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Al Hurriyah : Jurnal Hukum Islam
ISSN : 25493809     EISSN : 25494198     DOI :
Al Hurriyah: Jurnal Hukum Islam is a journal which publishes the research results related to the Islamic law from various disciplines or interdisciplinary such as Sharia Economy Law or Islamic Economy Law/Muamalah, Islamic Constitutional Law/Siyasah, Islamic Family law/Ahwal Al-Shakhsiyah, Islamic Criminal Law/Jinayah, Islamic Law Methodology or Methodology of Islamic Law/Maqashid Sharia, and Sociology of Islamic Law. The editorial team invites the researchers, scholars, and Islamic studies and social observers to submit the research result article which has never been published in the media or other journals. Al Hurriyah is published twice a year, in June and December.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 116 Documents
Alhurriyah Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Juli - Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.47 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v3i2.755


The development of a hajj fund that is so great has the potential to be used in supporting the implementation of a better quality Hajj through effective, efficient, transparent, accountable, and in accordance with the provisions of legislation. The strategy that has been taken by the Ministry of Religion to optimize the management of the Hajj fund so that its benefits can be used to improve the quality of Hajj implementation is by developing these funds through investment. But in fact, the dynamics that occur are in the BPIH deposit. When the funds are managed which constitute funds deposited by prospective pilgrims to the government (Ministry of Religion or BPKH) to finance the implementation of their pilgrimage, problems arise regarding the appropriate contract formulation to be used, whether wakalah contract, mudlarabah (profit sharing), or altogether no longer need a contract, because the government acts as a statutory power for prospective pilgrims, as consideration of the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK).
Euthanasia dalam Pandangan Moral, Kode Etik Kedokteran dan Perspektif Hukum Islam Zilfania Rahmawati; Ashif Az Zafi
Alhurriyah Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Juli - Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.171 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v5i2.3205


The practice of euthanasia in medicine has become a topic that raises various discussions when viewed from different points of view. The existence of differences of opinion that arise from the practice of euthanasia is normal because the practice is related to human life. Based on this, this scientific study aims to determine euthanasia from a moral perspective, a medical code of ethics and in the perspective of Islamic law. The process of collecting data from scientific studies was carried out by means of literature research using qualitative descriptive methods in presenting and analyzing the data obtained. The results of the study show how euthanasia practices are in accordance with the medical code of ethics, moral views and how the law is in Islam.Praktik Euthanasia dalam kedokteran menjadi hal yang menimbulkan berbagai perbincangan bila dilihat dari sudut pandang yang berbeda. Adanya perbedaan pendapat yang muncul dari praktik euthanasia merupakan suatu kewajaran karena praktik tersebut berhubungan dengan nyawa manusia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut studi ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui euthanasia dalam pandangan moral, kode etik kedokteran dan dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Proses pengumpulan data studi ilmiah ini dilakukan dengan cara penelitian literatur menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam penyajian dan anlisis data yang diperoleh. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bagaimana praktik euthanasia yang sesuai kode etik kedokteran, pandangan moral dan bagaimana hukumnya dalam agama Islam.
Alhurriyah Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Januari-Juni 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (835.011 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v3i1.538


The purity of limbs from any dirtiness is one of requirement which must be fulfilled before shalat. That is why many Ulama were explaining this case deeply. In this paper, the study of it was the character of the water which was pure and purified that can be used for wudhu, and which was not. In Bukittinggi, most of management mosques provide small basin with full water in front of wudhu room. It was aimed to facilitate people cleaning their feet before come into mosque. Yet, some of the basins have provided with no flowing water and less than two qullah (jars). Moreover, some of mosques only have one basin in one way (in and out of wudhu room). Basically, every feet of Muslim that get into the basin will do not affect anything to the pool. However, the problem was generated by the purity of the feet that some of them may unclean and take the water into effect. That is to say that providing the basin in front of wudhu room is obnoxious (makrûh) based on precaution (ihtyâth) principle. Kata Kunci: Washing feet basin, wudhu’, dirtiness, two qullah. Abstrak Kesucian anggota tubuh dari najis merupakan salah satu syarat untuk sahnya ibadah shalat yang dilakukan oleh seorang muslim. Oleh karena itu berbagai aturan dalam membersihkan diri sebelum shalat dibahas secara mendalam oleh ulama fiqh. Salah satu pembahasan yang terkait dengan hal itu adalah persoalan air yang boleh dipakai untuk berwudhuk, yang intinya merupakan air suci dan dapat mensucikan. Untuk menjaga kesucian jamaah yang akan memasuki masjid, maka sebagian pengurus masjid membuat bak kecil untuk mencuci kaki sebelum masuk dan keluar dari tempat berwudhuk. Namun pada sebagian masjid, air yang terdapat pada bak tersebut tergenang, tidak mengalir, dan kurang dua qullah. Di samping itu hanya tersedia satu buah bak, tempat masuk berwudhuk dan sekaligus tempat keluar dan selanjutnya masuk ke dalam masjid. Pada dasarnya kaki seorang muslim yang menginjak air yang tergenang tidak akan membuat air itu bernajis, tetapi mengingat beragamnya kondisi kaki yang masuk dimungkinkan ada najis yang tertinggal di air genangan itu. Oleh karena itu berdasarkan prinsip ihtiyath, membuat bak seperti itu hukumnya makruh.
Pendaftaran Peralihan Hak Atas Tanah Berdasarkan Akta Pengikatan Perjanjian Jual Beli di Kota Padang Vicia Elittrosint
Alhurriyah Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Januari - Juni 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.158 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v5i1.2692


Each Land Office has a different policy in accepting return registration of certificates based on PPJB, some accept and some reject. Based on this description, the author is interested in discussing this thesis with the title "Registration of Transfer of Land Rights Based on the Binding Deed of Purchase Agreement at the National Land Agency Office in Padang City." The problem is, How is the Process of Making a Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement (PPJB) for Registration of Land Rights In Kota Padang, How Is Legal Strength Against Proof of Binding of Contract of Purchase (PPJB) In the Process of Registration of Transfer of Land Rights at the National Land Agency Office in Padang City, What Is the Process for Registration of Transfer of Land Rights in the Deed Phase of the Binding Agreement of Purchase (PPJB) in Padang City National Land Agency Office. The writing of this thesis uses empirical juridical methods that determine the field in court with the legal aspects or regulations that apply with respect to the object of research. Copyright and implementation of the Registration of Transfer of Land Rights Based on the Binding Deed of Purchase Agreement at the Office of the National Land Agency in Padang City has not been fully implemented properly or it has not been effective.
Child Protection Affected by the Covid-19 in Indonesia: Islamic Perspective suci ramadhani putri
Alhurriyah Vol 7, No 1 (2022): January - June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.289 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v7i1.5319


This article is a library research from textual analysis related to child protection from the perspective of Islamic regulation and Covid-19. The data analysis method is qualitative-descriptive analysis method. The description of the data is divided into several stages, namely: Islam and the Covid-19 in Indonesia, Children in Islamic point of view, National Movement for Foster Parents or Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh (GNOTA), and Child Protection Affected by the Covid-19 from Islamic Perspective. The study shows children as one of the groups who are vulnerable to get their rights lost due to the Covid-19 pandemic, such as the right to life, economy, education and others. In Islamic regulation, children’s rights (ri'ayah) are contained in maqāshid sharia, namely maintaining children (hifż al-nasl). Responding to the absence of regulatory certainty in Indonesia that protects the rights of children affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, even though Islam protects children through the value of hifż al-nasl, the presence of the Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh is expected to be an alternative solution to protect children affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.Artikel ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan sumber data penelitian bersumber dari literatur terkait perlindungan anak perspektif hukum Islam dan Covid-19. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu metode analisis kualitatif-deskriptif. Deskripsi data terbagi ke dalam beberapa tahapan, yaitu: Islam dan Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia, Anak dalam pandangan hukum Islam, Mengenal Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh (GNOTA), dan Perlindungan Anak Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 Perspektif Hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa anak menjadi salah satu kelompok yang rentan terenggut hak-haknya akibat pandemi Covid-19, seperti hakhidup, ekonomi, pendidikan dan lainnya. Di dalam hukum Islam, merawat dan memenuhi hak-hak anak (ri’ayah) merupakan salah satu makna yang juga terkandung dalam maqāshid syariah, yakni menjaga keturunan (ḥifż al-nasl). Menyikapi belum adanya kepastian regulasi di Indonesia yang melindungi hak-hak anak terdampak pandemi Covid-19, padahal Islam melindungi anak melalui nilai ḥifż al-nasl, maka kehadiran Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh (GNOTA) diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi alternatif untuk melindungi anak-anak terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia.
Alhurriyah Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Januari - Juni 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (390.788 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v2i1.259


Islam and Indonesia are two unseparated parts. The born and the existence of Republic of Indonesia was a big result of the community of the nation and Islam has taken the biggest part of it. Islamic political views and Islamic community with all of their problems are the historical richness that could not be forgetten. Nowadays, this Nation still needs the participation of Islamic political views and actors as majority. However, why they are important? How is the correlation between the actual Islamic political situations in Indonesia with the Islamic political views of Ibn Taimiyah as the most popular Islamic scolars all the time. In Indonesia Islamic have important role in politic because actually, this Nation will be never founded without His bless. As the consequences, all of the Indonesian Moslem people should participate in any aspects such as in politic to build this Country as the expression of thankfulness. Islamic politic act and Islamic law, at present and future, will be an accordance each other if they are formulated in Islamic univesiality frame. The term “Islam rahmatan lil’ alamin” (in English means ‘the boon of the universe’) interpreted as the plurality of Indonesia. Ibn Taimiyah as the Islamic scholars who has born in modern age has political framework that aligned with Indonesia political views. The law reformation may be enforced if this Nation has good and clean government (wilâyat al-shâlih). The good and clean government is the trusted government that runs the Nation conforms to the mandate of the people and the constitution of the Nation. Islam dan Indonesia adalah dua hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Lahir, berdirinya dan masih eksisnya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia merupakan hasil perjuangan umat Islam bersama-sama dengan komponen bangsa lainnya. Dalam kontek tersebut, politik Islam dan Umat Islam dengan berbagai dinamikanya menjadi kekayaan historis yang tidak boleh dilupakan. Saat inipun, Negara Kesatuan Repoblik Indonesia sangat membutuhkan partisipasi politik Umat Islam yang secara kuantitatif masih mayoritas. Mengapa pentingnya peran politik umat Islam? Dan bagaimana politik hukum Islam saat ini dan dimasa yang datang jika dilihat dari kerangka berpikirnya Ibnu Taimiyah?. Pentingnya politik umat Islam ialah karena Negara ini lahir atas berkat Rahmat Allah SWT. Sebagai konsekuensinya, Umat Islam wajib bersyukur dengan berpartisipasi aktif dalam berbagai bidang dan tidak terkecuali dalam bidang politik. Politik Islam dan Hukum Islam sekarang dan dimasa yang akan datang akan senafas dengan keindonesiaan jika diformulasikan dalam bingkai universalitas Islam itu sendiri. Islam rahmatan lil ‘alamin diterjemahkan dalam pluralitas keindonesiaan. Ibnu Taimiyah sebagai seorang Ulama yang lahir di Abad Modern ini, memiliki kerangka berpikir politik yang selaras dan cocok dengan dinamika, kontekstual dan fundamental politik hukum Islam di Indonesia. Reformasi Hukum (isti’malul Ishlah) akan dapat dilaksanakan jika Negara ini memiliki pemerintah yang baik (wilayatus shalih). Pemerintah yang baik adalah pemerintah yang melaksanakan amanah kenegaraan sesuai dengan amanat yang diberikan oleh rakyat dan Undang-undang Dasar.
Alhurriyah Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Juli-Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (742.561 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v2i2.408


Qashar shalat adalah memendekkan rakaat shalat yang berjumlah empat rakaat menjadi dua rakaat saja. Shalat yang bisa dipendekkan, menurut kesepapakatan ulama, yaitu shalat yang berjumlah empat rakaat saja, seperti Zhuhur, Ashar, dan Isya, bukan shalat Subuh dan Maghrib. shalat tidak sah bila dilakukan tidak sesuai dengan tata cara dan waktu yang ditentukan. Namun demikian dalam kondisi-kondisi tertentu Allah memberikan rukhshah (keringanan) bagi orang-orang yang mengalami kesulitan untuk mengerjakan shalat sesuai dengan ketentuan dasar tersebut. Tujuan Allah memberikan rukhshah (keringanan) adalah untuk menghilangkan kesulitan dan kesusahan. Dalam makalah ini penulis akan mengkaji bagaimana hukumnya mengqashar shalat dan menjama’shalat dengan alasan macet dan kesibukan.
Alhurriyah Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Juli-Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (814.354 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v4i2.1631


Ulayat land is a land that is acquired from generation to generation whose control and utilization are regulated by the Mamak Waris Head. This is all obtained without correspondence or in Writing, only by knowing the boundaries naturally with someone else's land. In Padang City, especially in Bungus Teluk Kabung Subdistrict, most of the existing property is customary land. Ulayat land is used for the benefit of its people. The government is obliged to hold land registration in the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia. One of the methods adopted by the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency is through the Complete Systematic Land Registration Implementation Acceleration program as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / Head of the Republic of Indonesia National Land Agency Number 12 of 2017 concerning Acceleration of Complete Systematic Land Registration , which was carried out in Bungus Teluk Kabung Subdistrict which had a target of 1,100 fields. The formulation of the problem in this Writing is 1. How is the implementation of community ulayat land registration through the Complete Systematic Land Registration program in Bungus Subdistrict Teluk Kabung. 2. What obstacles were encountered in the implementation of the record of communal ulayat land through the Complete Systematic Land Registration program in Bungus Subdistrict Teluk Kabung. And in this Writing, the author uses a sociological juridical approach. Based on the research conducted by the author, the implementation of the registration of ulayat land of the people through the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program in Bungus District Teluk Kabung. It is challenging to implement and does not achieve this target because there are some obstacles in the implementation of the ulayat land registration of the people so that the ulayat land of the community cannot be registered with the Land Office. Constraints arise include subject, namely whose name certificate recorded in the name of the Mamak Chief Heir, on behalf of one member of the community or in the name of Mamak the Head of Waris along with members of the city because in most fields many register on behalf of one member the people without being noticed by Mamak To Waris and other members of the people. Another obstacle is the absence of the Mamak Waris Head and Kerapatan Adat Nagari in the land registration process.
Gus Dur's Thought about Accommodation of Islamic Law and Culture Suardi Kaco H; Busrah Busrah
Alhurriyah Vol 6, No 2 (2021): July - December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.765 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v6i2.4995


This paper is a study of Gus Dur's thoughts on the accommodation of Islamic law and culture. The research method used is the library research method by analyzing the data qualitatively. In this study it was found that Gus Dur is a contemporary Islamic law thinker whose Islamic legal thought is accommodating to culture. In his thinking, Gus Dur used ushul fiqh, qaidah fiqh, and maqashid syariah in responding to personal problems that occurred in Indonesia. One of the cases that Gus Dur responded to within the cultural framework was zakat law, Islamic marriage law, and islamic inheritance law. In these cases, in Gus Dur's view, the law may be applied with cultural instruments, in this case is customs (adat).Tulisan ini meneliti pemikiran Gus Dur tentang akomodasi hukum Islam dan kebudayaan. Metodo penelitian yang digunakan, yakni metode penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan menganalisis data secara kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Gus Dur adalah pemikir hukum Islam kontemporer yang pemikiran hukum Islamnya akomodatif terhadap kebudayaan. Gus Dur dalam pemikirannya banyak menggunakan ushul fiqh, qaidah fiqh, dan maqashid Syariah dalam merespon persoalan-persoalan hukum yang terjadi di Indonesia. Salah satu kasus yang direspon oleh Gus Dur dalam kerangka kebudayaan adalah zakat, perkawinan, dan kewarisan. Kasus-kasus ini, dalam pandangan Gus Dur, hukumnya boleh diaplikasikan dengan perangkat kebudayaan, dalam hal ini adalah adat.  
KOMPILASI HUKUM EKONOMI SYARI’AH (Analisa Terhadap Kekuatan Hukum dan Materinya) Hasneni Hasneni
Alhurriyah Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Juli - Desember 2016
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.275 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v1i2.488


The economic development of Islam lately very rapidly, both in the academic level as well as a valid system at the global level. In Indonesia, the institutional practice of law mu'amalah. Muamalah started since the establishment of Bank Indonesia (BMI) in 1990. This was followed by a financial institution of Sharia (LKS) others. However, the fact it has urged the clergy and framers of law in Indonesia to make regulations relating to the settlement of the case in such issues, especially those related to economic practice. Thus came the fatwas of innovative products and designs multi revolutionarily of the contract. In the next phase in 2008 was born the rules issued by the Supreme Court, the Economic Law Compilation of Sharia (KHES). This paper wants to present about the fatwa forms and regulations that must have a theoretical basis of Shariah which has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other Islamic country mua'amalah rules ever

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