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Lily Thamrin
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Core Subject : Education, Art,
JILIN merupakan jurnal enam bulanan yang memuat artikel Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Mandarin baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Ruang lingkup dari JILIN berupa hasil penelitian maupun konseptual yang berhubungan dengan linguistik, budaya, dialek dan pengajaran Bahasa mandarin. Jurnal ini terbit secara berkala setahun dua kali, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember. 《吉麟国际汉语语言期刊》是刊登国内外有关汉语教育与研究的学术刊物。本期刊主要栏目有:语言学研究;中国文化研究;汉语方言研究和汉语教学研究等。每年六月和十二月出版,半年期刊。 JILIN is a six-monthly journal (published for every six month in one year) that consists of articles in Indonesia language or Chinese language both from within the country and abroad. The scope of JILIN is in the form of research and conceptual results related to linguistics, culture, dialects and teaching Mandarin. This journal is published in June and December every year.
Articles 4 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)" : 4 Documents clear
《汉印尼语数词模糊义及修辞功用》 SUSANTI SUSANTI
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.9 KB) | DOI: 10.0421/jilin.v2i1.46765


[摘要] 众所周知,语言是人类表达思想和交际的重要工具之一,在语言表达中一般要求精确性和具体性。但随着社会的发展,准确的数词也可转换为数词模糊义来表达,这些不准确数词的表达方式即模糊现象。本文主要考察汉语与印尼语数词模糊语义特征,以及考察两者的数词模糊义具有哪些修辞手法。通过对比考察发现,汉印尼语数词模糊义均可表示量多之意(程度高)和量少之意(程度低),虽然语义大多相同,但是汉语表数词模糊义的结构形式多于印尼语,因此需要注意。数词模糊义在修辞中可起到如临其境的良好效果。关键词:汉语与印尼语   数词模糊义   修辞功用  [Abstract] As we all know, language is one of the important tools for humans to express thoughts and communication, and accuracy and specificity are generally required in language expression. But with the development of society, accurate numerals can also be converted into numeral vague meanings to express. The expression of these inaccurate numerals is the phenomenon of vagueness. This article mainly examines the vague semantic features of Chinese and Indonesian numerals, and examines the rhetorical techniques of the vague meanings of numerals of the two. Through comparative investigation, it is found that the fuzzy meanings of Chinese and Indonesian numerals can both express the meaning of large quantity (high degree) and low quantity (low degree). Although the semantics are mostly the same, the structural forms of fuzzy meanings of Chinese numerals are more than those in Chinese. Indonesian, so you need to pay attention. The fuzzy meaning of numerals can play a good effect in the rhetoric.
越南学生使用汉语近义词的偏误分析 Hang Thi Thu Nguyen
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1104.702 KB) | DOI: 10.0421/jilin.v2i1.50836


This paper collects and analyzes the errors made by Vietnamese students in the Chinese Chinese Faculty of the University of Social Science and Humanities, Vietnam National University HCMC in the process of using synonyms in Chinese, understands the situation and types of errors, find out the causes of errors, so as to provide some measures for learners to correct their errors. 
越南学生“数+量+名”结构研究与教学对策 Huynh Thi Chieu Uyen
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1098.951 KB) | DOI: 10.0421/jilin.v2i1.49303


世界上各种语言的语法既有共性又有个性。汉语和越南语中都存在“数+量+名”结构,这是两种语言的相同之处,所以越南学生对“数+量+名”结构并不陌生,这在一定程度上可以帮助其习得汉语 “数+量+名”。不过在这个结构上最所为难专门学汉语的越南学生就是量词,即使在越南语中有不少量词还是从汉语借用过来的,但汉语、越语毕竟是两种不同的语言,它们之间有很大差异,两种语言的量词系统也各有特色,彼此之间有同有异,母语因素在其习得过程中的影响并不单纯,因此很有必要对两种语言的名量词系统进行深入、全面的对比,弄清二者异同,以便于有针对性地进行教学。
马达加斯加学生使用汉语句型SVO习得调查—— 以塔那那利佛大学孔子学院为例 RABODOARISOA Marie Julia Esperee Verotiana
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.0421/jilin.v1i2.50466


本文主要针对马达加斯加学生在汉语SVO句型中的调查研究,由于汉语与马达加斯加语来自不同的语系的语言:汉语属于汉藏语系,而马达加斯加语属于南岛语系, 因此马达加斯加学生学习汉语过程中难免遇到一些困难。汉语和马达加斯加语基本语序存在差异,汉语为SVO语言,而马达加斯加语为VOS,但是通过一些特殊词马达加斯加语最普通的VOS也能体现SVO语序。本论文对马达加斯加塔那那利佛大学孔子学院中级和高级班学习汉语语序的情况进行调查。为了详细了解马达加斯加学生学习汉语语序偏误情况,笔者设计了一份调查问卷。通过对调查问卷搜集整理,进行偏误分析,希望能对并在对外汉语教学中提出一些行之有效的对策教学。

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