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Gaudium Vestrum: Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral
ISSN : 2549581X     EISSN : 2777063X     DOI : -
Gaudium Vestrum: Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral adalah jurnal pree-review yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda, terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan penelitian dan kajian bidang Pendidikan Keagamaan Katolik/Kateketik dan Pastoral.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 62 Documents
Teori Sosial Karl Marx dan Taoisme: Jalan Alamiah Menuju Kebebasan Hilario Didakus Nenga Nampar
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 4, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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Cara Marx mendekati pelbagai pertanyaan tersebut merangkum dan mempertajam apa yang sudah menjadi arah pemikiran kaum Hegelian Muda lainnya: sudah tiba saatnya agar filsafat menjadi praktis. Maka tahap itu berarti: filsafat Hegel perlu disangkal secara dialektis. Tesis Hegel bahwa filsafatnya adalah pengetahuan absolut harus disangkal oleh tindakan praktis sehingga totalitas sungguh-sungguh tercapai jika filsafat menjadi kekuatan praktis, kekuatan yang nyata-nyata mengubah dunia Berangkat dari latar belakang di atas, penulis ingin menyajikan pemikiran Marx yang berusaha membawa dan mempraksiskan pengetahuan absolut Hegel ke ranah praksis sosial. Selain itu, penulis juga berusaha untuk mempertemukan pemikiran Marx ini dengan konsep filsafat timur Taoisme sebagai jalan kebebasan. Di akhir tulisan ini, penulis akan memberikan beberapa relevansi pemikiran Marx dan Taoisme.
Kinerja Kepala Sekolah dalam Mengimplementasikan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di SMP Negeri 2 Samarinda Nikolaus Anggal
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 2, NO. 1 JUNI 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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This study aims to determine the performance of school principals in implementing school-based management and how the characteristics of school-based management are applied in the State Preventing School 2 Samarinda. The approach is qualitative with descriptive methods. Data collection was done using observation, interview and documentation study techniques. The subjects of this study were the principal, vice principal, teacher, and students. Data analysis techniques are carried out by organizing and sorting data in patterns, categories, and one basic description to formulate the research hypothesis. The results showed that the performance of the principal in implementing School Based Management was open and involved educators and education personnel in planning and implementing School Based Management. The characteristics of School Based Management are processing the resources of educators and education to improve the quality of schools, processing a compact and transparent team work from all staff in the school. In addition, principals are always looking for solutions to every problem in implementing School Based Management.
Keluarga Sebagai Tempat Pertama dan Utama Pendidikan Iman Anak Hilario Didakus Nenga Nampar; Silpanus
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 2, NO. 1 JUNI 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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This study aims to determine the role of the family as the first and foremost place for children's faith education. Research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation study techniques. The results of the study indicate that the family as the first and foremost place for children's faith education is this task rooted in the main vocation of Christian husband and wife. Faith education covers many aspects and one of them is faith education. Children's faith education is very important because it is very influential, not only for their faith and life in church but also for their future. Good faith education from parents helps children to have the right knowledge of life, weigh and ask questions about everything so they can make the right choices. True knowledge is born if children have a good attitude or religious and spiritual life.
Peran dan Tugas Wali Baptis di Paroki Hati Kudus Yesus Laham Agustina Mayang; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 2, NO. 1 JUNI 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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This study used the qualitative approach. The variable in this study was the comprehension of the role and duty. The theory used to measure the Catholics comprehension was instrumental comprehension and relations comprehension according to Richard R. Skemp. The indicator of theory is he role and duty. The technique of data collection used in this study was observation and interview. The result of the study indicated that the Catholics’ comprehension of the parish of “Hati Kudus Yesus” Laham in accordance with the role and duty of the godparents was the instrumental comprehension, because the Catholics’ comprehension was only for one classification, that is, the role and duty of the godparents at the baptizing ceremony. The Catholics do not know the role and the duty of the godparents before and after the baptizing. Therefore, the Catholics comprehension can be categorized into the instrumental comprehension formally and ceremonially.
Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa dengan Model Pembelajaran Tipe STAD pada Pelajaran Agama Katolik Kosmas Erik Kuhek; Fabianus Sidi; Yohanes Yuda
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 2, NO. 1 JUNI 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The aim of the study was, to know much whether the application of the Cooperative learning model STAD in the Catholic Religion class can increase the students interest. The approach used in this study was, The Student’s Team Achievement Division. The respondent of this study was 28 persons. The performance indicator used in this study was if ≥ 80% of the students can comprehend the material of “Memperjuangkan Keadilan” and ≥ 80% of the students got increase on the learning interest. The result of the study in cycle on with the percentage of the students learning interest reached the average of 60% and in cycle two got increase on the students learning interest reached the average of 80%, While the result of the students learning result in cycle one reached the average of 60%, and in cycle two reached the average of 82%. Based on the result of the study which has been gained it can be concluded that the application of the method of STAD in the Catholic Religion class can really increase the students learning.
Partisipasi Umat dalam Kemandirian Dana di Paroki Hati Kudus Yesus Laham Godensius Daleq; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya; Zakeus Daeng Lio
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 2, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The research showed that the forms of participation of the people is the power, property and the mind. The mechanism of participation is mandatory monthly donation program, the annual compulsory contributions, the garden parish, parish fields. The participation rate is power, tokenism and participation. The research of data analysis showed that the participation of the people cannot be measured using indicators of the level of participation, because any form of participation in the context of the independence of the funds related to each other. So the more suitable analytical framework for understanding the participation of the people is the idea of the circle of participation. Based on the idea of the circle of participation, then the model participation people in the independence of the fund in the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Laham is participation cycle model. Cycle characterized by the benefits of participation, cooperation and partnership, mutual learning. Cycle participation in line with the core view of a church that looked at the relationship between participation intertwined with the alliance. Participation in the form of donations turned fellowship, and communion as participation turned container. So, they can say that participation is a tension between the alliance and donations.
Eksegese Matius 26: 26-29 dan Kaitannya dengan Cinta Kasih Pastoral Seorang Imam Hilario Didakus Nenga Nampar; Silpanus Silpanus
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 2, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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Gereja Katolik meyakini bahwa melalui pelayanan imamat para imam, Kristus sendiri hadir dan bertindak dalam Gereja mempersatukan kaum beriman dengan pengorbanan diri-Nya. Tugas pelayanan para imam tidak memiliki tujuan lain kecuali mengabdi kepada imamat Kristus dan kaum beriman. Andreas B. Atawolo berpendapat, seperti halnya Yesus sang Imam Besar mau solider secara sempurna dengan manusia dengan menjadikan diri saudara bahkan rela mati di kayu salib bagi manusia, maka demikian pula halnya dengan hidup seorang imam dipanggil secara istimewa untuk mempersatukan dirinya dengan pengorbanan Kristus dengan mencontoh solidaritas Kristus. Pengorbanan Kristus yang utuh ditampilkan penginjil Matius dalam kisah institusinya (Mat. 26:26-29). Tulisan ini berusaha memahami makna dan merefleksikan kisah ini dalam konteks cinta kasih pastoral seorang imam. Penyerahan diri Yesus yang terungkap dalam Mat 26:26-29 kiranya dapat menjadi spiritualitas rohani di balik cinta kasih pastoral sebagai seorang imam. Penyerahan diri seorang imam nampak dalam kerelaannya memikul salib panggilannya dalam hidup sehari-hari. Rela berkorban waktu, tenaga, dan materi di tengah aneka kesulitan pastoral demi keselamatan jiwa umatnya kiranya menjadi ungkapan nyata penyerahan diri seorang yang datang bukan untuk dilayani tetapi untuk melayani.
Makna Simbol Benda dalam Upacara Pemakaman Menurut Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat dan Gereja Katolik Vinsensius Lai; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya; G. Simon Devung
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 3, NO. 1, JUNI 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The research aimed to find and describe the symbols in the funeral rituals of the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat and the Catholic Church. Indentifying material symbols used in the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat funeral rituals and those in the funeral rituals according to the Catholic Church. Then, comparing the meaning of symbols in the traditional ceremonies of the death of the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat and the Catholic Church. The research method is comparative descriptive, comparing several different components to find similarities and differences in the meanings of the material symbols used in the rituals. The result of the research showed in general the varieties of the material symbols used in the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat funeral rituals and the Catholic Church rituals. The meaning of the material symbols used in the funeral riruals according to the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat lead to the safety of the soul of the deceased and the safety of those who are still alive. While the meaning of the material symbols used in the Catholic Church funeral rituals leads more to the salvation of the soul of the person who dies.
Kepemimpinan Visioner Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Nikolaus Anggal; Kristianus Kristianus; Zakeus Daeng Lio
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 3, NO. 1, JUNI 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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This research objectives to find out the teacher’s improved performance by the implementation of the School Principal’s visionary leadership at SDN 004 Busang, by comparing the Teacher’s performance before and after the implementation of the School Principal’s visionary leadership at SDN 004 Busang. This Population is the number of research subject, in this case all of the 14 Teachers or educators at SDN 004 Busang who were taken as the total sampel. The techniques used to collect data in this research using documentation research and questionnaire. Based on the responses of the respondent to the questionnaire, the School Principal’s visionary leadership score reachs 1329 and belongs to strong category with the portion of 75%. While for the improved Teacher’s performance, the hypothesis t-value test, resulted t-counted (3.66) > t-table (2.16), so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means there were was significant improvement Teacher’s performance by on the implementation of the School Principal’s visionary leadership, and there for the hypothesis proposed in this research is proved.
Kebutuhan Pasien Akan Pelayanan Pastoral Bagi Orang Sakit Maria Margaretha Basela Wokal; Nikolaus Anggal
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 3, NO. 1, JUNI 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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This study aims to know the needs of patients, and pastoral actions in the hospital and to analyze whether pastoral actions have answered the patient’s needs . The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. The observation phase was carried out before interviewing patients. After carrying out observations the researchers conducted interviews with pastoral care officer and Catholic patients who were hospitalized at the Hospital. The last step is documentation. The results of this study show that each patient has different needs according to the pain suffered, from physiological needs, security and safety, social and self-esteem. Even though only one companion carries out pastoral care, she was able to meet the needs of patients by carrying out the functions of pastoral care namely: guiding, reconciling, sustaining and healing.