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JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i1.11
The purpose of this research is to describe the impact of leadership with Christian integrity and work motivation as employees on the quality of service to customers at Permata Bank Batam. The scope of this research are motivation and leadership variable where in an organization the impact of a leader greatly affects the work that is the target of the achievement of the business process. This research method uses library analysis to explore some of the lives of Christian integrity characters and a quantitative approach using multiple regression analysis to measure the influence between variables partially and the Anova test to measure the percentage of impact strength between variables, while the data analysis instrument uses SPSS. The results of this study from the R coefficient that the independent variables of Christian integration and work motivation contribute to the improvement of service quality to customers at Permata Bank Batam by 43.1%. The role of leadership with Christian integrity and motivation is proven to be able to improve staff services to customers at Permata Bank. A successful leader must have real Integrity in every leadership he carries out. Leaders with Christian integrity have proven to be needed and able to motivate the running of qualified operational activities and improve services to customers at Bank Permata Batam.
Steven Lin
JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i1.12
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan kontribusi penerapan prinsip Doa terhadap pekabaran Injil di anak-anak remaja GBI Gedung Tabgha. Pendekatan metode dalam menganalisis data penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif sedangkan SPSS dipilih sebagai alat untuk mengukur semua statistic data yang telah dikumpulkan serta dianalisis oleh sipeneliti. Temuan dan analisis dalam menelitian ini mencakup Doa berkaitan dengan Iman, tekun, serta hati yang tulus sedangkan untuk mengukur Pekabaran Injil berkaitan dengan metode sahabat, pemuridan dan pelatihan. Teknik pengumpulan data digunakan kuesioner yang diberikan kepada responden untuk dilengkapi. Data yang dikumpulan melalui kuestioner di uji tingkat validitas dan reliabelnya sehingga setiap item pertanyaan dapat dianalisis untuk menjawab rumusan masalah. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan, maka peneliti akan menyimpulkan hasil penelitian mengenai kontribusi penerapan prinsip Doa terhadap pelaksanaan pekabaran Injil kepada anak-anak remaja jemaat GBI Tabgha. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pada untuk variabel kontribusi penerapan prinsip Doa berdasarkan Jemaat mula-mula di Kitab Kisah Para Rasul (X) dalam membentuk variabel pelaksanaan pekabaran Injil kepada anak-anak remaja Jemaat GBI Tabgha (Y) dengan nilai koefisien R sebesar 0.607 atau 60.7%. Artinya variabel X mempengaruhi variabel Y sebesar 60.7% dan sisanya sebesar 39.3% dipengaruhi oleh faktor yang lain di luar model penelitian.
Gomgom Purba
JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i1.13
Talking about religious harmony is an important basis in building diversity that must be maintained by generations of a nation. This article offers sociological participation as a new approach for Generation Z in building and preserving religious harmony in Batam City. This approach provides an understanding as well as demonstrates the tasks and challenges for Generation Z Christians that the sociological participation approach provides an impetus to explore roles in pluralism. By conducting a case study by surveying the sociological participation of Generation Z Christians and their implications for inter-religious harmony, the author shows that new social integration can be built. Adaptation of sociological locality and Generation Z Safari in increasing inter-religious harmony in Batam city plays a relevant function in complementing the context, each of which has its own characteristics. In this case, generation Z Christians in the city of Batam are able to become figures who can spread the value of the teachings of Jesus Christ and can be an open letter of God's reconciliation that can be followed in the goodness of living together.
Feri Aman Mendrofa
JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i1.14
The Sinai Covenant was very important in the life of the Israelites. Through this covenant, God gave His statutes as the creator God, also the Israelites had the privilege of being the chosen people. This blessing that was given to the nation of Israel was also given to the church. Realizing this, the church must prepare the congregation to accept it. The inability of the church to understand the promise will fail the church in carrying out its duties properly. In the Sinai covenant, God was the creator who made the nation of Israel his own, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Exodus 19: 5). This covenant separates the identity of the Israelites as God's chosen people. The church as a fellowship ordained by God also enjoys this blessing (1 Peter 2:9). The purpose of this study is to make it easier for readers to understand how to see the relationship between the Sinai covenant between God and Israel and God's covenant with the church. The sources of this research are taken from various books of interpretation and biblical theology of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Tony Suhartono
JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i1.15
This research is based on advances in digital-based technology that cause teenagers to experience a decline in faith in God. Most churches are more busy looking for souls to continue to grow than they are with youth's faith growth. Families are preoccupied with earning a living for the sake of the economy rather than developing the faith of teenagers. In connection with the problems above, the writer formulates the problems as follows: First, whether and how to build the faith of today's Christian youth through the church and family. Second, what is being done in carrying out Christian Religious Education at the Indonesian Bethel Church in the Batu Aji area to build the faith of today's youth. Third, do the Christian families at the Indonesian Bethel Church in the Batu Aji area carry out Christian Religious Education in building the faith of youth. After the research data were collected, the authors processed and analyzed to find out how the implementation of Christian religious education in the church and how the implementation of Christian education in the family in building youth faith. To find answers, the authors adjust the field observation data with the literature review data discussed in chapter two, with a simple descriptive analysis, the authors try to find things that are important in the implementation of church and family Christian religious education to build faith for youth. After everything is analyzed, the author finally concludes that the implementation of Christian religious education for churches and families to build youth faith is not optima.
Robertus Suryadi
JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i1.16
The main points relating to the preacher and the intensity of worship examined in this article include the personality and exemplary attitude of the preacher, mastery of the sermon material, interpretation of the sermon and discussion, the application of the text in the sermon in line with the context of the text and relevant to current life and appropriate use , the truth of the word delivered motivates the congregation towards the intensity of the church moved by the truth of the word delivered. The next explanation in this article is a description of the thoughts of church leaders about the importance of preaching the word and worship of Christianity. In accordance with the existing problems, the purpose of writing this scientific work is: First, to analyze and interpret the preacher for the preaching of the word. Second, to discuss how the personality of the preacher influences the content of sermons worshiped in the lives of believers today. In writing this scientific paper, the writer uses quantitative research methods.
Herbin Simanjuntak;
Feri Aman Mendrofa
JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): OKTOBER 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i2.30
Tulisan ini berusaha membawa pembaca untuk tidak memisahkan etika pada pelaksanaan apologia di media sosial. Beberapa dialog apologia yang ditampilkan sedikit banyak sering terseret keluar dari etika Kristen yang seharusnya tetap dipraktikan dalam keadaan apapun. Dampaknya kegiatan apologia tidak lagi menjadi berkat bahkan dapat berujung pada kosekuensi hukum. Melalui penelitian ini penulis menginginkan para praktisi pembela iman kristen tidak memisahkan etika menurut persepektif kristen dalam berapologia. Penyusunan tulisan ini memakai metode penelitian kualitatif dimana penulis mendasarkan penulisan penelitian ini pada fenomena yang penulis amati dari media sosial. Pengumpulan data dilakukan penulis melalui observasi lapangan yang bersumber dari tulisan dan video apologis yang telah dipublikasikan di platform media sosial dan meneliti berbagai kajian teori dari penelitian terdahulu yaitu melalui jurnal penelitian ilmiah dan buku buku terkait variabel penelitian. Dari tulisan ini didapatkan besarnya peluang berapologia di media sosial semakin meningkat dan semakin dibutuhkan etika kristen dalam mengkomunikasikan doktrin kristen di media sosial. Dari ulasan tersebut maka penulis menyimpulkan etika berapologi yang urgen dipraktikan saat ini adalah berbahasa sopan, bersikap tenang, menghindari hoaks dan menghindari ujaran kebencian.
Sanjay Nadeak;
Eva Sharon
JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): OKTOBER 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i2.31
Spiritual intelligence is one of the important things possessed by early childhood as the nation's successor who is expected to make a positive contribution to the development of the Indonesian nation in the future. Developing spiritual intelligence needs to start from an early age as a foundation for development at the next stage. The research entitled "The Parental Strategy to Educate Early Childhood according to Proverbs 22:6 towards The Spiritual Intelligence Development and Its Implementation At Batam Mandarin Service (Manhop) Indonesian Bethel Church", has a problem formulation of how to develop spiritual intelligence and how the strategy of parents in educating children early age according to Proverbs 22:6. The purpose of this research is to find out how to develop spiritual intelligence of early childhood and how the strategy of parents in educating early childhood according to Proverbs 22:6. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature review and descriptive approach with the process of collecting data through interviews, observations, and documentation of six participants. Based on the results of research and data analysis conducted, it is concluded that the strategy of parents in educating early childhood has an influence on the development of children's spiritual intelligence. In setting a strategy for educating children according to Proverbs 22:6, it takes understanding from parents about the importance of developing spiritual intelligence in early childhood and parental examples in everyday life.
Tony Suhartono;
Kasten Situmorang;
Hendry Sitohang
JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): OKTOBER 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i2.33
The purpose of this study is to explain the importance of the inerrancy of the Bible from the author's point of view, prove that the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel 2:28-32 and find out the relevance of the gift of prophecy today with qualitative descriptive research methods, where data collection techniques are by means of literature study and testimony. Writer. The findings and conclusions (1) that the inerrancy of the Bible is very important to be studied by believers, because it has implications for all areas of life. (2) The prophecy of the book of Joel 2:28-32 began to be fulfilled at Pentecost when the disciples received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and will end until the perfect one comes the second time, namely Jesus Christ the Lord. (3) The Bible never states that prophecy ends, if the Lord Jesus has not come a second time. So the author concludes that prophecy still exists today and is very much needed in building and maturing God's congregation. Keywords: Inerrancy, Prophecy, Present
Intan Suriyanti;
JURNAL TABGHA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): OKTOBER 2022
Publisher : UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam
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DOI: 10.61768/jt.v3i2.34
Ethics and integrity are two things that cannot be separated. People who are know work ethics and do it with all their heart, can be ascertained as a person of integrity. As Christians, the Bible as the word of God and Jesus Christ as an example are the foundation of Christian ethics. In this case, ethics is considered as a means of orientation for human efforts to live and act. For Christians living in Indonesia with its various diversity is challenging, living as the light and the salt is a must to be able to witnessing the truth of God's Word. So that all those who do not know and not interested in knowing Him can be changed into His followers. The truth of God's word can be seen clearly, if someone has and know Christian ethics and live with it. This ethic which refers to the lifestyle of followers of Christ and His Word is the standard for Christian morals and lifestyle. And when they do it honestly and righteously they can be called Christians with Integrity. At the end of 2020, the GBI church under the guidance of Pastor Niko Njotoraharjo declared 2021 as the "year of Integrity". Of course, The Hope is that every congregations, workers, especially pastors can live with integrity,and following the life of Jesus Christ while living in the world.