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IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
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IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies is a peer-reviewed scientific open access national journal published of Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Royadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar Ponorogo. The purpose of this journal is to publish quality articles dedicated to the scientific research development aims to promote scientific publication concerning Gender, Social Inclusion, and the protection of children’s rights. The focus and scope of this journal are (1) Gender and Religious Texts (2) Gender and Islamic Law (3) Gender and educations (4) Gender and politics (5) Gender and Economic (6) Gender and Digital humanities, (7) Gender and social inclusion and (8) Children’s right protection. This Journal is published twice a year in June and December.
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Articles 15 Documents
Kepemimpinan Perempuan di MTs Terpadu Hudatul Muna Jenes Ponorogo Sutini; Ririn Nuraini
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

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Abstrak Masalah kepemimpinan perempuan banyak menuai kontroversi dengan berbagai argumen yang menyebutkan kelemahan perempuan. Pandangan ini telah memposisikan perempuan sebagai mahkluk yang seolah-olah harus dilindungi dan senantiasa bergantung pada kaum laki-laki. Akibatnya jarang sekali perempuan yang bisa tampil jadi pemimpin, karena mereka tersisihkan oleh dominasi laki-laki. Untuk itu penting meneliti Kepemimpinan Perempuan di MTs Terpadu Hudatul Muna jenes Ponorogo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendapatkan gambaran yang komperhensip tentang model kepimpinan Kepala Madrasah, (2) untuk mengungkapkan teknik dalam menentukan kebijakan oleh Kepala Madrasah, (3) untuk mengetahui implementasi SWOT dalam kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian MTs Terpadu Hudatul Muna Jenes Ponorogo. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisa yang diberikan oleh Miles dan Huberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan proses pengumpulan data dan analisis data, penelitian ini menghasilkan tiga temuan. (1) model kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah menggunakan model kepemimpinan transformasinal yaitu gaya kepemimpinan yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai, etika dan moral (2) Teknik dalam menentukan kebijakan ditentukan dengan keterbukaaan dengan tahapan yaitu penyusunan agenda, adopsi kebijakan, formulasi kebijakan, implementasi kebijakan dan evaluasi kebijakan. (3) implementasi SWOT oleh kepemimpinan perempuan sebagai kepala Madrasah sesuai dengan teori Fredy Rangkuti tentang SWOT yaitu Strengths-Opportunities menggunakan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan berbagai peluang, dengan mengoptimalkan kemampuan dan kegiatan yang dimiliki untuk menarik minat masyarakat. Weakness–Opportunities meminimalisir kelemahan dengan memanfaatkan peluang, meningkatkan motivasi warga Madrasah melalui kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak. Strengths-Treaths memanfaatkan kekuatan yang dimiliki untuk menghindari ancaman, dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki digunakan untuk meningkatkan mutu lembaga sehingga menjadi lembaga yang memadai, Weakness-Threats meminimalisir kelemahan dan hambatan dengan berbagai kegiatan untuk meningkatkan mutu lembaga sehingga lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat luas.
Dampak Perceraian Bagi Perkembangan Anak Faizal; Hadid Nabil Bayhaqy
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

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Divorce cases are not only detrimental to several parties involved, such as the husband, wife, parents of each partner, and children, but are also an act that is hated by Allah SWT. Unfortunately, the divorce rate, especially in Indonesia, continues to increase from year to year. Children are the people who feel the impact of their parents' divorce the most. For a child to grow and develop, he needs love from a complete, conducive family. Parents are the first and foremost place of education for children. Apart from that, parents are also an important foundation for the development of their children. Parents are the place to spend most of the time in their children's lives. When parents start to conflict, even choose to divorce, the child is the first victim who will feel the psychological and mental impact.
Hubungan Pola Tidur Dengan Perkembangan Emosi Anak Usia 7 Sampai 12 Tahun Di TFK Ainul Mardhiyyah Tumiarti; Nurul Hidayah
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

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This research discusses the relationship between sleep patterns and the emotional condition of children aged 7-12 years at TFK Ainul Mardhiyyah. This research uses descriptive qualitative methodology through a case study approach. This means that the data obtained is expressed in the form of information in the form of wording that describes the situation and conditions studied in narrative form, not in the form of numbers or statistical figures, and through an in-depth approach regarding groups, institutions, etc. over a certain period of time. Meanwhile, this research uses instruments in the form of interview techniques, observation and documentation, to reveal the facts behind the relationship between sleep patterns and the emotional conditions felt by children. In this research, children have a position as research objects who essentially have an innate soul and character like humans in general. The lifestyle that has been accustomed to in the environment where the child lives has a big influence on the child's growth and development process. However, it cannot be denied that children have different mindsets from adults. This is what then allows differences in emotional control to emerge between children and adults. This research seeks to reveal the relationship between children's sleep patterns which often influence the process of expressing their emotions. This research was conducted to help the teacher council, educational staff, and adults who are involved in children's lives, understand the habits that influence a child's emotional condition.
Jurisprudence Education for Women Through Community Women's Studies Ngembel Hamlet, Baosan Lor Ngrayun Village, Ponorogo Ratna Utami Nur Ajizah; Shofi Imroatus Sholikhah; Febriana Wahyuning Tyas; Haifa Ayu Thursina; Suciana Winuryani; Muhammad Hisyam Al Fath
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

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Social, educational, and limited religious knowledge gaps in the community result in a lack of understanding of how fiqh should be an important basis for everyday life, even when you have a family. The cultivation of fiqh should have been known from an early age by Muslims, but what happened to the women and young women of the women's mosque in the Ngembel hamlet, Baosan Lor village, was the exact opposite, where knowledge about women's fiqh was very minimal. For example, when they are in a junub state, after giving birth, even when they are drunk, they don't know what they should do after that. This research uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) research method where the research method is carried out in a participatory manner among members of the community in a community whose enthusiasm is to encourage changes in perspectives and attitudes in society from ignorance to knowing and understanding (changes in living conditions for the better). and right). The researchers as well as the initiators in the women's fiqh study program were moved because of the problems that existed in the community with the aim of imparting knowledge to women's women's mosques and young women in the community there. Enthusiasm was also seen after the women and young women of the mosque gained knowledge about fiqh and became enlightened and many also asked questions about problems in everyday life.
Urgensi Perempuan dalam Memanajemen Pendidikan Islam di Keluarga Duwi Habsari Mutamimah
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/iktifak.v1i2.614


Di zaman era society 5.0 ini keluarga salah satu kunci dari Pendidikan seorang anak. Pendidikan anak didalam keluarga berperan penting adalah ibu. Ibu adalah Perempuan yang diberikan kelebihan mengandung, melahirkan, serta mendidiknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan urgensi Perempuan dalam manajemen Pendidikan islam di Keluarga. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui telaah Pustaka, dilihat dari proses untuk mendeskripsikan, memahami, dan mengeksplorasi makna yang dianggap oleh sejumlah individu atau kelompok sosial sebagai suatu permasalahan sosial atau permasalahan. Hasil penelitian ini bahwasanya Urgennya peran ibu dalam keluarga ialah sebagai manajer dalam memanajemen pendidikan islam dalam keluarga khusunya anak, ibu ialah sosok perempuan tangguh yang bisa sebagai pendidik, psikolog bagi anak, sebagai perawat, seorang koki, pelindung, panutan, akuntan keluarga, motivator, sahabat, sebagai fashion bagi anak-anaknya. Peran ibu sebagai sorang manajer keluarga ialah ibu memiliki wewenang dari hal-hal yang terjadi di keluarga. Perempuan didalam keluarga sangatlah penting. Peran ibu berpengaruh kepada anak karena perkembangan otak dan daya ingatannya yang kuat, ibu harus memperhatikan dalam mendidik anak yaitu pendidikan agama, pendidikan ibadah, pendidikan moral, tarbiyah aqliyah, tarbiyah jasadiyyah. Dalam pendidikan keluarga benar-benar dimanajemenkan dengan baik, dikarenakan pendidikan dalam keluarga awal pembentukan karakter seorang anak, terdapat dua metode dalam pendidikan keluarga yaitu pendidikan nasihat dan pendidikan memberikan hukuman
Maritale Rape dalam Perspektif Qira’ah Mubādalah dan Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual Muhammad Rosyid Ridho; Silvia Nahla Sari
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/iktifak.v1i2.615


The marriage bond gives legal consequences to the emergence of the same rights and obligations as humans. One of the human rights violations against women in husband and wife relationships is marital rape or rape within marriage. Through the Qira'ah Mubādalah method of reading verses that regulate intimate relations between husband and wife, Kiai Faqih explains that the desire for sexual relations between husband and wife must come from both of them or, even if there is coercion and violence, this is very contrary to Mubādalah principles. Marital rape itself has a record of 57 cases in the National Women's Commission's CATAHU in 2020. With the fact that there are marital rape cases, it is necessary to have a legal umbrella to prevent and regulate the resolution of the consequences arising from the sexual crime of marital rape, especially against victims, because it is in the Criminal Code itself. Regarding marital rape, there is no regulation, so the Law on Criminal Sexual Violence which has been passed is the legal umbrella for sexual crimes in marriage, namely marital rape which is regulated in Article 6 of the Law on Non-Criminal Sexual Violence. In this paper, the author formulates the problem of this research as: 1) What are the forms of coercion between husband and wife in marriage? 2) How is the sexual relationship between husband and wife in the Qira'ah Mubādalah perspective? 3) How does marital rape correlate from Qira'ah Mubādalah's perspective with Article 6 of the Sexual Violence Crime Law? This research includes a qualitative research model with the type of library research.
Arus Dinamis Keadilan Gender: Refleksi Mendalam Dalam Perspektif Islam Dedi Ardiansyah; Akbar Aisya Billah
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/iktifak.v1i2.622


Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan konsep keadilan gender dalam perspektif Islam dengan fokus pada dinamikanya. Melalui refleksi secara mendalam kajian ini memberikan telaah bagaimana pandangan Islam terhadap peran dan tanggung jawab gender berkembang sejalan dengan perubahan sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kepustakaan yang mengkaji literatur-literatur yang terkait dengan gender dan perspektif keadilan gender dalam Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keadilan gender dalam pandangan Islam bukanlah konsep statis, melainkan mengikuti arus perubahan zaman. Selanjutnya refleksi secara mendalam mengidentifikasi dampak perubahan tersebut pada masyarakat muslim, termasuk dalam struktur keluarga, partisipasi ekonomi, dan interaksi sosial. penelitian ini berkontribusi pada pemahaman yang holistik tentang keadilan gender dalam Islam, menyoroti tantangan dan peluang yang muncul dalam masyarakat kontemporer.
Pola Asuh Dan Perkembangan Mental Emosional Anak Korban Keluarga Broken Home Di Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Agung Sumbawa; Syahrudin; Bagaskoro Trisno Dwi Wibowo
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/iktifak.v1i2.634


Parenting is very important in shaping the character of the child in the future. Correct parenting can affect the mental emotional development process of children, especially those from broken home families, the mental emotional development of children must be monitored intensively and lovingly, here the Social Welfare Institution Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Orphanage children have implemented a system of correct parenting for children who are victims of broken home families, The formulation of the problems that we can take are: (1) how is the parenting style of children in the Muhammadiyah Ponorogo orphanage children's social welfare institution 2) how is the mental emotional development of children in the social welfare institution of Muhammadiyah Ponorogo orphanage children (3) how is parenting patterns and emotional mental development child victims of broken home families at the Muhammadiyah Ponorogo orphanage child social welfare institution, This study used a qualitative (descriptive) method, with the teacher object of the parenting section as a data source and the orphanage dormitory building as a field data object, the results of this study were (1)Parenting Methods using Democratic Methods, (2) Emotional Mental Development of victim children from broken home families using the first 6 month term program, namely environmental adaptation, the next is a 1-1.5 year program, namely education and character building, (3) In carrying out the parenting program, parenting applies the democratic method or by means of kinship, while in the mental emotional development of children, parenting applies a program of the first 6 months and 1 - 1.5 years. This program is considered successful with the best graduates of an orphanage named EW who can continue to Higher Education Faculty of Medicine.
Peran Bimbingan Konseling Bagi Anak Tunagrahita Dalam Interaksi Sosial Di Sekolah Luar Biasa Pertiwi Ponorogo Azam Jundullah; Alfi Farhati; Muh. Febri Syihab Azzuhri
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/iktifak.v1i2.635


The Role of Counseling Guidance for Mentally Disabled Children in Social Interactions at SLB Pertiwi Ponorogo Academic Year 2022/2023 Counseling Guidance is assistance provided by counselors to individuals face to face so that they are able to solve the problems they have and are able to find their own value and be able to become a better person than before . Mental retardation is a condition of children whose intelligence level is below average, characterized by limited intelligence and incompetence in social communication. Children with mental retardation have difficulties in social interaction due to underdeveloped social factors as a result of obstacles in their intellectual aspect. The formulation of the problem in this research is (1) How is counseling carried out for mildly mentally retarded children in social interactions at SLB Pertiwi Ponorogo? (2) What are the factors inhibiting light tuagahita children in social interactions? (3) What is the role of counseling guidance for children with mild mental retardation in social interactions? This research aims to (1) To determine the implementation of counseling guidance for mentally retarded children at the Pertiwi Ponorogo Special School. (2) To determine the inhibiting factors for mentally retarded children in social interactions at the Pertiwi Ponorogo Special School. (3) To determine the role of counseling guidance for mentally retarded children in social interaction at the Pertiwi Ponorogo Special School. This type of research is field research with a descriptive approach, which means that data is obtained through research objects using data collection techniques. Data is obtained from research objects using data collection techniques to be analyzed based on existing theories in order to understand the role of counseling for mentally retarded children in interactions. social at SLB Pertiwi Ponorogo. This research produces the following conclusions: (1) The implementation of counseling guidance at SLB Pertiwi Ponorogo is carried out by homeroom teachers who have coordinators to mobilize and control counseling guidance activities because there are no counselors or teachers with counseling guidance qualifications. (2) Inhibiting factors for mentally retarded children in social interaction, namely the difficulty of mentally retarded children in communicating and making social contacts, this is due to the low intelligence abilities and social development of mentally retarded children. (3) The role of counseling guidance for mildly mentally retarded children in social interactions at the Pertiwi Ponorogo SLB is to help mildly mentally retarded children solve their problems and help improve the skills and self-independence of mildly mentally retarded children.
Criticizing Amina Wadud's Views on Leadership in the Household Syahrudin; Akhmad Hasan Saleh
IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IKTIFAK: Journal of Child and Gender Studies
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/iktifak.v1i1.650


Controversial issues regarding the status and standing of women are widely discussed by contemporary Islamic figures. This topic seems to be a hot topic that is rarely discussed. Likewise, household management is given to men, but one of the feminist activists, Amina Wadud Muhsin, rejects this issue. Therefore, this article will focus on the issue of Amina Wadud Muhsin's biography, the meaning of leadership in Islam, and Amina Wadud Muhsin's views on household leadership, to help women's household leadership by Amina Wadud Muhsin. An Islamic feminist scientist and thinker. This research aims to analyze and criticize the concept of women's leadership at home from the perspective of Amina Wadud, an Islamic feminist scholar and thinker. This research aims to explore the understanding of the concept of women's leadership in Amina Wadud's view, especially in the household context, and then compare it with the views of other contemporary scholars such as Buya Hamka, Quraish Shihab and others regarding the role of women in society. The research method used for analysis is descriptive and critical research method analysis, with a focus on Islamic literature and works related to Amina Wadud. The analysis shows that there are differences in views between the concept of modern ulama regarding the role of women in the household and Amina Wadud's view of ensuring gender equality. Amina Wadud Muhsin's study on women's leadership in the household suggests that women can become household leaders if men do not fulfill two conditions. First, what a man gives to his family and what he spends from his wealth to support women. . If one of these conditions is not met and implemented, it is the same as a man not being able to support his wife and family. Amina Wadud emphasized the importance of women's leadership and active participation in the household as a form of empowerment. This study also highlights the challenges and conflicts that can arise when traditional views and progressive views regarding women's roles in the household. This analysis provides detailed insight into the concept of female leadership in Islam and the potential for changes in society's views on the role of women in the household. The results of this research can help stimulate discussion and critical thinking regarding gender issues in Islam and the family, especially in women's leadership positions. Apart from that, this research can also provide a more comprehensive and progressive view regarding the role of women in household management in contemporary Islamic society. This researcher has reached the final stage of the research and really appreciates all input and suggestions from further researchers as well as constructive criticism so that this research can further develop the concept of Kiwama by Amina Wadud in the future.

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