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Analisis Pengaruh Inovasi Kemajuan Teknologi Pada Smartphone Terhadap Jumlah Penjualan Produk Handphone
Adnan Tariq;
Bassam Raza
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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DOI: 10.62287/jtti.v1i1.12
. As for the procedures for buying piled up land, consumers must first buy a D.O (Dilevery Order) card at the cashier according to the size of the fleet being brought (large or small) then process the payment, then the fleet enters the loading process queue, then the D.O card is given to the operator excavator for loading piled up soil into the fleet tank, after the loading process is complete the fleet leaves. After receiving payment money from consumers, the cashier records sales transactions in the sales transaction book and then re-records the administration section into the master book for reports on the production of sales results which will be given to the person in charge. As long as the sales data management system is still recorded manually by the administration into the ledger, this risks causing delays in the preparation of reports because all sales transactions have to be re-recorded. Data is lost (stolen or corrupted). When sales files and sales reports are needed for re-checking, officers will have difficulty finding files in the master book, because they have to open the pages of the main book which are quite thick. There was a problem in September 2018 where the daily sales report was damaged by rain and the cashier had to re-record all daily transactions.
Analisis Perkembangan Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah Dalam Mendukung Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah
Lamya Najmuddin;
Khazinun Katsiran
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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DOI: 10.62287/jtti.v1i1.13
The SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method begins with determining the criteria or assessment measures that form the basis for determining an alternative or choice between two possible candidates in the decision-making process, and on the weight value. Then the data that has been obtained will be processed using the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method. After that the results of the calculations are ranked with the aim of getting the highest alternative, so that the determiners of the selection of scholarship recipients get scholarship recipient recommendations from the ranking results. In determining the selection criteria for scholarship recipients, the types of scholarships have been defined, namely Supersemar scholarships, Underprivileged scholarships, and Poor Student scholarships. Alternatives are obtained from scholarship applicant data which will later be processed using the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method. The results of the selection process for scholarship recipients produce weight values, criteria, alternatives and ranking results as material for decision making.
Tinjauan tentang dampak inflasi terhadap keputusan berdasarkan pencatatan biaya historis di Neraca
Kafi Rijal;
Insyirah Munawwar
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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DOI: 10.62287/jtti.v1i1.14
In an agency that has not used an Information System, usually the preparation of the report is often not on time and the presentation of the report often experiences errors in recording the nominal amount of the transaction. Fulfillment of the information needs of the management at a certain time cannot be fulfilled because the data is still in the form of a lot of paper archives, so that in searching for the data it is difficult, therefore agencies can experience delays in providing transaction report data to superiors. An agency must use a lot of computers as a means of supporting the office. In order to assist in maximizing management performance in matters of financial reporting. In this case agencies can take advantage of several applications that can be used, one of which is an Information System that can assist in recording financial transactions. Information systems that must be able to include a series of collections - a collection of reports on cash source activities and a summary of receipts, cash disbursements for a certain period to present information on the use of cash with the aim of reporting to internal parties as a basis for making decisions about plans for the future.
Biaya Kompensasi Dan Biaya Program Kesejahteraan Dengan Kinerja
Ibni Humam;
Habibi Zayan
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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DOI: 10.62287/jtti.v1i1.15
Based on Law Number 48 of 2008 concerning Education Funding, Part Five, Article 27 paragraph (1), states that the government and local governments according to their authority provide tuition assistance or scholarships to students whose parents or guardians cannot afford to pay for their education. Article 27 paragraph (2), states that the government and regional governments according to their authority can provide scholarships to outstanding students
Analisis Hukum tentang Pelanggaran Hak Atas Tanah dalam Kasus Perampasan Tanah di Indonesia
Attar Yafiq;
Coman Labis
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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DOI: 10.62287/jtti.v1i1.16
As an organization engaged in the mining sales sector and in line with the rapid economic development in Indonesia, the sales sector is also growing rapidly over time. In an effort to regulate the quality of mining in Indonesia, the government has issued policies in the form of provisions and legislation. Law regarding mineral and coal mining No.4 of 2009 along with government regulation No.23 of 2010.
Evaluasi Usability Testing Aplikasi Vidio dengan Menggunakan Metode Usability Testing
Khairul Ihsan;
Amren Rahul Satria Harianja;
M. Fahreza
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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DOI: 10.62287/jtti.v1i2.51
Vidio application is a video streaming application platform that finds many interesting features. The Vidio application has several advantages and disadvantages, which can be seen in user comments on this application in the playstore. It is necessary to analyze the level of user satisfaction with the Vidio application. The data collection technique uses task scenarios and through the SUS questionnaire distributed to users of the Vidio application, to collect and analyze data on user satisfaction with the Vidio application. The method used to analyze the data is using the Usability Testing method. The results of the evaluation on the Vidio application show an efficiency value of 89% in the efficiency aspect, the memorability aspect has a good memory level, the learnability aspect shows an effectiveness value of 97%, and in the satisfaction aspect the Vidio application gets a range of f values
Implementasi Sistem Mitigasi Tsunami dalam Perancangan Fasilitas Pariwisata di Daerah Pesisir untuk Meningkatkan Ketahanan Terhadap Bencana Alam
Hendra Fahruddin Siregar;
Dara Wisdianti
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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DOI: 10.62287/jtti.v1i2.52
The development of coastal areas as tourist destinations has been a common practice. However, after the 2004 Asia-Pacific Tsunami, several coastal areas lost their function as tourist destinations due to being devastated by the tsunami waves. To reduce the level of destruction and the number of casualties resulting from tsunamis, the design of tsunami-prone coastal areas should be based on a tsunami mitigation system. The tsunami mitigation system varies widely depending on the conditions of the area to be designed and the tsunami hazards it may face. Some of these tsunami mitigation systems not only serve as defenses against tsunamis but also function as coastal city tourist facilities. Thus, they can assist former tsunami-affected coastal areas in revitalizing their function as tourist destinations.
Kriteria Perancangan Kawasan Wisata Rekreatif Islami
Dara Wisdianti
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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DOI: 10.62287/jtti.v1i2.53
The development of tourist areas is influenced by various factors, both in the form of physical factors related to the context of the area and non-physical factors related to community characteristics related to the cultural context. The coastal area of Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh is a very potential area to be developed as a tourist area. In its development, it is necessary to consider its compatibility with Islamic Shari'a which is the prevailing culture in Acehnese society. The applicable Islamic Shari'a can be outlined in Islamic architectural design criteria. The results of the architectural design can be realized in the form of recreational tourism activities by Islamic Shari'a.
Perancangan Rumah Tahfidz Anak dengan Konsep Arsitektur Islam
Gebrina Fatima Azzahra;
Melly Andriana;
Dara Wisdianti
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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DOI: 10.62287/jtti.v1i2.54
The Tahfidz Children's House is a place to deepen the memorization of the Qur'an, this Children's Tahfidz House is also intended for junior high school children, and is only intended for children who want to continue to the Islamic boarding school high school level. Tahfidz's house is located on JL. Black Crow, Sei Sekambing B, Medan – Sunggal, Medan City, North Sumatra which has many educational scopes from play groups to high schools and is very suitable for the construction area of the Tahfidz Children's House in the vicinity. The approach to this Tahfidz House is to use Islamic architecture by looking at the architecture of the heyday of Islam itself which was made as good as possible for the residents of the Tahfidz Anak House to make it easier to memorize and interpret the contents of the Qur'an quickly
Identifikasi Pariwisata di Kecamatan Medan Barat Kota Medan dan Usulan Pengembangannya dalam Lingkup Arsitektur
Nur Al Hasanah;
Mia Prihatini;
Gabriel Manalu;
Robby Pratama;
Azizur Rohman N
Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September : Jurnal Teknik dan Teknologi Indonesia (JTTI)
Publisher : Arsil Media
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The tourism industry is one of the industries that has an important role in the national development of various countries today where in 2017, globally the tourism industry has driven the progress of the lives of millions of people by encouraging economic growth, creating jobs, reducing poverty, and accelerating development and strengthening tolerance. In this condition, Indonesia is also one of the countries that has an impact on these developments. Where the tourism sector in 2016 showed development and continued to increase and make an increasingly significant contribution to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Seeing this potential, tourism development is starting to become one of the leading programs in regional development, in which case this discussion will focus on the development of tourism in one of the districts in the city of Medan. Tourism development that is planned and managed in a sustainable manner based on the community will be able to contribute to local revenue (PAD) and create jobs.