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Legal Studies Journal
ISSN : 27973522     EISSN : 27976386)     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
Legal Studies Journal (P-ISSN: 2797-3522, E-ISSN: 2797-6386) is a journal managed by the Law Study Program at Nurul Jadid University which is published twice a year, in March and September. The Legal Studies Journal is a forum and means of scientific publication for academics, researchers, and practitioners in the field of law in publishing research results and conceptual review articles. The scopes of this Legal Studies Journal study are; Private Law, Penal Law, Constitutional Law, State Administrative Law, Economic Law, Environmental Law, Human Rights Law and other legal fields.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 23 Documents
Legal Studies Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Hukum Perdata dan Perburuhan
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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Banks as credit providers provide opportunities for the public to meet primary and secondary needs through credit facilities and require debtors to repay debts within a certain period based on existing principles. The situation that occurred during the pandemic due to the COVID-19 outbreak whose spread became uncontrollable, caused market uncertainty so that it also affected the economic condition of the existing community where many employees and employees were laid off, so they lost their jobs and experienced problems in payment. credit. The purpose of this study was to determine the government's policy through the Financial Services Authority towards public credit during the pandemic. The research method used is a normative legal research method with data collection through literature study and qualitative analysis by considering the facts in the field. The conclusion is that the government provides interest rate relief, extends the period, reduces principal arrears, reduces interest arrears, adds financing credit facilities, and converts financing loans to maintain the value of the rupiah currency. This credit relaxation is very meaningful in providing concessions related to interest payments on credit debt. This can be used by people who experience credit arrears. The government in providing new policies during this pandemic must provide legal protection and certainty by requiring all banks to provide credit relaxation while prioritizing the bank's prudential principle, besides that the bank must also minimize the debtor's misunderstanding of the criteria and mechanism for providing stimulus. in the form of credit relaxation.
Mekanisme Penetapan Daftar Pemilih dalam Perspektif Hukum Ahmad Zairudin
Legal Studies Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Hukum Tata Negara dan Sosiologi Hukum
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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The implementation of the General Elections (General Elections) is generally regulated in Article 22E of the 1945 Constitution. Elections are a benchmark for dignified democratization and as a means of channeling human rights of citizens who are very principled. The right to vote as a human right is an important part of the principle of popular sovereignty which is reflected in the principles of democracy and becomes the main foundation in the state as outlined in the constitution. The main objective of laying people's sovereignty is the appreciation and assessment of the right of the people to choose and determine the direction of the life of the state with the aim of ensuring shared prosperity. Determination of voters (DPT) carried out by the General Election Commission (KPU) is part of a series of electoral systems which have an important position in the implementation of elections. Where the authority of the KPU above is emphasized in the Act No. 7 of 2017 Election Law. Keywords:  General Elections, People, Democracy, and Permanent Voters List
Legal Studies Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Restorasi Justice Dan Hukum Progresif
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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This study will discuss the validity of the Bawaslu's decision on election violations. Because, according to preliminary findings, with the issuance of Law No. 7 of 2017 the position of Bawaslu is stronger. In this Law, Bawaslu in handling election disputes can not only provide recommendations to the KPU but also provide or make decisions that must be implemented by the parties. This means that Bawaslu currently has broader authority in handling election cases such as administrative violations and other violations. Then how is the validity of the legal decision from the Bawaslu? The method used in this research is in the category of normative legal research with a statute approach and a conceptual approach.Keywords: Legislation, Bawalu Decisions, Election Violation
Legal Studies Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Politik Hukum dan Hukum Perdata
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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Artikel ini mengkaji tentang hak kekayaan intelektual secara hokum. Bagaimana kedudukan hak kekayaan intelektual dalam system hokum nasional. Dalam sitem hokum nasional, HKI telah memiliki paying hokum yang kuat sebagai bentuk pengakuan Negara dan pemerintah terhadap kreativitas anak bangsa. Perangkat peraturan perundang-undangan yang menjadi HKI di Indonesia ialah UU No 19 tahun 2002 tentang Hak Cipta, UU No. 14 tahun 2001 tentang Paten, UU No. 15 tahun 2001 tentang Hak Merk. Sedangkan perlindungan varientas baru tanaman diatur dalam UU No. 29 tahun 2000, Rahasia dagang diatur dalam UU No. 30 tahun 2000 dan Desain industry di atur dalam UU No. 31 tahun 2000.Kata Kunci: Kedudikan, HKI, dan Hukum Nasional
Fungsi Pengawasan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Terhadap Pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah dalam Kajian Hukum Mushafi Mushafi
Legal Studies Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Hukum Tata Negara dan Sosiologi Hukum
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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This article discusses the DPRD's oversight function of APBD management. In this study it was found that, juridically, the supervisory function is regulated in article 42 letter c of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, which states: The duties and powers of DPRD are to supervise the implementation of regional regulations and statutory regulations. other regulations of the Regional Head, APBD, Regional Government Policies in implementing regional development programs. With the supervision function given to the DPRD in terms of its specific budget, it has led to the Regency DPRD being able to provide corrections and suggestions so that there are no budget irregularities made by the regional government, so that the government can be controlled properly, in order to build the Regency into a Regency that is Mutual Cooperation.Keyword: Law, supervition, DPRD, and, APBD
Legal Studies Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Hukum Perdata dan Perburuhan
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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Obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah kajian hukum ketenagakerjaan tentang penyelesaain Hubungan Industrial. Dalam penelitian ini hukum ketenagakerjaan berfungsi untuk memberikan patokan dasar untuk melindungi kepentingan pekerja dan pengusah akibat  persoalan yang timbul dari perselisihan hubungan industrial. Seyogyanya  dasar hukum ketenagakerjaan mempunyai sifat melindungi dan menciptakan    rasa aman, tentram, dan sejahtera untuk mewujudkan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat. Hukum ketenagakerjaan mengutamakan Kepentingkan pelaku usaha, namun lebih utaman harus memperhatikan dan memberi perlindungan kepada  pekerja yang mempunyai kedudukan lebih lemah, jika dibandingkan dengan posisi pengusaha. Dalam Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan Nomor 13 tahun   2003 mengatur berbagai hal ketenagakerjaan. Undang-undang ini menjelaskan serta memberi perhatian khusus   dan menjelaskan kerangka hukum atas hak dasar bagi para pekerja, termasuk hak para pekerja/buruh untuk melakukan tuntutan, mogok serta hak untuk menuntut perusahaan ditutup jika melanggar aturan yang sudah ditetapkan dalam undang-undang. Undang-undang ini  juga mengatur hubungan industrial, Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial, dan prosedur bagaimana menangani pemutusan hubungan kerja sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang No. 2 Tahun 2004 akan dapat menyelesaikan, kasus-kasus pemutusan hubungan kerja yang tidak diterima oleh salah satu pihak. Kata Kunci : Ketenagakerjaan, Perselisihan,  Hubungan Industrial
ANALISIS POLITIK HUKUM DALAM SISTEM PENDIDIKAN: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Pamekasan Ach. Khoiri
Legal Studies Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Politik Hukum dan Hukum Perdata
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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Masalah politik hukum Sistem Pendidikan di Pamekasan merupakan produk dari kepentingan politik penguasa, karena itu mereka menggunakannya sebagai alat kekuasaan. Pendidikan sebagai subsistem negara memiliki fungsi sebagai pemasok orang berpendidikan, dapat berhasil dalam pembangunan. Di Pamekasan ini, realitas masalah dalam pendidikan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari upaya untuk mendapatkan otoritas. Oleh karena itu, sektor pendidikan adalah media untuk keberhasilan kebijakan untuk mencapai tujuan dan aspirasi utama kepemimpinannya.Kata Kunci: politik hukum, pendidikan, Pamekasan.
Legal Studies Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Hukum Perdata dan Perburuhan
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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Whistleblowers are often victims of retaliation. Retaliation is basically a negative result of uncovering wrongdoing or crimes in the workplace, including corruption. The main problem in this study is the reality of victims of retaliation for whistleblowing actions carried out by the whistleblower and also the legal protection system for the whistleblower who uncovers a criminal act of corruption. The methodology of this research is socio legal with a qualitative approach. Retaliation against whistleblowers does not only result in mental suffering, but also physical suffering resulting in quitting work or being fired from work. Legal protection in Indonesia is very limited, both regulatory and law enforcement bureaucracy.Keywords: criminalize, whistleblower, corruption
Penjatuhan Kebiri Kimia Bagi Pelaku Kejahatan Seksual Anak dalam Perspektif HAM Sofian Syaiful Rizal
Legal Studies Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Hukum Tata Negara dan Sosiologi Hukum
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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Kekerasan seksual terhadap anak adalah suatu Perbuatan Kejahatan yang tidak bermoral dan termasuk pelanggaran HAM. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengantisipasi bertambahnya kekerasan seksual terhadap anak, Pemerintah mengeluarkan Perpu No 1 Tahun 2016 tentang perubahan kedua atas Undang-undang No 23 Tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak. Perpu No 1 ini kemudian disahkan menjadi Undang-undang Nomor 17 tahun 2016 tentang penetapan Perpu No 1 Tahun 2016. Perpu tersebut mengatur tentang pemberatan terhadap hukuman pelaku kejahatan seksual, khususnya terhadap anak. Esensi Perpu tersebut mengatur tentang adanya pidana dan tindakan. Tindakan yang dimaksud dalam Perpu tersebut berupa pelaksanaan kebiri kimia disertai dengan rehabilitasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis kebijakan hukum pidana sanksikebiri kimia terhadap pelaku kekerasan seksual kepada anak dalam Perspektif HAM.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan serta pendekatan analisis konsep. Pelaksanaan kebiri kimia dianggap merupakan pelanggaran HAM. Penjatuhan hukuman melalui pengebirian dapat dikualifikasi sebagai penghukuman keji dan tidak manusiawi serta tidak sesuai dengan konstitusi dan komitmen Indonesia dalam bidang hak asasi manusia. Ketentuan pasal 28G ayat (2) konstitusi indonesia menyatakan bahwa “setiap orang berhak untuk bebas dari penyiksaan dan perlakuan yang merendahkan derajat martabat manusia”. Pelaksanaan hukum kebiri kimia hanya berorientasi pada pembalasan yang bisa membuat pelaku kehilangan kepercayaan diri untuk berkumpul kembali dengan masyarakat. Hukum kebiri kimia tidak sejalan dengan tujuan dari hukum pidana yaitu adanya pemeliharaan solidaritas masyarakat.Kata Kunci:Kebiri Kimia; kejahatan seksual ;Hak Asasi Manusia;
Legal Studies Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Restorasi Justice Dan Hukum Progresif
Publisher : Legal Studies Journal

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This article tries to analyze the idea of artificial intelligence (AL) as a form of internet-based technology development, in the perspective of justice restoration theory and progressive law. The method used in this research is normative juridical with a theoretical approach and legal concept. The principles contained in the concept of restoration of justice and progressive law as an approach in resolving legal cases that occur, function as an analytical tool for artificial intelligence operations in resolving a legal case that occurs. Al's operations in solving cases were not parallel or in the same breath with the principles of restoration of justice and progressive law.Keyword: Artificial intelligence, Restoration of Justice, Progressive Law

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