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Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics
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Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics (AJHA) is an ambitious journal to disseminate research results, information and experience in medicine, nursing and all the healthcare sciences . The journal publishes peer-reviewed papers of original research, education and clinical practice. By encouraging scholars, practitioners, academics from all around the world to share their research results, experience, knowledge and expertise, the journal aims to provide the reader with a broad and deeper understanding of the healthcare experience of nursing and health sciences and the opportunity to develop , improve and enrich their own area of practice. The journal publishes original papers, reviews, special and general articles, case management twice in a year (May and November).
Articles 36 Documents
Perbedaan Tingkat Estradiol Serum Fase Folikular dan Fase Luteal dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Wanita Usia Subur Ahisa Novianti; Noor Lianti Megasari
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): May 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (366.759 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i1.547


Wanita pasca pubertas akan mengalami perubahan kadar hormon pada setiap fase menstruasi. Kadar estradiol yang rendah akan meningkatkan kecemasan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar estradiol serum fase folikular dan luteal dengan tingkat kecemasan wanita usia subur. Desain penelitian yaitu analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampling yaitu purposive sampling, jumlah responden 40 orang dalam 2 kelompok; 20 responden untuk fase folikular dan 20 orang fase luteal. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan adalah uji Fisher. Nilai p-value fase folikular (0,344) > (0,05), sehingga dapat diartikan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan kadar estradiol serum fase folikular dengan kecemasan. Sedangkan nilai p-value fase luteal (0,083)>(0,05) sehingga dapat diartikan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kadar estradiol serum fase luteal dengan tingkat kecemasan.
Analysis of Elderly Activity in Elderly Posyandu Services Surani; Agung Wibowo
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): May 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.163 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i1.1314


The Elderly Posyandu is a health service built independently by the community under the responsibility of the village head. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach (Cresweel, 2012). With 152 elderly subjects in Gading Jaya village. The data analysis was based on the recapitulation of the Posyandu data for the elderly in January-June 2022. The data analysis described the activities of the elderly based on spiritual factors, education, work, and family. The results show that the level of education and occupation of the elderly causes activity in posyandu services to be still low, only 17%, and in the elderly who have a high and high school education and middle economic level.
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pengetahuan dalam Menjaga Imunitas Tubuh pada Lansia dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 di Gampong Nusa Kecamatan Lhoknga Kabupaten Aceh Besar Tahun 2021 Putri Kurniawati
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): May 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.826 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i1.1461


World Health Organization memberikan pernyataan bahwa COVID-19 adalah pandemi global. Namun, sikap dan kepatuhan masyarakat dalam menjaga protocol sangat minim terutama lansia yang rentan sekali untuk terjangkit Covid-19 dan ini menimbulkan isu akan “menjaga sistem  imunitas tubuh”. Bagaimana sebenarnya sistem imunitas tubuh bereaksi pada Covid-19?, apakah umur jenis kelamin lingkungan dan informasi dapat mempengaruhi sistem imunitas tubuh pada lansia? serta apa itu pandemi Covid-19?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui pengaruh umur, jenis kelamin, lingkungan dan informasi tentang tingkat pengetahuan cara menjaga imunitas tubuh dimasa pandemi Covid-19 pada Lansia. Metode penelitian bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan analisa univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square. Hasil uji statistic dengan Chi Square bahwa umur, jenis kelamin, lingkungan dan informasi tidak ada pengaruh terhadap sistem imunitas tubuh pada lansia.
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Ibu terhadap Pemberian Imunisasi Dasar pada Bayi Usia 0-12 Bulan di Desa Kampong Blang dan Desa Bung Pageu Kecamatan Blang Bintang Kabupaten Aceh Besar Tahun 2020 Saudah
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): May 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.068 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i1.1473


Imunisasi merupakan salah satu program yang telah terbukti efektif untuk menekan angka kesakitan dan kematian. Tujuan penelitian : Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan ibu terhadap pemberian imunisasi dasar pada bayi usia 0-12 bulan di Desa Kampong Blang dan Desa Bung Pageu Kecamatan Blang Bintang Kabupaten Aceh Besar Tahun 2020. Metode penelitian : Jenis penelitian bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Hasil penelitian : Berdasarkan hasil uji stastistik pengaruh pendidikan dengan kepatuhan pemberian imunisasi dasar didapatkan p-value = 0,000, pengaruh pengetahuan dengan kepatuhan pemberian imunisasi dasar didapatkan p-value = 0,000, dan pengaruh dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan pemberian imunisasi dasar didapatkan p-value = 0,022. Kesimpulan : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pendidikan, pengetahuan dan dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan ibu terhadap pemberian imunisasi dasar pada bayi usia 0-12 bulan di Desa Kampong Blang dan Desa Bung Pageu Kecamatan Blang Bintang Kabupaten Aceh Besar.
Urgensi Pendekatan Sosiologis dalam Studi Islam Maulana Ira
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): May 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.08 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i1.1493


Berbagai persoalan yang dihadapi umat manusia dewasa ini memerlukan kehadiran agama sebagai solusi pemecahannya. Agama tidak hanya dijadikan sebagai lambang kesalehan semata, tetapi secara konseptual mampu menunjukkan cara yang efektif dalam pemecahan masalah. Tuntutan seperti itu dapat dijawab tatkala pemahaman agama yang selama ini dengan pendekatan teologis normatif ikut didukung dengan pendekatan lain yang secara operasional dapat memberikan jawaban atas masalah yang timbul yang salah satunya yaitu pendekatan sosiologis. Urgensi pendekatan sosiologis dalam memahami agama dapat dimengerti karena terdapat banyak ajaran agama yang berkaitan dengan masalah sosial. Diharapkan dengan pendekatan sosiologis, agama akan dapat dipahami dengan mudah, karena agama diturunkan untuk kepentingan sosial.
Relationship between Knowledge and Health Conditions with Incidents to Pregnant Women in the Working Area of the Kuta Baro Aceh Besar Health Center Desria Muliati
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.129 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i2.1499


Pregnant women who suffer from KEK events have a risk of sudden maternal death during the perinatal period or the risk of giving birth to LBW. The purpose of this study was to analyze the knowledge of pregnant women and the health conditions of pregnant women with  the incidence of KEK at the Kuta Baro Aceh Besar Community Health Center in 2020. This research is analytical with a cross-sectional design. Sampling was purposive sampling with a sample size of 74 pregnant women. The data in this study were obtained from primary and secondary data using the interview method guided by the questionnaire. Analysis of the data in this study using the Chi Square test. The results showed that there was a relationship between the knowledge of pregnant women and  the incidence of KEK in pregnant women with a p value of 0.034 (p <0.05) and there was a relationship between the health conditions of pregnant women and the incidence of CED in pregnant women with a p value of 0.026 (p <0.05). It can be concluded that there is arelationship between knowledge and health conditions with the incidence of KEK in pregnant women.
Maternal Mortality Risk Factors and the Role of Midwives in First Handling Maternal Emergencies based on Verbal Autopsy of the 2016-2021 Maternal Perinatal Audit Program in Bandar Lampung City Ika Fitria Elmeida; Nurlaila; Yulida Fithri
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (430.276 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i2.1611


The direct cause of maternal death is more than 90% due to obstetric complications, especially complications of childbirth. Complication is a complication, aggravating circumstances of a disease. Pregnancy complications are obstetric emergencies that can cause death to the mother and fetus. Pregnancy complications include hypertension and preeclampsia, anemia, and placenta previa. Meanwhile, complications of childbirth are the occurrence of difficult labor (dystosia) which causes a disease. Labor complications include premature rupture of membranes, premature labor, abnormalities in fetal position, and others (Roberts & Gammill, 2005). Knowing the risk factors for maternal death based on the main variables of delivery assistance by involving the mother's sociobiological factors, and control efforts based on verbal autopsy Maternal Perinatal Audit (AMP) in Bandar Lampung City. This study used a cross-sectional design.
Internet of Things on the Air Quality Monitoring System Using a Web Server Sumardi Sadi; Sri Mulyati; Perdana Bagaskara Setiawan
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.771 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i2.1669


The increase in the amount of air pollution that causes global warming and the lack of attention to harmful gases, such as CO, PM 2.5, and NO2 can have a negative impact, on health and can even cause death, if it is ignored by people who breathe it. One of the popular information media today is the web, a tool that can monitor air quality levels and by utilizing advances in technology this monitoring system can be monitored via a Web Server. In this study, using an AVR microcontroller type ATmega 328p as a central control unit, and an ESP 8266-01 as a controller that handles communication between the microcontroller and the internet network. In addition, this system uses the C language as a configuration between the microcontroller and the ethernet system. The level of air pollution is measured by the MQ 07 sensor which functions to measure CO levels, MQ 135 to measure NO2 levels, and the Dust Sensor to measure PM 2.5. Test results Obtain PPM (parts per million) values ​​for CO levels of 0.25 ppm, NO2 of 0.83 ppm, PM 2.5 of 0.10 g/m3 and the temperature can be seen directly through the dashboard thingboard.
The Quality Test of Bokasi Fertilizer a Combination of Local Ingredients from the Leaves of Gamal, Kirinyuh and Lamtoro Plant Leaves Yermias Windi; Uska Peku Jawang; Melycorianda H. Ndapamuri
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.276 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i2.1673


The purpose of the study was to determine the quality of Bokasi fertilizer with a combination of local ingredients, namely gamal leaves, kirinyuh leaves, and lamtoro leaves. The method used is purposive sampling on the combination of local materials (P1 = 5 Gamal + 2.5 Kirinyuh + 2.5 Lamtoro; P2 = 2.5 Gamal + 5 Kirinyuh + 2.5 Lamtoro; P3 = 2.5 Gamal + 2.5 Kirinyuh +5Lamtoro; P4= 4Gamal +3Kirinyuh +3 Lamtoro; P5=3Gamal +4Kirinyuh + 3Lamtoro; and P6= 3Gamal +3Kirinyuh +4Lamtoro). Determination of the quality of bokasi fertilizer based on SNI 19-7003-2004. Parameters tested were pH, electrical conductivity (DHL), C-Organic, N-Total, C/N Ratio, Phosphorus, and Potassium. The test results obtained the value of pH (6.79-6.88), C-Organic (16.04-22.48), N-Total (2.96-3.30), C/N Ratio (5.22- 7.14), Phosphorus (0.63-0.64), Potassium (1.24-1.59), and DHL (3.59-4.26). Based on SNI 19-7003-2004 obtained pH, C-Organic, N, P, K meet the standard, while the C/N ratio does not meet the standard. High DHL indicates the value of fertilizer nutrients available to plants.
Healthy Living Culture Counseling M. Ilyas; Een Endasari; Mawaddah; Tri Mulia Franchika
Asian Journal of Healthcare Analytics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.46 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/ajha.v1i2.1674


Many people do not really understand how to live a healthy life, this can be seen from the way of life of people who still do not keep their environment clean, so there needs to be an activity to transfer knowledge to the community in order to live a healthy life. To increase knowledge about the importance of healthy living, counseling participants were given basic knowledge materials about: Behavior in relation to clean water, behavior in relation to sewage disposal, behavior in relation to waste, both solid and liquid waste, behavior in relation to a house that behaves in a clean and hygienic manner. healthy (ventilation, lighting, humidity, floors and so on), behavior related to cleaning mosquito nests. The method used is the lecture and question and answer method. Based on the results of the activities carried out, it turned out that in general there was a fairly good response, namely the enthusiasm of the counseling participants to ask further questions. It is also hoped that from this activity participants can also pass on the knowledge that has been obtained to other communities.

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