Darussalam English journal
Darussalam English Journal (DEJ) is a refereed journal published twice a year in January and July by Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Darussalam, Banyuwangi Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles related to English Teaching-learning, literature, and linguistic.
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Online Learning Problems; Students' English Learning Barriers
Muhamad Alfi Khoiruman;
Adib Ahmada
Darussalam English Journal (DEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i1.1037
Policies related to online learning which were then simultaneously used as a learning system did not appear without problems. As a result, countries that are not ready with this system, of course, face many problems, especially for teaching staff and students. This study, tries to explore problems that have the potential to hinder students' understanding during online learning, which means that researchers will only focus on obstacles in the learning process, both internal to students and external from teachers and parents, not technical matters such as network constraints, no quota and other related matters. Subjects in this study were 15 junior high school students in Penan, Pejarakan, Ampenan. Qualitative research with this descriptive approach, in the process using Observation and Interview methods as the main way to obtain data where the results of this study classify the main problems that arise into 3 parts, namely; 1) There is a delay from the subject in participating in online class activities, 2) There is a tendency not to take learning activities seriously by doing other activities such as playing games, watching TV and other activities and 3) the lack of time and the ability of companions during the learning process is good because they do not have sufficient understanding of the material or other activities or work to be undertaken.
English Learning Innovation at Al-Yasini Integrated Islamic Boarding School Pasuruan: Qualitative Method
Dewi Masitah
Darussalam English Journal (DEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i1.1064
Pesantren is an Islamic educational institution that has existed in Indonesia for hundreds of years, but its existence has been challenged by the presence of colonialists, secularists, and the challenges of globalization and the community's need for education is increasingly complex. How pesantren take strategic steps to answer these challenges. So from here the researchers are interested in conducting research on English learning innovations at the Al-Yasini Integrated Islamic Boarding School with the following problem formulation. Second, how is the development of English learning at the Al-Yasini Integrated Islamic Boarding School? This study uses a sociological approach of education and this type of research uses qualitative phenomenology. The results of this study indicate that 1) The development of English learning is based on the thoughts of the caregivers of the Al-Yasini Integrated Islamic Boarding School to meet the educational needs of the community and the obligation of students to spread Islam throughout the world. In delivering da'wah not everyone understands Arabic, so da'wah can use English as an international language. 2) Mastering English and being able to communicate is considered important in da'wah, so it must be developed by means of developing English so that students can convey Islamic messages to all levels of the world community according to the profession of each student.
A Survey on the Students’ Perceptions in Learning Speaking through Picture Media: Qualitative Method
Adib Ahmada;
St Sofia Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal (DEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i1.1065
The general aims in this research are to find out the students perceptions in learning speaking through picture media at the eleventh grade students of MA Roudlotul Muta’alimin in academic year 2019/2020. Furthermore, the aims can particularly be formulated to know what students perceptions in learning speaking through picture media. This research was categorized as survey research with the descriptive quantitative approach. The subject of this research is the eleventh grade students of MA Roudlotul Muta’alimin in academic year 2019/2020 as the participants totally 18 students. The questionnare was used to collected the data about students perceptions in learning speaking through picture media. And documentation was used to collected a description of the school and respondent. And the result is the eleventh graders of MA Roudlotul Muta’alimin had high integrative motivation to develop English speaking. They also had a high expectation that picture media could help them develop their English speaking skill. They also “strongly agreed” and “agreed” that English speaking mastery will help them to be more confident and courageous in speaking English, express their idea and motivate themselves even reached more than 80%. The response more than 85% of them “strongly agreed” and “agreed” that their mastery of English speaking will able to motivate themself to improve their ability to speak in English and make it easier for them to talk about anything in English by using picture media. In addition, the teacher also has an interesting method in learning English and often to use picture media in learning English.
The Effectiveness of Comment Column on Facebook Group in Teaching Writing: Quantitative Method
Yulia Nugrahini
Darussalam English Journal (DEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i1.1066
This article was a complete report of investigation on the effectiveness of coment column in facebook group to teach writing. Communicate using Facebook in international scope or globalization era needs English skill, especially in writing skill. Writing which is clearly and acceptably is needed when writing or given a comment. The Students must have good skill writing on English. The researcher was analized the score of pre test and posttest with used computing calculated with SPSS 21.0. The researcher analized used t-test. The researcher used t-test technique because in this research all the assumptions test are full filed. The result showed that the mean of the pre-test was 61.16 and mean of the post-test was 75.23. It means that the result from the post-test was higher than pre-test. Based on the result of output paired sample test shows the result of compare analysis with used T-test shows mean pre-test and post-test is 14.065. Standard deviation is 10.577 and mean standard error is 1.900, the lower different is 10.185, while upper different is 17.944. The result t- test is 7.404 with df 30 and significance 0.000. The t-count value is 7.404 is more than t- table value 2.042. So the Ho is rejected and Ha accepted because 7.404 > 2.042.The Average score of post-test is higher then the average of pre-test. It means that Facebook is an effective media in teaching writing procedure text.
Motivation of Students in the Learning English through Audio Visual Media: Qualitative Method
Moh Mahmud;
Moh Izza Arrifqi;
Faiqotur Rizkiyah
Darussalam English Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i1.1067
This study aims to determine the motivation of students in learning English through audio visual media in the eleventh grade at MA Al Amiriyyah Blokagung Banyuwangi then describe how motivation is used in learning English by using audio Audio Visual Media in the form of video. Furthermore, this study also aims to determine whether it is true that it maximally motivates students by using audio visual media. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative design, to collect data, the researcher uses several instruments, among others; (1) Observation, (2) Questionnaire, (3) Interview. The subjects of this research were 15 eleventh grade students at MA Al Amiriyyah Blokagung Banyuwangi where these class students were placed in a special dormitory in the form of the Syafa’atul Qur’an dormitory. The results showed that (1) student motivation can be said to be in a good category, according to the results of all these findings the researcher concluded that the motivation to learn English is 80.00% of the questionnaire results which can be said to be in "good motivation". Besides, from the results of the interview, the researcher concluded that student motivation in learning English was quite good. Students' motivation to learn in English is because the atmosphere is pleasant, the teacher delivers the material well and the material is easy to understand, (2) the factors behind the motivation to learn English besides liking the atmosphere in the English classroom, the teacher also combines methods and media in carrying out the learning process, so that students felt confident that it would be easy to understand and learn the material even though they are not yet speak properly due to very minimal vocabulary,
A Study of Student’s Anxiety in Speaking Skill A Case Study in Islamic Criminal Law Student
Amir Hamzah
Darussalam English Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i2.1235
AbstractThis study aims to describe about the elements cause students’anxiety in speaking skill and the students strategies to cope the anxiety in speaking skill at Syaichona Cholil Bangkalan Islamic in Islamic Criminal Law Major Student of first semester in academic year 2021-2022 as participants. There are 22 students as participants researcher take by purposive sampling. Researcher also take 3 students in class of Medical Record. Descriptive Qualitative was used in this study. The data were through structured Interviews and classroom observations. The data were describe by interview transcripts. The result of this study describe three elementss that cause students’ anxiety in speaking English. The first is Self Perception of students that always feel English is difficulty to Learn and speak also there a lot of referencees in English Language related to Islamic Criminal law Students’s. The second elements is Class Condition of Performance make students got anxiety when they speak in front of their friends and lecture. The third is students’ Anxiety in speaking English is Fear of Making Mistakes. The result of this study also found there are three strategies that students used to cope the anxiety in speaking English. The first is Preparation, eight students did preparation always felt better before speaking English. The second is Positive thinking, seven participants did positive thinking can cope the anxiety in speaking English. The last is Relaxation, there five students take this strategie if students feel anxiety and failed speaking English.
The Role of Teachers in the English Language Learning Process at SMP Karya Sembawa, Kab. Banyuasin, Sumatra Selatan
Muhammad Bambang Purwanto
Darussalam English Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i2.1240
The purpose of this study is to know and describe the role of teachers in the learning process in Middle School Karya Sembawa of Sembawa. This research uses qualitative research methods with the process of collecting data using interviews, observation and questionnaires. The place of this research is SMP Karya Sembawa, Kab. Banyuasin. The sample of this study amounted to 36 people consisting of 30 students and 6 teachers. For sample student researcher uses random sampling technique (random). The results of this study indicate that in general teachers who teach in SMP Karya Sembawa, already carry out their duties and roles well but the obstacles that exist in Karya Junior High School od Sembawa still less support books books such as packages in the process of learning Indonesian.
The Study of Teaching Speaking by Retelling Story
Ridwan Ridwan;
Nurul Hasanah
Darussalam English Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i2.1247
By speaking, everyone can express what they think or feel. Therefore, speaking is one of the most important competencies that students must master at school, while tenth grade students still had problems in speaking. Most of them were difficult to explore ideas and designing their sentences. Besides they were also less vocabulary. This Aim of research is to describe the study of teaching speaking by retelling story at Tenth grade students of SMA Favorit NU Tegaldlimo in the academic year 2019/2020. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The study subject of grade X science students of SMA Favorit NU Tegaldlimo. This research involved nineteen students at the tenth grade students of science in SMA Favorit NU Tegaldlimo as population. There were twelve female students and seven male students. In addition, the researcher used a qualitative as approach, there were data collection techniques used to collect data such as the interview, observation, and documentation. There were several aspects of speaking that student's increased in retelling story of narrative texts such as (Orientation, complication, resolution). Furthermore, Students were also more enthusiastic and enjoy being taught by retelling narrative story. According to described data, it showed that there was improvement of students’ scores in speaking narrative text from the preliminary study test until after study. Finally, students got an improvement, 100 % of students passed from SKM. from these results the researchers concluded that teaching speaking by retelling story was been successful in increasing students' abilities in speaking skill.
Mind Mapping to Teach Writing in Descriptive Text
Sherly Citra Putri;
Ratna Sujiati
Darussalam English Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i2.1248
This research article discussed the effectiveness of mind mapping to teach writing descriptive text. In this case, the subject of research was 32 students of English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Mayjen Sungkono University of Mojokerto. This article was aimed to use qualitative pre-experimental research design. The finding showed a significant different score between the pre-test and post-test. It indicated that mind mapping was effective to teach writing descriptive text.
An Analysis of Indonesian EFL Teachers’ and Students’ Speech Acts in Teaching and Learning Process
Faiqotur Rizkiyah
Darussalam English Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
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DOI: 10.30739/dej.v1i2.1249
This study is intended to describe, analyze and explain types of speech act produced by Indonesia EFL teachers and students in classroom. The subjects of this research are the teacher and the students. The data from this qualitative research was obtained from observation that were analyzed by three cyclical steps; data reduction, data display and conclusion. The study reveals that frequency of speech act occurred are representative (66, 7%), directive (23, 2 %), expressive (6, 56 %), and commusive (3, 54 %). The students produced more utterance (68, 25 %) than the teacher did (31, 75 %). The highest speech act production is representative which was produced by the students as the responds from the teacher’s direction. While the teacher tends to use directive speech act.