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Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
ISSN : 29631459     EISSN : 29631483     DOI : 10.58524/jcss.v1i2.
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science is an academic journal that aims to provide education about coaching and sports science. In this journal, theory and practice in coaching will be integrated with sports science as a critical reflection of coaching practice, as well as improving sports academics and coaches to help athletes acquire skills through sports science. The vision of this journal uncovers, understands, and develops the processes involved in sports coaching and the development of sports science.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 19 Documents
Thirty Meter Running Skill Test of Rugby Athletes Joko Mubarok; Muhammad Imam Rahmatullah; Japhet Ndayisenga
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.637 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i2.172


Running speed is one of the main factors for the achievement of rugby athletes. The test of the sprint running skills of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) Rugby athletes is the analysis of this study, where the athletes tested are athletes who play as defenders. In this research, the type of research used is quantitative research with ex post facto methods. Collecting research data using valid tests. Then analyzed with categorization and SPPS to determine the average running speed of rugby athletes. The results showed that two athletes were in poor condition, two were in the moderate category, three were in high condition, and three were in excellent condition. Meanwhile, the average running speed of all athletes is in the moderate category. Based on these results, it is necessary to improve the speed quality of rugby athletes, especially defenders, so they can help defend quickly.
Developing A Punching Exercise Tool For Boxing David Iqroni; Donny Setiawan
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.115 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i1.97


This study aims to produce an exercise tool that can be used to train the speed of punches and reactions for boxing martial arts athletes. The research method used was Research and Development. The steps of this research were adapted from Sugiyono's research steps which consisted of thirteen steps. However, the researcher only adapted ten steps following the objectives of this development research. The researchers conducted a small group trial in the boxing gym of Sasana Kota Baru Jambi on five respondents. Also, the researchers conducted a large group trial at the boxing gym of Sasana Kota Baru Jambi on ten respondents or the entire population. The feasibility assessment result from the material expert was 100% (highly feasible), and the media expert was 98.88% (highly feasible). The results of the small group trial obtained an assessment score of 91.13% (highly feasible), and the large group trial obtained an assessment score of 91.39% (highly feasible). These results indicate that the developed tool is feasible and can be used to practice and train the speed of punches and reactions.
Short-Term HMB Supplementation Reduces Muscle Damage After a Bout of Resistance Training in non-Athletic Girls Saiwan Sirwan Mohammed; Dara Latif Sayfaddin; Hiwa Ahmed Rahim; Dashni Anwer Kareem; Makwan Jabar Ali; Salah Mahmood Omar; Hassan Hashim Abdulla; Renas Abdullah Ali; Harem Abdalqadir Mohammed; Berivan Jalal Rashid
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.968 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i2.157


Background: Starting or continuing physical activity, especially for non-athletes, can be a challenge due to muscle injuries caused by physical activity. Aims of study: Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the short-term effect of beta-hydroxy beta-methyl butyrate (HMB) supplementation on muscle and liver damage caused by a period of resistance activity in non-athletic girls.Methods: Among the volunteers, 16 female non-athletes with an average age of 21.75±1.18 years, a body mass index of 24.83±2.67 kg/m2, and a weight of 63.43±8.46 kg were randomly selected as a statistical sample. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups of eight people, HMB supplement and placebo. Daily and for six days, the subjects of the supplement group received 3 mg of beta-hydroxy beta-methyl butyrate powder, and the placebo group received 3 grams of starch in tablet form. After six days of loading, the subjects performed a resistance activity session with an intensity of 75-80% 1RM. Blood samples were taken in five stages, including before supplementation, before training, immediately, 1 hour, and 24 hours after sports activity. To compare the results, a 5x2 analysis of variance test was used.Result: The results showed that the consumption of HMB supplements significantly affected the serum levels of Creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzymes in the blood and the amount of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (Wilson et al.) enzyme activity in the blood of intragroup interactions (p0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the serum levels of CK enzyme and the activity of ALT and AST enzymes between the two supplement and placebo groups (p0.05). There was no significant difference in the serum level of LDH enzyme between the two supplement and placebo groups (P0.05).Conclusion: Although the results of the present study showed that consuming 3 grams of HMB supplement reduces the LDH response after resistance training, this supplement cannot be used as an independent factor for reducing muscle damage markers following intense physical activities 
The Relationship between Agility; Eye-Foot Coordination; Leg Muscles Strength and Soccer Dribbling Skills of Football School (SSB) Players Muhammad Imam Alfaroby; Nurhidayat Nurhidayat; Galuh Yuliar Denata
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.991 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i1.102


Lack of good dribbling skills will affect soccer match victory. The researchers aimed to determine the relationship between eye-foot coordination, leg muscle strength, agility, and the dribbling skills of 20 Football School (SSB) players. Research data were collected using the eye-foot coordination test, leg muscle strength test, mobility test, and dribbling skill test. The data was analyzed using the product-moment correlation and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed a significant relationship between the eye-foot coordination and dribbling skills of SSB players. Also, there was a substantial relationship between leg muscle strength and dribbling skills of SSB players. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between agility and dribbling skills of SSB players. Lastly, SSB players had a significant relationship between eye-foot coordination, leg muscle strength, agility, and dribbling skills. This study concludes that good dribbling skills become the basic requirement for soccer players.
Self-evaluation of Physical Education Teacher Muhammad Zulfikar; Abdul Rahman; Andi Hasriadi Hasyim; Haeril Haeril; Faiz Faozi
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.612 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i2.131


Changes in the level of teacher competency are continually improved through evaluation, ensuring that the learning that is applied to students remains innovative. The goal of this study was to discover physical education teachers' self-evaluation of teaching effectiveness. This study is descriptive that employs the survey approach. Fifty-one elementary school physical education teachers in South Sulawesi Province (aged 20 to 58 years) volunteered to participate in this study. The Self-Evaluation of Teacher Effectiveness Questionnaire in Physical Education (SETEQ-PE) was utilized in this study to assess teacher effectiveness in teaching physical education. This efficacy is measured using six components: learning environment, teacher and student evaluation, application of learning content, use of technology, teaching methodologies, and lesson execution. The findings revealed that the overall average physical education teachers' teaching effectiveness score was in the high range (140). In terms of gender, male instructors have a high average score (139.5), whereas female teachers have a very high average score (139.5). (142). Even though female teachers have a higher score than male teachers, there is no significant difference in their scores, with a significance value of 0.731. Given the small sample size of this study, additional research should be undertaken on a broader scale to investigate other aspects that may influence teaching effectiveness.
The Effect of Single-Leg Speed Hop Exercise on Leg Muscle of Aerobic Athletes Gita Trisanda; Ni Putu Nita Wijayanti; Hirja Hidayat; Muhammad Fiqri
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.063 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i1.105


Power is indispensable for every sport that requires physical skills. Poor athlete's leg power will hinder optimal performance. This study aimed to determine the effect of single-leg speed on the leg muscle power of aerobic athletes. Experimental research was used as the research method. The tool used to analyze the data was the SPSS version 23. The sample consisted of eight participants. The research results after the pretest and posttest showed a significant effect of single leg speed hop exercise on the leg muscle power of Riau aerobics athletes, with tobserved of 14,333 and tcritical of 1,895 (significant level of 0,05). The conclusion from this study is that the single leg speed hop exercise positively impacts aerobic gymnast leg muscle strength.
Physical Education in High School: The Contribution of Noble Values in Sports Henri Saputra; Eri Barlian; Padli Padli; Bayu Iswana
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.39 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i2.161


Instillingnoble values in sports at school, especially physical education subjects, is not optimal at the high school level because of its unstable nature. The problem in research is that many students still do not have a sportsmanlike attitude when they accept defeat. Besides, they do not have a sense of responsibility and discipline in the group during practical subjects. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of the noble values of sports to the attitude of responsibility and discipline. This study uses a quantitative method which is quantitative with a regression test. The population and the sample are 60 random students. In calculating the regression coefficient, the value is positive, and the result of the equation in the constant is 22.191, which means that the consistency value is 22.191. With a contribution of 17.00%. This study concludes that the noble value in sports on affective responsibility and discipline shows an outstanding category.
Physical Fitness Profile of Students in terms of Student Activities in Sports Daffa Hafizh Rizqika Rizal; Nur Subekti; Muhammad Tafwidh Alzaid
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.92 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i1.111


The fatigue experienced by junior high school (SMP) students while doing activities for a moment indicates that the students are not fit. Therefore, improving fitness to do more activities at a productive age is necessary. The purpose of this research was to determine the physical fitness profile of students in terms of sports activities. The quantitative description was the method of this research. The data collection technique used was the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test. The results showed that the fitness level of SMP Sekolah Alam Indonesia students was 0% in the excellent and good category, 31% in the medium category, 36% in the low category, and 33% in the poor category. The calculation obtained a significance value of more than 0.05, meaning the sample variance was normal. Thus, the hypothesis that the variance of the existing variables was the same was accepted. To determine whether there was a difference between sports activities and the fitness profile of SMP SAI students, the researchers performed the independent sample t-test on the data taken from the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test. The obtained significance value was 0.000 (less than 0.05). Therefore, it can be interpreted that there was a significant difference between the Fitness Profile of SMP SAI students and sports activities. In conclusion, the 8th-grade students of the school have not yet reached the good and excellent categories. The more active students are in exercising, the better their physical fitness level will be.
Gymnastic Athletes Motivation: Study of Pekan Olahraga Provinsi Riau Puja Sri Syahfitri; Agus Sulastio; Adi Wijayanto
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.822 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i2.124


The problem in this study is that the portion of mental training given to athletes is not well designed. The results of the athlete's performance are much less consistent with what was found that motivational factors were the cause of weak drive during the practices. This research aimed to establish the motivation of Riau Gymnastics athletes. The population consisted of 16 gymnastics athletes in Kuantan Singingi Regency using a total sampling technique of 16 athletes. The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was determined that the performance score percentage (%) of two athletes (12.50%) was in the excellent category, eight athletes (50%) were in the high category of motivation, and one athlete (6.25%) had poor motivation. Based on the average score, the motivation of the Riau Gymnastics athletes to face the Porprov X Kuantan Singingi is in the moderate category because the psychological aspects are not paid enough attention to by the coach when coaching the training program.
Development of Smartphone-Based Athlete Physical Fitness Applications During Work From Home Azhar Riau Pamungkas; Ni Putu Nita Wijayanti; Aref Vai; Ittaqwa Ittaqwa
Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Publisher : Foundation of Advanced Education (FoundAE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.859 KB) | DOI: 10.58524/jcss.v1i1.107


Developing exercise equipment is one way to modify the fitness training concept. This research focused on developing a smartphone-based physical fitness exercise program for athletes working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The approach used was a descriptive procedural model, which identified the procedures that must be carried out to make a product. Quantitative and qualitative data were used in this study. The results showed that the approval rating of the practical category was 93% from material experts and 92% from media experts. The application has eight fitness movements, including warming up, sit up, plank, wall sits, push up, back up, lunges and squats. The application is available and can be downloaded on the Google Play Store for android users. It can produce effectiveness and influence the users by reminding them to exercise at home. This application is ready to be used by the community, with a small group trial result of 93.2% and a large group trial result of 86.1%. This application is a breakthrough for coaches to develop athletes' physiques during a pandemic to exercise at home.

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