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Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia
Published by Yayasan Mentari Madani
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29885345     DOI : -
Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia focus is to publish manuscripts of study results, and specific conceptual ideas in the field of Law and Public Administration. Submitted articles may cover topical issues in Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Islamic Law, Islamic Economic Law, Agrarian Law, State Administrative Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Procedure Law, Customary Law, and Environmental Law, Public Policy, Public Management, Public Sector Innovation, Decentralization, Regional Autonomy and Governance, Local Politics and Democracy, politics, human rights and autonomy and rural/village government
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023" : 5 Documents clear
Analysis of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Viewed from the Perspective of Human Rights for Workers Tsabita Farras Azzahra
Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Mentari Madani

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This study uses a Human Rights approach to investigate the rights of persons with disabilities in the work environment. This study thoroughly examines legal protections and employment practices involving persons with disabilities. This study evaluates the extent to which the rights of workers with disabilities are respected, protected, and fulfilled in the workplace using human rights frameworks. The analysis shows that despite progress in raising awareness about the importance of equity and inclusion in the workplace, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed. People with disabilities face many problems, including discrimination and inaccessibility to employment opportunities. In addition, the study identifies best practices and policies that have been shown to improve the quality of life of employees with disabilities. The implication of this research is the need for labor policy reforms that are more inclusive and based on human rights principles. Increased accessibility, elimination of discrimination, and empowerment through training and education are key steps to create a fair and equal working environment for all workers, including persons with disabilities. This research increases understanding of human rights protections in the world of work and provides a basis for policy changes that help the lives and careers of workers with disabilities
Sociological Analysis of the Development Of Islamic Banks in Indonesia Budi Sulistiyo; Tajul Arifin; Abdal
Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Mentari Madani

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This research is a literature study that aims to analyze the development of Islamic banks in Indonesia from a sociological perspective. Islamic banks, operating based on Islamic sharia principles, have played an important role in the transformation of the financial sector in Indonesia. However, the role of Islamic banks does not only reflect financial aspects, but also reflects the broader social and cultural dynamics in Indonesian society. This research methodology is based on a literature study involving searching, selecting, and analyzing relevant literature related to the development of Islamic banks in Indonesia. Data is obtained through literature search in various sources, including academic databases, scientific journals, books, and research reports. The results of this literature analysis will include an in-depth understanding of the sociological aspects that influence the development of Islamic banks in Indonesia. This includes the role of culture, social factors, as well as the social and economic impact of the development of Islamic banks. The main findings will be synthesized and presented in this study to provide a comprehensive picture of the dynamics of Islamic bank development in the social context of Indonesian society. This research is expected to provide valuable insights for stakeholders in the Islamic financial sector, as well as policy makers who seek to understand the role of Islamic banks in the social and economic transformation of Indonesian society. The study also provides the basis for further research focusing on the role of sociology in the context of Islamic banking in Indonesia
The Urgency of Sighat Takliq Talaq as a Protective Measure Law for Wives Syifa Rahmi Utami; Mar Fajar Rizkyansyah; Mochamad Syafiudi
Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Mentari Madani

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Taklik talaq is a marriage agreement pronounced by the bridegroom after the procession of the marriage contract listed in the marriage book in the form of talaq promises that depend on a certain situation. Sighat taklik talaq aims to protect the rights of wives from the arbitrariness of husbands. Based on the reality on the ground, not all couples take the sighat taklik talaq after the marriage contract. This happens because of the lack of socialization about taklik talaq, causing there are still many married couples who do not understand the purpose of the sighat taklik talaq itself. The research method used is a descriptive method of analysis, Based on the research conducted, researchers found several findings, namely With the existence of talaq wife gets a guarantee of legal protection in marital relationships. Although the legal basis of talaq in marriage itself is mubah, it can guarantee legal certainty for the wife in marriage. Taklik talaq provides legal protection in the form of the right to file a divorce lawsuit if the husband leaves his wife for two consecutive years, legal protection for the wife when the husband does not provide compulsory income for three months, Protection of the wife from the husband who hurts the wife physically/spiritually, Protection of the wife whose husband abandons the wife for six months
Amil Professional Ethics in Zakat Management Muhammad Miftahul Ikhsan; Hafidah Ulya Adila; Syahrul Anwar; Dede Kania
Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Mentari Madani

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Zakat is giving some of the property owned by individuals and then must be issued and given to Muslims, one of which is given to underprivileged people. The government in this case helps increase the potential of zakat by forming an amil zakat agency. The tempting of zakat funds managed by many causes managers to become complacent. There are so many cases related to zakat management. This is what we must understand that as a profession amil zakat must have a strong determination to help others, not to enrich oneself. This type of research uses literature research that takes data through information by obtaining library materials, data techniques that have been obtained by reviewing and analyzing, both in the form of books, journals, research results. As well as by using descriptive analysis techniques. Yusuf Qardhawi said that amilin is a person who works as a zakat collector, both including those who collect, inform, calculate and distribute zakat. Professional ethics that should be applied from amil zakat are, Openness and Transparency, Integrity and Credibility, Professionalism, Fairness and distribution, Efficient operations, Empathetic approach
Sociological Approach on Trusting Transactions in Business to Al-Kafalah, Al-Hiwalah, Al-Rahn Faruqi Imam Muttaqin; Tajul Arifin; Abdal
Zona Law And Public Administration Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): NOVEMBER 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Mentari Madani

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This journal presents the complex relationship between social factors and trust transactions in Islam-based businesses, focusing on Al-Kafalah, Al-Hiwalah, and Al-Rahn. The research findings reveal that social norms, community values, and religious principles play a key role in shaping ethical and sustainable business practices. The sociological implications of the research emphasize the importance of strengthening social values, applying religious principles, and promoting economic inclusion. Practical recommendations offer guidance for entrepreneurs and policymakers to develop business practices that are more inclusive and in line with Islamic principles. Thus, this abstract summarizes the contribution of this journal in providing an in-depth and practical understanding of the dynamics of Islam-based businesses from a sociological perspective

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