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Muhamad Agus Mushodiq
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Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Published by Kuras Institute
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Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies focuses on the study of Indonesian Islamic Issues that developed in society with the textual and contextual approaches. The scope of the study includes: a) Beliefs System in Islam, b) Ideas of Muslim Scholars, c) Ritual System in Islam, d) Traditions or Customs in Islamic Society, e) Literature and Islamic Arts, and f) Islamic Education
Articles 19 Documents
Turas Ulama Nusantara: Al-Akhlaq Lilbanat Karya Syekh Umar Baradja dan Aktualisasinya dalam Pendidikan Islam Indonesia Aghita Wahyuningsih; Yusuf Hanafiah
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1052.511 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i1.170


The book of Al-Akhlaq Lilbanat by Sheikh Umar ibn Ahmad Baradja can be used as an intermediary in overcoming the current moral condition. The purpose of this article was to find out the moral education values in the book Al-Akhlaq Lilbanat. This paper was a study of Sheikh Umar ibn Ahmad Baradja's views regarding women's moral education, using a library research model with data sources from the book Al-Akhlaq Lilbanat. The data collection techniques used are content analysis and deduction methods by concluding data sources and then analyzing them in detail. The results of the study indicate that the values ​​of moral education in the books of Al-Akhlaq Lilbanat volumes I and II are interrelated, such as morality towards Allah SWT, Prophet Muhammad saw, family, relatives, servants, neighbors, teachers, and friends. Volume III contains some women's etiquette in doing things. The values ​​of moral education in the book Al-Akhlaq Lilbanat are in line with Islamic education as well as actual conditions for women in the contemporary era of Indonesia. This book can be used as a guide that was practical and easy to understand and can be a solution to handling problems that occur in the contemporary era.
Relevansi Pemikiran Pendidikan Al-Ṭaḥṭawῑ terhadap Politik Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Dedi Setiawan; Khodijah Khodijah; Dedi Arianto
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (918.262 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i2.227


One of the Islamic Education figures in the modern era is Rifa'ah Baḍāwῑ Rāfi' Al-Ṭaḥṭawῑ. He was considered successful in formulating educational innovations following the times. This paper aims to describe the concept of Al-Tahtawi's education and relate it to the Islamic education system in Indonesia. This paper uses a type of literature-qualitative research. Data collection was carried out using the appropriate written reference source documentation technique. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive, content, and comparative methods. The results of the study show that Al-Ṭaḥṭawῑ has developed educational reform in Egypt through innovations such as the distribution of education based on age levels, universal education, education for all groups, gender equality, democratic education, and dynamic education. The political concept of Islamic education in Indonesia is the synergy between the state, politics, and education which encourages the formation of education following the ideals of the Indonesian nation. Meanwhile, the relevance of Al-Ṭaḥṭawῑ's educational thinking to the politics of Islamic education in Indonesia is that there are similarities in objectives in the delivery of education. These were marked by the development of educational innovations, educational renewal following current issues, the democratization of education, and improving the quality of human resources capable of mastering science and technology
Pembentukan Karakter Disiplin dalam Institusi Pendidikan Islam: Studi Kasus di MI Roudlotul Huda Kota Semarang Dina Damayanti; Ali Imron; Hamid Sakti Wibowo
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (971.404 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i1.228


Discipline character building in students is needed and must be instilled early in the learning process. This paper aims to analyze the teacher's efforts in shaping the disciplined character of students at MI Roudlotul Huda Sekaran, Gunung Pati, Semarang. This paper uses a qualitative field research type. Data were collected by observation, interviews, and documentation. Checking the validity of the data is done by using the triangulation technique. The data analysis method used is in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that the teacher's efforts in shaping the disciplined character of MI Roudlotul Huda Sekaran Gunung Pati Semarang students included the synergy of the headmaster and the teachers in setting good examples, habituation of positive activities, and exemplary discipline. The supporting factors for the formation of student character are good cooperation from school personnel, good communication between parents, teachers, students, the community, a positive school environment, and teachers who are enthusiastic about acting as models or leaders. While the factors that hinder student discipline are readiness in students, environmental factors, and family factors
Stilistika-Fonologi Qira’at Abu Ja’far: Studi Bacaan Ikhfa’ Kha’ dan Ghain Sunarto
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1534.831 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i1.229


This paper identifies one of Abu Ja'far's rules of ushul qira’at, namely reading ikhfa' if there is a consonant nun or a tanwin meeting with kha' or ghain. This reading is unique and distinctive considering that the majority of qurra' agree that the two letters are idzhar letters, not ikhfa'. By using stylistic-phonology as a tool in interpreting, it is concluded that the polemic is rooted in the different descriptions of makhraj and, there are those who categorize both of them as part of the letter khalqiyyah or throat, and some include it as part of the letter located at the base of the tongue. This difference has implications for how to read when meeting with a consonant nun or tanwin. The next implication of reading ikhfa' kha' and ghain in Abu Ja'far's qira’at is to present the harmony of sounds that are displayed in several verses. The sound is also not only a sweetener in the work of recitation, but also as a supporter of the meaning to be conveyed by the verse.
Peran Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani dalam Meneguhkan Identitas Kebhinekaan Bangsa Indonesia Muhammad War'i; Muhamad Agus Mushodiq
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1061.65 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i1.265


Indonesia as a multi-religious and multi-cultural country requires a tolerant paradigm in an effort to maintain peace and national unity. One of the thinkers of the Indonesian nation who tends to be inclusive in seeing differences (diversity) is Sheikh Nawawi Al-Bantani. Through the principles and paradigms of writing his works, he builds a paradigm that is tolerant and caring for others and accepts the progress of the times. This paper aims to analyze the paradigm of Sheikh Nawawi regarding diversity in his works. The type of research used is qualitative with a descriptive-interpretative analysis model. The data was obtained from written documents in the form of books by Sheikh Nawawi. The results found are that Syekh Nawawi is an Islamic Nusantara figure who cares about Indonesian society, and has a high tolerance and inclusive attitude. Such a paradigm is very much needed in maintaining the existence of the Indonesian nation which is full of diversity. The existence of a scientific genealogical relationship between Sheikh Nawawi and Islamic thinkers of the Nusantara is a strong reason that his role in building the identity of the Indonesian nation is quite significant in order to maintain the integrity of the nation.
Edukasi Seks di Kalangan Remaja Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Hadis: Sebuah Tawaran Prinsip, Materi, dan Metode Aplikatif Sulaiman; Mahfudz Sidiq
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1206.864 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i1.268


The increase of promiscuity in today's society is already at an alarming level. One of the contributing factors is the stigma of society which considers it taboo to talk about sex among teenagers and children. While in the Qur'an and Hadith a lot of people talk about it. Through qualitative method and library research, authors seek to formulate practical principles, materials, and methods in the process of sex education from the perspective of the Qur'an and Hadith. As a result, to carry out preventive and educative efforts regarding sex, several principles aspects must be strengthened, including; sociological, psychological, and legal principles as well as morals. While the material can be taken from the main material in Islam (Quran and Hadith) as the initial foundation of sex education. Then added with various kinds of general material that is sublimation to sexual "passion". The methods used can be in the form of Quranic and prophetic hiwar methods, Quranic and prophetic stories methods, Quranic and prophetic amsal, and targib wa tarhib.
Fenomena Menghafal Al-Qur’an di Pondok Pesantren: Studi Kasus Ma’had Mambaul Qur’an Wonosobo Jawa Tengah Arba'atul Husna; Mukromin; Ashief El Qorny
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1150.721 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i1.275


This article aims to investigate the process of memorizing the Qur'an for students at Ma'had Mambaul Qur'an Munggang Bawah Wonosobo. In addition, this article aims to investigate students' problems in memorizing the Qur'an and their solutions. This article uses a qualitative field research type with documentation, interviews, and observation data collection methods. Then, the source of the data was obtained through information from the Board of Directors of the Islamic Boarding School and the tahfiz students. The results showed that the tahfiz program at Ma'had Mambaul Qur'an was good with the mainstay program of muraja’ah and semesterly tasmi'. The problems experienced by students in memorizing the Qur'an are laziness, the influence of technology especially handphones, and inconsistent management programs. The solution for students to face these problems is to motivate themselves to be more active in memorizing and to arrange a conducive time for memorizing.
Pola Asuh Karyawati Rokok Muslimah dalam Membina Karakter Anak Usia Dini di Kabupaten Sumenep Madura Indonesia Muru'atul Afifah; Ulfatul Hasanah
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (945.136 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i2.389


Nowadays, the number of female workers in various companies is commonplace. As a result, women's parenting pattern is not intensive. In Islamic teachings, women have a great responsibility in educating children. This paper aims to look at the phenomenon of child rearing by Muslimah cigarette employees in Bulu Lebilleh Hamlet, Pragaan Daya Village, Sumenep, Madura. This paper uses a qualitative field method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. The results showed that five Muslimah cigarette employees entrusted their children to their families (husbands and parents) when they worked. The parenting style of Muslimah employees is limited. Among them are teaching their children to be independent, such as eating and bathing themselves, teaching the recitation of the Qur'an, teaching them to read prayers, and teaching children to color and draw. The supporting factors for the success of Muslimah cigarette employees in fostering the character of early childhood are a conducive environment and a harmonious family. The inhibiting factors are the limited time and defiance of children due to parenting patterns that are not optimal
Implementation of the Nahdlatul Ulama’s Brotherhood Trilogy Concept in Pandemic Covid-19 Mitigation Agus Setiawan; Muhamad Agus Mushodiq; Mosaab Elkhair Edris
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (991.82 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i2.392


During the Covid-19 pandemic, religious doctrine often clashed with mitigation efforts. This paper aims to interpret the brotherhood trilogy concept initiated by KH. Achmad Siddiq as a guide in mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic. The author relates these guidelines to the mitigation efforts that have been carried out by PCNU Metro Lampung Indonesia. In conducting the research, the authors use qualitative research with data analysis and interpretation according to Miles and Huberman which includes data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this paper are: First, pandemic mitigation efforts with the brotherhood trilogy are the application of fair ‘wasatiyah’, balance ‘tawazun’, tolerance ‘tasamuh’, and dynamic ‘tatawuriyah’ values. Second, from the perspective of Islamic Brotherhood, the mitigation of the Covid-19 pandemic, carried out by PCNU Metro Lampung Indonesia, includes equalizing the perception of Muslims regarding the nature of the Covid pandemic, education, and distribution of medical or non-medical assistance at the Islamic brotherhood among Nahdlatul Ulama people level ‘Islamic Brotherhood of Nahdliyah’. Third, in the perspective of Nationality Brotherhood, the efforts made are by distributing masks to the general public and spraying disinfectants in public places. Fourth, in the perspective of Humanity Brotherhood, the effort made is in educating to the public so as not to spread hoax news related to the pandemic on social media as a global communication tool
Integrasi Budaya Lokal dan Pendidikan Islam: Internalisasi Nilai Moral dalam Geguritan ”Nurani Peduli” pada Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ali Imron; Ari Saidul Mujazin
Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies
Publisher : KURAS Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (982.66 KB) | DOI: 10.51214/biis.v1i2.402


Moral education plays an important role in forming superior human beings. This paper aims to describe the moral values ​​contained in poetry or Geguritan "Nurani Peduli" by Handoyo Wibowo and look at the process of internalizing these moral values ​​in students of the Baitul Huda Islamic elementary school Semarang city through the Javanese language course. In addition, this paper also aims to see the implications of internalizing these moral values ​​for students. This paper uses a qualitative-phenomenological type of research that uses students, teachers, and school principals as research subjects. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that: First, the moral values ​​contained in geguritan include harmony, wisdom, humility, awareness, and development of taste. Second, the internalization process is carried out in three stages, namely the information stage by providing material on the moral values ​​contained in Geguritan "Nurani Peduli", the appreciation stage through direction and guidance and exemplary students, and the value application stage by providing motivation and encouragement to students to apply good grades in the form of actions. Third, the implications of internalization can be seen from three aspects, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Characterized by the integration of learning materials with an attitude of empathy, awareness, tolerance, and a sense of responsibility in social life.

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