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Jurnal Informatika Vol 13, No 1 (2015): MAY 2015
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (667.819 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.13.1.9-14


Image security is a process to save digital. One method of securing image digital is watermarking using Least Significant Bit algorithm. Main concept of image security using LSB algorithm is to replace bit value of image at specific location so that created pattern. The pattern result of replacing the bit value of image is called by watermark. Giving watermark at image digital using LSB algorithm has simple concept so that the information which is embedded will lost easily when attacked such as noise attack or compression. So need modification like development of LSB algorithm. This is done to decrease distortion of watermark information against those attacks. In this research is divided by 6 process which are color extraction of cover image, busy area search, watermark embed, count the accuracy of watermark embed, watermark extraction, and count the accuracy of watermark extraction. Color extraction of cover image is process to get blue color component from cover image. Watermark information will embed at busy area by search the area which has the greatest number of unsure from cover image. Then watermark image is embedded into cover image so that produce watermarked image using some development of LSB algorithm and search the accuracy by count the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio value. Before the watermarked image is extracted, need to test by giving noise and doing compression into jpg format. The accuracy of extraction result is searched by count the Bit Error Rate value.
Jurnal Informatika Vol 6, No 2 (2005): NOVEMBER 2005
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.348 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.6.2.pp. 105-109


Modern portfolio theory is based on asumption that investor can choose his proportion asset in portfolio, so they can minimize the risk and maximize the return. This paper presents the use of genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the choice of share portfolio in markowitz model by representing the efficient set portfolio. GA represent the efficient set using undirect representation to avoid infeasible solution and penalty function. From the implementation, it can be concluded that GA is one of methods which is able to obtain optimum point from portfolio. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Teori portofolio modern mendasarkan teorinya pada asumsi bahwa investor bertindak secara rasional dengan memilih proporsi asetnya dalam sebuah portofolio sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat meminimalkan resiko dan memaksimalkan return. Dalam paper ini penulis mencoba menyajikan penggunaan algoritma genetika (Genetic Algorithm/GA) untuk optimasi pemilihan portofolio saham dalam model markowitz dengan cara merepresentasikannya sebagai kumpulan portofolio yang efisien (the efficient set portofolio). GA merepresentasikan kumpulan yang effisien ini dengan menggunakan representasi tidak langsung untuk menghindari solusi yang tidak feasible dan fungsi penalti. Dari hasil yang telah diimplementasikan dapat disimpulkan bahwa GA dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu metode yang cukup berhasil dalam menemukan titik optimum dari sebuah portofolio. Kata kunci: markowitz, teori portofolio, algoritma genetika.
INTRODUCTION OF INTERNET OF THING TECHNOLOGY BASED ON PROTOTYPE Genadiarto, Anthony Sutera; Noertjahyana, Agustinus; Kabzar, Vladimir
Jurnal Informatika Vol 14, No 1 (2017): MAY 2017
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.989 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.14.1.47-52


Internet of thing has been able to attract people compete to create various devices. Devices developed have various benefits, but the point is to make life easier. So many vendors create products related to the internet of things, so the user gets confused to determine which is good and appropriate for the needs. To simplify the user in choosing IoT product, this research will discuss about technology that is widely used in IoT, the advantages of each technology, in terms of security, operating system, microcontroller, IoT platform, tools and communication technology. This research makes prototype with one of existing technology. The results of this research provide knowledge, skills and experience in the field of IoT as well as information related to IoT technology, which is widely in the market. Furthermore, the prototype also has the expected functionalities, but it does not close the opportunity for further improvements. The results of this research provide knowledge, skills and experience in the field of IoT as well as information related to IoT technology, which is widely in the market. Furthermore, the prototype also has the expected functionalities, but it does not close the opportunity for further improvements.
Jurnal Informatika Vol 7, No 2 (2006): NOVEMBER 2006
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.898 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.7.2.pp. 98-107


Variable-Centered Intelligent Rule System (VCIRS) is a system which is inspired by Rule-based System (RBS) and Ripple Down Rules (RDR). The system architecture is adapted from RBS, while from RDR this system obtained its advantages. The system organized Rule Base (RB) in a special structure so that easy knowledge building, powerful knowledge inferencing and evolutionally system performance refining can be obtained in the same time. In this paper, the architecture of VCIRS is used to build an expert system for helping students to choose a department at a university. The application of this expert system is able to handle fuzzy concepts (e.g., such as good, high or rather high) which is a prominent part of sentences in natural language. This system is able to cope with exact values, fuzzy (or inexact) values and combined reasoning, allowing fuzzy and normal terms to be freely mixed in the rules and facts. An application example in this paper is a RBS which is employed fuzzy logic and fuzzy number for inexact reasoning. It uses two inexact basic concepts, i.e., fuzziness and uncertainty. A case study presented here is the department admission at Chinese University of Hongkong, formed in a RB containing with fuzzy and normal terms. From experiments performed, there's the proper result obtained comparing with the result from Z-II system (i.e., a comprehensive expert system builder tool developed by Chinese University of Hongkong) which is this paper refers to. So that the conclusion is a fuzzy VCIRS proposed here, is working properly and producing the right and true results. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Variable-Centered Intelligent Rule System (VCIRS) adalah sistem yang terinspirasi dari Rule-based System (RBS) dan Ripple Down Rules (RDR). Arsitektur sistem diadaptasi dari RBS dan ia mengambil kelebihan-kelebihan dari RDR. Sistem ini mengorganisasikan basis aturan dalam sebuah struktur yang spesial sehingga kemudahan pembangunan pengetahuan, penelusuran pengetahuan yang kuat, dan perbaikan unjuk kerja sistem yang selalu berkembang dapat diperoleh pada waktu yang sama. Dalam paper ini, arsitektur VCIRS dimanfaatkan untuk membangun sebuah sistem pakar yang dapat membantu calon mahasiswa memilih jurusan pada suatu Perguruan Tinggi. Aplikasi sistem pakar ini dapat menangani konsep fuzzy seperti good, high, atau rather high, yang merupakan bagian kalimat yang sangat berarti dalam bahasa sehari-hari. Sistem ini dapat menangani nilai yang tepat/teliti, nilai fuzzy (atau tidak tepat/tidak teliti), dan jenis pertimbangan gabungan, serta mengijinkan istilah fuzzy dan istilah normal untuk digabungkan secara bebas dalam aturan dan fakta. Contoh aplikasi dalam paper ini adalah sebuah sistem berbasis aturan yang menggunakan logika fuzzy dan bilangan fuzzy untuk jenis pertimbangan yang tidak tepat/tidak teliti. Sistem ini menggunakan dua konsep dasar ketidaktepatan/ketidaktelitian, yaitu fuzziness dan uncertainty. Kasus dalam penelian ini adalah pemilihan jurusan di Chinese University of Hongkong dalam bentuk basis aturan yang didalamnya mengandung istilah fuzzy dan istilah normal. Dari uji coba yang dilakukan, didapat hasil yang sesuai dengan hasil dari sistem Z-II, yaitu alat bantu pembangun sistem pakar komprehensif yang dikembangkan di Chinese University of Hongkong, yang menjadi acuan dari paper ini. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa fuzzy VCIRS dapat bekerja dengan baik, serta memberikan hasil yang benar dan dapat dipercaya. Kata kunci: rule-based systems, VCIRS, knowledge building, knowledge inferencing, knowledge refining, logika fuzzy, bilangan fuzzy.
Jurnal Informatika Vol 8, No 1 (2007): MAY 2007
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.665 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.8.1.pp. 54-62


Learning unlabeled data in a drifting environment still receives little attention. This paper presents a concept tracker algorithm for learning concept drift that exploits unlabeled data. In the absence of complete labeled data, instance classes are identified using a concept hierarchy that is incrementally constructed from data stream (mostly unlabeled data) in unsupervised mode. The persistence assumption in temporal reasoning is then applied to infer target concepts. Empirical evaluation that has been conducted on information-filtering domains demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach.
Jurnal Informatika Vol 9, No 1 (2008): MAY 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.545 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.9.1.1-7


In medical area, the quality of an image which is acquired from mammography often has a poor contrast. The poor quality image leads a difficulty for a radiologist to analyze the image. The problem becomes bigger when the image contains a cancer or tumor. There are some methods in image processing technique to increase the contrast quality of an image. This paper presents Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules method which has four knowledge base approaches to increase the contrast quality of the image, especially breast images from mammography. To determine the success rate, this experiment tries to compare this method with a standard contrast improvement such as histogram equalization. The quantity parameters to compare these methods are linier index of fuzziness and fuzzy entropy. The result shows that Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules offers better result to improve the contrast quality than standard method. The result of this experiment is validated by an expert from radiology department from Husada Hospital, Jakarta. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Citra hasil dari mammografi dalam dunia kedokteran sering memiliki kualitas yang buruk dari sisi kontras. Hal ini mengakibatkan kesulitan bagi seorang radiolog untuk menganalisis citra tersebut. Tingkat kesulitan bertambah apabila citra yang harus dianalisis tersebut mengandung kanker atau tumor. Terdapat beberapa metode untuk peningkatan kualitas kontras sebuah citra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules dengan empat pendekatan basis pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kontras citra, khususnya citra payudara yang diperoleh dari hasil mammografi. Untuk menentukan tingkat keberha-silannya, metode tersebut akan dibandingkan dengan metode standar untuk peningkatan kontras seperti Histogram Equalization. Parameter yang digunakan untuk membandingkan setiap metode tersebut adalah linier index of fuzziness dan fuzzy entropy. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules mampu menghasilkan hasil peningkatan kualitas citra yang lebih baik dibandingkan metode standar. Untuk memperkuat hasil penelitian ini maka dilakukan validasi dengan pakar radiolog dari Rumah Sakit Husada, Jakarta.
Jurnal Informatika Vol 1, No 1 (1999): MAY 1999
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.069 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.1.1.pp. 49-56


Nowadays, most of the information is still in printed format. To reproduce it in the electronic form, we need an efficient way to save the scanned document. For this purpose, AT & T Labs has been developing a new technology called DjVu. In this paper, we try to compare DjVu and JPG format. The goal is to decide whether DjVu is better or not. To achieve the goal, we try to scan the document and save it in DjVu and JPG format, make comparison between these two based on file size and image quality. Comparison is done for three types of document, such as b/w photo, document with text, and document in colour. The conclusion is, DjVu format is better than JPG in file size and quite good in image quality. So, DjVu have a chance to become a new standart. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Di masa ini sebagian besar informasi masih berupa kertas, belum dalam bentuk elektronik. Untuk memindahkannya ke dalam bentuk elektronik, diperlukan cara penyimpanan yang efisien. Untuk saat ini ada teknologi penyimpanan dokumen yang baru dikembangkan oleh AT & T Labs., yaitu DjVu. Dalam makalah ini, dicoba melakukan perbandingan antara format DjVu dan JPG. Dengan melakukan perbandingan, diharapkan bisa menentukan, apakah format DjVu ini cukup bagus dan nantinya bisa menjadi standar penyimpanan yang baru. Untuk itu dilakukan percobaan untuk menyimpan dokumen dalam format DjVu dan JPG. Hasilnya kemudian dibandingkan, baik dari segi ukuran maupun kualitasnya. Perbandingan dilakukan untuk 3 jenis dokumen: photo hitam putih, dokumen berisikan teks, dan dokumen berwarna. Sebagai hasil akhir, disimpulkan bahwa format DjVu sangat efisien untuk menyimpan dokumen (file yang dihasilkan kecil). Kualitas gambar yang dihasilkan juga bagus. Dengan demikian mempunyai kesempatan besar untuk menjadi standar. Kata kunci: DjVu, kompresi gambar, format file
Jurnal Informatika Vol 9, No 2 (2008): NOVEMBER 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (106.314 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.9.2.101-108


The decreasing number of new students for private high education is forced the management specially high management to look for a means to generate information that will help them in their decision making process in compete with others high education. One of the solutions is to use the Information Technology like data warehouse to maintain data and give the best decision making. Simple Return On Investment (ROI) is used to asses the project justification. Based on ROI of 698.36% and total cash flow of Rp 8.334.901.522, it can be concluded that the project data warehouse on private high education is feasible to be implemented within the given assumptions in the process. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Berkurangnya jumlah mahasiswa baru untuk perguruan tinggi swasta memaksa manajemen khususnya manajemen tingkat atas untuk berpaling untuk membuat sebuah informasi yang dapat membantu dalam membantu mengambil keputusan dalam rangka berkompetisi dengan perguruan tinggi lainnya. Salah satu jalan keluarnya adalah dengan membangun dengan pendekatan teknologi informasi seperti data warehouse untuk mengelola data dan memberikan pembuatan pengambilan keputusan yang paling terbaik. Simple Return on Investment (ROI) digunakan untuk menilai kelayakan proyek. Berdasarkan nilai ROI yang berkisar 698,36% and nilai total aliran uang kas yang mencapai Rp 8.334.901.522, dapat disimpulkan bahwa proyek pengembangan data warehouse pada perguruan tinggi swasta layak untuk diimplementasikan dengan asumsi-asumsi yang ada. Kata kunci: investasi teknologi informasi, return on investment, data warehouse, simple ROI
Jurnal Informatika Vol 3, No 1 (2002): MAY 2002
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.524 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.3.1.pp. 12-16


Neural network as an information processor system which has some similarities with human brain, is lately used to solve general problems. Neural network has several characteristics based on : architecture, learning algorithm, and activation function. Genetic algorithm is a method to get an optimum function using genetic operations which is done to each individual in a population that is often called as chromosome. This way, to get a more optimum function is by colliding neural network and genetic algorithm. That is by doing a bias conversion and the weight to the neural network into a kind of individual form of genetic algorithm and the other way arround. Thus, a conclusion can be drawn about neural network learning method with or without genetic algorithm. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Neural network sebagai suatu sistem pengolah informasi yang mempunyai kemiripan dengan jaringan otak manusia, belakangan ini sering digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan. Neural network memiliki beberapa karakteristik yang ditentukan oleh : arsitektur, algoritma pelatihan serta fungsi aktivasi. Algoritma genetika adalah suatu metode untuk mendapatkan suatu fungsi yang optimal dengan menggunakan operasi-operasi genetika yang dilakukan pada tiap-tiap individu yang terdapat dalam suatu populasi yang seringkali disebut sebagai kromosom. Dalam hal ini untuk mendapatkan kemungkinan suatu fungsi bisa lebih optimal adalah dengan menggabungkan antara neural network dengan algoritma genetika. Adapun caranya adalah dengan melakukan proses konversi bias dan bobot pada neural network ke dalam bentuk individu pada algoritma genetika dan demikian sebaliknya. Sehingga nantinya bisa didapatkan suatu kesimpulan antara metode pelatihan neural network dengan dan tanpa menggunakan algoritma genetika. Kata kunci: jaringan saraf tiruan, olgaritma genetika, kecerdasan buatan..
Jurnal Informatika Vol 10, No 1 (2009): MAY 2009
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.207 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/informatika.10.1.53-59


In this research will be worked through about how cryptography RC4's algorithm implementation in protection to query result and of query, security by encryption and descryption up to both is in network. Implementation of this research which is build software in client that function access databases that is placed by the side of server. Software that building to have facility for encryption and descryption query result and of query that is sent from client goes to server and. transmission query result and of query can secure its security. Well guaranted transmission security him of query result and of query can be told to succeed if success software can encryption query result and of query which transmission so that in the event of scanning to both, scanning will not understand data content. Conclusion of this research that is woke up software succeed encryption query and result of query which transmission between application of client and of server databases. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Pada penelitian ini dibahas mengenai bagaimana mengimplementasikan algoritma kriptografi RC4 dalam proteksi terhadap query dan hasil query, pengamanan dilakukan dengan cara melakukan enkripsi dan dekripsi selama keduanya berada di dalam jaringan. Pengimplementasian dari penelitian ini yaitu membangun sebuah software yang akan diletakkan di sisi client yang berfungsi mengakses database yang diletakkan di sisi server. Software yang dibangun memiliki fasilitas untuk mengenkripsi dan mendektipsi query dan hasil query yang dikirimkan dari client ke server dan juga sebaliknya. Dengan demikian tramsmisi query dan hasil query dapat terjamin keamanannya.Terjaminnya keamanan transmisi query dan hasil query dapat dikatakan berhasil jika software berhasil mengenkripsi query dan hasil query yang ditransmisikan sehingga apabila terjadi penyadapan terhadap keduanya, penyadap tidak akan mengerti isi data tersebut. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu software yang dibangun berhasil mengenkripsi query dan hasil query yang ditransmisikan antara aplikasi client dan server database. Kata kunci: enkripsi, transmisi, RC4, query, database

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