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ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature
Published by STKIP Nurul Huda
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29636744     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
This journal is aimed to the researchers who want to publish their articles in terms of education, teaching, and literature.
Articles 27 Documents
The Effectiveness of Cooper Method to Teach Reading Comprehension to the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Nurussalam Sidogede Belitang OKU Timur: Cooper method, teaching, and reading comprehension maria ulfa; Didi Franzhardi; Yahya
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): June Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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The problem of this study is the effectiveness of cooper method to teach reading comprehension at the seventh grade students of MTs Nurussalam Sidogede Belitang OKU Timur. The objective of this study is to know whether or not the cooper method effective to teach reading comprehension. In this study, experimental method was used. The population was all of the seventh grade students. The total number of population was 70 students. The sample was 70 students taken through cluster random sampling, consisting of 35 students as the experimental group and 35 students as control group. The result of experimental group in the pre-test was 81.14. The highest score of the students was 90, the lowest score was 65, and while the median score was 80, and modus score was also 80. In the post-test control group, the mean score was 62.71. The highest score was 60, while the lowest was 55, and While the median score was 60, and modus score was 55. In fact, the students' scores in the post-test were better than those in the pre-test. The result of the matched t-test calculation was 10.77. It was higher than 1.697 (The critical value). It can be said that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null: hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It means that the teaching reading by using cooper method was effective at MTs Nurussalam Sidogede Belitang OKU Timur.
The Eighth Grade Student’s Errors in English Sentence Patterns at MTs Al-Islami Tugasari Kurungan Nyawa I OKU Timur Iswahyudi Iswahyudii; Didi Franzhardi; Sugiani Natalia
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): June Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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The title of this thesis is “The eighth grade Students errors in English sentence patterns at MTs Al-Islami Tugasari Kurungan Nyawa 1 OKU Timur”. The main problems of this thesis were What are the students’ errors in using sentence pattern and What is factor made the errors by the students ? Therefore the objectives of this research were To know what kinds of error that made by the students in using sentence pattern and find out the Eighth grade students' error in English sentence patterns, and to know the possible cause made by the Eighth grade students’ The population of this research was the eighth year students at MTs Al-Islami Tugasari Kurungan Nyawa 1 OKU Timur in the academic year of 2011/2012 and the sample of this study was 35 students taken randomly by using cluster sampling. The method of this study was the descriptive method. To collect the data, the writer used written test. The results of the test were analyzed descriptively.The findings show the students made errors in using conjunctions with the Subordinating sentence patterns; “object” (40.57%), “adverb” (42%), and “complement” (39.43%). The average on the percentage of students errors was 40.66% on the written test.
The Students’ Ability in Using Asking and Giving Opinion Expression to Develop Speaking Skill at The Ninth Grade Students of MTs PSM Suka Agung Buay Bahuga Way Kanan Niswatun Niswatun; Didi Franzhardi; Jelita
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): June Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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The title of thesis is: The Students’ Ability in Using Asking and Giving Opinion Expression to Develop Speaking Skill at the Ninth Grade Students of MTs PSM Suka Agung Buay Bahuga Way Kanan. The main problem of this study is “Is it significantly effective of Using Asking and Giving Opinion Expression to Teach Speaking Skill at the Ninth Grade Students of MTs PSM Suka Agung Buay Bahuga Way Kanan?”. The main objective of this study that to know whether or not effective of the Students’ using asking and giving opinion expression to teach speaking skill at the ninth grade students of MTs PSM Suka Agung Buay Bahuga Way Kanan. In this study, experimental method was used. The population was all at the Ninth Grade Students of MTs PSM Suka Agung Buay Bahuga Way Kanan. The total number of population was 122 students. The sample was 60 students taken through cluster simple random sampling method, consisting of 30 students of experiment group and 30 students of control group. Based on the criteria of testing the hypothesis, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was tested through t-test table. Since the sample of the researcher was 60 students. Therefore, to accept the alternative hypothesis with 5% significance, the value should exceed 2.750 with df = ({n1+n2} - 2) it was mean that ({30+30} - 2) = 58 students. The result of matched t-test calculated 1.671 lower that the result of matched t-test that has value 2.75. It means that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. In the other word, the result of the study showed that it was effective teaching Speaking Skill by using Asking and Giving Opinion Expression at Ninth Grade Students of MTs PSM Suka Agung Buay Bahuga Way Kanan.
Using REDW Strategy Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Belitang Margarita Vivi; Didi Franzhardi; Hastuti Retno Kuspiah
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): June Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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This thesis is entitled “Using REDW Strategy towards Students’ Reading Comprehension achievement of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Belitang”. The problem of the study was limited by teaching reading comprehension achievement by using REDW strategy of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Belitang. Th eobjective was find out whether or not REDW strategy is effective to teach students’ reading comprehension achievement of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Belitang. The method of the study used experimental menthod which applied one group pretest and posttest. The population of the study was all of th eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Belitang in academic year of 2012/2013, with total number 232 students from eight clasess. In this research, the writer applied random sampling to choose sample class, and the sample class of this study the writer choose VIII2 as the experimental group and VIII4 as the control group with the total students in each class are 29 students. In collecting the data, the writer used written test that was given twice; pretest and posttest, and the analyzing data using t-test. After the writer calculated the students’ scores of pretest and posttest, the writer found the differences of students’ average score in pretest and posttest; 65.75 as pretest and 76.55 as posttest. By using the students’ score obtained from the pretest and posttest in experimental group and control group it was found that the result of independent t-test was 2.60. it is higher than critical value taht is 2.04. this indicated that the null hypothesis (Ho) was refected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) accepted. In other word, REDW strategy was effective to teach students’ reading comprhension achievement of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Belitang.
The The Students’ Difficulties in Understanding Reading Ability of Text at Eighth Grade Students of Mts Darussalamah Muda Sentosa Buay Madang Timur Kab. OKU Timur Anik Widiyanti; Didi Franzhardi; Yahya Yahya
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): June Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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This thesis is entitled “The Students’ Difficulties in Understanding Reading Skill of Text at Eighth Grade Students of MTs Darussalamah Muda Sentosa Buay Madang Timur Kab OKU Timur”. The problem of this study as follows: “What are the difficulties made by the students in understanding reading skill of text at eighth grade students of MTs Darusalamah Muda Sentosa Buay Madang Timur OKU Timur?” The objective of this thesis was to find out the difficulties made by the students in understanding reading skill of text at eighth grade students of MTs Darusalamah Muda Sentosa Buay Madang Timur OKU Timur. In this study, descriptive method was used. The population was all at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Darussalamah Muda Sentosa Buay Madang Timur Kab OKU Timur, with the total number of the Students 68 Students. The sample was 32 Students taken through simple random sampling technique. The result of research showed that the students still got the difficultiess in used present perfect tense. The means score was gotten by the students only 67.96 in categorzed of moderate criteria. Although there was means of score was 95 reached by one studenst. And the lowest score was 50 was gotten by five students. The result of the tests at the eighth Grade Students of MTs Darussalamah Muda Sentosa Buay Madang Timur Kab OKU Timur. It shows that Based of calculation above, from students’ difficulties used narrative text and descriptive on text was 67.96%. It described that in using the “narrative text and descriptive text” the students have not understood yet, their mastery in using narrative text and descriptive text were moderate.
A A Text Structure Analysis of Nadiem Makarim’s Speech on Teacher’s Day on 25 November 2021 Linda Lestari Linda Lestari; Ainur Rohmah; Arief Hadziq Fikri; Muhamad Muklas
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): December Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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This study concerns with an A Text Structure Analysis of Nadiem Makarim’s Speech on Teacher’s Day on 25 November 2021. The objective of the study is to know the types of text structure used in Nadiem Makarim’s Speech on Teacher’s Day on 25 November 2021. The writer used descriptive qualitative method to know the objective of the study that is describing of text structure used in Nadiem Makarim’s Speech on Teacher’s Day on 25 November 2021. The technique of collecting the data are by searching for the script, searching for the video and then downloading the script and the video. The technique of analyzing the data are data reduction, display the data and the last is conclusion drawing/verification. Based on the the findings, the writer found macrostructure, suprastructure and microstrucure. In macrostructure, the theme of the Nadiem Makarim’s Speech is generally talking about the struggle of teachers in Indonesia in a pandemic situasion. Then in suprastructure, the scheme of the speech consisted of opening, content and closing. Finally in the microstrucure, the semantic aspect could be found in detail.
An Analysis of Deixis Used in Palembang's Traditional Song Liryc: Deixis upik atikah raharjo; Muhamad Muklas; Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): December Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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The thesis entitled “An Analysis of Deixis Used In Palembang’s Traditional Song Liryc”. The objective of this study was to identify the types of deixis used in Palembang’s traditional song liryc and to find out the dominant types of deixis used in Palembang’s traditional song liryc. In this study, the writer used descriptive qualitative method, because the data in this research are liryc of the song. The object of the study is Palembang’s traditional song liryc that consist of five song liryc, they are Gending Sriwijaya, Dek Sangke, Palembang Darussalam, Cuk Mak Ilang, and Bumi OKU Timur. The data was analysis through several steps including determained and classified word deixis expresssions, and then analyzes the types of deixis, and the last the researcher calculated the types of deixis used in each song liryc. Based on the data finding, the researcher found that there are five types of deixis found in five of Palembang’s traditional song liryc, namely person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis with a frequency appearance 82 times. The types deixis that is often used in each song is person deixis with a percentage 41.5% with a frequency appearance 34 times. And the types of deixis that is rarely used is discourse dexis with percentage 4.9% with a frequency appearance 4 times. It can be concluded that the dominant types deixis are used in the Palembang’s traditional song liryc is persn deixis.
The Influence of Double Loop Problem Solving (DLPS) Technique to Teach Reading Comprehension Achievement of The Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Jaya Risakristia Risa; Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah; Muhamad Muklas
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): December Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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This thesis is entitled “The Influence of Double Loop Problem Solving (DLPS) Technique to Teach Reading Comprehension Achievement of The Tenth Grade Students of  SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Jaya". The objective  was find out whether or not there is any significance difference between the students who are taught by using Double Loop Problem Solving technique and the students who are taught by using conventional technique to teach reading comprehension achievement at the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Belitang Jaya. The method of the study used quantitative research, and quasi experimental design. Therefore, there were two groups those were experimental group who are taught by using Double Loop Problem Solving technique and control group who are taught by using conventional technique, that was chosen by using purposive sampling to collecting the data, the population of this study were 120 students and sample were 60 students. The study was used multiple choice test as an instrument for collecting the data. The data obtained from Independent t-test analysis by using SPSS 25, between the result of post-test in experimental group and control group. Based on the calculation by using Independent t-test in SPSS 25, the writer found that value of t-obtained is 4.906. with 5% sig. level for 2-tailed was 0.001(0.001 < 0.05), and the critical value t-table is 2.001. it showed that t-obtained was higher than t-table (4.906 > 2.001). So, the null hypotheses (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypotheses (Ha) was accepted. It can be concluded that Double Loop Problem Solving technique was significant to teach reading comprehension achievement at the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Belitang Jaya.
An Analysis of Speech Act in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Movie Agus jatmiko Jatmiko; Eka Agustina; Zulaikah Zulaikah
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): December Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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This study aims to classify the illocutionary speech acts according to Searle in the dialogue of Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Movie, and to find the meaning contained in each illocutionary speech act according to. Searle's classification in the film Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Movie. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method by collecting conversations between characters in Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Movie, researching them by looking at and considering the context behind the speech, then interpreting the meaning descriptively. The results of this study were 5 types of illocutionary speech acts according to Searle's classification found in the film sen Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Movie, namely Representatives, Directives, Expressives, Commissives and Declarations. The Directives type serves dominant frequency of all four types of illocutionary speech acts. There were 32 data (48.48%) containing  directives type. The second position was Representatives type. There were  22 data, it was 33,33%. The third position was Expressives  type. There were 9 data (13.63%). The four  position was Commissives  type. There was 1 data, it was 01,51%. The lowest-rank frequency of type of  illocutionary  speech acts are the order Declarations type with 2  data (03.44%).
The Study of Spoken Word's Effect as a Technique to Increase Student's Confidence in Public Speaking of SMK Nurul Huda Sukaraja Ahmad Fauzi Syah; Eka Setyaningsih; Aris Farhan Fahrudin; Aldi Nursyahid; Muhamad Muklas
ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): December Edition
Publisher : ENJEL: English Journal of Education and Literature

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This study aims to show a new technique that has been discovered and implemented by the author to increase confidence in public speaking for students at Nurul Huda Vocational High School. The technique is Spoken Word Learning. In the implementation process which aims to get the best results, this study uses quantitative methods. The design involves quasi-experimental research. There are 124 populations consisting of students of class XI SMK Nurul Huda, and the sample is 55 students who are divided into two groups, namely experimental organization and control organization. The results of this study are divided into two, namely the results for the experimental organization and the control organization.

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