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KOMUNIKA: JURNAL ILMIAH KOMUNIKASI Sebagai Jurnal Nasional dengan ruang lingkup jurnal ini adalah dalam bidang Ilmu Komunikasi yang menyediakan platform untuk publikasi penelitian ilmiah tentunya diberbagai bidang komunikasi. Jurnal ini menerima artikel dengan penelitian empiris. Artikel dapat mewakili berbagai perspektif teoretis dan pendekatan metodologis yang berbeda. Artikel yang dipublikasikan dapat mengacu pada semua tingkat usia, dari bayi hingga orang dewasa dan keragaman pembelajaran dan pembelajaran, dari eksperimen laboratorium hingga studi lapangan. Kriteria utama dalam peninjauan dan proses pemilihan menyangkut pentingnya kontribusi pada bidang Ilmu Komunikasi. Ilmu Komunikasi. Ilmu Media. Komunikasi Internasional. Komunikasi Bisnis Komunikasi Organisasi. Komunikasi Perusahaan. Manajemen Komunikasi Hubungan Masyarakat. Komunikasi Kesehatan Komunikasi Pendidikan Komunikasi Olahraga Komunikasi Terapiutik Psikologi Komunikasi
Articles 14 Documents
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (Sdm) di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Riauni Syaputri; Budi Hartono
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: AGUSTUS
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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The health office is an element of the implementation of regional autonomy in the health sector which is located under and is responsible to the Regent through the Regional Secretary. HR management is important in carrying out activities at the Health Office. This article aims to find out the importance of HR management, especially at the Health Service. The method used is the identification of previous articles with a total of 10 articles and a span of 10 years (2014-2022). The results show that good human resource management influences the achievement of organizational goals by increasing performance. Keywords: HR Management, Health Office  
Komunikasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) di UPT Puskesmas Alahair Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti, Selatpanjang verani alendra; Budi Hartono
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: AGUSTUS
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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Puskesmas is a technical implementation unit of the District or City Health Service which is responsible for implementing health development in a health area. HR management is important in carrying out activities at the Puskesmas. This article aims to find out the importance of HR management, especially at the Puskesmas. The method used is the identification of previous articles with a total of 10 articles and a span of 10 years (2013-2023). The results show that good human resource management influences the achievement of organizational goals by increasing performance.
Analisis Perencanaan Manajemen Komunikasi Sumber Daya Manusia Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Indrasari Rengat (Literatur Review) dwiyumelia johan
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: AGUSTUS
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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This study discusses the analysis of human resource (HR) communication management planning at the Indrasari Rengat Regional General Hospital through a literature review. The main objective of this research is to analyze how HR communication management planning is implemented in the hospital context. A comprehensive literature review was used to identify key concepts related to HR communication planning, as well as the factors that influence the success of their implementation. The results of this study reveal that HR communication management planning has a crucial role in achieving optimal efficiency, coordination and productivity in hospitals. Factors such as internal communication, use of information technology, effective leadership, and active HR participation are important elements in designing a successful communication planning strategy. In addition, challenges in dealing with dynamic changes in the hospital environment must also be considered in HR communication planning. This study provides an in-depth view of the practice of HR communication management planning in hospitals, by describing a conceptual framework that can assist hospital management in increasing the effectiveness of internal and external communications and optimizing the utilization of human resources. Further research can be conducted to observe the direct implementation of the HR communication planning strategy in this hospital and its impact on overall organizational performance.
Model Manajemen Produksi Media Digital Berbasis Live Streaming Di Ceria Tv Pekanbaru reski pulpi tambes; Yasir Yasir
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: AGUSTUS
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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Ceria Tv is one of the local television stations that broadcasts through Live Streaming channels in Pekanbaru City, Riau. Ceria Tv provides updated information and becomes a forum for communities in Pekanbaru, especially to channel talent and self-development through its programs. The purpose of this research is to find out how the Live Streaming production management model at Ceria TV, namely in the management of pre-production, production and post-production. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive qualitative method that uses management models. Informants in this study were determined purposively, which had been selected with certain considerations. Data collection techniques in this study include interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that Ceria Tv uses two management models, namely the POAC model (Planning, Organizing, Actualling and Controlling) which is the model used for the Ceria Tv program itself while the PIE model (Planning, implementation and evaluation) is the model used to event in collaboration with Ceria Tv. In the pre-production stage of the Ceria Tv program planning which includes: Determination of Ideas, Program Objectives, Target Audience, Costs, Production Permits and Preparation, all of this is done by Ceria Tv itself. While the pre-production event planning: Determination of Idea, Location,Production Permit and Preparation is carried out by the event party. At the production stage of the Ceria Tv program, production supervision: Audio and Visual Readiness, Cameraman, Mixing, Live Editing and Live Streaming. At the production stage the event includes: Responsible for Lighting, Audio/sound, Lietrik, Stage Decoration, Live Editing and Live Streaming. In the post-production stage of the Ceria Tv program, namely: Finishing, Evaluation, Uploading, and Share Link (Promotion). In the post-production stage, the event includes: Finishing, Event Team Evaluation, Team Evaluation, File Sharing, and Uploading.
Analisis Manajemen Komunikasi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Terkait Beban Kerja Di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Riau (Systematic Literature Riview) citra iskandar
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: AGUSTUS
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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This study proposes an in-depth analysis of human resource (HR) communication management in the context of workload at the Riau Provincial Health Office through a systematic literature review approach. The main focus of the research is to analyze the relationship between HR communication management and workload management within the health office. A comprehensive literature review was used to identify key concepts related to HR communication management and the factors that influence workload dynamics in the health care context. The results of this study reveal the important role of HR communication management in reducing and managing complex workloads at the Riau Provincial Health Office. Effective integration between internal communications, proper allocation of human resources, and placements according to the expertise and duties of each medical and non-medical team member are key factors in optimizing organizational performance and workforce welfare. This research provides in-depth insight into the importance of HR communication management in overcoming the workload in the health department and the implications for the effectiveness of health services. The results of this literature analysis can be the basis for decision making in designing HR management strategies that are more adaptive and responsive to demands and changes in a dynamic work environment at the Riau Provincial Health Office.  
Korelasi Peran Kepemimpinan Dengan Kinerja Organisasi (Telaah Pustaka) sri agustini
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: AGUSTUS
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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Leadership is an activity to influence the behavior of others, or the art of influencing human behavior, both individuals and groups. In the structural context, leadership is defined as the process of providing motivation so that the people led carry out activities and work in accordance with a predetermined program. In the nonstructural context, leadership can be interpreted as the process of influencing thoughts, feelings, behavior, and mobilizing all facilities to achieve goals that have been set together. Organization as a structured system of cooperative efforts in which each member has recognized contributions and obligations to be carried out. Structure is a correlation between functions in an organization. In other words, organizational structure is the relationship between employees and their duties and functions as implementing group personnel. A quality organizational structure must be qualified and effective. A qualified structure refers to an organizational unit that performs its role in a disciplined manner. On the other hand, a useful structure is an organization that is able to achieve the best analogy between effort and results in performing its role. The purpose of the study was to determine the correlation of leadership roles with organizational performance. This type of research is a literature review or literature review using journals as the main object. The results of the study obtained a positive correlation between leadership roles and organizational performance, where in the journals reviewed the leadership role is mostly functioned through motivational variables, then communication and direction and guidance from leaders to employees / staff in each field of the organization.
Menyusun Jejak Sukses: Tantangan Dan Solusi Dalam Penerapan Konsep Learning Organization Di Rsau Dr. Sukirman Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Rosi Deli Fitra; Budi Hartono
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: AGUSTUS
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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The implementation of a learning organization is a critical component in improving efficiency, effectiveness, and the quality of healthcare services provided to military personnel and the community. However, this process often encounters various complex challenges that can influence the effectiveness and success of implementation. This paper analyzes several issues commonly faced in the implementation of a learning organization within a workplace environment. Factors such as shifts in the business environment, resource constraints, internal organizational dynamics, and limited stakeholder engagement can hinder the efforts towards successful implementation of a learning organization. In addressing these challenges, several strategic solutions are proposed to facilitate a more effective and sustainable implementation process of the learning organization concept. By emphasizing cross-department collaboration, in-depth market trend analysis, intelligent resource management, and an inclusive approach to stakeholder involvement, RSAU dr. Sukirman at Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin can overcome existing obstacles and enhance the prospects of successfully applying the learning organization concept. Through the integration of appropriate approaches and creativity in navigating the complexities of the healthcare environment, particularly within the current milieu of military healthcare organizations, RSAU dr. Sukirman at Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin can establish a robust and sustainable path to successful implementation of the learning organization concept.
Peran Kepemimpinan Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Organisasi Dan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia: Literature Review Irma Dewi Asri; Budi Hartono
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: AGUSTUS
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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This research study aims to explore the extent to which leadership impacts organizational performance and the quality of human resources. The methodology utilized for this study is a literature review conducted through Google and Google Scholar databases. Only articles published in Indonesian between 2012 and 2023 were considered. The findings of the study indicate that leadership plays a significant and positive role in enhancing both organizational performance and the quality of human resources. In all contexts, leadership is crucial in bringing about positive transformations, such as developing quality human resources, promoting a productive work environment, enhancing the quality of public services, and overall organizational performance. Effective leadership has the capacity to inspire, motivate, and lead to success and quality improvement in various situations.
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: DESEMBER
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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Indrasari Rengat Regional General Hospital (RSUD) is a referral health service facility belonging to the Indragiri Hulu Regency Government. Initially, Indrasari Rengat Hospital was called RSUD Rengat and was located in Rengat District, which was founded in 1965. From the results of observations, it was found that there were still several obstacles in the operation of this hospital management information system, such as slow operation of the system and poor internet connection. Information system evaluation is also a real effort to find out the actual state of information system implementation. The HOT fit analysis model positions the key components of an information system: people, organization, technology, and benefits. The aim of this research is to find out how to evaluate the hospital management information system (SIMRS) using the HOT Fit methodology. The research method uses a literature review. The research results explain that there are three factors that influence the net benefit of SIMRS at Indrasari Rengat Regional Hospital, namely user satisfaction, organizational structure, and regulations. Meanwhile, factors that do not influence the net benefit of SIMRS RSUD Indrasari Rengat are the level of system utilization, environmental organization, system quality, information quality, service quality, and leadership. The conclusion is to carry out SIMRS assessments regularly, not only during certification or when problems occur, because assessing the system and users will reduce the severity of problems/limitations.
Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi 2023: DESEMBER
Publisher : Komunika : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi

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One form of rehabilitation therapy for speech disorders (aphasia) is by providing speech therapy. Speech therapy is an action given to individuals who experience communication disorders, speech language disorders, and swallowing disorders. The speech therapy used in this research is vocal therapy A, I, U, E, O. AIUEO vocal therapy aims to improve speech so that it can be understood by others. The aim of the final scientific work is to analyze the vocal therapy intervention A, I, U, E, O to improve verbal communication in hemorrhagic stroke patients. The method for writing KIAN is a case study with a quasi-experimental vocal therapy intervention A, I, U, E, O carried out on hemorrhagic stroke patients with verbal communication disorders. This therapy is carried out repeatedly 2 times a day for 7 days with an administration time of 30 minutes. The results of implementing 2 times a day for 7 days the application of vocal therapy A, I, U, E, O can improve verbal communication in hemorrhagic stroke patients with an increase in the communication scale from 11 to 22. The conclusion is that there is a significant increase in the communication scale in hemorrhagic stroke patients after being given vocal therapy A,I,U,E,O. This case study was carried out on hemorrhagic stroke patients with problems with verbal communication disorders. It is hoped that future researchers can carry out in-depth case studies and apply other, more effective methods to improve verbal communication.

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