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JILIN merupakan jurnal enam bulanan yang memuat artikel Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Mandarin baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Ruang lingkup dari JILIN berupa hasil penelitian maupun konseptual yang berhubungan dengan linguistik, budaya, dialek dan pengajaran Bahasa mandarin. Jurnal ini terbit secara berkala setahun dua kali, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember. 《吉麟国际汉语语言期刊》是刊登国内外有关汉语教育与研究的学术刊物。本期刊主要栏目有:语言学研究;中国文化研究;汉语方言研究和汉语教学研究等。每年六月和十二月出版,半年期刊。 JILIN is a six-monthly journal (published for every six month in one year) that consists of articles in Indonesia language or Chinese language both from within the country and abroad. The scope of JILIN is in the form of research and conceptual results related to linguistics, culture, dialects and teaching Mandarin. This journal is published in June and December every year.
Articles 6 Documents
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汉柬第一人称代词对比研究 MENG POLY
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jilin.v3i1.62226


[摘要] 人称代词在日常交际中起着至关重要的作用。汉语和柬埔寨语第一人称代词既有相同点,也有不同点。文章对比分析了汉语和柬埔寨语第一人称代词,发现其相同点在于,汉语第一人称代词是不区分男女性别的,部分柬埔寨语第一人称代词也是不区分男女性别的,共有9个。不同点在于,柬埔寨语中的第一人称代词远多于汉语第一人称代词,共有21个。汉语中第一人称代词只有一种复数形式,即在“我”、“咱”后面加上“们”,而柬埔寨语中则有三种形式;汉语第一人称代词“我”、“我们”、“咱”、“咱们”使用起来都比较简单,而柬埔寨语中第一人称代词使用起来则比较复杂,柬埔寨语第一人称代词会随着感情色彩、礼貌程度和关系的亲疏远近的转变而转变,在实际使用中需要注意对话双方的年龄、辈分、社会地位等特点选择不同的人称代词。[Abstract] Personal Pronouns play a crucial role in everyday communication.Chinese and Cambodian first person pronouns have both similarities and differences.The article compares and analyzes the first person pronouns in Chinese and Cambodian and finds that the similarities are that the first person pronouns in Chinese are gender-neutral, while some of the first person pronouns in Cambodian are also gender-neutral, with 9 in total.The difference is that there are far more Cambodian first person pronouns than Chinese first person pronouns, 21 in total.In Chinese, there is only one plural form of first person pronouns, while there are three forms in Cambodian; The Chinese first person pronouns "wo", "wo men", "zan" and "zan men" are all relatively simple to use, while the Cambodian first person pronouns are relatively complex to use.The first person pronouns in Cambodian will change with the change of emotional color, politeness and relationship.In actual use, it is necessary to pay attention to the age, generation, social status and other characteristics of the two sides of the conversation to choose different personal pronouns.
巴基斯坦学生汉语否定副词“不”和“没”习得偏误分析及教学对策 Nimra Nawaz
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jilin.v3i1.63775


基于直接法与图示理论形态对《国际汉语教学案例分析与点评》教材的分析与总结 DAVID VINCENSIUS
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jilin.v3i1.64940


在国际汉语教学中,不同的教学对象、教学内容可以采取不同的教学理论和教学方法,但是其最终目的是培养学习者的语言运用能力和言语交际能力。使用文献研究法,本文基于直接法和图式理论的角度形态,以国际中文教育专业研究生教材《国际汉语教学案例分析与点评》(主编叶军)中的国际汉语教学案例为例来分析直接法与图式理论在国际汉语教学中的应用效果,让国际汉语教师或者志愿者可以从中吸取教训,积累经验。In international Chinese language teaching, the diverse teaching theories and methods can be adopted according to different teaching objects and contents needed, but the ultimate goal is to cultivate learners' ability in language usage and verbal communication. Using the literature research method, this paper is based on the perspectives of direct method and schema theory, taking the international Chinese teaching cases in the international Chinese language teaching postgraduate textbook Case Analysis and Comment on International Chinese Teaching (Editor-in-Chief Ye Jun) as examples to analyze the application effect of direct method and schema theory in international Chinese teaching. So the International Chinese language teachers or volunteers can learn lessons and accumulate experiences.
缅甸华裔学生汉语错别字使用问题分析 AYE SHWE
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jilin.v3i1.63624


越南学生汉语习得中的韵母偏误分析 Khưu Chí Minh; Cái Thi Thủy; Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong; Huỳnh Bích Ngọc
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jilin.v3i1.65132


本文对汉语和越南语韵母系统进行了较详细的描写,同时对标准越南语与越南三大方言的韵母系统进行对比,以便找出越南学生在汉语习得过程中所存在的区域性韵母偏误。通过汉越韵母系统的对比本文指出二者在构成情况、韵母数量、拼写方式、语音等方面的异同。越南学生区域性语音偏误规律的分析结果表明不同区域的越南学生有不同的韵母偏误。本文运用理论对这些偏误进行解释,从而探讨偏误的成因,以求找出克服的方案以及提出教学建议。希望本研究结果能给从事汉语语音教学的工作者提供参考,使教学工作更加有针对性,从而能够提高教学效率,同时也希望对汉语学习者有所帮助。 This article describes the vowel of Chinese and Vietnamese, and compares the vowel of standard Vietnamese and the three major Vietnamese dialects in order to find out the regional vowel errors that Vietnamese students have in the process of Chinese acquisition. Through the comparison of Chinese and Vietnamese vowel systems, the article points out similarities and differences in phonetic aspects, writing methods, number of patterns, and composition of Vietnamese and Chinese. According to the analysis results of the regional wrong phonetic rule of Vietnamese students, Vietnamese students in different regions will have different vowel errors. The article has applied theory to explain these errors, thereby finding the causes of errors, finding solutions to overcome and making recommendations on teaching. It is hoped that the results of this research can be a reference for those who do the teaching of Chinese phonetics, making the teaching on target, thereby improving the teaching efficiency, improving the teaching efficiency, and at the same time also hope it helps the learners.
越南学生汉语习得中的声母偏误分析 Trần Thị Hải Yến; thuy cai; Huỳnh Bích Ngọc
Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Journal International Lingua Mandarin (JILIN)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jilin.v3i1.65140


学习汉语的越南人不断增多。与其他国家的学生相比,越南学生更有学习汉语的优势。之所以这样说是因为在词汇方面越南语受了汉语的很大影响;语法方面跟汉语也很相似;再说,越南语也是有声调的一种语言。但另一方面,由于汉语与越南语只是相似,而并不完全相同,因此,越南学生学习起来也难免出现各种各样的偏误。而在越南学生的各种偏误中,笔者们认为语音偏误最为明显。特别是在越南学生对汉语声母的习得中,越南语的干扰对发音的影响最明显。因此,笔者试图进行调查研究,找出偏误的规律,并运用理论基础来对偏误进行解释,从而探讨偏误的成因,以便找出克服的方案以及提出教学建议。More and more Vietnamese are learning Chinese. Compared with students from other countries, Vietnamese students have more advantages in learning Chinese. This is because Vietnamese has been heavily influenced by Chinese in terms of vocabulary; The grammar is also very similar to Chinese; Besides, Vietnamese is a tonal language. But on the other hand, because Chinese and Vietnamese are only similar, but not exactly the same, so Vietnamese students will inevitably appear a variety of errors in learning. Among all kinds of errors of Vietnamese students, the authors think phonetic errors are the most obvious. Especially in the acquisition of Chinese initials by Vietnamese students, Vietnamese interference has the most obvious influence on pronunciation. Therefore, the author tries to conduct investigation and research to find out the law of the bias, and use the theoretical basis to explain the bias, so as to explore the causes of the bias, in order to find out the solution and put forward teaching suggestions.

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