ELOQUENCE: Journal of Foreign Language
ELOQUENCE: Journal of Foreign Language is a Multy Lingual (English-Arabic-Indonesia) peer-refereed journal that promotes research in the field of foreign language teaching and learning, Literature, approaches and theories. Published three times a year (April - July - October) E ISSN: 2964-9277 Publisher : Language Development Center, IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo Topics Include: 1. Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (Foreign Language Learning strategy, Foreign Language Curriculum, Foreign Language Learning Media) 2. Linguistics Macro and Micro (Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis in Learning Foreign Language, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics aspect of a foreign language) 3. Literature (Comparative Literature, Foreign Language Literature) ELOQUENCE deals with contemporary research in education related to foreign language teaching/learning methodologies and approaches in various subjects. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to; the following major topics as they relate to Peer Review Process Computer-assisted Language Learning, Cultural studies, Curriculum Development and Syllabus Design, Discourse Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), English and Arabic for Specific Purposes (EASP), Fluent Teacher Interactions, English and Arabic for Occupational Purposes (EAOP). Foreign Language Teaching Gender studies, General Linguistics, Globalization Studies and world English-Arabic, Independent/Autonomous Learning, Information and Computer Technology in TEFL, Innovation in language, Teaching and learning, Intercultural Education, Language acquisition and learning, Language curriculum development, Language education, Language program evaluation, Language teacher education, Language teaching methodology, Language Testing and Assessment, Literacy and language learning, Literature, Mobile Language Learning, Other FLTAL related issues, Pragmatics. Second Language, Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Acquisition Theory, Second language Audio, Second Language Digital Literacy Skills, Second Language Learners, Second Language Learning, Second language Pedagogy, Second Language Proficiency, Second Language Speech, Second Language Teaching, Second Language Training, Second Language Tutor, Second language Vocabulary LearningTeaching English and Arabic as a Foreign/Second Language, Teaching Language Skills TESOL/TESL/TEFL, PBT/CBT,IBT/ Translation Studies, Applied linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Linguistic Model.
32 Documents
The Word Ummi And Its Derivation In The Qur'an (Semantic Analysis)
Rahmah Anwar;
Abdullah Abdullah
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): APRIL
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i1.145
The word ummi originally meant someone who was not good at reading and writing which happened in the jahiliyah era or what is known as the age of ignorance, but this word has other meanings. Therefore, this study aims to find out the word ummi and its derivation in the Qur'an. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative type of research using a descriptive approach, which by being described in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing various scientific methods. In this study, it was revealed that the word ummi and its derivation in the Qur'an when viewed from each verse of the Qur'an with all its derivations into two groups. The first group is some of the scholars of the book, found in surah al-Baqarah verse 78. The Second Group are people outside the scribes, which is meant those who are outside the scribes meaning people who do not believe in the books that are returned to the prophets who have received revelation from allah swt before the prophet Muhammad Saw.
Use of Indonesian Slang and Equivalents In the Arabic Language
Novita K. Tompunu;
Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): APRIL
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i1.147
This study aims to determine the use of slang language and its equivalents in Arabic which is still less popular in everyday speech. This research uses a type of literature research. The data is collected by the method of documentation (input records), then identified and classified according to the type of slang word that is widely used temporally in society. The results showed that there were 57 slang words matched in Arabic. 17 nouns, 16 verb-shaped words, 21 adjective-shaped words, and 3 pronoun-shaped words. The slang vocabulary data will continue to grow and develop according to the times and needs, so it has implications for the development of sociolinguistic science because the Slang language was created, and used by certain social groups for internal communication so that what is talked about is not known to others.
The Theme Analysis in Pride and Prejudice: By Jane Austen
Happy Anastasia Usman;
Musfira Mahmud;
Srifani Simbuka
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): APRIL
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i1.171
This research analyzes the theme in ‘Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. This research uses the descriptive method and the intrinsic approach. This research analyzes the theme, the character, the characterization, the plot, the setting, and the point of view in the novel. To support this approach, the researcher applies the objective theory which is based on library research, the things that happen in a work are oriented in the work itself. The research data are taken from ‘Pride and Prejudice. Based on the data analysis, the theme of Pride and Prejudice’s love and arrogance. The result of this study is that Humans generally face and feel many things in life. Everyone has a feeling of love. Some people can easily express their feelings to others, but some others can't express them because of shyness, or even become arrogant. It also happens in the love story of the character in 'Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
The Phenomenon of al-Hazf in the Qur'an: An Analysis of the Rasm Rule in Surah Ali-Imran
Fakhrun Djola;
Nur Laila;
Hatta Raharja;
Salma Fitri Juwita
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): APRIL
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i1.172
Al-Hadzf is one of the very interesting Rasm rules studied, because it deals with the elimination of letters or lafaz that will not damage the meaning of a sentence, but has linguistic reasons that make it more unique, interesting, and has an i'jaz. This study aims to find out the phenomenon of al-Hadzf letters and words in the Quran, in surah Ali-Imran. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative through a phenomenological approach to language by looking at the phenomenon of letter elimination, classifying, and analyzing based on its rules. This study aims to find out the phenomenon of al-Hadzf letters and words in the Quran, in surah Ali-Imran. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative through a phenomenological approach to language by looking at the phenomenon of letter elimination, classifying, and analyzing based on its rules. The results of this study show that there are 33 types of words in the Surah Ali Imran which are included in the rules of al-Hadzf. In addition to being dominated by singular nouns and verbs, there is also a demonstrative noun. This research has implications for the knowledge of the rules of writing Arabic orthography studied in imla' and Rasm sciences. The rule makes it clear that there is a phenomenon of letters being read but not written, some being written but not being read, and having a unique meaning.
Al-Khibrah Al-Mutsirah's Strategy to Improve Maharah al-Kalam
Rafika Damogalad;
Adtman A. Hasan
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): APRIL
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i1.174
The purpose of this study was to find out how to increase maharah al-Kalam using the al-Khibrah al-Mutsirah strategy, and what obstacles and solutions exist in increasing maharah al-Kalam in students. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research. The results of this study indicate that the al-Khibrah al-Mutsirah Strategy can increase the Maharah al-Kalam for Class X MA Aliyah Luqman Al-Hakim students. This is evidenced by the acquisition of the value of completeness in cycle 1 reaching 36%. Furthermore, in Cycle 2 it reaches 70% so the number of completeness reaches cycle 2 reaches 90%.
Students’ Error of Using Passive Voice Based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy
Suprapto Suprapto;
Jhems Richad Hasan;
Nina Suzanne
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): AUGUST
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i2.390
Background: Grammar errors are common because English grammar is still quite complicated to learn, including constructing sentences using the Passive Voice. Purpose: This research aims to identify mistakes in constructing sentences using Passive Voice by MAN Gorontalo Students to become a reference material in improving grammar learning. Method: This research uses a quantitative method. Data is collected through tests and documentation. The research population was 40 students of class X MAN Gorontalo and a sample of 20 students. Data analysis techniques go through four stages, data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and conclusion. Results and Discussion: This study concludes that there are four types of student errors based on the taxonomic strategy in using Passive Voice, namely: 1) addition error, 2) omission error, 3) misformation error, and 4) misordering error) and two types of errors based on communicative effect taxonomy; 1) global error and 2) local error. Conclusion and Implications: This research has implications that English teachers can analyze weaknesses in changing active voice into passive voice by practicing changing tense forms from past verbs for past activities and habitual information for ordinary activities. To correct errors in compiling sentences in passive voice, teachers must also do tutorial-based remedial teaching for passive voice material, especially on the misformation aspect, including assigning students to make a list of active and passive verbs and their use in compiling passive voice
The Effect of Using Two Stay-Two Stray Method Toward Students' Motivation in Learning English
Rina Sari;
Asriyanti Asriyanti;
Dahlia Husain;
Nur Wahidah Thayib Pido
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): AUGUST
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i2.394
Background: Increasing motivation to learn English requires the right method that suits the needs of students. One such method is to use the Two Stay Two Stray type. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of using the Two Stay Two Stray method on student motivation in learning English in class XI IPA.1 MAN 1 Gorontalo. Method: The methodology used in this study is a quantitative research method with a One-Shot Case Study research design which is part of the Pre-Experimental Design. The researchers used a questionnaire-type instrument with Likert scale scores: Strongly (5), Agree (4), Hesitated (3), Disagree (2), and, Strongly disagree (1). Data collection techniques used in this study were using a learning motivation questionnaire and the Two Stay Two Stray questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is an automatic calculation using IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Results and Discussion: The results showed that there was a significant influence of the use of the Two Stay Two Stray method on learning motivation in learning English. Learning motivation in this study is known through observations after learning English through learning by using the two stays two stray methods has increased seen from the student learning motivation questionnaire with high criteria that is 63%. There are 17 students who have achieved success indicators. Using the two stays two stray methods can change and increase student motivation which was originally still low, can change or increase to high. Conclusion and Implications: This research has implications for efforts to improve teaching methods for teachers that are applying the Two Stay Two Stray method should be carried out regularly, directed, and structured properly and correctly so that students' learning motivation in learning English is more active, enthusiastic and obtains good learning mastery maximum. Researchers highly recommend the Two Stay Two Stray methods used in learning English. Not only in learning English but also in learning other subjects because this learning method is suitable for all subjects.
The Main Character in the Novel Cover of Night by Linda Howard: Psychological Analysis
Indah Wardaty Saud;
Harni Jusuf;
Saidna Zulfiqar Bin Tahir
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): AUGUST
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i2.396
Background: Novels are book-length fictional prose narratives, usually representing characters and actions with some degree of realism. Because of the main character in Linda Howard’s Novel Cover Night, it is important to study Purpose: to find out and describe the psychology of the main character in the novel Cover of Night by Linda Howard so that it helps obtain information and knowledge about the linguistic psychology of the main character, as well as developing literature. Studies related to character building. Method: This study uses the library method. The researcher will describe the main character of the novel. Namely Linda Howard’s novel “Cover of Night” as the primary data source. The other is about the characters in the novel. Researchers use a psychological approach to analyze the novel. Results and Discussion: The results of this study are that the main characters, Cate Nightingale and Calvin Harris, in this novel are portrayed positively as good characters, while Cate Nightingale is a loyal woman. She had no relationship with other men after her husband’s death. Her love for her husband made her blind and never attracted to other men. Cate is also a hardworking woman. He has to work hard to earn money to raise his children, so Calvin falls in love with Cate. Calvin Harris is a strong and mighty man with such a significant character that he makes an impression on one’s life. Implication: This research provides positive inspiration about Calvin’s personality as a character who has a heroic nature. This novel helps obtain information about the linguistic psychology of the main character, who is always brave in protecting someone he loves, even though he has to risk his life.
Arabic Advertising on Food Products and Beverages: A Stylistic Analysis dan Semantic Field
Lisa Novianti;
Alimudin Rifai;
Sriwahyuningsi R. Saleh;
Baso Pallawagau
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): AUGUST
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i2.407
Background: Many foods and beverage products are currently using Arabic as advertisements to promote product contents and explain how to present them in a contemporary language style to make it easier for consumers from across countries. Purpose: This study aims to (1) describe the process of forming Arabic vocabulary advertised on food and beverage products and (2) find out the meaning and style of Arabic used in food and beverage products. Method: This study applies a stylistic and semantic field approach to library research. Primary data was collected and identified through seven product advertisements serving food and beverages. Data were analyzed descriptively through the identification of vocabulary, analysis of the use of advertising language style, and variants of meaning. Results: The results of this study indicate that there is a similarity in the use of imperative sentences in the manner of presenting products, the advertising language used to explain how to present food and beverage products always uses the style of uslub al-Amr (command word) to do something. In addition, the word forms used have ten different meanings according to the context of the sentence. Implications: The results of this study have implications for acquiring new Arabic vocabulary with contemporary advertising language styles, which can be done by studying product presentation instructions.
Interpretasi Makna Leksikal dan Relaksional pada Term Yadd Pendekatan Sintagmatik dan Paradigmatik Bahasa Al-Qur’an
Nur Taqwa Amin;
Dedi Rochmad H. A. Dekoz;
Hasnil Oktavera;
Berti Arsyad
ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): AUGUST
Publisher : Language Development Center
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DOI: 10.58194/eloquence.v1i2.438
Background: Interpreting the Qur'an, especially mutasyabihah verses, can be done by syntagmatic and paradigmatic analyses to obtain more detailed information about the meaning and derivations. Purpose: This study analyzes the linguistic and relational meanings of the word Al-yadd in the Qur'an. Method: This research is library research, with a content analysis approach to syntagmatic and paradigmatic aspects. Data were obtained from the redaction of the Qur'anic verses containing the word al-Yadd in the form of mufrad, mutsanna, and jamak. The steps of analysis are carried out by a literature study, determining samples, categorization, coding and data processing, and analysis of meaning based on syntagmatic and paradigmatic approaches to determine the relational meaning of al-yadd in these verses. Results: The results showed that the word Al-yadd in the Qur'an is mentioned 119 times and spread over 109 verses. In terms of quantity, the word al-Yadd is in the form of three variants; singular 21 times, double 32 times, and plural 66 times; from these three variants, the word al-Yadd forms many phrases with different meanings in each redaction. The lexical meaning of al-yadd is hand to humans and others. The relational meaning of the word al-yadd in the Qur'an varies greatly depending on the methods and approaches used in the analysis. Among the syntagmatic relational meanings of the term al-yadd are qudrah, power, in front, and the gift of grace. Its paradigmatic relational meanings are palm, arm, benefactor, and humble. Conclusions and Implications: This study concludes that the paradigmatic and syntagmatic approaches to the word al-yadd produce a variety of meanings so that the word should not be interpreted farially because each word must be seen in relation to the adjacent or accompanying words. This research implies that every word in the Qur'an does not only have one fixed meaning, so to find out the diversity of meanings, one of them must be analyzed with a paradigmatic and syntagmatic approach more comprehensively. The influence of the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationship approach to language studies has logical consequences for researchers and language teachers today with several aspects of linguistic units, including words, phrases, or clauses.