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Journal of Content and Engagement
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Core Subject : Social,
1. the content and engagement aspects of communication in different levels and contexts such as interpersonal communication, group communication, organisational communication, new media communication, mass communication, corporate communication, among others; 2. the processes and strategies of communication that resulted in context-specific content and engagement; and, 3. the analysis of different socio-cultural contexts of media content production, distribution, usage, and engagement. 4. Novel and emerging approaches in understanding content of communication (mediated and face-to-face) and its effects.
Articles 15 Documents
Parasocial Relationship between Parents Viewers with Korean Drama Actors Aurelia Angelica Ng; Jandy Luik; Chory Angela Wijayanti
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.1.1-17


Hallyu or Korean wave has been rapidly growing on the last few decades. Hallyu has brought South Korea’s cultures including Korean dramas worldwide, including Indonesia. The rise of technology and new media has also given more space for content distribution and access for media actors and audiences. Hence, Korean drama has a high popularity in Indonesia, with audiences from various kinds of demographic backgrounds, including parents. One of the reasons of the high interest towards Korean drama is due to the interesting actors. The high interest towards Korean drama actors are often related to the concept of parasocial relationship, which is a one-sided relationship between audiences and media persona. This research aims to determine the parasocial relationship that exists between parents viewers and Korean drama actors. The research method that is used in this study is qualitative case study with semi-structured interview as the data gathering technique. The result of this study shows that the parasocial relationship that exists belongs in the entertainment-social value level due to the informants who find the personas to be entertaining, attractive, and as references for their daily decisions. The parasocial relationship is also found as a form of media effect especially in terms of media cultivation and third person effect.
Marketing Communication Strategy at Fashion Company "X" During a Pandemic Covid-19 Jerry Indrawan; Felicia Goenawan; Ido Prijana Hadi
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.1.65-83


This research was conducted to find out how the marketing communication strategy was carried out by fashion company "X" during the Covid-19 pandemic. In its marketing communication strategy, fashion company "X" has the goal of increasing sales of the products sold by fashion company "X". In achieving this goal, the fashion company "X" uses the AIDA model (Action, Interest, Desire, Action) to classify a person's phases in knowing a brand and taking action and using the elements in integrated marketing communication (IMC) to analyze strategy marketing communications used by fashion company "X". This type of research is descriptive qualitative. And using the case study method as well as in collecting data using interview techniques. In delivering its marketing communication strategy, fashion company "X" uses several online media according to their target market. In addition, they also use live shopping techniques. and the latter uses the data of every customer who purchases at their company to offer the latest products from fashion company "X". The results of this study are used to determine marketing communication strategies at the fashion company "X" during the Covid-19 pandemic and the latter uses the data of every customer who purchases at their company to offer the latest products from fashion company "X". The results of this study are used to determine marketing communication strategies at the fashion company "X" during the Covid-19 pandemic and the latter uses the data of every customer who purchases at their company to offer the latest products from fashion company "X". The results of this study are used to determine marketing communication strategies at the fashion company "X" during the Covid-19 pandemic
Effectiveness of #FeelThePower Campaign Message on the Followers of Azarine Cosmetic’s Instagram Account Auryn Nathania Soputra; Astri Yogatama; Ido Prijana Hadi
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.1.18-32


Effectiveness can be interpreted as the result or influence that arises from a communication process, namely attitudes, behavior, and responses from a communicant whether desired or not desired. The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness of the #FeelThePower campaign message for Azarine cosmetic Instagram followers which aims to make customers feel the power that comes from Azarine's ingredients and inner strength to stay confident and always give the best for yourself. This campaign is carried out by launching new products and collaborating with Disney Marvel. Measurement of effectiveness is carried out using the AIDA measurement method (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents using a purposive sampling technique. Based on research results, the message of the #FeelThePower campaign is categorized as effective. Of the four indicators, the attention stage has the highest mean value, which means that the respondent's attention to the campaign message is the highest compared to other indicators.
Ritual Communication of Cheng Beng Ceremony on Chinese Ethnic in Balikpapan City Lydia Tjioe; Gatut Priyowidodo; Felicia Goenawan
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.1.33-49


This research was conducted to determine ritual communication in the Cheng Beng ceremony in the Chinese ethnic community. Ritual communication is unique and often difficult for individuals outside the community to understand. Like the Cheng Beng ceremonial ritual, this ritual is only understood by people who are ethnic Chinese. Communities can understand rituals on an ongoing basis both through coaching and discussion, this is what causes the understanding of the rituals of the Cheng Beng ceremony to be different from people outside the ethnic Chinese. The community studied is the ethnic Chinese community in Balikpapan City. This study uses a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods and data analysis using the QSR NVivo 12 computer program. The finding of the research indicate that the ritual communications used by the Chinese ethnic community in Balikpapan City in carrying out the Cheng Beng ceremony are communicative situations, communicative events, and communicative actions. In the communicative situation of the Cheng Beng ceremony, there are formal communicative situations and non-formal communication situations. In the communicative events of the Cheng Beng ceremony there are ritual agendas, ritual actors, and ritual equipment. In the communicative actions of the Cheng Beng ceremony, there are verbal actions and nonverbal actions. Ritual communication that occurs at the Cheng Beng ceremony for ethnic Chinese in Balikpapan City can occur by having ritual equipment that has meaning in everything that is prepared. The ritual equipment contained in the Cheng Beng ceremony will cause nonverbal actions. Then the ritual equipment and nonverbal actions of the Cheng Beng ceremony will give rise to non-formal communication situations. Limitations of the study in this study is the limited time in conducting field observations.
Online Public Relations Communication Strategy by Akar Tuli Malang in Campaigning the Use of Indonesian Sign Languange (BISINDO) Jeffrey Hendrawan; Daniel Budiana; Astri Yogatama
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.1.50-64


This study aims to determine the online public relations strategy for Akar Tuli Malang Community in campaigning the use of Indonesian sign language (BISINDO). BISINDO is a sign system used by Deaf in Indonesia to communicate. Akar Tuli Malang is the first Deaf community in East Java which is a place for Deaf and hearing friends to socialize. In carrying out its goals, Akar Tuli Malang has a public relations division that carries out the task of establishing cooperation with various parties, both internal and external. The method used in this research is a case study with a qualitative approach and is a type of descriptive research. The results of the study show that the design of a strategy that refers to the concept of a public relations strategy according to Pinkleton has six stages of strategy and the Malang Deaf Root has carried out five of them. Consists of conceptualization, monitoring, planning, organization and coordination, administration and evaluation. In carrying out the strategy online, PR utilizes social media Instagram as a medium for conveying campaign messages.
Unraveling Vincent Mosko's Thoughts on the Commodification of Content, Audience and Workers: A New Phenomenon of the Digital Age in Indonesia Marsefio Luhukay; Udi Rusadi
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 2 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.2.84-98


This paper in the form of a scientific article discusses Vincent Mosko's thoughts on commodification in three main dimensions, namely content, audience, and workers. The concept of commodification is a subject of debate in the contemporary world, especially in the context of media and communication. This paper presents a critical analysis of Mosko's thinking on how the process of commodification has shaped and changed mindsets and practices in these three important aspects. First, this article reviews the concept of content commodification in the digital age. Mosko highlighted how content, which was initially individual and personal, underwent transformation into a commodity that could be monetized by industry players and social media platforms. This discussion covers the use of content as a means of marketing by companies and influencers, as well as its impact on the quality and integrity of the information presented. Secondly, this article explores Mosko's views on the commodification of audiences. In his perspective, the audience has gone from being mere recipients of messages to consumers directed and manipulated by marketing strategies. Mosko identifies how audience profiles are used to improve advertising effectiveness and how their engagement is measured in the context of marketing and sales. Third, this paper looks at how Mosko's approach in formulating the commodification of workers, especially in the creative and media sectors. Through literature analysis, this article highlights the workings of labor exploitation in the creative industries, including the role of digital platforms in shaping working conditions and influencing the sharing of economic value among workers. The results of the analysis in this article show how Vincent Mosko's thinking provides deep insight into the complexity and consequences of the process of commodification of content, audiences, and workers in the digital age. Further understanding of these concepts is expected to provide a foundation for academics, media practitioners, and policymakers to address the challenges and potential negative impacts arising from commodification in the world of media and communication.
Representation of Communication Patterns Adults to Autism Children in Film Innocent Witness Fabianus Valentino Setiawan; Fanny Lesmana
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 2 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.2.152-168


Communication patterns help a person to communicate effectively with other people who have difficulty communicating. Difficulty in communicating is the main problem for autism children so that adults are needed to help them. It takes the right pattern of communication to understand the information that autism children want to convey. This depiction can be found in the film Innocent Witness which features a lawyer who mush know and be friends with autism child to help him solve the cases he is handling. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing how to describe the communication patterns of adults to autism children in this Innocent Witness film. The researcher will use a descriptive qualitative approach using John Fiske’s television semiotics method. From this study it was found that the communication patterns of adults to autism children experienced a process of finding the right communication patterns, namely adults having difficulty communicating with autism children before getting to know them, adults must understand autism children in the process of getting to know autism children, adults are able to create good communication effective with autism children after getting know autism children. And the idology of egalitarianism which adheres to equality for all people, including in communicatig with autism children.
Self Disclosure in the Interpersonal Communication Process of Establishing Friends with Benefits (FWB) Relationship Agreement on Telegram Monica Gabriela
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 2 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.2.114-132


The phenomenon of Friends with Benefits (FWB) romantic relationships developed in Western countries that embrace freedom began to develop also in Indonesia with globalization and supported by technological developments. In contrast to dating relationships bound by feelings of love and commitment, the parties in a Friends with Benefits (FWB) relationship are only bound by an agreement on the benefits of sexual activity, without any feelings or c ommitments. The Telegram application has the advantage of large-scale community or group chat features. This research found a unique group community looking for Friends with Benefits (FWB) relationship partners in Indonesia. This research focuses on self -disclosure or self -disclosure in the process of interpersonal communication in personal chatting by prospective partners to establish a Friends with Benefits (FWB) relationship agreement on Telegram. This qualitative research approach with a case study method found four informants who are members of a particular community looking for Friends with Benefits (FWB) couples on Telegram and are establishing interpersonal communication to establish a Friends with Benefits (FWB) relationship agreement. The research findings show that the exploration of sexual desire accelerates the course of self -disclosure; women pursue the depth of personal profiles, men pursue the depth of intimacy, and self -disclosure measures a sense of security and comfort, which can determine the "deal".
Audience Reception on the Toxic Relationship in “Persona: Collector” Nicky Christian Paparang; Chory Angela Wijayanti
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 2 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.2.99-113


Men and women have the same chance to experience toxic relationship. However, there are not many data or cases that show men can become victims in toxic relationship. “Persona: Collector” is one of the movies that raises issue about toxic relationships from woman to man. Therefore, this research used a qualitative descriptive approach and uses Stuart Hall reception analysis method to know how audience interpreting the toxic relationship message in “Persona: Collector. The data being collected through observation and in-depth interviews with four informants aged between 20-30 years. They are men and women who had experience of toxic relationship, also man and woman who never being in toxic relationship. There are two major analysis about audience reception from the movie, such as form of obsession in relationship and foolishness because of obsessive love. Informant reception divided into three positions in the form of obsession in relationship, that is dominant hegemonic, negotiated, and oppositional. In the second concept, audience reception divided only in two positions, dominant hegemonic and negotiated. Their positions can be different because each informant have different background, such as experience itself and/or seen also heard other people stories about toxic relationship. The other factors come from their knowledge, beliefs, and gender.
The Efectiveness Of Using Blackpink As A Celebrity Endorser In The Launch Of The #Oreoblackpink Product On The @Oreo_Indonesia Instagram Account Elysia Vina Surentang
Journal of Content and Engagement Vol 1 Issue 2 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Communication Science Department - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/joce.1.2.133-151


Celebrity endorsers are individuals who are trusted by companies to represent a product. A promotion delivered by a popular source or celebrity will attract more attention. Blackpink is a girl group from South Korea which is popular all over the world. PT. Mondelēz Indonesia appointed Blackpink as a celebrity endorser in the launch of the Oreo x Blackpink collaboration product, using Instagram social media as the main tool for conveying messages to the audience. In order to examine the effectiveness of a celebrity endorser, the TEARS model can be used, namely: trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness, respect, similarity. This research is a descriptive quantitative research using an online survey method. The sampling technique was purposive sampling in accordance with the specified criteria in selecting respondents who filled out the questionnaire. Based on the results of the research findings, it can be concluded that the use of Blackpink as a celebrity endorser in launching #OREOBLACKPINK on the Instagram account @oreo_indonesia is effective. The indicators that produce the highest scores are attractiveness and respect (self-esteem).

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