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Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30314585     DOI : 10.47467/alhayat
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal is a scientific journal with a scope surrounding natural sciences, health and the environment, including biology, public health issues, alternative medicine and environmental health. Published twice a year, every October and April, managed by the IAI National Scientific Publication Institute (LPI) Laa Roiba Bogor in collaboration with IAFORIS, MES and Ikadi. E-ISSN 3031-4585
Articles 30 Documents
Penguatan Kesadaran Perbaikan Lingkungan melalui Participatory Action Research Dusun Gedok Wisata B29 L Laili Nur; Diah Agustina; Nurul Hidayati; Sirojum Munir; M. Maulana Asegaf; Mochammad Ilyas
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i2.188


One of the interesting tourist destinations in Lumajang Regency is B29 Tourism Village in Argosari Village, Senduro District. From here, visitors can enjoy views of Mount Bromo, the highest peak in the Sand Sea area, which is located about 40 kilometers from Lumajang City and has a height of about 2900 meters above sea level. Argosari Village also has amazing natural beauty, making it an attraction for tourists. The Lumajang Regency Government has a policy that regulates the tourism sector through the cultural tourism office. Garbage is a common problem for the wider community, especially in the people of Gedok Hamlet, Argosari Village, Senduro District, Lumajang Regency. The unavailability of trash bins has led to the habit of burning garbage which can cause air pollution, and throwing garbage in vacant land or ravines which can cause environmental damage. This service focuses on the waste problems that occur in Gedok Hamlet, to reduce littering we provide several trash cans that can be useful for Gedok Hamlet residents to dispose of waste in its place. This service uses the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method, which involves community participation through interviews and observations of the community around Gedok Hamlet as a data source. This service aims to provide benefits and good impacts on waste problems that occur both in Gedok Hamlet and in the wider community, so that they understand the impact of waste on the environment and health.
Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah di Pasar Inpres Ruteng Kecamatan Langke Rembong Theofilus Acai; Efridus Man; Florentinus Elma; Helena Nortiana
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i1.189


Pasar Inpres Ruteng is one of the shopping centers (market) in the city of Ruteng, Langke Rembong District. However, in reality up to now, it can be seen that the market conditions have not been arranged neatly and cleanly. This is indicated by various piles of garbage scattered around the market area. In the observations of the PKM team, the main cause of dirty and untidy market conditions is the lack of public awareness of market users about the importance of market cleanliness, specifically regarding the behavior of disposing of waste in its place. The purpose of PKM is to increase awareness and knowledge of market users in maintaining market cleanliness, and especially in waste management around the pasar inpres Ruteng. The methods used in PKM are counseling and socialization, as well as cleaning activities for the market environment. The community participates in finding solutions related to waste management and is involved in cleaning up the waste found in the pasar inpres Ruteng .
Penyuluhan Pola Hidup Sehat Tanpa Asam Lambung (Gerd) dan Asam Urat di Desa Bah Joga Kab. Simalungun Siti Halijah; Rani Suraya; Azi Asnawi; Wanda Audiansyah; Hairul Hairul
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i1.190


Aging is a natural stage in human life accompanied by physical and health changes. In Bahjoga Village, Indonesia, people face specific health challenges as they age, including digestive disorders (GERD) and gout. This extension aims to provide practical guidance on healthy living and integrate scientific knowledge with local values. The focus includes a healthy diet, regular physical activity, stress management and the use of traditional herbs. Through counseling, the community is expected to adopt practical steps to live a healthy life without digestive disorders and gout. The research method involved counseling, outreach, and measuring knowledge before and after the counseling and the health seminar participants totaled 29 people. The results showed a significant increase in people's understanding of GERD and gout after counseling. The implication is that counseling plays an important role in providing information and encouraging healthy lifestyles. This research underscores the important role of counseling in raising awareness and preventive action on certain health problems, as well as providing a strong basis for continuing extension efforts.
Koordinasi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) dengan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Pascabencana Banjir di Kota Medan Cindy Monica; Siti Hazzah
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i1.191


Regional Disaster Management Agency as an agency formed by the government as a forum for disaster management. One of the actions taken by BPBD to cope with flood disasters is through coordination with the Medan City Public Works Department. This study aims to describe the coordination between BPBD and the Medan City Public Works Agency in post-flood disaster management in Medan City including the stages of rehabilitation and reconstruction. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research, while the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the coordination between BPBD and the Public Works Agency in the post-flood disaster implementation in Medan City has not been maximized.
Efek Penyebaran Korean Wave (Hallyu) di Indonesia terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Penggemarnya Perspektif Islam Nur Safitri; Shakira Putri; Hasan Sazali; Maulana Andinata
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i1.192


Globalization makes foreign popular culture contact Indonesia. Such cultural assimilation is consciously or unconsciously accepted and spread in society. Hallyu is a word that refers to the international spread of Korean popular culture in various countries around the world. The Korean Wave is the spread of Korean popular culture through entertainment products such as K-drama and K-POP. This causes the congregation to engage in excessive consumerism, which is discouraged in Islam. KPOP culture is often associated with consumption, as money is regularly spent on KPOP merchandise over a period of time. which method used is qualitative and descriptive, aims to study consumption behavior K-Pop and K-Drama fans related to the Korean Wave phenomenon. The survey results show that the majority of respondents agree that the behavior of people who frequently buy their idol's products is included in consumer behavior.
Edukasi Pengelolaan Sampah Organik untuk Generasi Muda di SMPN 1 Kuningan Hamdan Hamdan; I Made; Putu Sri; Gede Crisna
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i1.199


Penatahan Village is a village located in Penebel sub-district, Tabanan regency, Bali Province. The Penatahan village has six hamlets consisting of Penatahan Kaja Hamlet, Penatahan Kelod Village, Mogan Hamlet, Bedugul Hamlet, Tegayang Hamlet, and Kekeran Hamlet. In Penatahan Village there is a unit education which includes Penatah 1 Public Elementary School and Kuningan 1 Public Junior High School which are located on Jl. Batukaru, Penatahan Village, Kec. Kuningan, Kab. Kiuningan. Penatahan village has natural attractions and attractions that can be used as tourist attractions, both natural, cultural, culinary, and spiritual attractions. Some of the attractions of Penatahan Village are natural hot springs which are the main attraction in Penatahan Village. The attractiveness of the Penatah village needs to be maintained and especially in the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. Behind all this, there are many efforts that must be made by the local government to be able to maintain quality in terms of adequate cleanliness and support this. In this case, the young generation plays an important role in participating. as well as maintaining the cleanliness of the surrounding environment, especially in the area that is most highlighted, namely the tourist area. The involvement of the younger generation in the Penatahan village is very important in efforts to maintain cleanliness because this is a shared responsibility in maintaining the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. The efforts that need to be made by the government local community, namely involving youth and adolescents in activities related to environmental hygiene and the need for education for youth and the younger generation so that this can be easily carried out in the future
Deskripsi Masalah Anak Tuna Rungu di SD Swasta At-Taufiq Harwansyah Putra Sinaga; Annisya Rahma Simanullang; Alimatuk Sakdiyah Pulungan; Mutiara Harahap
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i2.1307


Interpersonal communication occurs between at least two people, including between speech-impaired children and the people around them. The problem that arises is that speech-deaf children have weaknesses in hearing and speaking, resulting in hampered interpersonal communication because not everyone understands the symbols used by speech-deaf children in communicating. The theory used in this study belongs to the theory group of interpersonal messages, namely the theory of symbolic interactionism from George Herbert Mead. Symbolic interaction is a means for deaf children to understand everything that happens around them. This theory was chosen because the research object taken was the interaction between the therapist and the speech-deaf child during interpersonal communication through the use of verbal and nonverbal symbols. This study uses a qualitative research method, namely case studies. This study aims to find out how interpersonal communication verbally and nonverbally occurs between a therapist and a child with hearing impairment in communication skills training. Research was conducted through in-depth interviews (in-depth interviews), observation, and documentation. The research sample was taken through purposive sampling by specifying special characteristics according to the research objectives. The samples taken were five out of seven speech-deaf children and five out of six therapists at the Surakarta State Extraordinary School Clinic (SLBN) with consideration of the age of the speech-deaf children and the therapists who provided therapy to them.The results of this study indicate that speech-deaf children are taught to use lip reading more than sign language. The therapist provides practice by inviting the child to feel the sound vibrations when the therapist speaks and asking the child to imitate the therapist’s words. The limitation of this research is the inability of the researcher to directly interact with the deaf children because the researcher does not yet have sufficient ability to communicate using sign language. During the research, it was found that deaf children combined lip reading with sign language in communicating with others. If balanced with consistent use of hearing aids, the ability to hear children with hearing impairments will get better. Keywords; Interpersonal Communication, Speech-deaf children, communication skills training.
Potensi dan Strategi Pengembangan Objek Wisata Alam Air Terjun Lae Une di Kabupaten Pakpak Barat Nadia Saputri Daulay; Priscillia Febrianty Purba; Pretty Grace Banjarnahor; Siti Fatimah Sari Ritonga; Qriah Br Ginting; Fitriani Lubis
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i2.1308


Lae Une waterfall is a tourist destination located in West Pak-pak. This waterfall is very rarely visited due to the lack of available facilities. A strategy to develop the Lae Une tourist attraction in West Pak-Pak Regency is very necessary. In developing the Lae Une tourist attraction, there needs to be participation and awareness from the community. Through this, this research uses a data analysis method in the form of qualitative descriptive analysis. Researchers as key instruments, with detailed sampling of data sources. This research was carried out by collecting data on a natural background at Lae Une Waterfall with the aim of interpreting the phenomena that occur and providing ways to develop Lae Une Waterfall into a natural tourist destination.
Pemanfaatan Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) untuk Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Cendol Jelly sebagai Minuman Tradisional Yuda Adisty; Tri Vanesa; Wahyuni Wahyuni
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i2.1412


Various types of plants that grow have the potential to provide benefits to human life, one of which is Moringa. Moringa is known as The Miracle Tree because it is proven to be a natural source of nutrients with medicinal properties. Utilization of local food ingredients that are relatively easy to obtain and have nutritional value, such as Moringa oleifera leaves, can be used as functional food products and sources of antioxidants. The research results show that the Moringa plant has various benefits both economically and healthily. Moringa is not only rich in nutrients but also has functional properties because this plant has properties and benefits for human health. Both the nutritional content and various active substances contained in this plant can be used for the benefit of living creatures and the environment. One part of the Moringa plant that has been widely studied for its nutritional content and uses for both food and health is the leaves. In this section there are a variety of nutrients, including calcium, iron, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. The nutritional content of Moringa leaves is higher compared to other vegetables, namely in the range of 17.2 mg/100 g. The aim of this drink making activity is to utilize traditional ingredients which are rich in vitamins when consumed and are good for health. Keywords: Moringa leaves, active ingredients, vitamins, health.
Pentingnya Mediasi Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa di Pengadilan Agama Kisaran Ari Suryawan; Philip Rio Meliala; Sofyan Soury Lubis
Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Al-Hayat: Natural Sciences, Health & Environment Journal 
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alhayat.v1i2.1467


The purpose of this research is to find out how mediation exists in resolving disputes in the Kisaran Religious Courts and aims to analyze the effectiveness of Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016 regarding the Implementation of Divorce Mediation in the Kisaran Religious Courts as well as to find out the factors that hinder the effectiveness of the Court Regulations. Agung Number 1 of 2016 at the Sengkang Religious Court. This research was carried out at the Kisaran Religious Court. The research method used is field research with data collection techniques, namely interviews and documentation and analyzed qualitatively. The results of the research show that the effectiveness of Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016 has not been implemented effectively because it has not been implemented optimally because the comparison of cases each year with the success of mediation is far different. The factors that hinder the effectiveness of Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016 regarding the implementation of divorce mediation at the Sengkang Religious Court are internal factors, namely the quantity of cases due to the large number of cases being handled at the Sengkang Religious Court and external factors, namely the support of legal counsel where legal counsel is lacking. encourage the parties to undertake the mediation process. Keywords: Mediation, Dispute, Court.

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