Recht Studiosum Law Review
Recht Studiosum Law Review (E-ISSN: 2961-7812) is a legal science journal and is a double blind peer review journal published by Talenta Publisher, Universitas Sumatera Utara which is managed by the academic community of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. This journal was first published in May 2022, aiming to attract interest, facilitate and serve as a forum for practitioners and academics who are interested in the field of law and the development of legal science at the national and international level. The focus and scope of this journal are legal issues in the field of Criminal Law; Civil law; Constitutional Law; International law; Administrative law; Islamic law; Business Law; Medical Law; Environmental law; Customary law; Agrarian Law; Philosophy of Law and Issues Related to Law. This journal publishes articles (Research and Review Articles), every May and November.
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"Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)"
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Andri Yanto;
Faidatul Hikmah;
Nabil Abduh Aqil
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i2.11278
The protection of whistleblower witnesses (whisteblower) in handling corruption crimes is still an unresolved problem to date. Referring to the LPSK report, there was a rapid increase in the number of complaints in 2021, with the number of corruption also increasing and requiring immediate resolution. Amid the complexity of these demands, both the LPSK and the KPK have not been able to effectively provide guaranteed protection for witnesses reporting corruption crimes. As a result, there are still many cases that cause victims, whether whistleblower witnesses who died, were criminalized, or received threats and intimidation. In fact, in criminal procedural law in Indonesia, witness statements are part of valid evidence. For this reason, the government needs to increase efforts to protect whistleblower witnesses as mandated in Law No.13 of 2006 concerning Witness and Victim Protection. This research uses juridical-normative methods, and seeks to present solutions in policy making to optimize efforts to protect witnesses reporting corruption crimes in Indonesia.
Andri Yanto
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i1.11279
North Natuna is one part of the territorial waters of Indonesia which is very rich in resources. According to the applicable jurisdiction based on Law Number 17 of 1985 concerning the 1982 UNCLOS Ratification, North Natuna which has been proven to have the largest natural gas reserves in the Asia Pacific, is an inseparable part of Indonesia's EEZ. However, the 1982 ratification of UNCLOS in another country, namely Vietnam, also provides a similar explanation, that geographically North Natuna is its territory. This difference in conception has resulted in many incidents, from confrontations between law enforcement officers from the two countries, the capture of Vietnamese fishermen and the sinking of ships by the Indonesian authorities, to the complexity of the negotiation process between the two countries. In the midst of these problems, the governments of the two countries must make quick efforts in the face of growing external pressure, namely China's Nine Dash Line claims, as well as the need to use North Natuna itself. Using a juridical-normative research pattern, this paper attempts to unravel the 1982 UNCLOS provisions in conflict resolution and their relevance to Indonesia's strategy in resolving the EEZ dispute case with Vietnam in North Natuna.
Tinjauan Hukum Tentang Gugatan Sederhana Dalam Proses Penyelesaian Perkara Wanprestasi Atas Perjanjian Arisan Online Pada Putusan Nomor 1/Pdt.G.S/2021/PN Trt
Nurhadi Ahmad Juang
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i1.11435
Gugatan sederhana yang dilegitimasi sejak berlakunya Peraturan Mahkamah Agung (Perma) Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Tata Cara Penyelesaian Gugatan Sedehana beserta perubahannya yang diatur di dalam Perma Nomor 4 Tahun 2019, adalah proses penyelesaian perkara wanprestasi dan perbuatan melawan hukum dengan nilai gugat materiil maksimal Rp500.000.000 yang diselesaikan dengan mekanisme persidangan dan pembuktian yang sederhana dalam jangka waktu maksimal 25 hari kerja sejak hari sidang pertama. Sistem yang tergolong baru dikenal dan diberlakukan ini masih menuai beberapa komentar seperti halnya terkait bentuk peraturan, kurangnya penjelasan, hingga tidak adanya pengaturan yang tegas tentunya dapat menjadi celah hukum. Salah satu perkara yang diadili dengan proses gugatan sederhana adalah wanprestasi atas perjanjian arisan online pada Putusan Nomor 1/Pdt.G.S/2021/PN Trt. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana proses penyelesaian perkara wanprestasi melalui gugatan sederhana, kesesuaian putusan dengan hukum acara gugatan sederhana, serta bagaimana akibat hukum putusan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode hukum normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Didukung dengan alat dan teknik pengumpul data berupa wawancara informan yaitu Hakim dan Panitera Pengadilan Negeri Medan guna memperkuat data penelitian. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan tidak semua perkara perdata dapat diselesaikan melalui gugatan sederhana, melainkan hanya perkara yang termasuk ruang lingkup gugatan sederhana sebagaimana diatur salam Pasal 3 dan 4 Perma Gugatan Sederhana yang didasarkan pada pemeriksaan pendahuluan. Adapun proses penyelesaian perkara gugatan sederhana pada Putusan Nomor 1/Pdt.G.S/2021/PN Trt dinilai telah sesuai dengan hukum acara gugatan sederhana dan putusan tersebut menimbulkan akibat hukum yaitu Tergugat selaku owner arisan wajib untuk memenuhi prestasinya berupa pembayaran uang arisan online.
Peran Perwakilan Diplomatik dalam Perlindungan terhadap Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Luar Negeri dalam Perspektif Hukum Internasional
Winda Nur Khotimah
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i1.11461
Ketika warga negara berada dalam bahaya, negara harus turun tangan untuk memastikan keselamatan mereka di dalam dan luar negeri. Sudah bukan berita yang mengejutkan lagi bahwa Indonesia memiliki populasi pekerja asing yang cukup besar dari Indonesia, sehingga saat ini perlindungan terhadap mereka masih perlu dioptimalisasikan terkait pelaksanaannya. Kehadiran instrumen-instrumen hukum belum diimplementasikan sebagaimana yang tertulis. Perbedaan nilai-nilai antara negara Indonesia dengan yang lain bisa menjadi hambatan dalam penanganan konflik yang dihadapi pekerja migran Indonesia. Dalam mengatasi konflik antarnegara, maka diperlukan untuk berpedoman pada sumber-sumber hukum internasional dan tidak hanya berpedoman pada salah satu hukum nasional suatu negara yang berkonflik. Penyelesaian konflik internasional umumnya dilakukan oleh perwakilan diplomatik yang ditugaskan ke suatu negara. Kajian mengenai perwakilan diplomatik ada dalam Hukum Diplomatik yang juga termasuk ke dalam kajian Hukum Internasional. Penyelesaian konflik internasional umumnya dilakukan oleh perwakilan diplomatik yang ditugaskan ke suatu negara. Kajian mengenai perwakilan diplomatik ada dalam Hukum Diplomatik yang juga termasuk ke dalam kajian Hukum Internasional.
The Effect of the District Court Judge's Verdict in the Sambo CS Case on the Level of Public Trust in the Criminal Justice System in Indonesia
Endro Tri Susdarwono;
Alma Wiranta
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i1.11479
This study aims to provide a description regarding the influence of the District Court judge's verdict in the Sambo cs case on the level of public trust in the criminal justice system in Indonesia. The approach in this study uses a type of quantitative research. The sample of respondents consisted of 200 respondents located in Brebes Regency, Tegal Regency, Tegal City and Pemalang Regency. The sampling technique used non-random sampling with purposive sampling. While the instrument used in this research is a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses the independence hypothesis test through the Khai-Square distribution. This study concludes that based on the calculation results, the khai-squared value is 62.586. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. In fact, the District Court judge's verdict in the Sambo cs case did influence the level of public trust in the criminal justice system in Indonesia.
Analisis Yuridis Persyaratan Kepemilikan Saham Asing Pada Bidang Usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Berdasarkan Daftar Negatif Investasi
Irene Elfira Dewi Siegfried;
Budiman Ginting;
Sunarmi Sunarmi;
Mahmul Siregar
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i1.11486
Oil palm plantations play an important role in the national economy and have great potential for national economic development in the context of realizing the prosperity and welfare of the people in an equitable manner. Even though Indonesia needs foreign capital, foreign investment must still pay attention to the national interest. One of the national interests is to protect natural resources in Indonesia. The Presidential Regulation No. 44 of 2016 concerning the List of Business Fields That Are Closed and Business Fields That Are Open with Requirements regulates the limitation of foreign share ownership in companies engaged in oil palm plantations by 95%. The oil palm plantation business does not require high technology, only land, nurseries, and fertilization which have been done since the colonial era. However, with the existence of the Presidential Regulation on the Negative Investment List, the Government has opened up a huge influx of foreign investment. Therefore, problems arise 1) Requirements for foreign share ownership in the oil palm plantation business sector based on the Negative Investment List in Indonesia; and 2) The basis for consideration in determining the requirements for limiting foreign share ownership in the oil palm plantation business sector in Indonesia. This research is normative legal research. The nature of descriptive research. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively and deductively concluded. The results of the research show that: 1) Presidential Regulation No. Investment Negative List. 44 of 2016 is a government policy that supports foreign investment more than domestic investment, and 2) The basis for considering the opening of foreign shareholdings of up to a maximum of 95% based on the Presidential Regulation on the Negative Investment List is the relatively large need for funds which cannot be fully met solely by relying on Domestic Investment.
Analisis Hukum Praktik Human Trafficking Dengan Modus Pengangkatan Anak Tanpa Penetapan Pengadilan : (Studi Kasus: Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Simalungun No. 398/Pid.Sus/2017/PN.Sim)
Farid Arby Harefa;
Syafruddin Kalo;
Marlina Marlina;
Chairul Bariah
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i1.11730
Procedurally, the applicable law states that a child adoption needs to go through the procedures for applying for a determination of adoption to the local District Court. If a court decision has not been obtained, it turns out that it can be reported to the local police. Children who are traded by their biological parents to other people, of course, involve various parties. For this reason, it is necessary to know the criminal responsibility of these perpetrators, and what is the basis for the panel of judges considerations in imposing a sentence on the defendant in a case of adoption which results in child trafficking as referred to in the P.N.Sim Decision. No. 398/Pid.Sus/2017 An. Defendant "G.M". The issues raised are: First, regulation of human trafficking crimes in Indonesia; and second, legal analysis of the practice of criminal acts of human trafficking with the mode of adoption without a court decision. 398/Pid.Sus/2017. This research is juridical-normative research which is descriptive-analytic. The results of this analysis show that: First, the provisions on criminal sanctions in the PTPPO Law cannot be used to indict perpetrators of child adoption without a court order; Second, based on the criminal responsibility of the Defendant "GM", he can be responsible for the mistakes he has made. It is recommended that the Government of Indonesia make a policy by summarizing the procedures for adopting children through the courts.
Pertanggungjawaban Ayah Terhadap Anak Kandung Sebagai Kewajiban Hukum Dalam Lingkup Rumah Tangga Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2004 Tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga
Rumanty Fitriana Sagala;
Madiasa Ablisar;
Mahmul Siregar;
Mirza Nasution
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i1.11873
Every husband/father in the household is prohibited from abandoning people within the scope of his family as stipulated in Article 9 paragraph (1) of the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence. Husband/father or because of approval or agreement, providing life, care, or maintenance to these biological children is obligatory. In positive law, a father is obliged to provide maintenance for his child. The issues raised are regarding 1) The responsibility of a father towards his biological children in terms of positive law; and 2) The legal considerations of the panel of judges regarding the responsibility of fathers towards their biological children; case studies of court decisions regarding child neglect. This research is juridical-normative research that is descriptive-analytical with a statutory approach. The study uses secondary data from the Medan District Court Decision collected by field study techniques at the Medan District Court Registrar's Office. Data analysis used qualitative data analysis methods. Results of the study: From the point of view of marriage law, the limits on the obligations and responsibilities of parents (including fathers) towards their biological children can be seen in Article 45 paragraph (2) of the Marriage Law. In implementing sentencing objectives, not all judges can explore the actual legal facts in a case. It is recommended that law enforcement officials in handling cases of criminal acts of child protection and domestic violence prioritize the best interests of the child.
Penyelidikan dan Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Terhadap Kasus Kredit Macet Pada Bank Bumn Menurut UU Tipikor
Putra R Siregar;
Madiasa Ablisar;
Mirza Nasution;
Mahmul Siregar
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i1.11874
One element of corruption offenses is the unlawful action that harms the state's finance or economy. In the context of state-owned banks, there are still two different opinions about the source of finance, whether it belongs to state finance or limited liability company (PT) finance. Due to this ambiguity, anti-corruption investigators should understand this issue before investigating state-owned banks with a limited liability company structure. The research was conducted at the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office because it is currently investigating alleged corruption crimes related to non-performing loans worth IDR 39.5 billion at Bank BTN Medan Branch. The research aims to investigate: first, the regulation of corruption investigation related to non-performing loans cases in state-owned banks, which are related to the lex specialis derogat legi generalis principle; and second, the investigation of corruption crimes related to non-performing loans cases in state-owned banks by the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office. This research used a descriptive-analytical normative legal research method with a legislative approach. The data were collected through secondary sources and field studies at the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office. The data were analyzed using a qualitative data analysis method. The research findings show that based on the lex specialis systematische principle, the Banking Law should be applied to banking cases resulting in non-performing loans. The North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office conducts corruption investigations by collecting evidence to be used as valid evidence, and when the suspect is found, the evidence will be used to prove the case. It is recommended that law enforcement officers, especially the prosecutors and judges who apply the law to the cases, should apply the Banking Law to non-performing loan cases. If there is an unlawful action found in the provision of credit facilities, it should be investigated as a corruption case.
Peran Indonesia dalam Penyelesaian Konflik di Asia Tenggara Sebagai Pemegang Presidensi ASEAN 2023 (Studi Kasus Kudeta Myanmar)
Recht Studiosum Law Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Nomor 1 (Mei-2023)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher
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DOI: 10.32734/rslr.v2i1.11898
A coup is an act carried out by military officers in terms of obtaining power from a legitimate government. Then, the incident can be defined as a military coup, one of the countries that has experienced various military coups, namely Myanmar. The most recent case occurred in February 2021 when the military junta government overthrew Aung San Suu Kyi and her cabinet because it was considered that there had been fraud in the elections and could not carry out Postponement of elections due to COVID-19. The success of the overthrow of the civilian government, the military junta government was in power. During its reign the military government often committed various acts of human rights violations so that many parties, such as the United Nations through its Human Rights Council, ASEAN and Indonesia became countries that held the ASEAN presidency in 2023. However, each party must not intervene in Myanmar's national policies and must prioritize diplomatic efforts in resolving this case