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Studi Ketahanan Melon (Cucumis melo L) Terhadap Layu Fusarium Secara In Vitro dan Kaitannya dengan Asam Salisilat Bambang Sujatmiko, Endang Sulistyaningsih, dan Rudi Hari Murti
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (608.659 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2511


INTISARILayu fusarium adalah penyakit utama melon yang disebabkan oleh Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis (Fom). Pemuliaan tanaman secara in-vitro melalui variasi somaklonal telah digunakan selama beberapa dekade untuk  perbaikan karakter ketahanan tanaman.  Asam salisilat diketahui sebagai salah satu senyawa yang berperan penting terhadap ketahanan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi optimal dari asam fusarat yang dapat digunakan untuk tujuan skrining ketahanan layu fusarium secara in-vitro, mendapatkan tanaman tahan melalui seleksi in-vitro dan mengetahui hubungan kandungan asam salisilat dengan ketahanan tanaman melon terhadap layu fusarium. Kalus lima galur melon dipaparkan pada empat konsentrasi asam fusarat yaitu 0 ppm, 15 ppm, 30 ppm, dan 60 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertumbuhan kalus melon pada media dengan konsentrasi 0 dan 15 ppm tidak berbeda, penurunan pertumbuhan kalus mulai terlihat pada konsentrasi 30 ppm dan berlanjut pada konsentrasi 60 ppm. Galur paling tahan adalah galur M-21, sedangkan galur yang paling responsif saat regenerasi adalah galur M-13. Pertumbuhan kalus pada media seleksi dipengaruhi oleh genotipe masing-masing. Kalus yang mampu beregenerasi dan menghasilkan plantlet kemudian dinyatakan sebagai plantlet yang tahan pada tingkat in-vitro. Tanaman tahan memiliki kandungan asam salisilat alami (endogenous) lebih tinggi.Kata kunci: Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis, Cucumis melo L., asam  fusarat, skrining  in- vitro, asam salisilat, ketahanan.
Ekspresi Daya Hasil dan Beberapa Karakter Agronomi Enam Padi Hibrida Indica di Lahan Sawah Berpengairan Teknis Bambang Sutaryo
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.584 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2513


INTISARIPenelitian untuk mengkaji ekspresi daya hasil dan beberapa karakter agronomi enam  padi hibrida indica di  lahan sawah berpengairan teknis yaitu : Bioibrd-1, Bioibrd-2, Bioibrd-3, Bioibrd-4, Bioibrd-5, Bioibrd-6, dan  empat varieties pembanding yaitu : Ciherang, Sintanur, Inpari 6 dan Inpari 14 dilaksanakan di Wirokerten, Banguntapan, Bantul dari bulan November 2012 hingga bulan  Maret 2013.  Percobaan dirancang sesuai dengan rancangan acak kelompok dengan empat ulangan. Bibit berumur 17 hari ditanam dengan satu bibit per lubang tanam pada petak berukuran 4  x 5 m2. Pemupukan pada pesemaian dilakukan tiga kali, sedangkan selama pertumbuhan dilakukan empat kali pemupukan. Data mengindikasikan bahwa Bioibrd-3, Bioibrd-1, dan Bioibrd-4, merupakan tiga padi hibrida terbaik berturut-turut menghasilkan gabah sebesar 8,6; 8,5; dan 8,3 t/ha, memberikan heterosis baku sebesar 14,67; 13,33; dan 10,67  % terhadap. varietas pembanding terbaik Inpari-14 (7,5 t/ha), dengan produktivitas per hari masing-masing sebesar  95,55; 91,89; dan 91,01  kg/ha/hari, dan persen di atas pembanding terbaik masing-masing sebesar 23,58; 18,84; dan 17,71%. Jumlah gabah isi per malai dari Bioibrd-3, Bioibrd-1, dan Bioibrd-4 berturut-turut sebanyak 250,5; 240,7; dan 231,0  butir.  dan secara nyata lebih banyak bila dibandingkan dengan Inpari-14 (189,4 butir). Bioibrd-3, Bioibrd-1, dan Bioibrd-4, dengan bobot 1000-butir masing-masing  29,8; 28,2; dan 28,4 gram secara nyata lebih berat bila dibandingkan dengan secara nyata lebih berat bila dibandingkan dengan Inpari 14 (27,0 gram).Key words : keragaan, karakter agronomi, enam padi hibrida, japonica, genotype, sawah berpengairan teknis
The Dynamics of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Growth Type Firmansyah Firmansyah; Taryono Taryono; Prapto Yudono
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.37 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2514


(Sesamum indicumL.) is one of important vegetableoil cropsin theworld. Indonesian local sesame cultivars in use today still have indeterminate growth types that cause simultaneous harvest, narrow adaptability and lower yield. Stage of the research is to see dynamics growth type of sesame due to environmental change and to find morphological and biochemical selection criteria of determinate growth cultivar. This study uses a factorial completely randomized design consisting of three replications. The first factor is six cultivars of sesame, two types of determinate growth type cultivar introduced from Turkey III Det 23, III Det 36 and four indeterminate growth type cultivars Sbr 3, Sbr 4, white local and black local. The second factor is six environments that combine various combinations of temperature and several concentrations of NaCl as salinity stress. The results showed that the environment combined heat stress temperature and salinity affect growth type of sesame. Heat stress makes longer vegetative phase and salinity stress causes black local genotype changed to determinate growth type. III det 23 and III det 36 were considered as stable determinate cultivar and best used as a parent crossing in sesame breeding program. 
Pengaruh Perbedaan Benih Asal Pertanian Organik dan Konvensional Terhadap Sifat Fisiologis dan Hasil Padi Organik Kultivar Lokal dan Unggul Mildaerizanti, Didik Indradewa, dan Prapto Yudono
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.467 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2515


ABSTRACTThe farmers involved in Organic farming have many problems, particularly in agriculture, in terms of the provisions dealing with the cultivation of organic food which refers to SNI 6729 in 2010 in which the seed used must come from organic farming itself. In addition to the seed, organic farming requires a suitable varieties for organic conditions, suspected nutrient deficiencies, while special varieties are produced  to organic land  is  not  yet  available.  Research  done “The Effect  of differences seed origin in organic and conventional farming on the physiological and yield organic rice of local cultivars (Mentik Wangi Susu) and superior (IR-64)". The research conducted at greenhouse K.P.   Tridharma Faculty of Agriculture. University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta from March to August 2012. The research aimed (1) to  study the effect of seed to the physiological properties, and yield of organic rice on local varieties and superior (2) to determining a good seed for rice varieties organically grown. Research design by randomized block consist two factors with 5 replications, the first factor is the cultivar i.e. local cultivars (Mentik Wangi Susu (M)) and superior cultivars (IR 64 (I)), the second is the seed used i.e. the seeds of organic farming (O) and seeds of conventional (K).  Data  were  analyzed,  if  there  is  a  significant  difference  continued  with Duncant multiple range test at 5% level. The results showed that there was no differences between organic and  conventional   seeds to the physiological properties and yield of organic rice on local cultivars (Mentik Wangi Susu) and superior (IR 64). Local cultivars (Mentik Wangi Susu) has higher grain yield per hill than superior (IR-64).Key  words   :   organic   rice,   local   cultivar,   superior   cultivar,   physiological properties, yield
Pengaruh Perbedaan Jenis Lahan dan Terapan Budidaya Terhadap Produksi Jambu Air Merah Delima Miranti Dian Pertiwi, Djoko Prajitno, dan Dja’far Shiddieq
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.304 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2516


ABSTRACTMerah Delimais considered as superior native variety of water apple in Demak. The fruitis wellknown as the high quality water apple  in theregions. Suitable environment of climate,topography and soil physic chemical properties in Demak make it possible for the fruit to produce more than twice per year with attractive physical appearance of the fruit as redand shiny color, large, sweet, crispy and high economic value. However, researches of Merah Delima water apple were still limited compared to other fruit superior commodities. Therefore, the survey as assessment method of water apple was conducted to identify and study the differences of cultivation, growth and production of the fruits which were cultivated in dryland and paddy fields as specific conditions of Demak regency. The assessmentseries included pre-survey in October 2011 – January 2012 and plant’s observation in March –June 2012 which was a peak season for the fruits. The site locations were chosen purposively ,i.e. in Wonosalam, Demak and Bonang Sub Districts. Inthatcase, water apple tree’s population differences were being the criteria of sites selection. Inpresurvey, as many as 50 farmers were interviewed as respondents with the proportion of consecutive 28 : 14 : and 8 farmers for each Sub District. The plant’s observation included 54 trees which were chosen purposively. ‘Nested design’ was used (3 subdistrict x 2 land types x 3 plants). Basically the cultivation results were compared to Water Apple Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) issued by Demak Agriculture Services. Parameters observed in the survey involved physical and chemical properties of soil, microclimate, growth, production and quality of water apple. The results showed that water apple cultivation applied statuses in dry and paddy field were only in low and medium, based on Water Apple Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Infact, there were significant interaction effect between land types and cultivation applied as well as between the land types and cultivation applied in Merah Delima Water Apple production. Water Apple cultivation in surjan system or integrated with fish – farming system were less suitable since most of the time the roots were under anaerobic condition. Water apple cultivationis more suitable in flat land within termittent irrigation system since soil moisture was not relatively high. In Grumosol soi ltype, available soil moisture is considered as one of soil physical properties that has negative significant effect for Merah Delima water apple production, both in dry land and paddy field. In that case, the higher available soil moisture the lower water apple Merah Delima production.Key words: Merah Delima Water apple, cultivation, dry land, paddy field, Demak SubDistrict
Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tiga Varietas Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) dengan Perlakuan Tiga Macam Rhizobium pada Media Tanam Regosol Asal Banguntapan Renan Subantor, Prapto Yudono, dan Bambang Suwignyo
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (677.153 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2517


ABSTRACTDifferent alfalfa varieties type of Rhizobium (a side of Rhizobium meliloti) affect to root nodule formation that will have an influence on the growth and yield quality of alfalfa. The rare presence of Rhizobium meliloti so it need to look for other potential rhizobium  expected  to  form  root  nodules  of  alfalfa.  The purpose  of  this research is to study  the interaction of  the three varieties of  alfalfa inoculated with different type of rhizobium on growth and quality of alfalfa yield of the first cut.The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design with factorial experiment in March to June 2012 in the Green House Laboratory of Forage and Pasture Feed Faculty of Animal Husbandry Gadjah Mada University. Data measurements and observations were done on growth parameters and the quality of the results and were analyzed by analysis of variance with a completely randomized design, and followed by Duncan's multiple range test level 5%. Regression correlation analysis performed to determine the relationship between two variables to determine the effect of growth and quality of alfalfa yield.The results showed that various rhizobium inoculated on Multiking 1, Vernal and Common failed and the unable to form viable root nodules. Several physiological   parameters such as growth and photosynthetic rate, net assimilation rate and relative growth rate, showed significant differences between the combination treatment. Generally indicates that all combinations of treatments have relatively high levels of khlorofil, value between 1 to 3.3. Quality nutrients such as crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash content and energy digestibility Variety Multiking 1, Vernal and Common are not significantly different. Nutritional quality and in vitro digestibility of Multiking1, Vernaland Common are not significantly different.Keywords: alfalfa varieties, type of rhizobium, growth, quality of yield, and in vitro digestibility
Pengaruh Cekaman Kekeringan Terhadap Akumulasi Prolin Tanaman Nilam (Pogostemon cablin Benth.) Setiawan, Tohari, dan Dja’far Siddieq
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.229 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2518


INTISARIPenelitian respon fisiologi tanaman nilam terhadap cekaman air digunakan untuk mengetahui mekanisme tanaman toleran terhadap kekeringan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dirumah kaca di Bogor pada tahun 2012. Evaluasi pengaruh cekaman kekeringan dilakukan terhadap potensian airdaun dan kadar  prolin  tanaman. Penelitian menggunakan RAK faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama,varietas nilam (V) yaitu Sidikalang, Lokseumawe, Tapaktuan, dan Bio-4. Faktor kedua, interval penyiraman (W) yaitu1, 3, 6, dan 9 hari sekali. Data dianalisis dengan Anova (uji F) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT pada taraf 5%. Hasil menunjukkan kadar prolin tertinggi pada interval 9 hari sekali pada varietas Sidikalang dan Lokseumawe.Kata kunci:Nilam, interval penyiraman, kekeringan.
Menunda kerusakan buah sawo (Manilkara zapota (L.) van Royen) dengan berbagai lama penyinaran UV-C dan penyimpanan pada suhu rendah Sri Trisnowati, Suyadi, Patmi Sera Wahyuni, dan Nur Adhayati
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1039.031 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2519


ABSTRACTSapodilla (Manilkara zapota (L.) van Royen) is a perishable fruit that exhibits rapid deterioration after harvesting. Low temperature storage has been extensively used to extend the storage life of many fresh commodities, however it is still rarely used for sapodilla. UV-C radiation has been studied for its capability to inhibit fruit ripening and senescence, and hence prolonging the period of fruit salability. This UV-C radiation might be a pre treatment for sapodilla before storage at low temperature. The objective of this research was to extend the storage life of sapodilla fruits by retarding ripening process through UV-C radiation and low temperature storage. Sapodilla fruits were exposed to four levels of UV-C exposure time i.e. 0 (no radiation), 5, 10, and 15 minutes, then stored at room temperature (27,13–28,11oC) and low temperature (16,70–18,13oC). Observations were taken on fruit respiration and ripening, and other related variables. The results showed that there was no interaction between UV-C radiation and storage temperature. The UV-C radiation did not significantly inhibit fruit ripening, thus did not inhibit the fruit senescence and deterioration. Keeping the fruit at low temperature inhibit fruit ripening and prolong its shelf life 6 days longer than those stored at room temperature. Key words : Sapodilla, UV-C radiation, low temperature storage, ripening, deterioration.
Chromosome Characterization of Bartek (Cucumis Melo L. var. Bartek), Local Melon Variety from Pemalang Setiadi Daryono and Dian Aruni Kumalawati, Budi
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 16, No 1 (2013): Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (25.603 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2520


ABSTRACTBartek is one of local melon varieties which mainly cultivated in Pemalang, Central Java. Bartek has three shapes of fruit variation; Long-Green, Ellipse-Green, and Yellow. Chromosome characterization of the Bartek was investigated to determine the genetic variation. The main purpose of this research was to determine the genetic characters of Bartek including chromosome number, mitosis, cell cycle, and karyotype. Squash method was used for chromosome preparation. The results showed that all of Bartek observed in this study have similar diploid (2n) chromosome number = 24. According to total number of chromosome, Bartek is more related to melon. The mitotic analysis exhibited that the Bartek has same Karyotype formula, 2n = 2x = 24m. According to the R value of the three kind of Bartek (R< 0.27), it has indicated that three kind of Bartek were considered to be originated from same species and one of melon varieties (Cucumis melo L. var. Bartek).Key words: cucumber, bartek, chromosome, karyotype
Chromosome Characterization of Bartek (Cucumis Melo L. var. Bartek), Local Melon Variety from Pemalang Budi Setiadi Daryono and Dian Aruni Kumalawati
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 16, No 1 (2013): Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (505.54 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.2522


ABSTRACTBartek is one of local melon varieties which mainly cultivated in Pemalang, Central Java. Bartek has three shapes of fruit variation; Long-Green, Ellipse-Green, and Yellow. Chromosome characterization of the Bartek was investigated to determine the genetic variation. The main purpose of this research was to determine the genetic characters of Bartek including chromosome number, mitosis, cell cycle, and karyotype. Squash method was used for chromosome preparation. The results showed that all of Bartek observed in this study have similar diploid (2n) chromosome number = 24. According to total number of chromosome, Bartek is more related to melon. The mitotic analysis exhibited that the Bartek has same Karyotype formula, 2n = 2x = 24m. According to the R value of the three kind of Bartek (R< 0.27), it has indicated that three kind of Bartek were considered to be originated from same species and one of melon varieties (Cucumis melo L. var. Bartek).Key words: cucumber, bartek, chromosome, karyotype

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