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GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education
ISSN : 27230686     EISSN : 27230694     DOI : 10.35719/gns.v4i1
Core Subject : Education,
GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education is specialized in Development of Moral and Religious Values, Physical Motoric Development, Social and Emotional Development, Cognitive Development, Language Development, The Development of Arts and Creativities, Parenting, Early Childhood Educational Institution Management, Early Childhood Development Assessment, Early Childhood Development Psychology Empowerment of Early Childhood, Early Childhood Learning Strategies, Early Childhood Learning Curriculum, Educational Game Tools in Early Childhood Education, Learning Medias in Early Childhood Education, Innovations in Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Nutrition and Health and other relevant topics. The journal promotes researchers, scholars, as well as professionals in the realm of Early Childhood Education to communicate their original research and current issues on the subject. The languages used are Indonesian ad English.
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Analisis Media Pembelajaran Flash Card Untuk Anak Usia Dini Ulfa, Noviana Mariatul
GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/gns.v1i1.4


Early Childhood Education is one of the educational institutions which is now a concern among the world of education. So that it has become a necessity for observers and education policy makers to pay attention and think of what strategies are best to be implemented in the implementation of learning in PAUD institutions. Learning strategies are defined as each activity, whether procedures, steps, methods or media chosen in order to provide convenience, facilities, and other assistance to students in achieving instructional goals. The learning strategies in early childhood always prioritize aspects of the activities of playing, singing (having fun), and working in the sense of activities. Playing, singing and doing activities are three characteristics of PAUD. Any aspect of education should be covered with active play, singing, and activities or work. These three things will hone brain intelligence, emotional intelligence, and physical skills that are carried out cheerfully, freely, and without burden. In the learning strategy contains various alternatives that must be considered to be chosen in the framework of teaching planning. To implement a certain strategy requires a set of teaching media. One of the learning media that can be chosen is flash card learning media.
Pengelolaan Open and Distance Learning di TK Muslimat NU 41 Wuluhan Jember Karim, Abdul; Handayani, Luluk
GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/gns.v1i1.5


Generally, education is a process of communication and transfer of information from educators to students. Online learning is a special education service that is carried out inclusively with a kind of separate learning model between educators and students. The purpose of this study is describing and analyzing the management of distance learning and open learning in Kindergarten of Muslimat NU 41 Gawok Dukuh Dempok Wuluhan. The method used is qualitative descriptive analysis with case study approach. The researchers used interviews to collect datas and triangulations to check the datas validity. The model of data analyzing and validity checking was based on the theory by Miles and Huberman. The results of the study showed : (1) Planning: school coordinates with parents via Whatsapp group and teachers prepares the themes of learning for creating learning flexibility. (2) Implementation: the teachers accompany parents through Whatsapp with some themes of discussion. (3) Evaluation: the evaluaton is carried out daily and weekly indirectly through Whatsapp group, the media used for interaction between teachers to students, teachers to teachers and also interviews to parents, or by giving assignments and visiting works. Pendidikan secara umum merupakan suatu proses komunikasi dan transfer informasi dari pendidik kepada peserta didik. Pembelajaran daring merupakan layanan pendidikan khusus secara inklusif yang dilaksanakan dengan model pembelajaran terpisah antara pendidik dan peserta didik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis tentang pengelolaan pembelajaran open and distance learning di TK Muslimat NU 41 Gawok Dukuh Dempok Wuluhan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskrptif dan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tehnik wawancara. Sedangkan metode analisis data menggunakan model analisis data Miles dan Huberman. Keabsahan data dengan trianggulasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Perencanaan: sekolah berkoordinasi dengan wali murid, guru menyiapkan tema pembelajaran, sekolah menyiapkan group Whatsapp, fleksibilitas belajar anak di rumah. (2) Pelaksanaan: guru mendampingi orang tua melalui media Whatsapp, tema dapurku, tema belajar anak pintar, anak hebat dan anak cerdas, tema sahabat bermain, tema rajin ibadah. (3) Evaluasi: pemanfaatan grup Whatsapp untuk evaluasi harian dan mingguan melalui grup Whatsapp, baik evaluasi dengan dialog langsung antar anak dan guru maupun guru dengan guru, maupun interview guru dengan orang tua, serta melalui penugasan dan hasil karya wisata. Kata Kunci: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, pembelajaran jarak jauh
Deteksi Gangguan Pendengaran pada Anak Usia Dini Jauhari, Jauhari
GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/gns.v1i1.8


Gangguan pendengaran pada anak usia dini mempengaruhi proses perkembangan anak. Dampak yang ditimbulkan menyebabkan gangguan dalam berbahasa, perubahan kepribadian, sikap, kemampuan berkomunikasi, kepekaan terhadap lingkungan, kemampuan kognitif, emosional dan kemampuan untuk melindungi diri sendiri. Gangguan ini disebabkan oleh faktor genetik maupun non genetik yang dapat muncul sejak lahir maupun di atas usia tiga tahun. Bayi yang memiliki riwayat kesehatan kurang baik cenderung memiliki gangguan pendengaran dibandingkan dengan bayi yang memiliki riwayat kesehatan yang sehat. Deteksi dini gangguan pendengaran perlu dilakukan pada anak usia dini sehingga pemberian intervensi lebih awal dapat dilakukan apabila ditemukan adanya gangguan pendengaran. Deteksi dan rehabilitasi dini yang tepat dapat meningkatkan perkembangan bicara dan berbahasa anak. Keterlambatan dalam melakukan deteksi dini akan menimbulkan keterlambatan untuk memulai intervensi dan berdampak negatif dalam perkembangan anak selanjutnya. Deteksi gangguan pendengaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan rangsangan bunyi sejak bayi dan menggunakan alat audiometer pada anak usia di atas 48 bulan sesuai dengan tahapan pertumbuhan dan perkembanganya. Deteksi dini gangguan pendengaran dilakukan dengan cara mengamati reaksi anak terhadap suara atau tes fungsi pendengaran dengan metode dan peralatan yang sederhana. Deteksi ini dapat dilakukan oleh guru, tenaga kependidikan, orang tua ataupun petugas kesehatan Kata kunci: deteksi gangguan pendengaran, usia dini Hearing loss in early childhood affects the child's development process. The impact caused by language disorders, changes in personality, attitudes, communication skills, sensitivity to the environment, cognitive abilities, emotional and ability to protect yourself. The purpose of this study is to explain the detection of hearing loss in early childhood. The research method used is descriptive literature research. The results of this study stated that hearing loss in early childhood is caused by genetic and non-genetic factors that can arise from birth or over the age of three years. Babies who have a poor health history tend to have hearing loss compared to babies who have a healthy health history. Early detection of hearing loss needs to be done in early childhood so that early intervention can be given if hearing loss is found. Appropriate early detection and rehabilitation can improve children's speech and language development. Delay in early detection will cause delays to start interventions and have a negative impact on further child development. Detection of hearing loss is carried out using sound stimulation since infancy and using an audiometer in children over 48 months according to their stages of growth and development. Early detection of hearing loss is done by observing the child's reaction to sound or hearing function tests with simple methods and equipment. This detection can be done by teachers, education personnel, parents or health workers. Keywords: detection of hearing loss, early childhood
Pengembangan Modul Bermain Sains Melalui Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif dan Sosial Emosional Anak Windarta, Libri Rizka Puri; Suyadi, Suyadi
GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/gns.v1i1.12


This research is aimed to develop science play module as well as knowing its eligibility in use. This is a R&D research, a developmental process including plan, design, and development. The data gathering technique consist of two technique first non-test that consists of observation, interview, documentation, and questionnaire. Second, test in of pre-test and post-test which are given before and after trial on educators. The researcher did observing and interviewing to explore the materials before developing. The next step was making the prototype of the material developments were going to be validated by media experts, material experts, peers, and educators. After making the prototype of the material developments, the researcher revised the product design then used in a small-scale trials. The product revisions were made again before being used in large-scale trials. Furthermore, the result of pre-test and post-test based on research data analysis showed an increase in the ability to apply the method of playing science through guided inquiry with an average pre-test value of 11.6 while the average post-test value of 17.7, so that it experienced an increase of 6.2 with a standard gain of 0.71 on large-scale trials. The value of the standard gain is categorized in the "high" category. The observation of increasing ability of the educators by using modules reaching 96.1%, so that it falls into the "very high" category. Thus, the use of modules is considered effective in increasing the ability to use science playing methods guided inquiry Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul bermain sains serta mengetahui kelayakannya dalam penggunaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian RND, yaitu proses pengembangan meliputi perencanaan, desain dan pengembangan. Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari dua yaitu pertama non-tes yang terdiri dari observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan angket. Kedua, test yang benbentuk pretest dan posttest yang akan diberikan sebelum dan sesudah ujicoba pada pendidik. Peneliti melakukan observasi dan wawancara untuk mengeksplor bahan sebelum pengembangan. Langkah selanjutnya adalah membuat prototipe bahan pengembangan yang kemudian di validasi oleh ahli media, ahli materi, teman sejawat, dan pendidik. Setelah itu dilakukan revisi desain produk yang kemudian digunakan dalam ujicoba skala kecil. Revisi produk dilakukan kembali sebelum digunakan dalam ujicoba skala besar. Selanjutnya hasil pretest dan posttest berdasarkan analisa data penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan dalam penerapan metode bermain sains melalui inkuiri terbimbing dengan nilai pretest rata-rata 11,6 sedangkan posttest rata-rata 17,8 sehingga mengalami peningkatan 6,2 dengan gain standar 0,71 pada ujicoba skala besar. Nilai gain standar tersebut masuk dalam kategori “tinggi”. Observasi peningkatan kemampuan pada pendidik dengan menggunakan modul mencapai 96,1%, sehingga masuk kategori “Sangat tinggi”. Dengan demikian penggunaan modul dianggap efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menggunakan metode bermain sains melalui inkuiri terbimbing. Kata Kunci : bermain sains, inkuiri terbimbing, modul
Pengembangan Nilai Agama dan Moral Pada Masa Pandemi di TK Al-Hidayah Lumajang Alawiyah, Fakhriyatus Shofa; Masruroh, Laila
GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/gns.v1i1.15


Abstract Forming a religious experience in early childhood means embedding religious roots in them. The religious experience that is implanted early, will be able to improve the character, personality and moral of the child. One of the efforts to develop religious and moral values of early childhood in the physical distancing is through the collaboration of teachers and parents. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach in TK Al-Hidayah Purworejo, Lumajang. Data collected by interview techniques and document studies using WhatsApp (phone, chat, voice note) and polls using Google forms. The data was analyzed by the analysis of the Miles and Huberman models and the validity test of data using the triangulation of the source and method, discussion with peers, using references. The results of this research that religious and moral values developed in children or students of TK al-Hidayah include: Know the religion that is embraced, work on worship, behave honestly, helper, responsibilities, maintain self-hygiene and the environment. To develop these values, the form of collaboration that teachers and parents use is a partnership or shared responsibilities model that emphasizes the coordination and cooperation of schools and families to develop communication and collaboration. Some forms of collaborative activities include building a relationship and communication with two-way applications based on WhatsApp Group (WAG), teachers provide daily assignments for children during the study at home, teachers give instructions for learning based television Republic of Indonesia (TVRI), learning the sheet based Activities Ramadan. Parents strive to accompany each and every activity and report the children's learning outcomes to the teachers.

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