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OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science
Published by Four Son Scholarship
ISSN : 29861489     EISSN : 29861489     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy,
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science, with ISSN 2986-1489 (Online) published by Four Son Scholarship is a journal that publishes Focus & Scope research articles, which include Economic, Management; Marketing; Finance; and Strategic OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science, is already a registered member of Crossreff and already has a unique DOI number. This journal is published by the Four Son Scholarship, which is published three times a year (February, June, September).
Articles 22 Documents
The Effect of Implementation of Human Resource System on The Business Environment: A Review of the Articles Edi Putra; Aprilian Rufianto; Try Junanto; Ai Suminar
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i1.8


This study is a form of study related to human resource relations research in the field of entrepreneurship industry where the entrepreneurial aspect is currently in the public spotlight. More precisely, the entrepreneurial industry at this time is better at using the human resource aspect to be used as a competency test material. Thus,people at this time use more human resources as the main help in the field of entrepreneurship. The main purpose of this study is to determine the form of influence exerted from the implementation of human resource studies in the current entrepreneurial environment. The method used in this study is a form of literature study method by applying elements of qualitative methods from various journals. The results of the study show some of the influences that occur due to the use of human resources which refer to several results, namely; (1) The practices and roles brought by human resources absorb more energy and provide significant results in the business world; (2) the progress of the business world is greater with the significance aspect of human resources which is very closely related compared to other types of sources. This is because the external and internal factors of human resources provide aspects that are not the least especially in the development or preparation of business materials; (3) the maximization of productivity or performance that is present especially in the business field which certainly affects consumers or the image of a business industry in the world of marketing. These three results gain a very large share of significance in the field of the entrepreneurial industry sector and are also supported by the results of study studies obtained from several journals related to the influence of human resources in an entrepreneurial industry.
The Implementaion Strategical Of Human Resource System Towards The Globalization Challenges : Review International Articles Ai Suminar; Edi Putra Telaumbanua
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i1.9


This study is a form of review study related to the implementation of human resources. Especially, at this time which refers to the form of globalization. As is known, the form of globalization is a stage of development that is able to influence and trigger a process of change in human life so that it becomes one of the main parts of the foundation related to human information systems. The main purpose of this study is to determine the form of influence given from the determination of a human resource to the current technological challenges. The method used in this study is a form of literature study method by applying elements of qualitative methods from various journals. The results of the study show some of the major influences that occur due to globalization on human resources which refer to several results, namely; (1) Cultural changes applied to the human resources section, which causes these human resources to become more effective and even become a major assessment in the form of future changes; (2) the type of productivity used to improve the quality of community performance, especially in the field of greater manufacturing; (3) the advantages and disadvantages of aspects of globalization that allow people to understand more and keep up with the times. The role of these three influences is more about the consequences of globalization so that it is widely applied to industries such as business or other industries. However, the context of a globalization is more reflective of how or describe a link of technological reasoning in the study that is able to connect and connect all related objects from these parts.
Determining Relationships Strategic Human Resources Management Practices And Employee Commitment Septian Hadi Pratama; Try Junanto; Ai Suminar; Isha Milani
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i1.10


Relationship management is a strategy in which an organization maintains an ongoing level of engagement with its audience.Due to high involvement of human resource management (HRM), it has been a challenge for the organization to manage the external turbulence like war or government policy changes.Employee commitment is considered a key factor in achieving organizational goals.Employee commitment is one of the indicators of success in implementing strategic human resource management practices. In addition, organizational commitment is also stated as an antecedent of various indicators of organizational success.The main purpose of the article is to investigate the relationship between strategic HRM (SHRM) practices and employee commitment (EC) The paper is prepared using a literature review method sourced from textbooks and articles containing both concepts and empirical results. Articles obtained from sciencedirect, MDPI and googlescholar. The results are presented in narrative form. The results of this study are in determining the relationship between strategic human resource management practices and employee commitment has a direct impact on employee commitment. Employee commitment also serves to mediate the relationship between important human resource management practices and various indicators of organizational success, including those related to human resource development and sustainable competitive advantage.
Analysis Of Impact The Human Resource Management On Entrepreneur Organizations Septian Hadi Pratama; Try Junanto; Ai Suminar; Isha Milani
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i1.11


The human resources aspect is one of the most needed parts and also includes the needs of the community where with this human resource base a little as much as being able to develop aspects of one's own skills and potential and carry out performance processes in a business environment. Related to this, this literature review discusses human resources applied in the business sector and human resource behavior applied in organizations. This aspect of human resources is a little bit as it has begun to be applied and accepted in various industries, just like other performances. Therefore, in this literature review, it will raise aspects of human resources used in the field of business organization. This study uses a form of literature study research by applying several journals that discuss human resources in an organization, based on journal searches through several journal search sites. These journals were selected using the keyword criteria available in this study. Then, after the selection of criteria is completed. So next, it will use drawing conclusions from various journals and strengthened by theories drawn from various references. In the results of the study, several conclusions were obtained, the results of which were as follows; (1) Human resource aspects have been widely used and utilized in organizational structures. This is because with human resources, it will improve the quality of performance in the organization; (2) the influence brought by human resources is also nothing but can affect the social aspects that exist in society and become an economic driver in the business sector. Thus, this aspect of human resources is very widely applied.
Visual Effect Of Merchandising Store Atmosphere, Price Discount On Impulse Buying Behavior Of Ramayana Malang Customers Edi Putra; Aprilian Rufianto; Try Junanto; Ai Suminar
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i1.13


This research aims to analyze the influence of visual merchandising, store atmosphere, price discounts on impulse buying behavior of Ramayana Malang customers. This research was conducted at the Ramayana department store. In addition, these literature review are connected to the aspect of impulsive buying. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to find out the form of influence given from the visual effect that of merchandising store atmosphere, price discount on impulsive buying behavior of Ramayana Malang customers. The method used in this study is a form of literature study method by applying elements of qualitative methods from various journals. The results of the study show some of the major influences that occur due to impact of impulsive buying behavior which refer to several results, namely; (1) Impact of merchandising store atmosphere on impulsive buying behavior (2) The impact of price discount offer on impulsive buying behavior.
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i2.15


As companies grow, the need for organized and effective human resource management becomes increasingly important. A company's employees are its most valuable resource, which means human resource management (HRM) plays an important role in an organization. Today, companies are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of social, ethical and ecological goals. In addition to financial returns, organizations are setting new goals for themselves, focusing on individual, communal, and environmentally friendly performance and development. In carrying out company operations, it is necessary to realize that there are social impacts that will be caused by the company. So that the responsibility that must be carried out by the company is not only to investors and creditors, but also to the company's social environment. In this case, there is a concept called the Triple Bottom Line that should be applied by every company. This article aims to conduct a literature review on the importance of human resource management in sustainable development to support companies to grow and develop sustainably.
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i2.17


Companies are faced with rigorous challenges by meeting the ever-increasing needs and expectations of markets and customers. To ensure competitiveness and success, organizational managers need to accept innovation as a key organizational element. However, the main driver of innovation is human resources and to be successful it is necessary to support, plan and maintain a culture of innovation. Human resources are of little concern to people because the results of investment in human resources are difficult to quantify, difficult to see and are long-term in nature HR practitioners must have knowledge of the change process, so that they can fully understand the framework and plan for change and must have compatible leadership skills to ensure transition to increase productivity. This research is a research with a qualitative approach to the literature study or literature review used in this study. Literature review is used by looking for articles related to innovation-based HR development originating from published books, journals and all forms of writing related to the above matters. The conclusion from this literature review is that companies big or small need change agents when they want to change their structure, introduce new products/services or new technologies. A change agent helps an organization to shift to a new way of doing things and therefore we can say that a change agent is any person with the power and skills to facilitate and guide change efforts
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i2.23


This study aims to determine the human resources, motivation and how it relates to the management process of enterprise resource management. The research method used is to use the literature study research method to analyze human resources, motivation and its relationship with the management of Resource Management in the company. In the process of finding information, researchers collect information from national journals, citations, books and theses related to the title of the study. The following are the stages of literature study in this research: a) define the study or the scope of the topic to be reviewed, B) identify reference materials relevant and quality through Google Scholar, c) selecting several references from Google Scholar and grouping files based on research needs, d) compiling a synthesis matrix of articles obtained, 5) writing a review, 6) concluding and applying the results of the review. The results showed that human resources and motivation have a close relationship with the stability of a company. Management Resource Management in the company is a system or method for moving and maintaining the stability of the company. Providing motivation will improve the quality of human resources. So, motivation and human resources are one unit in achieving good performance and quality
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i2.24


In daily lifes it will not be released from the accident word which are harmed even it could be maked the damage until it caused the death. This matters always occured in daily lifes until the people should be careful in order to not let this matter be happen. Especially, in workplace that sometimes maked the people to not able to careful until itu caused the single accident and this matters caused many companies used the management of human resource strategy to prevent the matters which are this matters become most of important in aassessing the people safety. Because, in other side in enable the workers get guarantee in various aspect that related with the occupations especially in this times, many companies always neglected the safety matters by using management of human resource strategy. This research is study literature thanks using the base of qualitative research and using various journals to figure out the effecitivity aspect from the implementation of management of human resource strategy which are connected with the safety of workers in every divisions. The usage of nasional journal in this research are 5 years lately and the international journals that related to the aspect of management of human resource strategy and the affect to the workers. The concluson that obtained from this research are the implementations of management of human resource strategy have been practiced in the companies especially in preventing the accident that occured in doing work
OIKONOMIA: Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): OIKONOMIA : Journal of Economic and Management Science
Publisher : CV. Four Son Scholarship

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59165/oikonomia.v1i2.25


The field of human resources is currently undergoing rapid changes and leads to a modern development system or can be said to be a human development model that aims to be able to overcome various types of problems that adhere to the direction of conflict disputes in the company and instead invites a definition that is more widespread than other perceptions so as to benefit the company and also to be able to develop its own development context. However, there are also some business fields that do not so much implement the use of human resources in their work, which adheres to the opposite context and more or less leads to other problem fields. Meanwhile, the context of the development field at this time can be said to have been fully implemented and used as a fortress of a company. This definition leads to various aspects or opinions from experts who corner the perception of the management field as the main center of development in the HR field. Therefore, the concept of review used in this research is based on a qualitative research approach which is an approach that is a description and is associated with research methods from several journals and several theories related to the development of the field of human resources, especially in the context of sustainable development and more able to bring towards a better and more developed. The results of this review point to the aspect of human resource development itself is in the aspect of functionalism and professionalism in the field of divisions within the company which is able to bring so much profit to employers

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