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Langgam International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture
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Langgam is an open access journal and peer-reviewed that publishes either original article or reviews. The journal is dedicated towards dissemination of knowledge related to the advancement in scientific research. The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal. Under the realm of education and social, the coverage includes history, sociology, antropology, economy, geography, politic, culture studies, and education to name a few.This Journal Is Published at 4 Month intervals on March, June, September and December
Articles 51 Documents
Environmental Pollution And Urbanization Restoration Strategies In Karawang Regency Rahman Arif; Dian Ayu Lestari Alifa Putri; Riso Sari Mandeli; Eri Barlian; Iswandi Umar; Erianjoni Erianjoni
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 01 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Mar
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.202 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i01.3


This study aims as a model and to provide information to the public about what can be done to help restore environmental and natural conditions, especially in Karawang Regency. This research was conducted by conducting a literature review or literature study on several previous studies related to environmental and social problems in Karawang Regency. The result is Karawang Regency that has a relatively high population density and is one of the industrial areas in the province of West Java, with environmental problems, such as Water Pollution, Air Pollution, B3 Waste, and Solid Waste, Natural Disasters, Damage to Land, Forest, and Soil Resources, Damage to Coastal and Marine Ecosystems, Legal Compliance and Facilitation of Environmental Disputes, Institutions, and Monitoring Facilities Environment, Institutions, and Facilities for Monitoring Environment, Waste, and Urbanization. The strategies that can be done to restore environmental conditions in Karawang Regency, among others; Environmental quality improvement; Wise exploitation of natural resources to maintain environmental harmony and balance; Development of science and technology in environmental management; Improved environmental management performance in business and industry; Creating responsive and alert community participation; Building a community that cares about the environment (green society concept); Increase the effectiveness of implementing environmental regulations; Build an environmental clearing hall; and Strategies for handling and controlling the urbanization of the family planning village.
Honest Characters in Minangkabau Songket Motifs Ilham Zamil
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 01 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Mar
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (115.353 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i01.5


Songket woven cloth is one of the traditional cultural objects of the Minangkabau people. Initially, this object could only be worn by traditional officials such as pangulu and bundo kanduang. However, the passage of time has changed the status of use of this songket cloth. Badarai people can also wear it. Even though it has experienced a shift in usage, there is something that has not changed about this songket cloth. The decorative motifs found on songket cloth never change. In fact, there are additional decorative motifs adopted from Rumah Gadang wood carving motifs. The wood carving motif is a symbol of the strength of traditional culture and is also rich in educational character values ​​which symbolize the identity of the Minangkabau people.
Public Labeling of Adolescents of Former Drug Convicts Suhai Ratu Rahmi; Erianjoni Erianjoni
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 02 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Jun
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.131 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i02.8


This research is motivated by the large number of data found on drug convicts with juvenile offenders in the Class IIB Padang state detention center from Koto Tangah District which always changes every period. With these changes, it is evident that many of the juvenile convicts with repeated criminal acts, and have just been sentenced to detention in the Padang Class IIB State Detention Center. However, the freedom of the juvenile ex-convicts of drug cases makes it difficult for them to adapt, and get labels from society. This labeling aims to analyze the label of society towards adolescent ex-convicts of drug cases, and the impact of the label on the behavior of adolescent ex-convicts of drug cases. This study uses the theory of labeling and George Herbert Mead's socialization theory. The approach used is qualitative with the type of case study research. Research informants were determined using a purposive sampling technique with criteria for subsidy services for prisoners at the Padang Class IIB State Detention Center, juvenile ex-convicts in drug cases with the age of 12-21 years, families of juvenile ex-convicts in drug cases, and the community around the residence of juvenile ex-convicts. drugs. Data was collected using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The data validity test includes credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability tests. Analysis of the data using the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman. The results of the study show that the labeling of society on juvenile ex-convicts of drug cases is divided into two forms; First, the labeling of names (makaw, lelek, sakaw, maele, meang, and paisok). Second, the labeling of people's attitudes (parusuah, sampah masyarakaik, and pakak badak). Community labeling has an impact on the behavior of adolescent ex-convicts of drug cases, such as feelings of fear to adapt, repeat drug use, and uncontrolled emotions.
Maarak Bungo Lamang at Maulid Nabi (the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday) Ceremony in Nagari Luak Kapau, South Solok Regency (Study: Form, Procession and Meaning) Febri Hidayat; Elida Elida
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 02 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Jun
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.514 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i02.9


This study explained Maarak Bungo Lamang in Nagari (district) Luak Kapau, South Solok Regency. Maarak Bungo Lamang is one of Nagari Luak Kapau traditions to welcome the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW or Maulid Nabi among the people of Nagari Luak Kapau, which still exists today with a study of form, procession, and meaning. This study described the problem of form Bungo Lamang, the procession Maarak Bungo Lamang, the meaning of Maarak Bungo Lamang in the Prophet's Birthday ceremony in Nagari Luak Kapau. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach, with a descriptive method. The data were collected using observation techniques, literature study, interviews, and documentation. The research instrument was the researcher himself as the key instrument. The research location was in Nagari Luak Kapau, South Solok Regency. The informants of this research were the leader of the district (wali Nagari), heads of jorong, artists, religious teachers, traditional leaders, and local communities. The data analysis technique used was the data analysis model of Miles and Humberman in Sugiyono. The results of this study indicated that Maarak Bungo Lamang is a traditional ceremony that has existed for a long time. Starting from Bungo Lamang, which used to be just a cooked lamang decorated with newsprint, has been made to vary with the times. Bungo Lamang consists of cooked lamang decorated with oil paper, cardboard, wood talampuang, shell, etc. The Maarak Bungo Lamang procession is carried out after the prayer midday until before the Asr prayer by surrounding Luak Kapau Nagari from the Nagari border to the field. The community still maintains the meaning of Maarak Bungo Lamang in Luak Kapau Nagari as a form of gratitude for the birth of the Prophet Muhammad or what is commonly called the Maulid Nabi.
The Implementation Of Digital Audio Workstation Learning In Digital Music At Art Drama, Dance, And Musicstudy Program Of Padang State University Rian Hidayat; Syafwandi Syafwandi
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 03 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Sep
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.792 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i03.10


This study aimed to determine, describe and analyze the facilities and infrastructure for Digital Music lectures at the Art, Drama, Dance and Music Study Program of UNP, the use of DAW as the primary medium for learning Digital Music at the Art, Drama, Dance and Music Study Program, Universitas Negeri Padang, and the implementation of digital audio workstations in the Digital Music lectures of the Art, Drama, Dance and Music Study Program, Universitas Negeri Padang. This type of research was descriptive qualitative research. The main instrument in this study was the researcher himself and assisted by supporting instruments such as stationery, camera, memory card /flash disk, and mobile phone. This study's data sources were lecturers and students of the Art, Drama, Dance and Music Study Program, Universitas Negeri Padang. The informants of this research are lecturers in Digital Music lectures at the the Art, Drama, Dance and Music Study Program, Universitas Negeri Padang. Data collection techniques were carried out using library research, observation, and interviews. The steps to analyze the data were data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed inadequate facilities and infrastructure for digital music lectures. The facilities and infrastructure only use computers and soundcards in digital music lectures. Meanwhile, the facilities needed in digital music lectures are computers, soundcards, mixers, microphones, and midi controllers. The Sibelius, Nuendo, and fruity loop software were used in this lecture. However, students still expect the provision of software from the lecturer without trying to download the software. The implementation of the classes for this course went well. It was following the RPS used by the lecturer in charge of digital music courses, so the material provided was well conveyed. However, in implementing a Digital Audio Workstation, many students could not operate it properly, whether operating Sibelius, Nuendo, or fruity loop. As music academics, students should at least master notation writing and music editing to have skills in work after graduating from college.
Symbols and Values in the Traditional Wedding Ceremony Baralek Kosik in Sungai Aur District, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province Yesi Syafitri; Agusti Efi
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 03 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Sep
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.321 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i03.11


The traditional wedding Baralek is the result of the culture and traditions of the people in Sungai Aur District, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province. This study aimed to explain the Baralek Adat Kosik in Sungai Aur District. Baralek Adat Kosik is one of the traditional weddings prevailing in Nagari Sungai Aur. This study used a qualitative method. Research data were collected from several informants, such as ninik mamak, puti adat, and community leaders. This research was focused on: the procession of the ceremony Baralek Adat Kosik, the traditional symbols in the Baralek Adat Kosik as a means of cultural activity in the ceremony Baralek Adat Kosik in Nagari Sungai Aur, and the values ​​contained in the ceremony Baralek Adat Kosik in Nagari Sungai Aur. The findings of this study were that the procession of Baralek Adat Kosik in Sungai Aur District had a series of processions of Duduk Ninik Mamak, Koun-Koun, Bokayu, slaughter Kambiang, Bokureh Cooking, Monyambut Marapulai, Baarak Tamat Kaji, Tamat Kaji, Baarak Gadang, and Monutup Olek. In the traditional ceremony Baralek Kosik, there are several traditional symbols, namely, Kambiang, Marawa, Carano, Tabie, Bokayu, Manyirak Bareh dan Kunyit, Caranobaki, Anak Daro and Marapulai’s Umbrella, Khatam Al-Quran, Dike-e, Nasi Sojamba Kunyik, and Ayam Panggang Soikuo. These traditional symbols contain sacred values, religious values, moral values, entertainment values, and social values. All this is summarized in the procession Baralek, custom symbols, and values contained in Baralek Kosik custom.
Manjo-manjo Dance in the Social Life of the Padang Peri Community, Semidang Alas Maras District, Seluma Regency Widia Mayang Sapitri; Ramalis Hakim
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 03 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Sep
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.929 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i03.12


this study aimed to describe the dance manjo-manjo in the social life of Padang Peri at wedding ceremonies. This study focused on presenting manjo-manjo dance, the functions and meaning of the dance in the social life of the Padang Peri community. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive method. The data collection technique was done using library research, observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The research instrument was the researcher herself as the key instrument. The research location was in the village of Padang Peri, Semidang Alas Maras District, Seluma Regency. Techniques for checking the validity of the data were the extension of participation, the persistence of observers, triangulation. The steps to analyze the data were data reduction, data presentation, and concluding (verification). Data analysis was carried out using the Miles and Huberman technique. The results showed that the form of presentation of the manjo-manjo dance was a traditional dance with three movements of ngebar hand, nyengkeling, and fluttering (ngipas). The function of the dance manjo-manjo is as a traditional wedding ceremony and as entertainment. In contrast, the meaning of the dance manjo-manjo is a forum for friendship and getting to know each other between the two happy families and the people. Therefore, they are present at the wedding reception ceremony. The meaning of the manjo-manjo dance can be seen from the three movements. The first is the spread of the hands. It means a welcome greeting, especially to the bride and her family. The second movement, nyengkeling, means the acceptance of the bride and her family into a new family from the groom's side. Finally, the last movement is fanning. It is a sign of peace and hope the two families are in harmony.
The Effect of Using the Tiktok Application as a Learning Media on the Activeness and Learning Outcomes of Class XI Social Sciences Students in Sociology Subjects at SMA N 1 Ampek Angkek Elsa Ardiana; Azwar Ananda
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 02 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Jun
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.344 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i02.13


This research is motivated by education which is a process of changing attitudes in a person and knowledge in its implementation requires careful planning in order to achieve educational goals. The use and selection of learning media is one way to improve learning. Tiktok as a video entertainment application has many features that allow it to be used as an audiovisual learning medium. This study aims to determine how the effect of using the Tiktok application as a learning media on the activity and learning outcomes of students in the Sociology Subjects of class XI Social Sciences at SMA N 1 Ampek Angkek.The research approach uses a Quasi-Experimental quantitative approach using a 2x2 Factorial research design. The research location is SMA N 1 Ampek Angkek which is located in Kanagarian Lambah, Ampek Angkek District, Agam Regency. The population in this study were students of class XI IPS and the sample of this study were students of class XI IPS 4 for the Experiment class who would use the Tiktok application as a learning medium and XI IPS 1 for the control class who did not use the Tiktok application as a learning medium. Data analysis used quantitative analysis techniques using t-test to test the hypothesis. The results of the study found that: 1). There are differences in the activity of students who use Tiktok as a learning medium with students who do not use the Tiktok application as a learning medium, 2). There are differences in the learning outcomes of students who use the Tiktok application as a learning medium with students who do not use the Tiktok application as a learning medium. This happens because the Tiktok application can stimulate the active learning of students through activities that are not boring. By looking at the learning video content before students enter the learning material, it stimulates students to show an attitude of interest in learning so that these students are involved in every learning process and students can produce good learning outcomes.
Changes in the Construction of the Meaning of Beauty in the Perspective of Adolescent Girls in Padangsidimpuan City Salwiyah Fitriani; Fatmariza Fatmariza
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 03 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Sep
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.055 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i03.15


This research is motivated by young women who do self-care to follow the beauty standards that apply to the current social construction in the city of Padangsidimpuan. The existence of this social construction has become a phenomenon among adolescent girls to force themselves to get a beautiful predicate from their environment so that teenagers who are in the stage of finding their identity position themselves to be following what society wants. The construction of beauty that is now embraced by teenagers has changed from time to time. The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in the shape of the construction of women's beauty in the city of Padangsidimpuan in the past and present. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a phenomenological study type. Determination of informants using a purposive sampling technique. Data was collected using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Test the validity of the data using triangulation. The result is a change in the shape of the construction of the beauty of Padangsidimpuan women in the past and present which was built by the mass media and the public, who used to be sweet black women, broad legs and shoulders, black and thick hair, a body shape that is not thin and not fat is considered beautiful. experiencing various changes in the form of beauty with the criteria of having white facial skin, clean, without spots and acne, small legs, shoulders, and hands, slim body, tall and slender, and does not have other skin disorders. This study concludes that it must be realized that not all beauty standards need to be followed. Because the real beauty is women who can be themselves, be grateful for what they have by cultivating their senses, positive talents that they have for future success. Because by having a good heart, beauty can be perfect when combined with self-confidence that does not feel different from the prevailing beauty standards.
Minangkabau Women’s Politics Participation in the Tradition of Khatm Quran Wirdanengsih Wirdanengsih; Erianjoni Erianjoni; Azmi Fitrisia
LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture Vol 1 No 01 (2022): LANGGAM: International Journal of Social Science Education, Art and Culture (Mar
Publisher : Master Program of Social Science Education of Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.046 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/langgam.v1i01.17


This study concerns on the women of Minangkabau in politics system that is egalitarian and has a central position within the society with the focus on the involvement of women in politics in the process and activities of Khatm Quran tradition which is a part of the local society’s responsibility. Generally, there is a representation of women in politics and local position within the local society. There is a causal relationship between women’s egalitarian characteristics and their positions in politics in daily life. In fact, egalitarian characteristics have a significant effect on the decision making process and in the process and activities of Khatm Quran tradition.