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AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya
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AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya merupakan terbitan ilmiah yang bertujuan untuk membangun pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang norma-norma Islam dalam teks-teks agama dan realisasinya dalam kehidupan sosial. Konten kajian adalah tinjauan kritis, ide atau penelitian empiris yang berfokus pada budaya Islam yang berkembang di masyarakat Muslim. Jurnal At-Thariq terbit dua kali dalam setahun. Ruang lingkupnya meliputi: a) Sistem kepercayaan dalam Islam b) Gagasan Sarjana Muslim (klasik atau kontemporer) c) Sistem ritual dalam Islam d) Lembaga dan organisasi Islam e) Tradisi atau adat dalam masyarakat Islam f) Literatur Klasik dan Seni Islam Jurnal ini memuat karya mahasiswa, dosen dan atau pegiat kajian islam dan budaya.
Articles 34 Documents
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.726 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v1i2.92


This study aims to determine the Islamic symbols contained in the ceremony of sea alms and to know the context of Islamic symbols that manifest in the life of the Cilacap sea turtle community. The method used in this study is qualitative by collecting data in the form of observations and interviews. While the method of data analysis using qualitative and phenomenological methods.The results of this study indicate that the sea alms tradition is a sacred ritual that has become a tradition for traditional fishing communities in Cilacap, by drifting produce in the form of Uborampe or offerings to the sea. And is a manifestation of the symbol of gratitude of fishermen to God, for abundant sea products and requests to avoid the bad things that can happen to fishermen at sea. This ritual is also a symbol of respect for the mystical power that is believed by the fishing community as guardians of the sea and also contains values for life for the fishing community in supporting their activities.
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.355 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v1i1.38


Communication technology is growing rapidly making the people increasingly easy to access a variety of information. Through the hand, people can increase knowledge, looking for entertainment, and access everything according to the wishes of. Social Media is very popular by the users of internet services around the world, Indonesia is no exception. from the various available social media, Youtube is the most visited social media platform, including in Indonesia. The development of the digital world appears to be welcomed by the activists of da'wah, both individual and institutional. Many da'wah activists who have created Youtube channels to disseminate religious teachings. Not a few Islamic mass organizations who have a Youtube channel for similar stuff. Nahdlatul Ulama for example, has a Youtube channel named NU Online to present islamic studies. One of the studies that is often uploaded by NU Online and watched by many viewers is the lecture of Gus Baha, a rising ulama in the real world and cyberspace. Although Gus Baha is an ulama who affiliated with the Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama, the Sultan Agung University research in Semarang reveals that more than 50% of the audience of Gus Baha's study is not Nahdliyyin. The study concluded that Gus Baha became one of the unifying religious figures for Muslims. These factors make the researcher interested to know in detail every message of da'wah conveyed in Gus Baha’s study, and in this research is the message of da'wah containing akidah. Thus, the method used in analyzing the da'wah message on the aspect of faith in this study is Teun Van Dijk's discourse analysis method, because researcher can further examine the study in terms of text, social cognition, and social context.Keywords: Gus Baha, NU Online, Discourse Analysis, Da’wah Message
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 2, No 01 (2022): AT-THARIQ
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.442 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v2i01.147


Manusia merupakan makhluk Allah SWT yang paling sempurna, sedangkan yang jadi pembeda yaitu akal yang ada pada diri manusia. Ilmu pengetahuan diposisikan dalam agama Islam agar mengarah kepada kemaslahatan, serta dapat mengarah pada kemadharatan, dan itu berlaku bagi setiap individu, masyarakat, maupun bangsa di suatu negara. Basis dari Ilmu ialah Pengetahun, sehingga ilmu merupakan gabungan dari pengetahuan tentang sesuatu objek yang dikuatkan oleh argumen dan kumpulan hukum alam yang sudah ditemukan, serta kenyataan dibalik gejala tingkah laku manusia berbasis hukum yang relatif tetap.Sumber pengetahuan wacananya tentu sangat dinamis. Pada masa Yunani Kuno dikenal hanya ada satu sumber  pengetahuan, yaitu akal. Pada masa awal tradisi ilmiah di barat berusaha untuk melepaskan ilmu dari cengkraman gereja atau agama sehingga menjadikan produk ilmu yang diperoleh niali-nilai spriritualitasnya hilang. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan yaitu studi pustaka dari buku-buku maupun tulisan jurnal sebagai sumber informasi yang dapat dipercaya.Dalam memandang konsep pengilmuan Islam tentu saja sangat bergantung pada penafsiran masing-masing tokoh ilmuwan dan institusi keilmuan. Perpaduan ilmu agama Islam dan Ilmu umum dan melebur sebagai satu ilmu yang tidak terpisahkan atau pemaduan dimaknai sebagai islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan atau bahkan pemaduan keilmuan yang dimaknai secara simbolik.Dalam pengilmuan Islam dapat diambil kesimpulan terdapat para pemikir yang dengan hasilnya yaitu Amin Abdulloh dengan Pengilmuan Islam Integarsi-Interkoneksi, Imam Suprayogo dengan Pengilmuan Islam Integrasi pohon ilmu, Armahedi Mahzar dengan pengilmuan Islam Integrasi Pentadik, Mulyadhi Kartanegara dengan pengilmuan islam kesatuan realitas dan Kuntowijoyo dengan Pengilmuan Islam Integrasi paradigma profetik.
KARAKTER WANITA DALAM TRADISI JAWA Sarno Hanipudin; Yusri Amalia Habibah
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.139 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v1i2.78


: This paper tries to present a gender discourse which is still interesting to study, which is related to character. Lots of character terminology, especially those related to the feminist side, will be more interesting because for some genders they have a 'patent' side of character that cannot be changed. Character is a characteristic of objects or individuals, these characteristics are original and rooted in the personality of the object or individual and are a machine that drives how a person acts, behaves and responds to something. Character is also something that distinguishes objects or individuals from one another. Meanwhile, the character of Javanese women is the character possessed by Javanese women, namely Nrimo ing pandum, naive, obedient, caring for feelings, hardworking, generous, diligent, caring for others.Keywords: Character, Woman, Javanese Tradition
Internalisasi Nilai Etika Dalam Membentuk Karakter Islami Di Era 4.0 Di SMP Islam Al-Madinah Jombang Denmas Amirul
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 2, No 02 (2022): AT-THARIQ: JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN BUDAYA
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.253 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v2i02.169


ABSTRACTPendidikan merupakan wasilah dalam mencapai pengetahuan untuk mementukan maju mundurnya peradaban suatu negara. Suatu bangsa dapat dikatakan maju apabila mampu memetakan karakter peserta didiknya agar senantiasa lahir generasi yang kompeten dalam bidangnya masing masing. Dalam perjalanannya pendidikan di Indonesia bukan tanpa penghambat, kerapkali persoalan seperti degradasi moral, dan merosotnya nilai etika akibat kemajuan teknologi di era 4.0 menjadikan persoalan yang musti dijawab oleh aktor aktor dunia pendidik agar wacana indonesia maju dalam lini sektor kedepannya dapat terwujud. maka guna menjawab potret degradasi moral sebetulnya ada beberapa formula yang dapat digalakan antara lain adalah dengan Internalisasi nilai etika agar nantinya nilai tersebut akan membentuk karakter Islami ditengah kemajuan teknologi 4.0. sementara jika dipahami nilai etika merupakan pembiasaan nilai nilai keagamaan yang diterapkan secara konsisten dan terus menerus sehingga akan membentuk sebuah karakter Islami seperti sopan dan santun. tujuan penelitian ini ingin mengetahui nilai etika apa saja yang diterapkan di SMP Islam Al-Madinah Jombang. serta metode apa yang digunakan dalam mengembangkannya, hal itu dapat dilihat dari setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan disana, mulai dari masuk kelas, berpakaian, bersikap. metode yang digunakan dalam mengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan sokumentasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif.kata kunci : Internalisasi, Nilai, Etika, Karakter Islami, 4.0
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 2, No 01 (2022): AT-THARIQ
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (768.093 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v2i01.142


One of the community groups that have so far been different and still lacks attention is people with disabilities. As individuals who have different abilities, both physically, mentally, sensory, and intellectually, their acceptance so far is still a problems. Multi-stakeholder involvement is needed to realize this goal, Inclusive society, including in Islamic boarding schools which have a strong mass base and culture in Indonesia. This is supported by the Law on Islamic Boarding Schools. Therefore, a real condition is needed regarding disability issues that exist in Islamic Boarding Schools. Research This study was conducted by in-depth interviews with several students with visual impairments (blind), deaf disabilities, and physical disabilities. Researchers still have difficulty finding students with mental and intellectual disabilities. This research focuses on traditional Islamic boarding schools, not modern Islamic boarding schools. As additional material and study literature was carried out as a reinforcement in this study. This study found the fact that discrimination for people with disabilities start from a construction related to disability which has been considered negative. Disability in the perspective of Islam actually does not exist. The benchmark for humans in Allah view is not in their physical capacity, but rather in their physical capacity, on faith and piety. Islamic boarding school as one of the important pillars in religious education and attitude that is deeply rooted has a vital role in efforts to free people with disabilities from the discrimination. In practice, acceptance is quite good, but still weak in terms of providing facilities and infrastructure , both physical and non-physical.Keywords: Disability, Islam, Discrimination, Islamic College
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.1 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v1i1.39


The interest in this theme in the background backs the loss a positive character on the students themselves, so intellectual that there is less balanced with good character and lead to reduced even loss of morality. Character is the nature of the human mind that affect all thought and behavior, while the students is a nickname for a student of religion. Interesting to see the character of students in the frame of literary, biographical novel Cengkir students Abidah El Khalieqy work, where the main character is a figure in it appointed Slamet Riyanto career which reached its highest level as Director General Hajj and Umrah Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.Keywords: Caracter, Santri, Novel
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 2, No 01 (2022): AT-THARIQ
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.335 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v2i01.99


Islam pertama kali masuk ke Eropa melalui jalur Afrika Utara, Mahgreb (Maroko)-Andalusia (Spanyol) pada tahun 711 M. Wilayah Andalusia yang sekarang disebut dengan Spanyol, masuk ke dalam kepemimpinan Daulah Umayah semenjak Tariq bin Ziyad menaklukan pasukan pimpinan Roderik Raja bangsa Gothia (92 H/ 711 M). Andalusia dipimpin umat umat Islam pada zaman khalifah Al-Walid (705-715), salah seorang khalifah dari Bani Umayah yang berpusat di Damaskus.  Kepemimpinan umat Islam di Andalusia berlangsung lebih dari tujuh setengah abad.Kepemimpinan umat islam di Andalusia membawa kemajuan peradaban yang dipengaruhi oleh kemajuan intelektual yang di dalamnya terdapat ilmu filsafat, sains, fikih, musik dan kesenian, begitu juga dengan bahasa dan sastra, dan kemegahan pembangunan fisik. Andalusia merupakan tempat yang paling utama bagi Eropa menyerap peradaban Islam, baik dalam bentuk hubungan politik, sosial, maupun perekonomian, dan peradaban antar negara. Andalusia di bawah kekuasaan Islam mengalami kemajuan. Pengaruh ilmu pengetahuan Islam atas Eropa yang sudah berlangsung sejak abad ke-12 M dan menimbulkan gerakan kebangkitan kembali (renaissance) pusaka Yunani di Eropa pada abad ke-14 M.Pengaruh ilmu pengetahuan Islam atas Eropa membidani gerakan-gerakan penting di Eropa. Gerakan-gerakan itu adalah kebangkitan kembali kebudayaan Yunani klasik (renaissance) pada abad ke-14 M yang bermula di Italia, gerakan reformasi pada abad ke-16 M, rasionalisme pada abad ke-17 M, dan pencerahan (aufklarung) pada abad ke-18 M.
PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MASA PERTENGAHAN (Studi Historis Pendidikan Di Kerajaan Usmani, Kerajaan Safawi Dan Kerajaan Mughal) Aniroh Aniroh
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.901 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v1i2.79


The Middle Ages in the Periodation of Islamic History refers to the existence of three major kingdoms, namely the Ottoman Empire in Turkey, the Safavid Empire in Persia and the Mughal Empire in India.  The three kingdoms in the Middle Ages illustrate the shift in non-Arab domination after the Arab domination in the classical period. In general, the middle period is considered a period of decline.  However, historical facts about education in the three kingdoms give a picture of development and progress.  During the Ottoman era, madrasas were encouraged to study a variety of sciences.  Many educational institutions emerged during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, one of which was the madrasa.  The first Usmani Madrasah was founded in Izmir in 1331 AD.The state of education in the Safavid Kingdom is shown by a very thick academic atmosphere.  Among them is shown by the existence of tolerance and freedom of expression.  Despite the rigors of indoctrination in the period of Shah Abbas II, freedom of liberal thought once gained momentum. In the Mughal Empire, education received considerable attention. The kingdom encourages mosques as places of religious study for the community other than as places of worship.  Mosques have provided scholars who will teach various branches of religious knowledge.  In fact, the mosque has also provided a special room for students who want to stay in the mosque while attending education.Keywords: Middle Ages, Education, Islam, Ottoman Empire, Safavid Kingdom, Mughal Empire.
Pengaruh Islam Terhadap Pengamalan Keagamaan Masyarakat Di Indonesia Mustaqim Hasan; Anita Anita
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 2, No 02 (2022): AT-THARIQ: JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN BUDAYA
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.908 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v2i02.178


Islam entered Indonesia in general can be accepted by the Indonesian people by means of da'wah that brings peace without violence so that it is easy to develop and penetrate the soul, mind and behavior so that it is actualized in every activity of daily life into active religious practice which has become a tradition.This paper aims to find out how Islam can influence and what is affected by community religious practice activities in Indonesia. This research is a literature study that reveals a social phenomenon that occurs in society which is presented with a descriptive narrative as the author's study and experience.The influence of Islam in Indonesia has been seen since the beginning of its arrival in the early 7th century which was marked by the presence of Muslim villages in the Baros area of North Sumatra, but its influence has not been so widely seen, this is influenced by several obstacles that come from da'wah methods that have not been able to see local wisdom. Islam began to have a major influence on the religious practice of the Indonesian people, starting from the 13th century where the preachers with their wisdom combined local wisdom with the glory of Islam so that they were able to attract public sympathy. Among the influences of Islam in the religious activities of the Archipelago Community are: 1) The influence of the belief system has an impact on the worship activities of the people who used to adhere to animism and dynamism; 2) the influence of the social system, where the community used to still adhere to the caste system turned into a populist and kinship system. 3. Politics and government that adopts the sultanate system and the basis for making legal policies based on Islamic rules in the Qur'an and hadith; 4) Art and Literature influenced by styles and motifs from the Middle East.Keywords: Influence of Islam, Religious Practice

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