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JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica
ISSN : 28285514     EISSN : 28284585     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy,
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica(E-ISSN : 2828-4585)|(P-ISSN: 2828-5514) is a journal publishes a scientific papers on the results of the study or research and review of the literature in the scope and focus of Islamic Economics. Editor accepts the article has not been published in other media with the writing format as listed on page manuscript writing guidelines. This journal was established in 2022 and published two times a year, on January and July. The purpose of this journal is for the publication of scientific articles covering studies within the scope of Islamic Economics, such as: 1. Philosophy of Islamic Economics; 2. Islamic Economic Thought; 3. Islamic Economics and Contemporary Issues; 4. Contemporary issues in Islamic Financial Institutions; 5. Islamic Management; 6. Islamic Accounting; 7. Legal Aspects in Islamic Economics.
Articles 32 Documents
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/.v1i1.230


Our lives will never be separated from a risk, whether related to the soul or property. Therefore, the emergence of some risk to the form and when a risk arises will arise that we can not guess before. Regarding a risk that arises suddenly a person can distance themselves, face, ignore, or use other institutions. With the concept of risk transfer and risk sharing that creates an insurance institution. There is a lot of uncertainty that we often experience in our lives. This uncertainty that we often experience has to do with fate and destiny as a human being that has been determined by God. Based on the science of law, all of this is called an event that can lead to the existence of applicable laws. In the event that can cause the existence of this law has a potential risk that may arise. For example, in the event of the death of a person who may have something to do with a husband or wife or also with their children who have a long future to go through, which can be a less pleasant consequence if there is no preparation to meet various needs to come. In this insurance agreement can serve for the transfer and distribution of risks that have positive functions, both to the community, state development, and also the company. The benefits of this insurance agreement also create a sense of peace, because it can get protection from a possibility of a bad event. For example, if there is a company that uses insurance agreements for risk transfer then the company will be able to develop its business broadly without fear of experiencing risk.
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/.v1i1.240


Semakin bertambahnya tahun maka kemajuan teknologi juga semakin berkembang. Mulai banyak kecanggihan pada dunia teknologi yang salah satunya yaitu terkait dengan alat pembayaran. Pada zaman modern terbitlah uang yang digunakan untuk transaksi dalam perdagangan. Yang pada mulanya orang-orang terdahulu menggunakan cara barter, yaitu dengan saling tukar menukar jasa dengan jasa atau jasa dengan barang.   Namun dengan seiringnya kepesatan pada tahun ke tahun muncul yang dinamakan uang elektonik ( electronic money/ e money). Di Indonesia uang elektronik ini diterbitkan oleh suatu bank atau bisa lembaga yang menerbitkan e-money tersebut. Uang elektronik yang diterbitkan bank diataranya berupa iSaku, LinkAja, Go-pay, OVO dan flash BCA. Inovasi pada dunia perekonomian yang berkaitan dengan alat tukar menukar atau jual beli ini sangat menguntungkan dan efisien. Uang elektronik sama seperti fungsi uang pada umumnya, yaitu sebagai alat untuk melakukan transaksi.  
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/.v1i1.252


Salah satu kajian yang berkaitan dengan pola interaksi tingkah laku manusia ialah kajian tentang interaksi ekonomi yang mana berhubungan dengan perilaku prooduksi, perilaku distribusi (jasa maupun barang),   juga perilaku konsumsi. Gejala tersebut merupakan gejala yang bersifat umum menjadi masalah dalam kehidupan manusia dan merupakan pokok perekonomian dari berbagai sistem yang ada. Aktivitas manusia dalam kehidupannya yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas ekonomi salah satunya ialah aktivitas distribusi selain aktivitas konsumsi dan juga produksi. Secara tegas agama islam melalui kitab suci al-qur’an telah mendorong dan menuntun manusia untuk melaksanakan kegiatan distribusi, menyebarkan harta bendanya kepada mereka yang membutuhkan agar harta benda itu tidak menjadi milik sebagian kecil masyarakat dan bertumpuk pada golongan-golongan tertentu, dimana mereka yang memiliki kekayaan yang banyak akan bertambah banyak sementara mereka yang miskin akan bertambah melarat apabila pendistribusian kekayaan tidak dilakukan secara merata dan adil pada setiap masyarakat. Pemerataan pendapatan dengan cara keadilan distribusi sebagai sebuah solusi dalam mengurangi kesenjangan ekonomi adalah solusi yang diberikan agama islam untuk umat manusia dalam menjali aktivitas dalam perekonomian.
IMPLEMENTASI WAWASAN EKONOMI SYARI'AH PADA KEGIATAN EKONOMI MAHASISWA Reza Hilmy Luayyin; Muhammad Alfi Syahrin; Tuhfatul Janan; Agniz Ruri Ambarwati
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/.v1i1.266


Each student  has different  level of understanding. Most of them have different knowledge, especially in mastering  science of  sharia economics. Sharia economics is very different, of course, from conventional economics.  A lot of  them better understand or are more familiar with conventional-based economic terms.  Sharia  economics or the study of  mu'amalah  still feels unusual to them. The problems that occur to students STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo show that there are differences in attitudes and behavior in implementing sharia economic activities with mastery of sharia economic material in class. This study examines extent of  insight and mastery of sharia economics in sharia economics students in each of their economic activities. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, which is a method that aims to describe the nature of something that is ongoing  in time  the research  conducted  and examines the causes of a symptom. The data collection technique obtained by the author is through observation and interview techniques. This research data obtained  from the first semester of  Islamic  economics students. The results showed that students had a high enthusiasm and curiosity in learning and mastering economics, eager to try something new, especially in the field of  Islamic  economics, most of them wanted to carry out more  Islamic  economic activities, although some still use  Islamic  economics, conventional, wants  to be  more active and learn deeper about sharia economic norms, values, and principles has good economic insight because they understand that conventional banks considered  to have a threat of usury in them even though they are still selected, have insight and knowledge about  Sharia  economics and able to apply it in their daily activities, They still not mastered  Islamic  economics related to more technical matters, such as analyzing business risk and business management. Meanwhile,  the students' implementation of   sharia economic insight that carried  out by students is going well, it  can be  seen from the variety of sharia-based business, inviting the closest family to do business  of sharia-based and starting to carry out activities in sharia banking. Students are also able to  show  the implementation of  basic insights and understanding of high sharia economics because they are able to refrain from spending wealth just for pleasure but the orientation is for their own benefit.
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/.v1i1.270


The increasing intensity of onion farmers is in line with the development of good agricultural land processing. Agricultural land in this rice field is managed in various ways, first is the owner of his own farmed rice field, second is the owner of rice fields renting land to others, third is the owner of rice fields in collaboration with people who have the ability to farm. Islam has provided a solution in utilizing agricultural land or rice fields, the form of cooperation can be by using two Fatwa DSN MUI in general, namely the mudharabah agreement if the working person is two people, namely the first party of the land owner and the second party of the farmer or land manager, but if the cooperation of more than 2 people can use the musyarakah agreement, the first party is the land owner,   the second party of financiers and third parties of farmers. There are another 3 (three) islamic legal agreement systems that are focused on agriculture, namely musaqah, muzara'ah and mukharabah.The agreement applied by farmers in the village of Banjarsawah is an unnamed agreement (al 'uqud ghair al-musamma), this is allowed in Islam if no party is harmed, because in the agreement on Islamic economic law is certainly based on the principle of piety, ability, justice, equality or equality, honesty, written, usefulness or benefit for all those who do so.
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/.v1i2.385


Tiap orang memiliki persepsi yang berbeda-beda tentunya dalam memutuskan sesuatu. Hal itu didasarkan pada pengetahuan, kemampuan, perhatian, dan penilaian mereka yang didapatkan dari pengalaman hidup mereka masing-masing. Terlebih lagi persepsi yang kita dapatkan dari mahasiswa. Tentu saja mereka memiliki persepsi yang berbeda dari masyarakat pada umumnya yang dapat kita lihat dari tingkat Pendidikan pastinya. Mereka memiliki persepsi yang lebih baik karena mereka sebagai akademisi yang harus selalu mempelajari perkembangan zaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan mahasiswa yang menggunakan bank masih dominan menggunakan bank konvensional daripada menggunakan Bank Syariah. Di sisi lain juga untuk mengedukasi kepada masyarakat tentang alasan pemilihan bank. Sehingga dapat memberikan wacana yang lebih luas tentang pengambilan pertimbangan individual dalam hal pemilihan bank syari’ah. Dan juga agar dapat memahami pentingnya bagi mahasiswa untuk Menentukan pilihan pada Bank Syari’ah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kuesioner dari mahasiswa yang berjumlah 60 orang. Hal mendasar dari penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji persepsi mahasiswa dalam hal memilih bank syari’ah. Dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan suatu sifat yang tengah berlangsung dan menganalisa sebab-sebab dari suatu gejala atau kejadian. Pengambilan data menggunakan Teknik wawancara dan observasi. Data penelitian didapatkan dari 60 mahasiswa dari jurusan yang berbeda beda. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwasanya mahasiswa memiliki persepsi yang berbeda-beda baik itu dari sisi gender atau jenis kelamin, program studi dan religiusitas. Factor atau alasan mereka memilih bank syari’ah digolongkan menjadi 4 kategori yaitu factor ekonomi, sosial, agama, dan psikologis.  Kata Kunci : Persepsi, Mahasiswa, Sharia Bank
KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI SYARIAH Muhammad Alfi Syahrin; Mohammad Arifin; Reza Hilmy Luayyin
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/.v1i2.395


Sistem ekonomi Islam adalah sistem yang menganut dan mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai, akidah, norma dan ajaran Islam (variabel iman) sebagai elemen dasar untuk mewujudkan kemakmuran. faktor kepercayaan menjadi acuan untuk menetapkan perbuatan ekonomi pada pengelolaan faktor pembuatan, penyaluran dan konsumsi sebuah produk baik prokduk jasa maupun produk barang sebelum beredar menurut aturan pasar. Agar ada kesamaan juga ada keseimbangan ditengah tengah kepentingan perorangan, kelompok masyarakat dan pengelolaan pasar, terbentuk berdasarkan hasil berbagai kebijakan lembaga sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan negara dalam bentuk kebijakan yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai agama. Untuk itu diperlukan stimulan juga desiminasi ekonomi yang global untuk dapat membawa seseorang maupun kelompok masyarakat mencapai kebahagiaan dan kehormatan yang baik (hayatan toyyibah) pada kehidupan dunia juga dalam kehidupan di akhirat. Maka dari itu, tulisan ini ingin memberi masukan bahwa harus ada usaha untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang sesuai dengan tujuan ekonomi syariah sesuai tujuan manusia itu sendiri. Ikhtiar tersebut harus menggunakan dasar ekonomi Islam yaitu moral sebagai dasar sistem ekonomi, harus menjaga halal-haram dalam konsumsi, serta ekonomi yang bertujuan mewujudkan kesejahteraan umat manusia.Kata kunci : kesejahteraan, sistem ekonomi, ekonomi islam
ANALISIS AKAD SALAM DAN IJON MENURUT HUKUM EKONOMI SYARIAH Mohammad Arifin; Reza Hilmy Luayyin; Muhammad Alfi Syahrin
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/.v1i2.399


Manusia tidak terlepas dari pergaulan yang mengatur hubungan manusia dalam segala kebutuhannya atau yang biasa disebut dengan muamalah. Kegiatan yang melibatkan manusia dengan manusia atau dengan yang lain yang bersifat duniawi disebut juga sebagai kegiatan muammalah, mempelajari al-mu'amalah adalah suatu kewajiban bagi setiap manusia.Kegiatan bermuammalah ummat manusia didunia ini telah diatur oleh islam, begitupun dengan transaksi jual beli yang dilakukan oleh semua orang demi mencukupi kebutuhannya sehari-hari. Untuk memberikan kedamaian, kesejahteraan dan keamanaan bagi setiap ummat manusia dalam melakukan transaksi jual beli, Islam memberikan koridor atau hukum ekonomi syariah untuk mengatur kegiatan tersebut.Jual Beli Salam adalah salah satu solusi untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli yang tujuannya dibayar diawal dan barang yang dibeli diserahkan pada lain waktu dengan ketentuan yang telah disepakati sebelumnya. Dalam akad salam ini telah juga diatur syarat syarat dan rukun sah nya akad salam, dari metode pembayaran, jenis barang atau obyek, spesifikasi harus dijelaskan rinci, kualitas dan kuantitas juga perlu disampaikan tanpa adanya hal yang samar.  Keywords : Salam, Ijon, sharia economic law
حجية السنة الرتكية وآاثرها ف فتاوى جملس الرتجيح احملمدية و فتاوى جملس العلماء األندونيسي Rudi Katamso; Reza Hilmy Luayyin
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/.v1i2.440


Sharia law is based on the Alquran and the sunna of the prophet Muhammad Shallahualahiwasallam in the first place and the basic knowledge of the sharia, by which they learn about sharia law. One of the most important things that society should be aware of, and one of the means of finding out about the sect is the Sunnah Tarkiyah, is the subject that has been decided by some fundamentalists, some of whom do not, because what was left by the prophet Shallahualahiwasallam is not called into question and is annulled. The aim of this research is to find out whether the Sunnah Tarkiyah is considered to be in the making of judgments and to compare the protest of the mohammadiyah swing council and the Indonesian ulema council with the Sunnah Tarkiyah. This type of research is a qualitative desk research in which the researcher gathers information from relevant sources and sources from the tiers council and scholars council books, and analyses it in order to obtain fatwas in protest of the Sunnah Tarkiyah, together with extrapolation, reasoning, comparison and theories from the theories of the origins of the fiqh. The main result of this research is that the researcher found that scholars differed in the authority of the Sunnah Tarkiyah, which is likely to be regarded as the same. The tit-for-tat council has also considered it in some of its fatwas, such as the pronouncement of intent, gift the good to the deceased and shaking hands after the congregation prayer. The ulema council does not dismiss the fact that in some of its fatwas, such as: praying together with the infidel; translating prayer and wall when praying; and congratulating the infidel by the words I pray.Keyword : Sunnah Tarkiyah, Methods and fatwas of the Muhammadiyah Tarjih Council, Method and fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council, ushul fiqih.
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/jse.v2i1.516


The background of this research is because there are many Islamic campuses, especially Uinsa campus students, who lack an understanding of Islamic sciences, especially knowledge, service, promotion in Islamic banking. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the low interest of students to become customers of the Uinsa Syariah Mini Bank. The population used in this study were Uinsa students and female students with a total of 50 respondents. In conducting research the authors used two methods, namely quantitative methods and descriptive methods. In the quantitative method the authors use multiple linear regression formula. Meanwhile, in the descriptive method the author made direct observations at the research location. Regarding the results of research conducted by the authors, the factors of knowledge, service, promotion, location are factors that influence students' interest in becoming customers to become Uinsa's mini sharia bank. This statement is explained regarding the results of the questionnaire that the author uses and the results of the calculations that the author performs. Related to this, Bank Mini Syariah must have efforts that include increasing promotional and marketing activities and providing education related to BMS among students, as well as improving quality in the field of service.

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