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Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan) - Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital (JUPED)
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Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital (JUPED) terbit pertama pada bulan Februari 2022, yang dikelola oleh Tim Insight Power dan LPPM STIKes SITI HAJAR. JUPED berisi tentang hasil penelitian untuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat atau hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang terkait dengan semua bidang ilmu yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat umumnya. JUPED bertujuan menjadi media untuk mempublikasikan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan segala bidang ilmu. JUPED terbit 4 (kali) setahun yaitu bulan Februari, Mei, Agustus, dan November. Artikel karya tulisan ilmiah yang ada di dalam Jurnal ini telah ditinjau, dan direvisi. Penulis artikel bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dipublikasi. Redaksi mengundang para Peneliti, Dosen, Mahasiswa, Profesional dan Praktisi untuk mempublikasi karya tulisan ilmiah hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dibidang yang terkait dengan segala bidang ilmu hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang belum pernah diterbitkan secara resmi. The Digital Community Service Journal (JUPED) was first published in February 2022, which is managed by the Insight Power Team and LPPM STIKes SITI HAJAR. JUPED contains research results for community service or community service results related to all fields of science that are beneficial to society in general. JUPED aims to be a medium to publish the results of community service related to all fields of science. JUPED is published 4 (times) a year, namely in February, May, August, and November. The scientific writing articles in this journal have been reviewed and revised. The author of the article is responsible for what is published. The Editors invite Researchers, Lecturers, Students, Professionals, and Practitioners to publish scientific writings resulting from community service in fields related to all fields of knowledge resulting from community service that has never been officially published. VIEW JOURNAL | CURRENT ISSUE | REGISTER
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 39 Documents
Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyakarat Program Mbkm Asistensi Mengajar Di Sungai Selan Meta Arsita; Vebtasvili Vebtasvili
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 4: JUPED - November 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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Education is essential for the development of the whole human being to educate and improve the life of the nation's people. The Ministry of Education and Culture offered the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka Program (MBKM) in 2020 to prepare tertiary education graduates who are resilient in facing change. The purpose of this community service is to create an educational atmosphere that is meaningful, fun, creative, and dialogic and has a professional commitment to improving the quality of education in Indonesia. This service activity was carried out at 12 Sungai Selan Elementary School, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The results of this activity get some hard skills and soft skills for students and are useful in the world of work.Keywords: Education, Human Development, Ability, Change, School Activities
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 3: JUPED - Agustus 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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Baby massage is also known as stimulus touch or touch therapy. It is called touch therapy because it is through this baby massage that there will be comfortable and safe communication between the mother and her baby. This social service is giving baby massage for optimal growth and development. This activity was carried out at the Posyandu BTN Ciereng which is located in Kab. Subang. The purpose of this activity is to increase the baby's sense of comfort, and provide fitness. The results of this activity showed an increase in comfort, fitness, good fine and gross motor skills, and a good baby mood. This shows that baby massage optimizes growth and development, including improving the baby's fitness and providing stimulation to babies is important for baby's growth and development.Keywords: Baby, Baby Massage, Stimulation, Development
Edukasi Penggunaan Papan Alur Sebagai Media Bermain Edukatif Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Pada Siswa PAUD Islam Terpadu Royyan Kids Arif Pristianto; Dadang Hawari; Hidayatun Nisa; Rozalina Anisyah; Wildan Ahmad; Riski Dwi
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 2: JUPED - Mei 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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Fine motor skills are a child's ability to move by using smooth (small) muscles. Fine motor activities are the first step for children's maturation before they go to school. Children need careful preparation from an early age so that later they are expected to be able to master the movements that will be carried out at school. Age under 5 years is a golden age for children, so that what is seen and heard will be easily captured or accepted by the child's brain. To prevent inappropriate child development, it is necessary to play media that can provide positive and beneficial things for children. One of the games that have benefits for early childhood is the groove board game. This game is given to find out and improve fine motor development in children. Flowboard media will increase children's enthusiasm and attention in learning because it uses the principle of learning while playing. The goal is learning on fine motor skills that are useful for helping to flex stiff muscles and increase strength for muscles. In addition, it can increase concentration in coordination of motion with sight (sensomotor). The result of this activity is that children feel happier and teachers can make this activity a variation in learning.Keywords: fine motor, groove board, educational games, children's games
Kesehatan Reproduksi Pada Remaja Di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Maria Haryanti Butarbutar; Sri Lasmawanti; Ani Deswita Chaniago; Rupina Situmorang
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 1: JUPED - Februari 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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WHO said that adolescents are in the age range of 10-19 years, and in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2014, said that adolescents are in the age range of 10-18 years and according to the Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) the age range Teenagers are 10-24 years old and unmarried. Adolescence is a period with an age range of 10 to 24 years which is a transitional phase from childhood (dependent) to adulthood (independent) and normally occurs in human life. During this period, a teenager will experience a lot of development and growth in order to find his identity and identity. Various changes will appear both from the psychological, physical (puberty), and social environment. The purpose of community service is to prevent the occurrence of free sex for adolescents, adolescents know the growth and development of the transition period, prevent sexually transmitted diseases, norms, and ethics of Indonesian life. The method uses the Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) approach. The participants of the training activity were 35 students from Class XI SMA Private High School Amanah Tahfidz Deli Serdang. The activity was carried out on January 17, 2022. The implementation is divided into several stages, namely (1) the pre-activity stage, (2) the activity implementation stage, and (3) the evaluation stage. The development stage includes analysis, design, implementation, and testing. Reproductive health education using leaflets and stories. The activities carried out were expected to make class XI students of Amanah Tahfidz Deli Serdang Private High School more understand about reproductive health in adolescents and were closely related to preventing sex in adolescence in the pandemic era.Keywords: Community Service, Reproductive Health, Youth
Pelatihan Manajemen Bandwith Di SMA Amir Hamzah Tommy Tommy; Rosyidah Siregar; Imran Lubis; Andi Marwan Elhanafi; Ruswan Nurmadi
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 3: JUPED - Agustus 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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The need for Internet access today is very important. The Internet was a good alternative for finding the latest information, articles, and knowledge. Bandwidth sharing or bandwidth management using a mikrotik router on each host/user is an important part for internet service providers to do. Amir Hamzah High School (SMA) is one of the high schools located in the city of Medan. High school in Indonesia today requires skills in the field of networking. Which bandwidth management divides the network quota either at school or in other public places. Bandwidth is the most important part of a network, therefore bandwidth or bandwidth management is very much taken into account in order to create fast and flexible access in order to maximize internet connection according to the needs in each section, it is necessary to have bandwidth management to share the amount of bandwidth needed. bandwidth management is very easy and efficient to be used by every internet service provider because by using bandwidth each host/user will get bandwidth with the same level or size without disturbing the bandwidth of other users/hosts. This activity is an activity that aims to provide basic bandwidth management training to Amir Hamzah High School students where based on the activities that have been carried out, it was found that 44% of students could apply the training material very well while the other 56% could only apply part of the material presented.Keywords: Community Service, Network, Bandwidth, Mikrotik, Highschool
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 2: JUPED - Mei 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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Good posture is a posture that requires minimum energy spending to keep it normal/aligned, while excess energy utilization and efforts will indicate poor posture. This service activity is in the form of counseling related to changes in posture in children caused by repeated activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. This activity was carried out at the Al-Amanah Madrasah, Bandung City with a population of 15 grade 4 elementary school children. To correct bad postures, exercise therapy will be of great help to restore the changes that occur in the spine one example is kyphosis. Kyphosis is one of the cases associated with the curvature of the corners of the spine. Kyphosis exercises can be stretching exercises, strengthening exercises, and spinal movements can also improve postural control, physical functioning, as well as quality of life in society. The result of this activity is that children can understand how important it is to maintain posture, especially in the spine.Keyword: exercise, body posture
Pengembangan UMKM Melalui Penggunaan Media Informasi Teknologi Andi Marwan Elhanafi; Imran Lubis; Tommy Tommy; Rosyidah Siregar; Liza Novietta; Ruswan Nurmadi
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 1: JUPED - Februari 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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The benefits of Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) carried out by the community are often only sufficient for the needs of daily life, have not yet reached the development stage. The community of MSME actors is faced with the problem of how-to-do-good promotion and marketing, thereby increasing consumers. Community Service Activities carried out by universities can provide a solution to this problem. Digital Promotion and Digital Marketing for MSME actors can be carried out through socialization and training. This of course is something that must be done so that MSME actors can adapt to the current digital era. This community service is carried out in Bukit Lawang Village. Business development is the target to be achieved for MSME actors.Keywords: Community Service, MSMEs, Digital Promotion, Digital Marketing, Business Development
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 2: JUPED - Mei 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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The scientific study of the integrated utility network in the city of Medan, and the mapping of safety locations in the city of Medan. The title of the study became the initial discussion material to formulate the focus of research in the infrastructure sector on the most urgent (important) infrastructure problems found in the city of Medan inventory of drainage flow dimensions and patterns, Measurement of drainage channel base elevation, Inventory of public perceptions of water management and drainage systems, Analysis of hydrology Hydraulic analysis and social analysis of society. It was found that there were 2 sewers on Jalan Cempaka, but the dimensions that changed significantly resulted in being unable to accommodate runoff from upstream. The sewer at the District Office is at the lowest elevation and becomes a collection of flows from various directions. The second sewer near the leafy Glugur road is suffering from the settlement. The impact of land-use change without knowing the function of the natural channel has an impact on the closure of the natural discharge channel, thus affecting the pattern of runoff. Selayang River is one of the causes due to the low channel dimensions. Irregular channel size is related to flooding problems due to river overflow, it is necessary to normalize the river by considering the potential that exists in each river. Flood problems also require handling from upstream to downstream. Solving the problem of air and flood problems requires clear regulations. For this reason, appropriate regulations are needed for solving water and flood problems at the level of policies or regulations of the Medan City Government.Keywords: Accompaniment, Network research, development, infrastructure,
Sosialisasi Fisioterapi Terhadap Pencegahan Postur Tubuh Yang Buruk Pada Siswa Di SDN Baros Mandiri 4 Kota Cimahi Ika Rahman; April Vantulo Zalukhu; Audrey Reisana Aulia; Moch Fauzian
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 2: JUPED - Mei 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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Poor posture can be caused by several factors including frequent backpacks with too much weight and lack of ergonomics in standing, sitting, and lying, which can cause health problems such as waist, neck, and leg pain. This community service activity is socialization against the prevention of poor posture in students at SDN Baros Mandiri 4 Cimahi with 54 students in IVD and IVE class targets. The goal is to provide endurance training for prevention of poor posture in students. The result of this activity was 60% of the 54 students and students in grades IVD and IVE at SDN Baros Mandiri 4 Cimahi complained of dizziness, tingling, and soreness both on their neck, hands and feet after studying for approximately 1-2 hours because they sat too long in a hunchback, cradling their backpacks and playing cell phonesIn the sleeping position for 3-4 hours a day, As well as 10% of students and class IVD and IVE students experience shoulder and waist pain due to carrying too heavy a back bag and studying in a bent state with a long sitting position, resulting in waist pain.Keyword: Students, Body Posture
Pelatihan Slide Navigasi Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Untuk Para Guru Muhammad Fauzi; Yudi Yudi; Fuadaturahmah Fuadaturahmah
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 1: JUPED - Februari 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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Power Point is an application from Microsoft which is intended as a presentationmedia. Basically, many presentation media today are being developed by other vendors. Even so, PowerPointt is no less competitive. This application is considered as one application that is very friendly for its use. The PowerPoint application was developed by Microsoft in their office application package beside that Microsoft Office in addition to Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and several other programs. This application is widely used, especially by offices and business people, educators, students, and trainers tomake presentations, both by students, students, teachers, and companies. With this program, users can display a variety of text, images, and videos. Therefore, it is important to apply power points in the field of education as a medium for student learning. Keywords: PowerPoint, Learning Media, Education.

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