God's will for humans to live in harmony and peace which then influenced the construction of the Rote ethnic social and cultural identity in Tuasene, although it lasted for a long time and time. Such social interactions form the construction of ethnic and cultural identities is a synthesis of those processes of social interaction.Keywords: ethnic; Perspective; social construction; Rote; Sociological; Theological; TimorAbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konstruksi sosial dan budaya dalam proses interaksi antara etnis Rote dengan Etnis Timor di Desa Tuasene, kecamatan Mollo Selatan, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan. Di mana, dinamika dalam proses interaksi etnis Rote dan Etnis Timor yang berbeda adat istiadat serta kebudayaan, sehingga konstruksi sosial di desa Tuassene di dominasi oleh etnis Rote. Tulisan ini mengacu pada kerangka teoritis konstruksi sosial Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Lukmann, tulisan ini berfokus pada konstruksi sosial yang muncul dalam interaksi tersebut. Sebagaimana dikatakan oleh Berger, manusia menciptakan realitas melalui interaksi sosial. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menemukan bahwa interaksi sosial etnis Rote dan etnis Timor di desa Tuasene dari perspektif teologis merupakan bagian dari kehendak Tuhan agar manusia hidup dengan rukun dan damai yang kemudian mempengaruhi konstruksi identitas sosial dan budaya etnis Rote di Tuasene, meskipun berlangsung dalam proses dan waktu yang cukup lama. Interaksi sosial tersebut membentuk konstruksi identitas etnis dan budaya merupakan sintesis dari proses interaksi sosial tersebut.Kata Kunci: etnis; perspektif; konstruksi sosial; rote; sosiologis; teologis; timor
Diagnostik Kesulitan Belajar dan Perilaku Bermasalah Siswa Solmeriana Sinaga; Fredik Melkias Boiliu; Yunardi Kristian Zega; Rini Sumanti Sapalakkai
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 3, No 1: Maret 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v3i1.365


This research aims to analyze students' learning difficulties and problematic behaviors in learning Christian religious education in schools. Student learning difficulties and problematic behavior in learning are causative factors that hinder the teaching and learning process so that it does not achieve predetermined goals. Therefore, teachers of Christian religious education must diagnose students to identify any problems experienced in them. This will help teachers so that the teaching and learning process is adjusted to existing situations and conditions or needs. For this reason, the research uses descriptive qualitative methods using secondary data, namely data collection referring to scientific articles and books related to this discussion. The results in this research will analyze the factors causing students' learning difficulties and problematic behavior in learning Christian religious education. In addition, the role of Christian religious education teachers in dealing with student learning difficulties and problematic behaviors in Christian religious education.Keywords: learning difficulties; Christian religious education; problematic behavior AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesulitan belajar siswa dan perilaku bermasalah dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Kristen di sekolah. Kesulitan belajar siswa dan perilaku bermasalah dalam belajar merupakan faktor penyebab yang menghambat proses belajar mengajar sehingga tidak mencapai tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Oleh sebab itu, guru pendidikan agama Kristen harus mendiagnosis siswa untuk mengidentifikasi setiap permasalah yang dialami dalam dirinya. Hal ini akan menolong guru sehingga dalam proses belajar mengajar disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi atau kebutuhan yang ada. Untuk itu, penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yakni pengambilan data merujuk pada artikel-artikel ilmiah dan buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan pembahasan ini. Hasil dalam penelitian ini akan menganalisis faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar siswa dan perilaku bermasalah dalam belajar pendidikan agama Kristen. Selain itu, peran guru pendidikan agama Kristen dalam menghadapi kesulitan belajar siswa dan perilaku bermasalah dalam pendidikan agama Kristen.Kata Kunci: kesulitan belajar; pendidikan agama kristen; perilaku bermasalah
Filsafat Stoisisme dalam Perspektif Etika Kristen Remegises Danial Yohanis Pandie
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 3, No 1: Maret 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v3i1.353


The philosophy of Stoicism plays an important role in human life. The role of Stoicism includes human ethics in responding to things that happen around him such as situations that disturb human psychology. Stoicism is not just a theory, but a set of practices designed to help humans live better lives. Stoicism proposes a code of masculinity based on extraordinary mental strength. Stoicism teaches people how to maintain peace of mind from the sensitivity of circumstances. Stoicism sees human psychological problems as the product of misjudgment and can be eradicated with a form of cognitive psychotherapy. In practice, there are still many people who do not understand and have not really practiced the philosophy of Stoicism under the pretext of not being in accordance with the teachings of Christianity. The purpose of this research is to examine the parts of Stoicism and their relation to Christian ethics. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The result of the research is that there is a belief that what Christ revealed, is a rational principle explored by Stoicism, so reason and revelation must complement each other. The main point in determining or verifying the life of each individual must be through biblical standards.Keywords: christian ethics; philosophy; stoicism AbstrakFilsafat Stoisisme memainkan peran penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Peranan Stoisisme mencakup etika manusia dalam menyikapi hal-hal yang terjadi disekitarnya seperti situasi-situasi yang mengganggu psikologis manusia. Stoisisme bukan hanya teori, tetapi seperangkat praktik yang dirancang untuk membantu manusia menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik. Stoisisme mengusulkan kode maskulinitas berdasarkan kekuatan mental yang luar biasa. Stoisisme mengajarkan manusia bagaimana menjaga ketenangan pikiran dari sensitifitas keadaan. Stoisisme melihat masalah psikologis manusia sebagai produk dari penilaian yang salah dan dapat diberantas dengan suatu bentuk psikoterapi kognitif. Dalam praktiknya, masih banyak orang yang belum memahami dan belum benar-benar menjalankan filosofi Stoisisme dengan dalih tidak sesuai ajaran agama Kristen. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mengkaji bagian-bagian Stoisisme dan kaitannya dengan etika Kristen. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian yaitu ada keyakinan bahwa apa yang diwahyukan Kristus, adalah prinsip rasional yang dieksplorasi oleh Stoisisme, sehingga akal dan wahyu harus saling melengkap. Titik utama dalam menentukan atau verifikasi kehidupan setiap individu harus melalui standar Alkitab.Kata kunci: etika kristen; filsafat; stoisisme
Perspektif Pendidikan Agama Kristen Terhadap Pendidikan Progresivisme Go Heeng; Antonius Sinaga; Yunardi Kristian Zega; Megariana Megariana; Efvi Noyita
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 3, No 1: Maret 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v3i1.373


The correlation between progressivism education and Christian education lies in the same importance, namely producing students who have the ability and expertise from extracting students' talents and interests to the maximum in the learning process. Progressivism born with DNA necessitates a change in a more progressive direction. The values brought by progressivist education when faced with Christian religious education need to go through a selective process. This is because the basis for the development of this education system has differences. Progressivism education is built with the worldly concept of achieving world achievements, while Christian education is built with the concept of eternity because it is related to faith in Christ. The analysis found by the author regarding the perspective of Christian education on progressivism education, among others: 1) dynamic truths for progressivist education do not apply to Christian education because the truth in Christian education is final, 2) too giving freedom to students without providing clear boundaries, while for Christian education freedom is limited by the values of Christ. 3) the role of teachers is very important for students in Christian education because in addition to providing knowledge, teachers must also provide examples of living in accordance with Christ.Keywords: Christ; christian religious education; progressivism education AbstrakKorelasi antara pendidikan progresivisme dengan pendidikan agama Kristen terletak pada kepentingan yang sama yaitu melahirkan peserta didik yang memiliki kemampauan dan keahlian dari penggalian bakat dan minat peserta didik secara maksimal dalam proses pembelajaran. Progresivisme terlahir dengan DNA mengharuskan sebuah perubahan ke arah yang lebih maja kemajuan. Nilai-nilai yang dibawa oleh pendidikan progresivisme ketika diperhadapkan dengan pendidikan agama Kristen perlu melalui proses yang selektif. Hal ini karena dasar pembangunan sistem pendidikan ini memiliki perbedaan. Pendidikan progresivisme dibangun dengan konsep duniawi yaitu terletak kepada pencapain pencapain dunia, sementara pendidikan agama kristen dibangun dengan konsep kekekalan karena berkaitan dengan iman di dalam Kristus. Analisis yang ditemukan penulis perihal perspektif pendidikan agama kristen terhadap pendidikan progresivisme, antara lain: 1) kebenaran yang bersifat dinamis bagi pendidikan progresivisme tidak berlaku bagi pendidikan agama Kristen karena kebenaran pada pendidikan agama Kristen sudah final, 2) terlalu memberikan kebebasan pada peserta didik tanpa memberikan batasan-batasan yang jelas, sementara bagi pendidikan agama Kristen kebebasan dibatasi dengan nilai-nilai Kristus. 3) peran guru sangat penting bagi peserta didik dalam pendidikan agama Kristen karena selain memberikan ilmu guru juga harus memberikan teladan hidup yang sesuai dengan Kristus.Kata kunci: Kristus; pendidikan agama kristen; pendidikan progresivisme
Peran Pendidikan Agama Kristen Terhadap Nilai Toleransi Elsjani A Langi; Yonatan Alex Arifianto; Saturnina Elisa
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 3, No 1: Maret 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v3i1.371


Today, the case regarding tolerance in Indonesia tends to be a discussion and struggle together. A discussion that provides an understanding of the role of Christian education on the values of tolerance. It is something that must be considered for believers in order to achieve tolerance that brings humans fellow children of the nation to live side by side well. Therefore, with the role of Christian education that can have a good influence and produce a good tolerance and create a sense of comfort with the presence of the value of tolerance in humans in the midst of a plural Indonesian nation. Using a descriptive qualitative method where researchers will analyze using literature studies in order to provide an understanding of the role of Christian education on tolerance in order to make tolerance a good attitude or lifestyle in humans. Because with Christian education, Christian education is very important for the growth of students both in the life of knowledge of God and in character also has changes. The education also aims to be useful for oneself, society, and the nation. By knowing the nation that has various kinds of differences, Christian education also needs to teach and maintain tolerance to its students, especially for Christian students. Tolerance is an absolute condition that has been practiced in Pancasila as well as possible and can guarantee good relations between fellow Indonesian citizens.Keywords: christian education; toleranceAbstrakDewasa ini, kasus mengenai toleransi yang terdapat di negara Indonesia ini cenderung menjadi pembahasan dan pergumulan bersama. Pembahasan yang memberikan suatu pengertian mengenai peran pendidikan agama Kristen terhadap nilai-nilai toleransi. Adalah hal yang harus diperhatikan bagi orang percaya demi tercapainya toleransi yang mebawa manusia sesama anak bangsa hidup berdampingan dengan baik. Maka itu dengan adanya peran pendidikan agama Kristen yang dapat berpengaruh baik dan menghasilkan suatu toleransi yang baik serta menciptakan rasa yang nyaman dengan hadirnya nilai toleransi dalam diri manusia ditengah bangsa Indonesia yang majemuk. Menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriftif dimana peneliti akan menganailisis dengan menggunakan studi pustaka agar dapat memberikan suatu pemahaman mengenai peran pendidikan agama Kristen terhadap toleransi agar dapat menjadikan toleransi sebagai sikap atau gaya hidup yang baik dalam diri manusia. Sebab dengan pendidikan agama Kristen, pendidikan agama Kristen sangat penting juga bagi pertumbuhan peserta didik baik dalam kehidupan pengenalan akan Tuhan dan dalam karakter juga memiliki perubahan. Pendidikan tersebut juga bertujuan agar dapat berguna bagi diri sendiri, masyarakat, dan bangsa. Dengan mengetahui bangsa yang memiliki berbagai macam perbedaan maka pendidikan agama Kristen juga perlu mengajarkan dan menemkan sikap toleransi kepada peserta didiknya khususnya bagi peserta didik Kristiani. Toleransi merupakan suatu syarat yang mutlak yang telah diamalkan dalam Pancasila dengan sebaik-baiknya dan dapat menjamin adanya hubungan baik antara sesama warga negara Indonesia. Kata kunci: pendidikan agama Kristen; toleransi

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