Mulia Pratama Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Mulia Pratama Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis adalah nama jurnal online atau electronic journal (e-journal) Pusat Riset dan Karir Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama (STIE MP). Jurnal Online yang terdiri atas jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan jurnal Ilmu Akuntansi di STIE MP, memuat artikel ilmiah pakar sebidang meliputi dan tidak terbatas pada hasil penelitian manajemen, akuntansi, ekonomi, ekonomterika dan ekonomi digital. Jurnal terbit berkala dua kali dalam setahun, kecuali terdapat seminar ilmiah yang memerlukan publikasi, akan diterbitkan prosiding.
96 Documents
A System Dynamics of Indonesia Low Carbon Energy Resilience Model
Andi Muhammad Sadli
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Business & Economic Proceeding of STIE Mulia Pratama
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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Energy plays an important role shaping civilization as a major input from various sectors of life. For Indonesia, the management and utilization of energy will determine the likely existence as a nation forward in the future. This research used a quantitative methodology which is the chosen method is system dynamic simulation. The system dynamic model is the shape and energy utilization in Indonesia in order to achieve a degree of energy security with complex variables covering economic, social and environmental as well. The model simulation investigates the implications the use of fuel to the economy and how to find a model of low-carbon energy sustainability in the energy mix policy in Indonesia. The model explores the relationship between population, fuel consumption, fuel production, fuel import, and emissions resulting from the use of fuel. This model will be used as the basis for the simulation scenario of Business As Usual (Base case) so that the visible trend of each variable and how interventions should be done. The interventions that are chosen namely structural intervention where included gas and geothermal as the additional energy resources. Then, Hypothesis that would be tested in this research is the reduction of CO2 emission and fossil fuel import as the feedback of energy mix policy. The result shows that mix energy policy is able to reduce the CO2 emission at least 9% in average along the simulation period. In other hand the import of fossil fuel import can be reduced averagely up to 27%. Therefore, the mix energy policy is strongly feasible to be implemented and developed in the future.
Rakhmat Djabar
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Business & Economic Proceeding of STIE Mulia Pratama
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) merupakan instrument kebijakan fiskal yang utama bagi pemerintah daerah. Anggaran Belanja Daerah yang tercantum dalam APBD mencerminkan potret pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan skala prioritas terkait program dan kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan dalam satu tahun anggaran. Penetapan prioritas-prioritas tersebut beserta upaya pencapaiannya merupakan konsekuensi dari meningkatnya peran dan tanggung jawab pemerintah daerah dalam mengelola pembangunan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakatnya. Dengan demikian, daerah harus memastikan dana tersebut benar-benar dimanfaatkan untuk program dan kegiatan yang memiliki nilai tambah besar bagi masyarakat.
Mulyo Agung
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Business & Economic Proceeding of STIE Mulia Pratama
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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This article aims to determine the internal Control section of the monitoring Fraud. Internal Control is the internal Control as a process that is influenced by the board of directors, management obtained from the information, and the employees are designed to provide assurance to ensure that the organization's objectives will be achieved. Information sub-system integrates both physical and non physical are interconnected and work together in harmony to achieve a goal of process data into information. In the complex internal control can be from the accounting information system, covering the scope of accounting transactions that cover all parts of the company, and the procedures in the process from the transaction until it generates financial reports. Accounting fraud in a behavior in which a person takes or intentionally dishonestly capitalize on others. Fraud or cheating which is a barrier to use resources efficiently, effectively and economically, so it is an important concern of management and the board of directors of the organization. From an accounting standpoint, cheating is a false depiction of the material facts in a ledger or financial statements.
Pengaruh Promosi dan Saluran Distribusi Terhadap Peningkatan Penjualan Pada PT NSK Bearings Manufacturing Indonesia
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Business & Economic Proceeding of STIE Mulia Pratama
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan apakah variabel Promosi dan saluran distribusi berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap peningkatan penjualan pada PT NSK Bearings Maufacuring Indonesia serta untuk mengetahui variabel manakah yang berpengaruh secara dominan diantara dua variabel Promosi dan saluran distribusi terhadap peningkatan penjualan pada PT NSK Bearings Manufacturing Indonesia. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Metode Kuantitatif dan Metode deksriptif yang menggunakan lima rumus yaitu Analisa Regresi Berganda, Analisa Korelasi Berganda, Uji t-test, Uji f-test seta Uji Koefisien Determinasi (R2 ). Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan koefisien regresi linier berganda, diperoleh nilai sebesar :
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR: The Relation Between Environmental Ethic Cognition, Perception on Environmental, and Responsibility in Environmental Conservation With Environmental Management Behavior, The Student of STIE Mulia Pratama in Bekasi, 2011
Darlius Darlius
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Business & Economic Proceeding of STIE Mulia Pratama
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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The objective of research is to study the relationship between environmental ethic cognition, the perception on environmental, and the responsibility in environmental conservation with environmental management behavior. The research is carried out campus environmental of STIE Mulia Pratama with 228 respondents (n = 228). Who are taken by random and simple sampling. The respondents are University Students, the data are analyzed by simple regression, multiple regression, simple correlation and multiple correlation. The study shows that there are positive correlation between, 1) Environmental ethic cognition with environmental management behavior, 2) Environmental perception with environmental management behavior, 3) The responsibility of environmental conservation with environmental management behavior, and 4) Moreover there is positive relationship between environmental ethic cognitionr, environmental perception, the responsibility of environmental conservation with environmental management behavior
A Sustainable Transportation System Model: The Case of Jakarta
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Business & Economic Proceeding of STIE Mulia Pratama
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is the fastest growing region with 6.5% economic growth in 2012. This condition leads to an increased demand of various goods and services, one of which is a reliable transport system. Jakarta's transport demand growth can be seen from trend in the number of motor vehicles. Number of vehicle increased from 7,967,489 in 2006 to 11,997,519 in 2010, with an increase in the number of motorcycles (65%) and passenger cars (51%). Active vehicle operated in DKI Jakarta that has been dominated by private vehicle is causing vehicle activity growth exceeds available road capacity, which is vital for keeping the environment well functioned. This research was conducted for analyzing relationship of economic growth and transportation system and its impact on environment particularly road capacity and emission; achieved by building transportation system model using system dynamics. Based on result of research, it is concluded that Jakarta’s current system transportation is not sustained which is indicated by road density and emission reached its environment capacity.
A System Dynamics of Indonesia Low Carbon Energy Resilience Model
Andi Muhammad Sadli
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Business & Economic Proceeding of STIE Mulia Pratama
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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Energy plays an important role shaping civilization as a major input from various sectors of life. For Indonesia, the management and utilization of energy will determine the likely existence as a nation forward in the future. This research used a quantitative methodology which is the chosen method is system dynamic simulation. The system dynamic model is the shape and energy utilization in Indonesia in order to achieve a degree of energy security with complex variables covering economic, social and environmental as well. The model simulation investigates the implications the use of fuel to the economy and how to find a model of low-carbon energy sustainability in the energy mix policy in Indonesia. The model explores the relationship between population, fuel consumption, fuel production, fuel import, and emissions resulting from the use of fuel. This model will be used as the basis for the simulation scenario of Business As Usual (Base case) so that the visible trend of each variable and how interventions should be done. The interventions that are chosen namely structural intervention where included gas and geothermal as the additional energy resources. Then, Hypothesis that would be tested in this research is the reduction of CO2 emission and fossil fuel import as the feedback of energy mix policy. The result shows that mix energy policy is able to reduce the CO2 emission at least 9% in average along the simulation period. In other hand the import of fossil fuel import can be reduced averagely up to 27%. Therefore, the mix energy policy is strongly feasible to be implemented and developed in the future. DOI.10.13140/RG.2.2.29569.35683
The Effect of Promotion Cost and The Fixed Price on Sales Level of The PT. Aston Inti Makmur
Nurfai Al Faizal Nurfai
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Business & Economic Proceeding of STIE Mulia Pratama
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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Companies required to apply the concept of good management in marketing- to improved sales and compete with other companies. Management concept is not separated from what 4-p ( product, known as price, promotion, and fourth place ) where the element have a close relation to one another in supporting success in market a product. Writer conducted research on PT. Aston Inti Makmur prosperous by using the method library research and fieldwork namely, observation directly and an interview from sources that aims to see relations and promotional costs and influence between quotations against the sale or rent. The approach of theories such as multiple linear regression analysis, the correlation coefficient of linear regression analysis, the coefficient of multiple determination analysis, hypothesis t-test analysis and test hypotheses analysis F. With these it can be seen that the cost of promotion and pricing has a strong relationship between the cost of promotion and overall pricing on the level of sales at PT. Aston Inti Makmur. He method used is by way of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Hen by using the formula yc = = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 obtained calculation results are y c = -4,86 + 0,0050x1 + 0,0097x2. So based on this equation it can be concluded that the cost of promotion and pricing has a positive influence on the level of sales at PT Aston Inti Makmur respectively 0.0050 and 0.0097, and the analysis shows pricing has a greater influence compare with the cost promotion.
A Dynamics Modelling of Waste management of Indonesia
Andi Muhammad Sadli
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Mulia Pratama Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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Waste management is the collection, transport or disposal and management of waste materials. Most waste management activities are decided upon and carried out in a public, semi-public area typically involving the waste management organization, one or more regulators and other stakeholders and members of the public. The management of waste is not only the responsibility of governments, but also an individual’s duty. Waste management is an issue that has to be dealt with daily in order to control the huge amounts of waste currently passing through our towns and cities. It is main goal of this research to evaluate the performance of waste management activities. System dynamics methodology was use to study the waste management activities of a City of Indonesia in Indonesia. Waste management system quantities were identified from waste generation and waste collection activities. Thirteen quantities were identified and a causal loop diagram was developed for the system. Thereafter a stock and flow diagram was developed for the system and this depicts the dynamic relationships among system quantities. The performance of waste management technique was determine in terms of waste collected and waste in stock. A system dynamic software; Vensim PLE was used to run the system dynamic model to simulate the activities of waste management system for a period of ten years. Amount of waste collected increases as the amount waste generated increases. At waste generation factors of 80% per year and 70% per year; the amount of waste collected was 502,137 tons and 921, 794 tons respectively at the end of ten years. If the amount of resources injected into waste management is increase; the amount of collected waste will definitely increase. The model developed will help the waste managers in decision making regarding waste management.
A Dynamics Modelling of Waste management of Indonesia
Andi Muhammad Sadli
Mulia Pratama Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Mulia Pratama Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mulia Pratama
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Waste management is the collection, transport or disposal and management of waste materials. Most waste management activities are decided upon and carried out in a public, semi-public area typically involving the waste management organization, one or more regulators and other stakeholders and members of the public. The management of waste is not only the responsibility of governments, but also an individual’s duty. Waste management is an issue that has to be dealt with daily in order to control the huge amounts of waste currently passing through our towns and cities. It is main goal of this research to evaluate the performance of waste management activities. System dynamics methodology was use to study the waste management activities of a City of Indonesia in Indonesia. Waste management system quantities were identified from waste generation and waste collection activities. Thirteen quantities were identified and a causal loop diagram was developed for the system. Thereafter a stock and flow diagram was developed for the system and this depicts the dynamic relationships among system quantities. The performance of waste management technique was determine in terms of waste collected and waste in stock. A system dynamic software; Vensim PLE was used to run the system dynamic model to simulate the activities of waste management system for a period of ten years. Amount of waste collected increases as the amount waste generated increases. At waste generation factors of 80% per year and 70% per year; the amount of waste collected was 502,137 tons and 921, 794 tons respectively at the end of ten years. If the amount of resources injected into waste management is increase; the amount of collected waste will definitely increase. The model developed will help the waste managers in decision making regarding waste management.