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M. Rizky Mahaputra
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Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary
ISSN : 29871018     EISSN : 29871069     DOI :
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (SJAM) is a journal devoted to the publication of scientific articles published by Siber Nusantara Research and under the umbrella of the Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER) and published 4 times a year, namely April, July, October, and January. SJAM as a scientific journal is expected to be able to show the wider community the wealth of knowledge covering various dimensions of life.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 47 Documents
Increasing Student Motivation in Completing School Assignments Through Information Services Muhammad Rajab
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (April - June 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i1.12


This research aims to describe the condition of students' motivation in completing assignments before and after being given information services and identify the level of differences. This research uses a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental approach of The type One-Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design . Data analysis was carried out by different tests using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test technique with the help of SPSS version 20.0. The research findings showed that there were significant differences in students' motivation in completing assignments before (average score = 161.9 ) and after (average score = 179.3) participating in information services. This means that there is an increase in the average student motivation score so that it can be concluded that the provision of information services can increase student motivation in completing assignments.
Analysis of the Influence of Economic Growth, Education and Unemployment on Poverty M. Rizky Mahaputra; M. Ridho Mahaputra; Amalina Maharani
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (April - June 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i1.13


The problem in this research is the effect of economic growth, education and unemployment on poverty levels. This type of research is descriptive and associative research through secondary data. The results showed that (1) economic growth had a negative and significant effect on poverty by -1.4409 percent with a probability value = 0.00 2 (2) education had a negative and significant effect on poverty by -0.4376 percent with a probability value = 0. 006 (3) Unemployment has a positive and insignificant effect on poverty by 0.502 percent with a probability value = 0.1771.
Community Perceptions of Police Efforts in Law Enforcement (Study in the Resort Police Area, Pasaman District) Rangga Prayitno; Ebit Bimas Saputra
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (April - June 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i1.14


Purposeful research to find out the perception of the people of Pasaman Regency towards law enforcement by the Investigation Police at the Pasaman Regency Police . This study uses a qualitative approach. Research informants were selected based on purposive sampling technique . Types and sources of data used primary and secondary data, data collected through interviews and observation. The results of this study illustrate that the public's perception of the Police's efforts to enforce law in the Pasaman Regency area is currently not good, because the community still believes that the Police have not carried out their duties properly, judging from the law enforcement processes carried out by the Police, they are in accordance with their duties and functions. in accordance with the law.
The Effect of Accountability, Transparency, and Public Participation on the Performance of Public Service Organizations (Empirical Study on Investment Board and Integrated Licensing Services in West Pasaman Regency) Hendra G Putra; Lili Anita; Herlina Helmy
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (April - June 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i1.15


This study aims to examine 1) The effect of accountability on the performance of public service organizations, 2) The effect of transparency on the performance of public service organizations, and 3) The effect of public participation on the performance of public service organizations. This type of research is causative research. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires directly to the respondents concerned. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression. The research findings show: 1) Accountability has a significant positive effect on the performance of public service organizations with t count > t table , namely 6.121 > 1.6608 (sig 0.000 < ? 0.05) which means H1 is accepted. 2) Transparency has a significant positive effect on the performance of public service organizations with t count > t table , namely 2.393 > 1.6608 (sig 0.019 < ? 0.05) which means H2 is accepted. 3) Public participation has a significant positive effect on the performance of public service organizations with t count > t table , namely 2.436 > 1.6608 (sig 0.017 < ? 0.05) which means H3 is accepted.
Strategic Management: Concept, Implementation, and Indicators of Success (Literature Review) Primadi Candra Susanto; Hapzi Ali; Ni Nyoman Sawitri; Tri Widyastuti
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (July - September 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i2.21


The purpose of this study is to provide views and help prove the results of scientific articles by reviewing and providing perceptions from the author, The research method used is qualitative, by looking for library sources related to those used in this scientific article from reputable journals, google scholar, and others. The use of metric tables to help describe scientific articles that according to researchers are findings, the results of this study want to prove that there are references to concepts, implementations, and indicators that have not been proven directly by references to scientific articles or books, only from one article from (Ivan?i?, 2013) where the results of the research are The literature on strategy implementation and linking a number of critical points are important for reducing strategy implementation errors and improving organizational effectiveness, but all of that must be substantiated by follow-up research by other researchers. Researchers in the future, can sharpen and provide results in strategic management, especially with indicators specifically for both research and books.
Influence of Training, Work Discipline, and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance In The Work Environment of PT Asuransi Service Indonesia An Nisaa Shabrina; Agustian Zen; Hanny Novita Ramadhan; Muthia Novita Ramadhani; Putri Aprilia Hikayatuni’mah
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (July - September 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i2.23


Our study looks at how organizational commitment, work ethic, and training influence how well the performance of employees at PT. Indonesian Service Insurance. The aim of this research is For ensure so far where commitment organization, discipline Work, And training influence employee performance while considering organizational commitment as a factor intervention. The research population consisted of every employee of PT. Indonesian Insurance Services. Whole member of PT. Service Indonesian Insurance Which follow in the research sample used. In study This influence trust organization, ethos Work, And training to performance PT employees Asuransi Jasa Indonesia will be questioned. Employee dedication and work ethic correlated strong with performance company; performance employee Which bad will impact negative on both of them.
The Influence of Third-Party Funds, Non-Performing Financing, and Own Capital On Profitability With Profit-Sharing Financing As An Intervening Variable In Sharia Banking (Library Study of Banks and Financial Institutions) Shinta Amelia Putri; Imelda Ade Putri; Nanda Meilina Putri; Dilla AgistaNingrum; Agustian Zen
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (July - September 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i2.25


The main objectives of Islamic banks include the financial performance of the bank itself as well as its operational efforts. Sometimes, financial ratios are used to evaluate organizational performance. Profitability cannot be separated from the influence of asset quality, bank quality, and capital levels. Utilizing qualitative writing techniques and library research, this scientific essay was created. by examining the influence of other factors on each other. Online books and journals such as Google Scholar, Mendeley, and other online media are used as sources for literature research. Therefore, it can be concluded that Islamic banks require a strong financial system and efficient risk management and financing for results, for example, can have an impact on the ratio of third-party funds, financing, and equity to the profitability of Islamic banking.
The Influence of Digital Platforms, Content Quality and Target Market on Political Campaigns Russell Amaroso; Hany Mei Liana
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (July - September 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i2.44


The effect of Digital Platform, Kualitas konten and Target Market on Kampanye Politik is a scientific article in the literature study within the scope of the field of science. The purpose of this article is to build a hypothesis of the influence between variables that will be used in further research. Research objects in online libraries, Google Scholar, Mendeley and other academic online media. The research method with the research library comes from e-books and open access e-journals. The results of this article: 1) Digital Platform has an effect on Kampanye Politik; 2) Kualitas konten has an effect on Kampanye Politik; and 3) Target Market has an effect on Kampanye Politik.
The Effect of Work Culture, Compensation, and Innovative Behavior on Employee Job Satisfaction Nazpi Nazpi; Hapzi Ali; Kemas Imron Rosadi
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (July - September 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i2.46


The effect of work culture, compensation and innovative behavior on employee job satisfaction is a scientific article in the literature study within the scope of the field of science. The purpose of this article is to build a hypothesis of the influence between variables that will be used in further research. Research objects in online libraries, Google Scholar, Mendeley and other academic online media. The research method with the research library comes from e-books and open access e-journals. The results of this article: 1) work culture has an effect on employee job satisfaction; 2) compensation has an effect on employee job satisfaction; and 3) innovative behavior has an effect on employee job satisfaction.
The Influence of Risk Management, Budget, and Performance in Realizing Good Governance Lisnawati Lisnawati; Hapzi Ali
Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): (SJAM) Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (October - December 2023)
Publisher : Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38035/sjam.v1i3.50


This scientific article is a literature study within the scope of financial management that covers the influence of risk management, budget, and performance in realizing good governance. The purpose of this article is to construct a hypothesis on the influence between variables that will be used in subsequent research. The research objects are online literature, Google Scholar, Mendeley, and other academic online media. This qualitative descriptive analysis research method includes library research sourced from e-books and open access e-journals. The results of this article are: 1) risk management affects Good Governance; 2) budget affects good governance; and 3) performance affects good governance.